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VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

Fragile: Sayonara Tsuki no Haikyo

フラジール ~さよなら月の廃墟





Release Dates

03/16/10 Xseed Games
01/22/09 Namco Bandai
03/19/10 Rising Star

Community Stats

Owners: 142
Favorite: 12
Tracked: 11
Wishlist: 57
Now Playing: 5

Avg Community Rating:


Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon (Wii) > Opinions (101)

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NoirSon posted 05/11/2016, 01:20
This game could get an increased profile if released on the Virtual Console, but given its controls unless they reworked them, it could only exist on the Wii U VC, which of course is problematic.
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johnsobas posted 23/12/2013, 03:32
liked the story, the gameplay wasn't as good though. Still worth playing if you're into playing games for the story. The atmosphere and japanese voice acting was very good and created a nice experience.
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thewastedyouth posted 07/01/2013, 08:06
find it amazing that it sold more in America than in Japan, just combine the west and it sold way more

wtf are people in Japan playing them because this game is as Japanese as it gets!!
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Kihniƶ posted 09/10/2012, 09:58
Finally bought it. This is why i love Rising star games, thanks for bringing this in EU
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Fededx posted 23/08/2011, 05:08
I bought it today, opened the game, and it was a surprise, reversible art cover, beautiful instructions booklet, japanese voices, awesome localization. Xseed's got my heart, first game I buy from them, and I'm so glad I did :)
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ishiki posted 10/07/2011, 05:21
great story, great atmosphere, poor gameplay. Imo.
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Yeti posted 30/05/2011, 11:19
This game has excellant presentaion. I can definately see why some might find fault with its gameplay but I was fine with it.
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Venox2008 posted 23/04/2011, 06:07
very deep and emotional game ... I still am listening to soundratck... Aoi Teshima FTW :)
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pokeclaudel posted 11/04/2011, 11:08
I really liked this game. Got it day one beat it day one. 12 straight hours of gaiming. I just couldn't put it down.
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Sunshine posted 13/03/2011, 08:56
I got it day one when it came out in NA. Still love this game so hard. (even though the gameplay is so freaking simple and easy, I LOVE the story and characters >.
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itachi-89 posted 04/03/2011, 11:21
0.22 is really good, hope to see more from the developers
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AkiraGr posted 12/02/2011, 04:48
I just finished it and I am so deably moved by this game that I broke myself onto tears. Epic emotional game that I 've ever played. BUY this game it has small gameplay mistakes but the experience WILL compansate you 200%.
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josewiisantos posted 02/02/2011, 07:03
Seriously get this title, it has some problems with gameplay but once you beging playing it you realize is a jewel in the wii library.
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Conegamer posted 04/01/2011, 04:04
Recently got this game, really enjoying it so far!
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z101 posted 10/12/2010, 03:50
Great Game. I think the sales are decent for such a niche production?
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 28/11/2010, 09:54
6k this week, selling at a slow rate
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Venox2008 posted 31/10/2010, 10:03
this game is GREAT! yes, it has it's problems, but it has very memorable characters, story and mostimportant MUSIC.. I am listening to its soundtrack day by day.. :) deep game.. :) bad that it doesn't sell :/
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Dand posted 29/05/2010, 03:35
The game had a good boost in its 10th week.
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JTurner82 posted 29/05/2010, 06:36
I really don't think that's much of a credible argument, as I think this game would have been niche even if it WAS released on a PS3. This game is simply too "out of the ordinary" to have that kind of mainstream appeal. So that really isn't a very credible argument.
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aaronmendola posted 29/05/2010, 01:14
Resonance of Fate is less interesting than this, but is selling well on the PS3. Most wii owners don't care about rpg's, but if this game was on the ps3 more people would buy it. I dislike most ps3 exclusives except folklore and 3D dot.
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novasonic posted 13/05/2010, 07:35
I have a feeling this will become one of those games that people pay hundreds for on ebay in twenty years or so.
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pots555 posted 08/05/2010, 11:22
A truly unique game.
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GamerExclusive posted 02/05/2010, 08:05
The beginning of the end of HD support.
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Arfen posted 02/05/2010, 05:57
it was released last wednesday here in Spain.... release date was not the same in all Others' areas, so lets see how sells will remain
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Siko1989 posted 01/05/2010, 02:48

