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Release Dates

08/04/13 Nintendo
07/13/13 Nintendo
07/26/13 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 69
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Pikmin 3 (WiiU) > Opinions (139)

 1  2 
goldmario79 posted 01/12/2016, 04:34
Pikmin was the runaway smash hit on the GC and this is just an extension of it.. one of Nintendo's newest and best franchises!
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PAOerfulone posted 27/03/2016, 07:26
Looks like the Selects treatment was just what the doctor ordered for this game.
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Munchies posted 26/03/2016, 09:06
There's clearly an extra preposition in there. You guys can cross "to" out.
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Munchies posted 26/03/2016, 09:05
I bought the Selects reprint and played for a bit less than an hour just to for testing purposes. It's really good.
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fedfed posted 22/03/2016, 11:38
selling more the SM3DWorld =- people needed this Selects edition!
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TheMagicMax posted 19/03/2016, 06:55
The nintendo select release really helped the game this week in the US.
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PAOerfulone posted 06/02/2016, 09:49
Including digital sales, this is probably side by side with Pikmin 2 in sales.
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leedlelee posted 14/01/2016, 05:36
If these numbers are accurate, and if the numbers for its predecessors are accurate, then this is the best selling Pikmin game ever in Europe...
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Shikamo posted 12/01/2016, 07:52
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curl-6 posted 12/01/2016, 01:24
Told you fatslob! :P Soon I'll be right about Kirby hitting 500k too!
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Poliwrathlord posted 11/01/2016, 10:51
YES! The best game on Wii U breaks 1 mil!
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xboxonefan posted 11/01/2016, 10:31
Pikmin have finally hit 100 or a million
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Munchies posted 11/01/2016, 10:11
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b00moscone posted 11/01/2016, 09:48
1 million! Congrats!
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MrYoshi posted 11/01/2016, 05:47
Should reach 1 million by the next update.
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b00moscone posted 23/12/2015, 01:23
Aaand tracked down again by 20k.

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b00moscone posted 14/12/2015, 07:17
Weird, this and Lego City Undercover got tracked down by 10k..
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b00moscone posted 12/12/2015, 10:48
0.98! I can smell the 1m coming!
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xboxonefan posted 08/11/2015, 02:31
0.95M cmon just 50.000 copies to go
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b00moscone posted 15/09/2015, 05:03
Actually, the announcement of Pikmin 4 might push sales due to interest :)
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GoldenTriforce posted 07/09/2015, 05:12
With this + digital, it has probably already hit 1M by now
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b00moscone posted 25/08/2015, 06:14
Let's hope that Christmas tips this over to 1m, or Nintendo does more prints.
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NintendoPie posted 09/07/2015, 06:08
It should certainly sell 1 million units.
However, Nintendo should drop the price of this game. That would greatly help it out.
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DarkRPGamer007 posted 21/02/2015, 02:06
This could have really good digital and could be closer to Pikmin 2 than we think, if not higher
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Skullwaker posted 14/02/2015, 02:02
This game deserves 1m sales. Here's hoping it gets there before the end of 2015!
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Goodnightmoon posted 19/01/2015, 06:13
I wonder if is going to outsell Pikmin 2... need +320k more, is possible... At least has sold better on Europe than the 2º.
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Gammalad posted 11/01/2015, 08:49
I really hope this isn't out of print :/
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ExplodingBlock posted 04/01/2015, 06:45
Tied with DK
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Metallox posted 03/01/2015, 10:38
I'd love to hear that digital sales surpass the 150K units, but I don't think so. I don't what happened to Pikmin 3, it tanked so hard in 2014.
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Clyde32 posted 15/12/2014, 05:46
This game has crazy digital.
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DarkRPGamer007 posted 06/12/2014, 02:13
Deserves so much more
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PikminDude123 posted 04/11/2014, 09:31
I don't know about 1 million. At most 95k
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qwertyDANIELqwerty posted 26/10/2014, 03:36
This will EASILY get 1 million by the years end.
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DarkRPGamer007 posted 31/07/2014, 12:54
This was the first game I loved on Wii U wish sales were at least over 1m
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Metallox posted 18/07/2014, 01:30
Seriously overtracked in the United States... this can't be good.
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Metallox posted 18/07/2014, 01:30
Seriously overtracked in the United States... this can't be good.
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ExplodingBlock posted 28/04/2014, 05:19
@Metallox Thanks for the opinion! I will be sure to check it out soon
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Metallox posted 28/04/2014, 03:38
@ExplodingBlock Pikmin 2 for sure, it has more content and more focus on combat rather than strategy.
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ExplodingBlock posted 28/04/2014, 01:30
My first Pikmin game, I heard it was easier then the other 2 so I thought it would be a good start.
Also, which would you say is the best Pikmin game? 1, 2, or 3?
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Mummelmann posted 25/04/2014, 07:09
My prediction failed! It seems to have sold about 10k or so in over a month though, so in the end it might not be too far off. Still; it's beyond 750k and I was wrong.
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curl-6 posted 24/04/2014, 03:57
That was Mummelman who predicted 750k or less
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TheLegendaryWolf posted 09/04/2014, 10:42
It has officially past 750k worldwide. Some one predicted it wouldn't however...
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Metallox posted 09/04/2014, 06:40
60K copies sold so far this year. Trusting these numbers, it might reach the 830-870K units by January of 2015. Not bad, I guess? I wonder how are going the digital sales, because the file data of the game it's not big and the game it's a good deal.
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Metallox posted 09/04/2014, 06:40
60K copies sold so far this year. Trusting these numbers, it might reach the 830-870K units by January of 2015. Not bad, I guess? I wonder how are going the digital sales, because the file data of the game it's not big and the game it's a good deal.
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Metallox posted 09/04/2014, 06:40
60K copies sold so far this year. Trusting these numbers, it might reach the 830-870K units by January of 2015. Not bad, I guess? I wonder how are going the digital sales, because the file data of the game it's not big and the game it's a good deal.
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Luck posted 18/03/2014, 10:06
One person in the 90+ comments says it might reach 1.5 or 2 millions and now some are suddenly saying: '''No way is this passing 2 millions''. Like it's a bad thing and it didn't meet expectations. What's that all about ?

