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Alternative Names

EA Sports Active: Personal Trainer Wii 30-Hi Seikatsu Kaizen Program

EA SPORTS アクティブ パーソナルトレーナー Wii 30日生活改善プロӞ


EA Vancouver



Release Dates

05/19/09 EA Sports
08/06/09 EA Sports
05/22/09 EA Sports

Community Stats

Owners: 63
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 5

Avg Community Rating:


EA Sports Active (Wii) > Opinions (120)

 1  2 
atma998 posted 06/12/2011, 10:39
Now 3.75M!
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atma998 posted 22/10/2010, 10:20
Still selling 10k/week. But now that EA Sports Active 2 is just around the corner, I think it would be hard to reach 4M. Well, the game will reach 3.5M really soon which is really good.
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andremop posted 27/05/2010, 01:31
I believe this game is going to be a major competitor for sony's and microsoft's incoming fitness games.

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marcianito posted 08/05/2010, 09:41
gonna sell more for mother's day
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atma998 posted 01/05/2010, 05:17
3 million and now selling 32k/week. This game might have a chance to reach 4 million!
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atma998 posted 07/04/2010, 12:45
Wow the game is still selling 25k/week. At this rate it will reach 3 million very soon.
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NoirSon posted 09/02/2010, 01:36
@primogen18: It could sell well on the 360, but it would flop on the PS3, because unless the arc comes with a balance board like device, it will just be a more advanced EyeToy game.
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primogen18 posted 04/02/2010, 05:23
Are you kidding? This kind of game would flop hard on PS3/360... "hardcore" players already bitch about having to move when playing a game on Wii.
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Kenka posted 23/01/2010, 01:03
3 millions is now certain. It kinda depends on when the HD version is launched though...
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Kenka posted 10/01/2010, 01:21
Ridiculous sales all around. Can't wait to see how much it wil sell on X360 and PS3 once Natal and the Wand are launched.
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atma998 posted 15/11/2009, 05:57
Could this game eventually reach 3 million?
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widescreen posted 17/10/2009, 06:49
2 million - I'm impressed.
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jefforange89 posted 27/09/2009, 11:30
Nearly 2 million, cool.
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scottie posted 13/09/2009, 03:41
I was hoping for slightly more from japan, Wii Fit did well over there
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TopCat8 posted 05/09/2009, 08:13
million seller in America. Cool.
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headshot91 posted 01/09/2009, 09:20
america is on average the fattest nation, so it sold the most there!
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Fleeman posted 27/08/2009, 08:51
japan doesn't need fitness like the rest of the world there in much better shape then the rest of us
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Kenpachi15 posted 15/08/2009, 04:23
wow i thought the first week in japan would of been way better
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Chrizum posted 07/08/2009, 02:17
I think this game is looking at 4 million+ eventually. Probably befire christmas 2010, even.
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megaman79 posted 05/08/2009, 11:37
EA and Nintendo are going to fight it out with expansion packs this christmas. WF+ is going to own EA clearly.
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Erik Aston posted 04/08/2009, 10:35
EA's quarterly financial report says this game has sold (shipped) 1.8m copies through the end of June.
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scottie posted 01/08/2009, 07:00
@ ajagh

It depends what you want - if you want the game that burns the most calories per second, then yes, this is the one for you.

I believe Wii Fit is better for balance, meditation, actually tracking your weight and perhaps for muscle strength, I'm not sure
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Wickedshyn posted 01/08/2009, 12:27
EA must be really happy with the sales of this game.
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ajaghvajagh posted 31/07/2009, 11:08
Question: Is this the best game for the wii in terms of exercise and fitness?
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Voltaire posted 25/07/2009, 05:28
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mrstickball posted 18/07/2009, 05:36
Glad to see how well this did.

If EA ever does it for NATAL, I am in. Glad to see a quality fitness title continue to do well. God only knows where this one will end up. If Wii Fit+ doesn't launch before Christmas, this will be the #1 fitness title of the holidays.