if you have a wii anyway does it really matter where this games is exclusive to?
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Chrizum posted 01/05/2010, 02:40
That's because PS3 fans buy every game exclusive to their console, no matter how terrible it is.
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aaronmendola posted 30/04/2010, 02:13
If this was a PS3 exclusive, it would have sold fourfold.
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Venox2008 posted 28/04/2010, 07:32
very very good game, PLEASE BUY IT AND SUPPORT devs
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mpereira posted 14/04/2010, 08:40
Great game! You should buy it! NOW!
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Vas-y posted 13/04/2010, 10:05
Admitting: There were two or three tears crawling out of my eye at the very end of this game...
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novasonic posted 09/04/2010, 11:39
Whered those Japanese sales go?
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Vas-y posted 08/04/2010, 08:50
My playtime is about 12 hours and I haven't yet finished it.
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Arfen posted 07/04/2010, 08:42
this game is not released in many countries yet. Tht's the reaseon for this low numbers from others
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Zornica posted 07/04/2010, 05:47
better than spanding 60 bucks on the next cod.
playtime around 11 hours (+20% more than re4)
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pots555 posted 07/04/2010, 01:48
It is doing pretty well. Bought my copy the other day online. I can't wait to start playing.
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griffinA posted 05/04/2010, 05:41
This'll still leg it out to some good numbers.
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kevinrize posted 05/04/2010, 11:45
this is sold out evrywhere wheere i live =(
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IxisNaugus posted 01/04/2010, 03:19
Not my kind of game. Hope it does well though...
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Arfen posted 31/03/2010, 01:38
here in spain the game will be released in april.. so others numbers are not from all europe for sure
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novasonic posted 30/03/2010, 09:23
aw I was hoping for at least 10-15k second week.
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griffinA posted 30/03/2010, 05:29
Fragile has the best opening of any XSeed published game for the Wii.
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NoirSon posted 29/03/2010, 06:23
Did better then I'd thought it would. And the fact is, it somehow beat Rsounance of Fate on its individual platforms.
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younghavok posted 29/03/2010, 01:02
The Wii is doing perfectly fine. It is still releasing good games and aside from that there are still great titles to catch up on. I'm trying to catch up on all the titles I've missed. I still haven't gotten around to purchasing MP Trilogy yet. I got this to get, Silent Hill, Tatsunoku, No More Heroes 2 and plenty others, and with so many new titles around the corner, Red Steel 2 and the rest of the Spring onslaught, my pockets are going to hate my Wii for raping and pillaging them
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lostfan posted 28/03/2010, 05:22
The problem with this game in europe is that you can hardly find it in any store. Rising Star suck at publishing games.
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Zornica posted 27/03/2010, 01:34
@Falk Sturmfels: others doesnĀ“t mean EU, maybe they track AU sales only
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Falk Sturmfels posted 27/03/2010, 08:57
Wii-Core-Games donĀ“t sell well in my area (others). Looks like all Casual-Monsters live here.
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primogen18 posted 26/03/2010, 05:43
agreed, this did better in NA then I imagined it would.
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IxisNaugus posted 26/03/2010, 04:47
Better sales than i was expecting from Americas. Others... looks about right to be honest.
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marcianito posted 26/03/2010, 04:39
disappointing in others
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forest-spirit posted 25/03/2010, 11:45
Hm, this game is really hard to find! The online store I usually buy from has it but it's about the only one!