Only if it sells 1+ million, it's great for this franchise and similar to previous entries while being on a lower selling console.
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PikminDude123 posted 12/03/2014, 09:40
Fantastic game, although it'll have a hard time getting past the million mark.
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Slarvax posted 11/03/2014, 02:21
At the way this goes, it should stop at 1.05 m by 2015 and maybe 1.14m with digital sales. If we can trust VGC numbers, and my power of predicting is correct.
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Metallox posted 06/03/2014, 12:15
It doesn't matter if the game doesn't sell 2M units, we should just care if the game becomes profitable for Nintendo. Maybe it just needed to sell 500K, maybe it needs to sell 3M, but we don't really know. I just want more entries in the series. It's actually selling quite good considering Wii U sales.
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Fusioncode posted 05/03/2014, 07:56
Awful legs, no way is this passing 2m.
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oniyide posted 03/03/2014, 01:48
do people still think this will do 2mil? not gonna happen. it COULD pass 2 but even then thats a big if
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Metallox posted 01/03/2014, 05:25
@Anfebious After 2015 it should have passed the million mark, incluiding digital sales.
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Anfebious posted 01/03/2014, 12:54
This has no chance at passing the million mark...
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NintendoPie posted 28/02/2014, 04:06
I can see this ending up above Pikmin 2. Not bad, although it would've been nice for it to top 2 Million.
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supernihilist posted 10/02/2014, 02:29
it will do a Mil
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Metallox posted 04/02/2014, 04:11
It has to do the million! I think 2014 won't be enough. For now, the game seems to have sold 650K-800K copies.
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curl-6 posted 31/01/2014, 02:38
Just 60k more and Mummelman's prediction will be proven wrong (He said it wouldn't top 750K lifetime)
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Thechalkblock posted 17/12/2013, 05:47
I'm confident this game will reach a million. even if it takes another year or so.
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fatslob-:O posted 13/12/2013, 11:08
This game has officially died down fairly quicker than I thought. Since pikmin isn't known for it's legs it's pretty much dead on it's track aside from the fact that it may have a 10K bump from the holidays.
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Pillow posted 23/11/2013, 03:16
This game is sure going to be the best selling Pikmin! Only 1.1M sales left to achieve that (or less if we count digital). And we still haven't got any price drop. Could reach maybe 2M lifetime. (its a very good game btw!)
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thewastedyouth posted 24/10/2013, 07:10
Remember when the original one came out, loved it and the music

