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(Add Date)
04/23/09 Capcom
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Monster Hunter G (Wii) > Opinions (45)

Gintoki posted 05/11/2009, 05:02
Yeah it sold pretty well especially with the demo of MH3.
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Chrizum posted 09/10/2009, 12:09
Sold pretty well in the end.
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st_muscat0 posted 03/10/2009, 04:37
250K next week
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st_muscat0 posted 27/09/2009, 02:33
250K in two weeks.
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kopstudent89 posted 11/07/2009, 01:41
well its trending higher than the PS2 version®2=Japan&game2=Monster+Hunter+G+-+PS2®3=Japan&game3=&weeks=100

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SJGohan3972 posted 26/06/2009, 03:20
Statistically tied with the PS2 version in sales right now (.23m vs. .23m not sure down to the sale but that's basically a tie) if/when this hits 300k (probably will get a boost from MH3 launch) I hope to see this come to NA.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 25/06/2009, 04:09
holding up at 3k per week, nice!
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TheConduit posted 22/06/2009, 04:14
May see sales spike closer to the Monster Hunter 3 release
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TheConduit posted 22/06/2009, 04:12
Given the fact that this was a port while the PS2 version was original these sales are quite impressive
Not to mention many Monster Hunter fans may already own the PSP rendition and are therefore maybe holding out for the Original Monster Hunter 3 witch based on the Demo looks to be the best entry into the series.
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Skorpion posted 17/06/2009, 07:03
Wow, really glad this is doing so well. Really hope it comes to NA. Gonna have to look into MH3 more.
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SaviorX posted 08/06/2009, 06:40
The sales slightly rebounded in Week 6.

Should outsell the PS2 version, which is impressive.
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SJGohan3972 posted 29/05/2009, 03:52
@leo-j, it should outsell the PS2 version just in japan by the end of the summer (5-6 weeks to go and it will be there) - if capcom is smart and brings this to the US and Others this could be a million seller, and a great primer for the World Wide (eventual) release of Monster Hunter Tri
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leo-j posted 29/05/2009, 01:31
Monster hunter G sold 230,000 copies on PS2 (according to vgchartz), this game has sold 210,000 copies so far and sales are somewhat steady, it might outsell the PS2 game, actually im sure it will
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SJGohan3972 posted 24/05/2009, 03:24
could hit 300k in japan eventually (in a years time or so) but I think it could do that or more in both NA and Others so with a little extra in those two areas we would have a million seller on our hands.
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routsounmanman posted 23/05/2009, 09:59
This is no indication of what MH3 will do; 3 million at least.
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Chrizum posted 18/05/2009, 02:21
Will probably sell another 10k in week 4. Estimated lifetime sales: 300k-350k
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invetedlotus123 posted 17/05/2009, 11:28
Another leg game for japan? Really, it will outsell ps2 version.
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kopstudent89 posted 12/05/2009, 05:52
1st 2 weeks better than the PS2 version! and 3rd week seems to have the same pattern.. thats awesome :D
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mangapicture posted 11/05/2009, 11:28
wow, a port doing even better than the original game on the PS2. Can't wait for Monster Hunter 3 numbers when it comes out in Japan...
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naruto3336 posted 10/05/2009, 11:40
500-600k lifetime MAX. But MH3 will sell around 2-3 million fosho.
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hunter_alien posted 10/05/2009, 10:10
Probably will end up selling as much as the PS2 version... still I dont bealive that MH3 will come even close to the sales of the first MHP ;)
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IxisNaugus posted 10/05/2009, 09:28
for a port of a game on the PS2, from a series that apparently doesn't do "great" on home consoles, i think the first week for very good. Certainly surprised me o.0

And i'm with SJGohan, i would also love for them to bring this west, bundled with that sexy classic controller. I'd definitely pick it up first day. Regardless though, I'll be picking this up whether or not it's localized, I've always wanted to try MH, but don't have a PS console.
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SJGohan3972 posted 10/05/2009, 07:53
I would really love for this to come to america with the Classic Controller Pack-in, I think it would easily do 1mln+ if they brought it to the US and Others and might have a shot at 2mln. Would be a great precursor to MH3 allowing it to sell upwards of 3-4mln.
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SaviorX posted 10/05/2009, 07:04
Not as big as I thought for 2nd week.