The game wasn't released until the 23rd either...
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novasonic posted 25/03/2010, 08:55
Oh, Others.. how could you do this to me?
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Arfen posted 25/03/2010, 05:07
I think this was retarded till april
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Chrizum posted 25/03/2010, 04:38
This game is nowhere to be found in the Netherlands. Most shops here don't even know it exists.
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novasonic posted 25/03/2010, 11:44
Decent opening. Hopefully it will leg out well. The developers obviously poured their hearts into creating this game, and deserves the sales. I'd give it an 8.5.
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younghavok posted 25/03/2010, 09:01
im surprised this game sold that well in its first week. Incredible for a title that no one outside of the Wii gaming communitiy knew about. 90k ww already im interested to see how far this title goes sales wise
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xcot posted 25/03/2010, 07:43
i can't even find one copy :/
The shop didn't even know what this game was.
Looks like i'll have to buy from
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famousringo posted 24/03/2010, 08:58
I'm digging the favourable testimonials from the VGC community. There are just too many games I want to buy, though.
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Fededx posted 24/03/2010, 08:45
Really good, I'm glad it actually sold, hope it sells good in others and have legs, so Xseed can make money out of it :)
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Boutros posted 24/03/2010, 08:32
Good sales in NA.
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SaviorX posted 24/03/2010, 08:20
Wow, 28k first week in NA?
I'm shocked!
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novasonic posted 21/03/2010, 08:00
People need to buy this! I'm about 11 hours in and loving every minute of it! The control issues are minor at worst. Don't worry about the IGN troll score. It's a 9/10 for sure.
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novasonic posted 18/03/2010, 05:29
My EB only had 3 copys of this game when I went to pick mine up. Either they're selling like crazy or its going to bomb. Probably the later.
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Games4Fun posted 18/03/2010, 05:27
I am 7-8hours in and I am loving this game more and more. It seems it will end up as one of my favorite games this gen. I doubt it sells very well though.
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Kenology posted 18/03/2010, 01:12
I have it and I like it.
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divwilson50 posted 17/03/2010, 05:49
not really a fan of the wii, but this looks pretty cool.
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Son1x posted 16/03/2010, 10:28
I meant more like there are too many games in March already rather than March being far.
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shakarak posted 16/03/2010, 08:19
This developer is absolutely amazing. These guys do the best music/sound in the business. Play a Baten Kaitos game and you'll understand.
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novasonic posted 04/03/2010, 03:32
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rudyrsr8 posted 25/02/2010, 07:42
@ Son1X
What are you talking about March is practically here.
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Son1x posted 19/02/2010, 01:02
I kinda want this... but March, come on...
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Lerrachim posted 04/02/2010, 07:22
This game will be my birthday present =D
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whatz3rname posted 29/01/2010, 08:11
Pre-ordered! Can't wait :)
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tjp3 posted 15/12/2009, 11:25
I can't believe this has a release date in NA!! Can't wait!
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Arfen posted 08/11/2009, 10:48
this game will arrive at NA, I hope will arrive at Europe too
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michael104101 posted 27/09/2009, 02:36
im glad their gana keep the japanese voices. cant wait for this to come
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Arfen posted 23/09/2009, 04:02
there's any new about this game to be released inEurope?

I want it
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c03n3nj0 posted 29/07/2009, 08:49
I want this! ^_^
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wiifan posted 28/06/2009, 10:51
Annouced for Europe in 2010! Can't wait!
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VivaLaWiida posted 31/05/2009, 10:51
Is it realistic to expect an European release?
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rudyrsr8 posted 28/05/2009, 05:37
Coming to NA =)
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sc94597 posted 19/04/2009, 04:56
@Dolbydigital It is up to about a third in. Then you should have basic Japanese knowledge to know what you have to do, because the game get less linear. There are walkthroughs though if you get stuck. Story wise, you might want to understand some of it, but the cut scenes are pretty obvious even if you don't understand you get an idea of what is happening.
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DOLBYdigital posted 06/04/2009, 01:51
Is this game import friendly, meaning would it be hard for me to play and enjoy without completely understanding the language ;)
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SaviorX posted 06/03/2009, 05:28
The game will stop at around 45k in Japan. I don't think that is too bad, but other people would beg to differ.