sad that after the gamecube I never got another nintendo console or handheld
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Juma009 posted 21/10/2013, 03:49
This game deserves 1Mil
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WagnerPaiva posted 06/10/2013, 01:18
Pretty amazing sales if you consider the install base, it will probably get to a million and half or even 2 million in the long run.
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Rogerioandrade posted 18/09/2013, 11:34
It´s on par with ZombiU for now (ZombiU sold more than 500k). I´m sure this game will have a boost during holidays.
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Salnax posted 18/09/2013, 06:30
Only 13,000 this week, but sales are still ahead of NSMBU. It should bottom out at a few thousand a week before the holidays raise it back up. This should silently sell for years to come, much like many of the earlier Wii and DS games, not to mention 3DS games like Nintendogs+cats, Layton 5, Street Fighter, and Pilotwings.
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oni-link posted 18/09/2013, 03:23
@Boutros He knows more than you in my opinion. So what does that make you then? Hmmmm
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Boutros posted 10/09/2013, 01:14
Oh so I was right not to be aware of it -.- Turns out this ListerOfSmeg doesn't know much LOL
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Cheebee posted 09/09/2013, 01:38
Guys, you do know you can't save any downloaded games onto an SD card and then play them off it, right? Even though Wii U supports SD cards. They're for different purposes. Anyway, this game's selling great! Already on par with Wii's Pikmin 2 NPC, not counting digital.
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Boutros posted 07/09/2013, 04:17
lol You really don't want to understand anything. Every time NPD releases their reports, Nintendo comments on these reports by giving us actual digital sales. How do you keep missing the point?? And the fact that even I didn't know the Wii U supports SD cards is exactly my point. Most consumers don't know that either.
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ListerOfSmeg posted 04/09/2013, 01:36
You know digital because of NPD? NPD doesn't track digital or all retail stores You also don't seem to know Wii U supports SD cards. BTW 16gigs vs 1tb.. Not like you are paying more for the same amount of storage.. Clearly you are a very misinformed person to keep on saying things you cant back up and are flat out wrong about.

For all your claims of "educated" you seriously lack any knowledge of what you are talking about. Never heard of Wii U cards? Didn't know SDs and HDD were supporter. Think its easier to plug in an SD then plus in a USB? Think NPD tracks all retail and digital? Kid you seriously haven't gotten one single thing right on this subject
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ice posted 31/08/2013, 08:04
Looks like we got a new #3, goodbye ZombiU
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chidori-chan2 posted 31/08/2013, 06:11
What a crap of sales man.. A dev goes out of their way to create something fresh and innovative, then gamers ignore it. That’s why this corporate gaming industry is becoming so stagnant. R.I.P gaming.
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leedlelee posted 28/08/2013, 08:25
I'm actually really surprised by how well this is selling...
I thought it would take much longer for it to reach these numbers...
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curl-6 posted 28/08/2013, 05:41
Yeah, the Deluxe is a lot more popular. The standard's HDD is just too small. That and black looks waaaay cooler than white. ;)
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Boutros posted 28/08/2013, 03:26
Yeah but what I said is that the Basic model only has 3GB available. So those who own the Basic model can't download Pikmin 3. Though I heard the Deluxe model is more popular.
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curl-6 posted 28/08/2013, 11:04
You don't need a harddrive to download Pikmin 3, it's only like 4GB
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Boutros posted 28/08/2013, 05:56
And SD cards are 5$. HDDs are 100$. You can't deny that it is more convenient to buy extra storage for the 3DS than it is for the Wii U. I bet most people don't even know the Wii U supports some external HDDs anyway.
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Boutros posted 28/08/2013, 05:50
@ListerOfSmeg, Huh? I know exactly what the ratio is because Nintendo told us. You would know if you followed NPD threads or any news feed that reports Nintendo PRs. We're trying to have a mature and educated conversation here as to how much Pikmin 3 will sell and then you come up here with insults and false assumptions?
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ListerOfSmeg posted 28/08/2013, 05:07
@Boutros, Yes people can go out and buy an extra SD card but they are too stupid to do the same for Wii U or buy an external HDD... Nice try kid
BTW love how there is no way to track digital sales but you know exactly what the ratio is.
You my friend are really trying to hard to troll and just coming off as not knowing anything.