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nordlead posted 09/07/2009, 03:20
I'm down 8.3 lb and starting my second round of the 30-day challenge.
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TheConduit posted 06/07/2009, 01:32
I am seriously begining to believe that the Wii is going to have a serious impact on the health of gamers.

Hopefully this will help get rid of the steryotype that all gamers are fat and lazy.
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I LOVE GIGGS posted 02/07/2009, 10:37
Good software.
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SJGohan3972 posted 01/07/2009, 04:47
This did a million pretty quickly, EA seems to be putting more into and getting more out of the Wii lately.
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nordlead posted 30/06/2009, 05:03
Supposedly the expansion will be out this holiday season, but there is no firm date.
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Faxanadu posted 29/06/2009, 03:20
When is EA Sports Active 2 coming out?
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Erik Aston posted 28/06/2009, 01:52
ACK! LTD means "life-to-date," as in sales up to today. ACK!
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Kenology posted 27/06/2009, 10:58
This title will see 2 million LTD in the Americas. It would do more, but EA already announced an update.
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Gamerace posted 27/06/2009, 10:39
Looks like EA has there first major hit on Wii. Expect heavy milking.
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SJGohan3972 posted 27/06/2009, 07:46
1 million sales, great for EA, great for the Wii
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nordlead posted 26/06/2009, 04:57
The game just passed 1m sold
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nordlead posted 25/06/2009, 03:24
@gearbox - Please define video game for me.
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gameguy posted 25/06/2009, 04:14
@ash3336- Don't be surprised if LTD is closer to 10 million than 5 million. Expect a HUGE holiday boost as well.
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ash3336 posted 24/06/2009, 05:18
5 million LTD.
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Gearbox posted 23/06/2009, 09:21
@megaman79 - no this isnt a game this is a instructioanl workout video.there should be a seperate catergorie for these kinda things
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megaman79 posted 23/06/2009, 03:21
Games can be whatever i want them to be. Don't force your own narrow minded views on other people.

And stop trolling comment sections.
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SaviorX posted 22/06/2009, 10:01
2 million easy.
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Ostro posted 22/06/2009, 04:16
this should get some sales in Japan, too..
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scottie posted 19/06/2009, 01:55
Actually nordlead. It's quite different to an excervise video :P It's interactive and a hell of a lot better.

1 million soon, then we'll see how far legs can take it
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nordlead posted 18/06/2009, 08:06
people need to realize that going to the gym isn't the only way to exercise. This is no different than a exercise DVD/TV show and they are quite popular and work. Go complain on amazon or wherever on a exercise DVD's comments section.
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disolitude posted 18/06/2009, 05:56
People really need to go to the gym to work out and not play this thinking its enough. Especially gamers...
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nordlead posted 18/06/2009, 01:47
Absolutely. However, it doesn't exercise the upper body very well, unless you swap out the resistance bands (like I did). Even then, you should still do at least push-ups, crunches, and pull-ups on top of this.

Also, this doesn't weigh you, so you'd need a scale if you want to track weight. This only tracks hours exercised and calories burned. Honestly I like having both.
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OmegaRugalv3 posted 17/06/2009, 08:13
is this better than Wii Fit?
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 17/06/2009, 03:48
upper body workouts are pretty poor, i have to agree with that
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darthdevidem01 posted 17/06/2009, 01:53
I predict that this game will outsell Wii Music & LBP combined!
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ash3336 posted 16/06/2009, 06:14
This is getting good reviews, amazing sales and critical acclaim from everywhere. It is a hit!! 1 million in about 2 weeks.
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volrath50 posted 14/06/2009, 09:42
I think I might pick this up. I could certainly lose a few pounds, and my balance board has been largely gathering dust.
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nordlead posted 11/06/2009, 10:56
This game will kick your ass literally. The resistance band isn't strong enough for upper body workout, but the sheer quantity of lower body workout will make your legs feel completely gone by the time you are done. Of course, how deep you do the lunges/squats and how many extra pounds you are carrying will make a big difference.