It might as well be released everywhere else. Japanese devs have said they wanted to start going global.
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VivaLaWiida posted 02/03/2009, 09:14
Please sell baby sell! ;(
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terislb posted 21/02/2009, 10:26
hmm i suppose with those numbers there wont be a us/eu version =(
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xcot posted 08/02/2009, 07:01
i beg that it somehow reaches 100k in japan alone
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VivaLaWiida posted 07/02/2009, 08:58
Selling good. Not great but also not that bad.

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Kihniƶ posted 07/02/2009, 08:56
Welcome to Europe..(cross my fingers)
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 07/02/2009, 06:08
it's good actually, compared to other 3rd party Japanese games except the "very popular"
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Myviewing posted 04/02/2009, 11:51
Thank you Valkyria. It could have done a whole lot worse, it could have only sold on the levels of Mist of Chaos.
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Valkyria00 posted 03/02/2009, 05:35
Fucks some of you guys are so ignorant. This didnt bomb. It only shipped 30k and its a new IP. How the hell is this gonna outsell ES in 1 week?
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Voltaire posted 03/02/2009, 01:13
Well Japanese numbers usually arent super high, i think it did decently for an opening week, new IP in Japan. What im hopeing for is that it is somehow localized to the States.
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Hoffmole posted 02/02/2009, 11:01
I think they're pretty respectable sales for a new IP in Japan in an genre that's losing popularity.

Next week will decide it's fate though, it might drop really hard as have lots of other decent looking Wii games in Japan.
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Araknie87 posted 02/02/2009, 08:54
I wanted it for NTSC and Pal!!!!

Why don't come? Why?
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sc94597 posted 02/02/2009, 07:37
@darthdevidem01 I already explained this many times. The main reason though why Eternal Sonata sold more is that it was THE first good Jrpg of this generation. This and Fragile having a small first week shipment(smaller than eternal sonata sold its first week) called for worse sales. I wouldn't call the game a COMPLETE bomb.
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Valkyria00 posted 01/02/2009, 11:13
Guys they barely shipped a little over what they sold.
Im sure its gonna do fine.

Plus new IP + Japan = hard sales.
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damkira posted 31/01/2009, 06:04
Wow... I was really hoping for much better first week sales than this. Hopefully word of mouth will be good and this title will start selling better.

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sc94597 posted 30/01/2009, 06:47
I thik it has a chance of 80-100k lifetime in Japan.
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xcot posted 30/01/2009, 06:34
I really hope it passes a million somehow, it deserves it.
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CONMAN15 posted 30/01/2009, 02:21
Yeah 5th in Japan doesn;t seem too bad. I've heard great things,, and I hope they bring it worldwide.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (101)

1 23,900 n/a n/a 23,900
2 7,567 n/a n/a 7,567
3 4,428 n/a n/a 4,428
4 2,862 n/a n/a 2,862
5 2,094 n/a n/a 2,094
6 1,805 n/a n/a 1,805
7 1,688 n/a n/a 1,688
8 1,396 n/a n/a 1,396
9 1,125 n/a n/a 1,125
10 992 n/a n/a 992
NoirSon posted 05/11/2016, 01:20
This game could get an increased profile if released on the Virtual Console, but given its controls unless they reworked them, it could only exist on the Wii U VC, which of course is problematic.
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johnsobas posted 23/12/2013, 03:32
liked the story, the gameplay wasn't as good though. Still worth playing if you're into playing games for the story. The atmosphere and japanese voice acting was very good and created a nice experience.
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thewastedyouth posted 07/01/2013, 08:06
find it amazing that it sold more in America than in Japan, just combine the west and it sold way more

wtf are people in Japan playing them because this game is as Japanese as it gets!!
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Kihniƶ posted 09/10/2012, 09:58
Finally bought it. This is why i love Rising star games, thanks for bringing this in EU
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Fededx posted 23/08/2011, 05:08
I bought it today, opened the game, and it was a surprise, reversible art cover, beautiful instructions booklet, japanese voices, awesome localization. Xseed's got my heart, first game I buy from them, and I'm so glad I did :)
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ishiki posted 10/07/2011, 05:21
great story, great atmosphere, poor gameplay. Imo.
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