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Starbreeze Studios AB



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Release Dates

04/07/09 Atari
(Add Date)
04/24/09 Atari

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The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena (X360) > Opinions (35)

Proclus posted 04/12/2012, 09:23
Deserved way more sales
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thewastedyouth posted 17/10/2012, 07:08
this game is awesome, WTH is with the sales!!!
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slipknotfan posted 26/06/2011, 04:50
original xbox version was actually better!
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MonstaMack posted 22/05/2011, 07:59
Bad sales for such a classic OG XBox game re-made + expansion
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hudsoniscool posted 10/04/2011, 10:38
bad sales for a great game. i hope they make a sequel someday. assualt used guns to much that was the worst thing about it.
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Zucas posted 20/10/2009, 06:50
Replayed Butcher's Bay last week and I love how they enhanced the game. Such an awesome first person experience. Truly one of the best experiences in gaming.

Now almost done with Dark Athena and it's just as good too. Starbreeze has just done an amazing job for a second time and really impressed by how they kept it true to the roots.

It's a shame that it didn't sell better but not necessarily a traditional shooter than everyone would pick up... more for the gamers with experience. Nonetheless... here's to hoping they'll eventually make another one.
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Gabriel84 posted 01/10/2009, 03:59
0.20 million
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peterch posted 10/09/2009, 07:36
pathetic sales!!! 2 awesome games plus multiplayer!! damn shame!! this is better than half life in my opinion because of the setting and storyline...
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Gabriel84 posted 29/07/2009, 12:26
Decent Game, awful sales
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sonicshuffle posted 17/06/2009, 01:50
Oooo bad sales. R.I.P. Riddick.
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mai posted 23/05/2009, 11:27

"Hardcore vs casuals" BS, that was popularized on gaming blogs and portals thanks to ignorant journalists, has no or little to do with the real deal. I.e. how particular game appeal to certain demographics or how brief demogparhics analysis is made on pre-production phase. "Hardcore vs. casual" point of view is exteremly oversimplified assumption.

Term "hardcore" not even used in demographics part of desdoc, it's a PR word, that lacks certain definition. Term "casual" used very differently, in it's more narrow definition than usually used among gamers, jornalists and PR people.

I hope you got my point.
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Statix posted 09/05/2009, 11:48
@mai: How does it not work? Because you don't want to believe it? It's not theory, it's marketing reality. Everyone knows this. Nintendo knows this. Only people like yourself don't want to know this.
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mai posted 04/05/2009, 02:46

So, that exactly what I've said... way beyond intenet folk.

BTW Gave up already this retarded casuals vs hardcore demographic theory. It doesn't work.
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disolitude posted 04/05/2009, 12:21
amazing game. 5 years ago this would easily be any hardcore gamers single player game of the year...
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Statix posted 01/05/2009, 08:51
@mai: That's because a huge proportion of Wii players are casuals, grown-ups, elderly, and preteen kids. These casual gamers have zero interest in hardcore titles like MadWorld, so their lack of awareness of the title wouldn't matter in the first place. My point is that amongst the hardcore gaming crowd, MadWorld is a much more hyped and anticipated game in the hardcore genre, than Riddick: Dark Athena is in the 360 and PS3 community. Before both games came out, Riddick was viewed as just another middle-of-the-road game coming out in April, but MadWorld was considered the savior by hardcore Wii owners.
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mai posted 30/04/2009, 04:41

According to last report, posted on Gamasutra, awareness of MadWorld among Wii users is pretty low. This means that Wii userbase is way beyond internet folk and marketing campaign didn't work well.

BTW What are sell figures of CoR:EfBB exactly?
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Aj_habfan posted 30/04/2009, 01:25
Yea... my comment gets deleted but SubiyaCryolite's gets to fucking keep his? He was laughing at the game saying Madworld sold better, I made a comment saying that Madworld actually wasn't selling better, and mine gets deleted. What a joke.
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Strategyking92 posted 29/04/2009, 10:31
This game is supposedly doing well in the UK.
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Statix posted 29/04/2009, 10:15
@mai: Riddick Butcher Bay was a critically acclaimed game, but that was 5 freaking years ago, and even then that game didn't sell that much on the Xbox 1. No one can dispute that Riddick: Dark Athena released with much less attention from the media and the fans alike than MadWorld did for the Wii, which is one of the biggest games of the year for the Wii platform.
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nomorehalo posted 28/04/2009, 10:08
If Wheelman is any indication, look forward to very strong numbers in the next few weeks.
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mai posted 28/04/2009, 08:55