What about Nintendo makes you hate them so much that you don't mind looking like a fool in order to play them or their games down?
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Salnax posted 28/08/2013, 02:04
6th best selling Wii U game of all time, and #4 in Japan. Considering how Pikmin 2 was almost a decade ago and only sold 1.2 million, this is a decent start.
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curl-6 posted 23/08/2013, 02:24
About a 10% global attach rate already, (not counting digital) not bad
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snorlax69 posted 23/08/2013, 08:29
What the hell is all this SPAM on the comment section ? Do you really think we will fall for that -_-
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aindusvc posted 23/08/2013, 06:00
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DieAppleDie posted 23/08/2013, 04:06
no they arent
but who will be 20k max
im portant thing is the game is seling well .apart from EU which is a lost cause for Ninty atm
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Dulfite posted 23/08/2013, 03:04
Does anyone know if the digital sales are included in the regions/global total right now?
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Boutros posted 23/08/2013, 12:36
@Meret: Oh I had never heard of digital download cards for the Wii U. But you can't compare a handheld and a console. Animal Crossing had a 80% retail, 20% digital ratio in the US compared to NSMBU at 95% retail, 5% digital. It's expected of handhelds to have stronger digital sales. You can just buy a SD card and then download stuff on it. It's easy and convenient whereas on the Wii U people who bought the basic model can't even download most games because they don't have enough HDD space.
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LFroot posted 22/08/2013, 07:32
Since I started with my online business, I earn $62 every 15 minutes! My best friend has been averaging 11k for months now and he works about 20 hours a week. I can't believe how easy it was once I tried it out. The potential with this is endless. This is what I do,
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knocturnal2435 posted 21/08/2013, 06:34
Nintendo has to be happy with this. Reached out to 9% of the entire install base. 115k isn't too bad. And while a 70% increase in hardware sales is nice, it shows Pikmin wasn't much of a system seller. It shows most people who bought it already owned a Wii U.

Glad to see Nintendo go over 10k in a week with the Wii U, but they need to put out software that will sell systems. Not cater to the 1.3 million who already own it.
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NintendoSupporter<3 posted 21/08/2013, 02:53
Great opening week for US!
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curl-6 posted 21/08/2013, 12:07
@Noirson: It started development on Wii, and the database hasn't been updated to remove it
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Meret posted 20/08/2013, 10:41
" In the US, the ratio for NSMBU is like 95% retail and 5% digital" And so what? If u remember, in Japan, for example, only 3-5% of NSMB2 sold digitally. And Animal Crossing: New Leaf - more than 30%. So... make conclusions only by Mario examples is kinda wrong, lol Different games can sell differently in digital format. Pikmin 3 had great cross-promotion with W101 in Europe in digital space.
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Meret posted 20/08/2013, 10:36
" There are no digital download cards in Japan for the Wii U the way there are for the 3DS" What? Lol, you are wrong. Just look at this: similar to 3DS digital cards.
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think-man posted 20/08/2013, 08:29
Solid first week sales in the states
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NoirSon posted 20/08/2013, 03:58
Why does this page say that Pikmin 3 is also on the Wii?
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snorlax69 posted 17/08/2013, 06:54
Around +12.000 sales on the European eShop on 17-09 ! According to my prediction ..
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curl-6 posted 17/08/2013, 07:05
@Boutros: there was a special cross-promotion for Pikmin 3 in Europe though, where you got it a day early and got a price slash on Wonderful 101 if you bought Pikmin digitally.
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Boutros posted 16/08/2013, 05:34
Guys digital sales aren't that big on the Wii U. In the US, the ratio for NSMBU is like 95% retail and 5% digital. We got that information from the July 2013 NPD. There are no digital download cards in Japan for the Wii U the way there are for the 3DS. VGC won't track digital sales because there are really no way to do that. But it has been a problem for a long while not just since the 3DS and the Wii U came out -.-
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snorlax69 posted 16/08/2013, 09:56
Digital sales have influenced this game a lot ! It is a marvelous game, truly ! Deserves far much more sales, this game is made by the legend of gaming himself, MIYAMOTO for president :)
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curl-6 posted 16/08/2013, 12:48
I wish VGChartz tracked digital sales, physical is only one side of the story these days
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Meret posted 15/08/2013, 05:22
In Europe it looks like selling great digitally. There's special cross promotion with Wonderful 101. Buy Pikmin 3 in digital form and receive 30% discount on digital version of W101.
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 1   2 

Shipping Total

1,270,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2019

Opinion (139)

goldmario79 posted 01/12/2016, 04:34
Pikmin was the runaway smash hit on the GC and this is just an extension of it.. one of Nintendo's newest and best franchises!
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PAOerfulone posted 27/03/2016, 07:26
Looks like the Selects treatment was just what the doctor ordered for this game.
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Munchies posted 26/03/2016, 09:06
There's clearly an extra preposition in there. You guys can cross "to" out.
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Munchies posted 26/03/2016, 09:05
I bought the Selects reprint and played for a bit less than an hour just to for testing purposes. It's really good.
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fedfed posted 22/03/2016, 11:38
selling more the SM3DWorld =- people needed this Selects edition!
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TheMagicMax posted 19/03/2016, 06:55
The nintendo select release really helped the game this week in the US.
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