We'll see how sales look in the future. This is one of the only games I pay attention to on the Japanese charts.
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leo-j posted 10/05/2009, 06:38
37k 2nd week
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thetonestarr posted 09/05/2009, 03:55

Besides Soriku being right, there IS still a chance of MHG coming to America. After all, this IS only the first week of it being out in Japan. Cripes, man.

Yeah, I know they've said it won't. But we've gotten that before and it still happened. Remember Viewtiful Joe, originally described as a GCN exclusive - NOT timed? Yeah that lasted.
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jeffrey9999 posted 08/05/2009, 04:49
I thought this was coming to america, that's what I read from alot of sites but it figures if it doesn't because it would have an excellent chance at being a million seller or more.........
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kopstudent89 posted 06/05/2009, 09:45
from what i heard, no its not coming to america.

Anyways good opening, how much can it hold on during golden week is the question. 50-60 k will be amazing but i'm not sure of that number
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MasterZack posted 06/05/2009, 05:38
this game will came to América?
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Chrizum posted 04/05/2009, 10:31
Who knows, MH has some sexy legs on PSP, so it might even reach 400k (though I'd put it at 350k max).
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SaviorX posted 04/05/2009, 09:01
300k? It'll get there. It should sell around 50k 2nd week.
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BocaJuniors posted 04/05/2009, 08:04
I predict 250k lt japan.
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SJGohan3972 posted 03/05/2009, 09:31
will this be coming to the US this year? I hope so, if it does I will be getting it with the Classic Controller Bundle.
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Madanial posted 30/04/2009, 02:46
This game no need to put JPN address like PS2 version ,what you need is only Wii point.But you gotta you Wii JPN point for this game.
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famousringo posted 27/04/2009, 04:36
If preliminary data is accurate, this game actually beat the PS2 release by ~10% first week. That bodes pretty well for the future of Monster Hunter on Wii.
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Madanial posted 20/04/2009, 11:05
I already pre-order bundle version ,can't wait to play this game! XD
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megaman79 posted 20/04/2009, 02:11
good time to buy Nintendo shares, they dropped alot during this week and after this im sure they will shoot back up off the back of japans sales recovery
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DiplomaticImmunity posted 19/04/2009, 09:11
we'll c
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kopstudent89 posted 19/04/2009, 03:10
yeah u have a point rudy, but i dont think it will reduct the sales of MH3. At least this will freshen up Wii sales, its been soo low its just depressing.

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rudyrsr8 posted 17/04/2009, 01:05
This game will help determine how big Monster Hunter three will be later, or it could actually reduct the amount of ppl that will buy it, essentially though all the ppl that buy this game in Japan will buy 3 later in the year so this will be a good bench mark.
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kopstudent89 posted 16/04/2009, 05:41
should have a decent debut, and legs should keep it selling during golden week hopefully.. 300k in japan?
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SnowFlow posted 03/04/2009, 04:51
They should release this outside of Japan too.
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kopstudent89 posted 20/02/2009, 06:32
i checked out the game release dates... its gonna be a dry 2 months for the Wii in Japan before this hits. Seriously i wonder how long the Wii can hold on
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kopstudent89 posted 15/02/2009, 01:44
This must, it just has to do well.
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DOLBYdigital posted 18/01/2009, 10:50
Even though this is only a remake, I love to see online co-op used more in games of all platforms. Too much competitive online out there and not nearly enough co-op.

It is becoming more popular which is great since I think it is more fun to work with other people than against them ;)
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (45)

1 137,305 n/a n/a 137,305
2 37,548 n/a n/a 37,548
3 21,042 n/a n/a 21,042
4 6,630 n/a n/a 6,630
5 5,512 n/a n/a 5,512
6 6,016 n/a n/a 6,016
7 3,913 n/a n/a 3,913
8 3,469 n/a n/a 3,469
9 3,332 n/a n/a 3,332
10 2,895 n/a n/a 2,895
Gintoki posted 05/11/2009, 05:02
Yeah it sold pretty well especially with the demo of MH3.
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Chrizum posted 09/10/2009, 12:09
Sold pretty well in the end.
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st_muscat0 posted 03/10/2009, 04:37
250K next week
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st_muscat0 posted 27/09/2009, 02:33
250K in two weeks.
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SJGohan3972 posted 26/06/2009, 03:20
Statistically tied with the PS2 version in sales right now (.23m vs. .23m not sure down to the sale but that's basically a tie) if/when this hits 300k (probably will get a boost from MH3 launch) I hope to see this come to NA.
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