Overall, I'm very pleased with this software.
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ash3336 posted 11/06/2009, 03:04
If it keeps up above 50k before Week 10 then it has massive legs. Even above 30k before Week 10 might mean massive legs.
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fmc83 posted 10/06/2009, 11:34
I'm quite sure it will show massive legs, but isn't it too early to actually call them in week 2?
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darthdevidem01 posted 10/06/2009, 12:42
this is showing good legs
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hansolo14 posted 10/06/2009, 05:28
of course yes!! at least this one last a lot more than madworld..
and also have recieved good reviews from the media, something that the conduit still have to proof
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ash3336 posted 09/06/2009, 11:35
WOW! Only 20 ppl on this site own this.

Is it worth getting over The Conduit or MadWorld?
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Gearbox posted 09/06/2009, 10:39
@ steriod - u woukd like things hitting ur ass :P
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Faxanadu posted 09/06/2009, 10:21
so sales were right from the beginning. Huge second week
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Steroid posted 09/06/2009, 03:56
Game is kicking my ass! Love it!
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megaman79 posted 09/06/2009, 07:26
Its almost HALF of EA's sales this week. Considering the price its prob. over half their total revenue.
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RDBRaptor posted 09/06/2009, 06:54
Oh gawd, this thing is already at half a million? EA must be so happy with this.
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Erik Aston posted 09/06/2009, 06:54
All-Play was a failure, and an embarrassing one, but Peter Moore was never a birdman. Between this and the MotionPlus games, he has more than redeemed himself.
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megaman79 posted 09/06/2009, 06:03
Isn't it strange that when Nintendo does it its cute and "for the family" so any gender will buy it. Despite this being more targeted towards exercise (womens) market its still selling huge.

@ringo, totally agree with you there. No one was interested at the pre E3 press conferences and yet look what happens.
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I_Heart_Nintendo posted 09/06/2009, 04:35
we bought it on the weekend!
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legend92(3) posted 09/06/2009, 03:21
@ volrath50
Thats so funny my mum was telling me she wants this game.
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famousringo posted 09/06/2009, 01:35
Fitness explosion in EU. I'd say Peter Moore just redeemed himself for that failed All-Play brand.
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volrath50 posted 09/06/2009, 01:02
One knows a game had a successful launch when MY MUM knows of it, and considers buying it...
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ash3336 posted 08/06/2009, 09:40
This is just crazy!!! But pretty nice.
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SaviorX posted 08/06/2009, 06:38
Week 2 America numbers may look like 200k! They said it sold 600k in 2 weeks..........
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kopstudent89 posted 08/06/2009, 06:32
when was the last time a 3rd party title had this kind of launch on the Wii. Its been a while and its soo refreshing :D
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waron posted 08/06/2009, 06:12
no wonder they already announced expansion for this game. will be definitely in TOP10 best selling console games this year.
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Erik Aston posted 08/06/2009, 08:05
Puffy, 10% in week one? Where are you getting that from? Just clicking on random Wii million-sellers, I'm seeing more that sold under 100K week one than over, especially among new brands. Family Trainer/Active Life and My Fitness Coach are both listed as million-sellers with opening weeks well below 100K.
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puffy posted 07/06/2009, 10:46
This game could go on to sell roughly 2 million with launch numbers like that. Wii Million sellers usually sell about 10% of their lifetime sales in week one.

If it really did sell 600k in it's first two weeks then damn EA have a massive hit on their hands! I wonder if Ubisoft's 'Your Shape' will do as well at EA's effort
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Erik Aston posted 06/06/2009, 05:53
This may go down as one of the most important games released for Wii. It is the best example of a third party aggressively competing in a new market created by Nintendo, and so if it is successful, it will encourage other third parties to learn how to make games with Wii's values and compete in the new spaces as well.

It certainly appears to be a much higher-quality game than the Brain Age, Nintendogs and Wii Sports knockoffs, and headed for much bigger success. Maybe it becomes a wake-up call at Activision and Ubisoft.