So you're talking about the lack of marketing compared to Madworl? Here's my spin... what do you think about the fact, that CoR is comparatively well-known and established brand, that won several awards and widely acknowledged as one of the best games of 2004, while MadWorld is a new IP?
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Statix posted 27/04/2009, 06:13
@SubiyaCryolite: I don't think people are in the position to taunt "Wii haters" just yet, considering that MadWorld is probably the most hyped hardcore Wii game of the year, while Riddick is not even on most people's radars for the other two consoles.

If the most massively hyped game on the Wii platform (MadWorld) only manages to barely beat a sleeper game like Riddick with zero marketing and fanfare, then that's not really something to call home about, is it?
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dkm posted 26/04/2009, 01:34
This is an insanely well polished game, with graphics to match the gameplay. I seriously don't understand why it doesn't sell more...
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SubiyaCryolite posted 25/04/2009, 08:32
Ouch, even Madworld is selling better. LOL. Where are the Wii h8ers now?
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Statix posted 23/04/2009, 10:59
Jesus, it can't really be selling this poorly, can it? I don't want to see one of my favorite studios fail and possibly go under.

Their last game, The Darkness, was severely underappreciated as well.
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blindfromthesun posted 19/04/2009, 06:58
This game is definitely worth it. Also, the game is on sale on newegg for $44 currently. Buy this game so we get a sequel!
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mai posted 18/04/2009, 04:07
Must get... must get... buying it this week. Why this game not selling well? Original was an excelent first-person single-player experience, rare gem these days. BTW how many copies did original sell?
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monlosez posted 18/04/2009, 02:44
Is this game worth my time to play?
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Zucas posted 17/04/2009, 08:08
Ooh can't wait to get this game. Been looking for Butcher's Bay forever and now all I have to do is get this and more Riddick goodness. But not surprised it's not selling well. Just not the kind of game I'd expect the mainstream Xbox gamers to get into especially considering they are majority shooter buyers. Just not one they would like.
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Strategyking92 posted 17/04/2009, 07:53
This might sell upward of 400k on x360 before all is said and done since the original has a following on this platform in particular. And it's America :P
I feel bad for tigon studios though. First then, then the wheelman.
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Egghead posted 17/04/2009, 06:18
Thanks for ruining the industry Wii
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nickoB posted 17/04/2009, 06:25
a must buy for 2009
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DiplomaticImmunity posted 16/04/2009, 10:06
this will be AN EPIC FLOP
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MonstaMack posted 13/04/2009, 12:08
It's already $39.99 on Newegg. Not looking good.
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SaviorX posted 08/04/2009, 11:55
Sales for this game should come in next week.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (35)

1 n/a 33,979 n/a 5,996 39,975
2 n/a 13,434 n/a 2,371 15,805
3 n/a 9,088 20,777 4,985 34,850
4 n/a 5,188 12,942 3,021 21,151
5 n/a 3,420 5,646 1,523 10,589
6 n/a 2,599 3,187 978 6,764
7 n/a 2,211 2,396 780 5,387
8 n/a 1,975 1,816 645 4,436
9 n/a 1,868 1,551 582 4,001
10 n/a 1,748 1,295 519 3,562
Proclus posted 04/12/2012, 09:23
Deserved way more sales
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thewastedyouth posted 17/10/2012, 07:08
this game is awesome, WTH is with the sales!!!
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slipknotfan posted 26/06/2011, 04:50
original xbox version was actually better!
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MonstaMack posted 22/05/2011, 07:59
Bad sales for such a classic OG XBox game re-made + expansion
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hudsoniscool posted 10/04/2011, 10:38
bad sales for a great game. i hope they make a sequel someday. assualt used guns to much that was the worst thing about it.
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Zucas posted 20/10/2009, 06:50
Replayed Butcher's Bay last week and I love how they enhanced the game. Such an awesome first person experience. Truly one of the best experiences in gaming.

Now almost done with Dark Athena and it's just as good too. Starbreeze has just done an amazing job for a second time and really impressed by how they kept it true to the roots.

It's a shame that it didn't sell better but not necessarily a traditional shooter than everyone would pick up... more for the gamers with experience. Nonetheless... here's to hoping they'll eventually make another one.
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