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BioWare Corp.



Other Versions

PS3, PSN, X360

Release Dates

01/26/10 Electronic Arts
(Add Date)
01/29/10 Electronic Arts

Community Stats

Owners: 215
Favorite: 50
Tracked: 7
Wishlist: 20
Now Playing: 9

Avg Community Rating:


Mass Effect 2 (PC) > Opinions (26)

hellobion2 posted 26/11/2023, 12:38
series rivals star wars in my book
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AndrewWK posted 11/05/2012, 10:04
I don´t believe this numbers
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ManciuD posted 24/03/2012, 02:25
mass effect 2 ps3 version outsold the pc version by far
and that came 1 year later then pc
just shows once again how far more succesful xbox 360/ps3 games are compared to pc

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clos3 posted 07/01/2012, 02:06
nilli, shitty port? mass effect plays so much better on pc with the pc god, learn your shit at least before you make ridiculous assumptions...a circle interface witha pad is so atroicous, we have hotkeys and mouse interface..we cant even play the game WITH A PAD!!! moronic idiot
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cars298 posted 10/11/2011, 10:55
scary game
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nilli posted 07/10/2011, 06:06
So what? You think it sold 2 million through digital sales? It didn't idiot. At best case scenario it sold 200K through digital. Usually it goes like that. Even witcher 2 sold more on retail. This game sold like SHIT on pc it got pirated to hell and back and they should definately cancel the pc release for the third one. But they won't. Still the pc version will be a shitty port.
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yahoocom1984 posted 06/10/2011, 03:17
Remeber these numbers are only for retail and only for EMEAA, it doesn't include digital sales and Americas sales bitch
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yahoocom1984 posted 06/10/2011, 12:18
There is no Americas sales data bitch
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nilli posted 21/09/2011, 11:00
NOT EVEN 200K! They should definately skip the pc version of the third installment. This game got pirated on pc over 3 million times. Nice going idiots. BIOWARE DO NOT RELEASE THE NEXT GAME ON PC ONLY THING YOU SEE IS PIRACY!
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Jexy posted 30/06/2011, 08:29
Why no North American numbers?
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darthdevidem01 posted 17/06/2011, 11:13
1st had better story, 2nd was funner. 2nd wins.
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nesco1801 posted 23/04/2011, 02:52
Go from A to B, corridor RPG. 3 times I tried ME2, before I finnaly gave up
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yog-sothot posted 17/04/2011, 09:32
I'd like to know how many copies were sold through steam or other downloading systems...
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Chevinator123 posted 28/02/2011, 12:32
i enjoyed the first mass effect better then the second...i feel like the first had a better story and it had way better RPG elements...the second seemed alot more action then RPG
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haxxiy posted 29/11/2010, 02:56
But hey, why the stupid ammo system? ME1 was perfect in this aspect exactly due to it's uniqueness. At least if the thermal stuff didn't behave exactly like 21st century ammo limits...
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haxxiy posted 05/04/2010, 05:25
Best game this gen IMO.
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burning_phoneix posted 02/04/2010, 10:53
Any news on how much it's sold on PC?
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joora posted 12/03/2010, 02:34
This game is almost perfect. Constatntly holds attention.

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sjhillsa posted 04/02/2010, 08:52
Great End Sequence, Loved it! Recommended game!
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STEKSTAV posted 03/02/2010, 04:48
Good game.. but i would've liked more RPG and tactics. And it was very userfriendly as they basicly held your hand all through the game and showed you what to do and what to expect. Well.. once you go Dragon Age, you never go back :D
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 29/01/2010, 11:32
The only thing I don't like is that you aren't constantly being rewarded with XP like in the original.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 29/01/2010, 11:31
The way they handled weapons in this one is much improved. In the orginal you'd have a million assualt rifle that all look and feel the same but with slightly different stats.

In Mass Effect 2 you have a good amount of unique weapons and upgrade your squad's damage instead of spending hours in a confusing inventory screen.

They've made everything that was good about the first game better and gotten rid of all the crap.
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Zlejedi posted 28/01/2010, 01:55
It's thank to EA not Microsoft. Anyway good game with great atmosphere but i don't like reduction in stats and weapons options.
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haxxiy posted 28/01/2010, 10:46
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dobby985 posted 06/01/2010, 11:19
GOTY here!
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seruderu posted 06/01/2010, 11:11
thanks to MS. they allow to release such a great game like mass effect 2 on both platforms at same time. you know what i mean, im pc and ps3 user :D
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (26)

1 n/a n/a 36,691 36,691
2 n/a n/a 10,982 10,982
3 n/a n/a 4,639 4,639
4 n/a n/a 1,783 1,783
5 n/a n/a 3,901 3,901
6 n/a n/a 3,340 835 4,175
7 n/a n/a 2,427 607 3,034
8 n/a n/a 2,174 544 2,718
9 n/a n/a 2,145 536 2,681
10 n/a n/a 3,005 751 3,756
hellobion2 posted 26/11/2023, 12:38
series rivals star wars in my book
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AndrewWK posted 11/05/2012, 10:04
I don´t believe this numbers
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ManciuD posted 24/03/2012, 02:25
mass effect 2 ps3 version outsold the pc version by far
and that came 1 year later then pc
just shows once again how far more succesful xbox 360/ps3 games are compared to pc

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clos3 posted 07/01/2012, 02:06
nilli, shitty port? mass effect plays so much better on pc with the pc god, learn your shit at least before you make ridiculous assumptions...a circle interface witha pad is so atroicous, we have hotkeys and mouse interface..we cant even play the game WITH A PAD!!! moronic idiot
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cars298 posted 10/11/2011, 10:55
scary game
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nilli posted 07/10/2011, 06:06
So what? You think it sold 2 million through digital sales? It didn't idiot. At best case scenario it sold 200K through digital. Usually it goes like that. Even witcher 2 sold more on retail. This game sold like SHIT on pc it got pirated to hell and back and they should definately cancel the pc release for the third one. But they won't. Still the pc version will be a shitty port.
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