And, it could be one of the most important games that EA releases this gen. They need to become the leader in some genre that they can milk annually after the collapse of MoH and NFS. The sports games like Madden and FIFA were already the one area that had not collapsed for EA, and now the sports group is leading the charge in establishing EA leadership in new genres.
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Gearbox posted 04/06/2009, 10:11
well maybe it did since well. sales in uk and most of eruope are expected to go up on week 2
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scottie posted 02/06/2009, 01:49
Seems like it was probably undertracked a bit (or it will have a really good 2nd week)
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Faxanadu posted 02/06/2009, 10:28
Sold 600k in TWO weeks - lets wait for the new data for end of may then...
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fgkiller posted 02/06/2009, 05:42
EA reports this game sold 600k already. Wowzers super under tracked
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Gearbox posted 02/06/2009, 01:46
oliist i doubt they have 400 000 copies not sold this game is prolly around 350k to 400k
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oliist posted 01/06/2009, 11:36
Sold to retailers.
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syskorn posted 01/06/2009, 11:22
Fresh from the EA Conference. They have sold 600.000 Units in 2 Weeks from EA Sports Active. Amazing!!!
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ash3336 posted 31/05/2009, 05:21
@ Buzzi you should be sad for MadWorld's sales. I know I am. I expected that game to sell 600-700k.
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Aiemond posted 31/05/2009, 07:31
Went over to a friends house and his wife had this. Its actually a good workout and is alot more fun than just running etc. I knwo my wife wants it now and I could use some getting into shape. IMO it is a good title.
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sabby_e17 posted 30/05/2009, 01:49
Wow amazing sales.
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Buzzi posted 30/05/2009, 11:56
This sold better than Madworld in a few days, I don't know if i should being happy for these great sales or sad for Madworld's poor sales...
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Aj_habfan posted 30/05/2009, 08:21
wow saicho you bought a fitness game for your girlfriend? Very brave, haha.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 30/05/2009, 02:18
5 million seller in the making.
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TWRoO posted 30/05/2009, 02:06
I have to admit, this doesn't look bad... and the UK advert is very very good indeed, that alone will be attracting a lot of people.
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amp316 posted 30/05/2009, 01:56
A lot of people clicked on this today just to see what it is.
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ash3336 posted 30/05/2009, 12:28
Wii Fit type sales in the future I see. Atleast this game will help keep the attach rate up.
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monlosez posted 29/05/2009, 10:04
EA is smart
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saicho posted 29/05/2009, 07:34
bought the game yesterday for my fiancee and she likes it so far... showing number of calories burned during exercise on screen is a great idea!
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waron posted 29/05/2009, 11:07
multi million seller confirmed?
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Ostro posted 29/05/2009, 08:08
it's more fitness stuff than Wii Fit imo
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marcianito posted 29/05/2009, 04:31
very good, this has potential to be huge
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ash3336 posted 29/05/2009, 02:38
Zucas' comment just made me wonder. This is the biggest third-party opening week for a game on the Wii.
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ash3336 posted 29/05/2009, 02:37
MadWorld should have gotten this opening week IMO.
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Shipping Total

1,800,000 Units
As of: June 30th, 2009

Opinion (120)

atma998 posted 06/12/2011, 10:39
Now 3.75M!
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atma998 posted 22/10/2010, 10:20
Still selling 10k/week. But now that EA Sports Active 2 is just around the corner, I think it would be hard to reach 4M. Well, the game will reach 3.5M really soon which is really good.
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andremop posted 27/05/2010, 01:31
I believe this game is going to be a major competitor for sony's and microsoft's incoming fitness games.

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marcianito posted 08/05/2010, 09:41
gonna sell more for mother's day
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atma998 posted 01/05/2010, 05:17
3 million and now selling 32k/week. This game might have a chance to reach 4 million!
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atma998 posted 07/04/2010, 12:45
Wow the game is still selling 25k/week. At this rate it will reach 3 million very soon.
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