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VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

ニード・フォー・スピード シフト


Slightly Mad Studios



Other Versions

PC, X360, PSP, PSN, XBL, All

Release Dates

09/15/09 Electronic Arts
11/12/09 Electronic Arts
09/18/09 Electronic Arts

Community Stats

Owners: 81
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 2
Now Playing: 5

Avg Community Rating:


Need for Speed: Shift (PS3) > Opinions (58)

Cold Light posted 13/05/2010, 01:36
2 million copies! Well done NFS! :D
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radiantshadow92 posted 11/05/2010, 04:38
wow 2 million next week for sure.
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Cold Light posted 30/04/2010, 03:23
Come on, you are so close! :D
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headshot91 posted 10/04/2010, 04:53
50k more!
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pslee posted 08/04/2010, 05:20
got this for $20. it is on sale on with promotion code
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PLayMySTatioN posted 05/04/2010, 01:24
This is much harder then the GT5 demo i played..
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Cold Light posted 11/03/2010, 09:42
Good, this game needs only 100K in a long run ;)
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Miss piggy posted 10/03/2010, 08:30
Exotic Racing Series for Need for Speed SHIFT, available March 18 on Xbox 360 and PlayStation
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Miss piggy posted 12/02/2010, 08:43
February 16 : the Ferrari Racing Series is coming !
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Miss piggy posted 29/01/2010, 07:03
it's time to discount the price,sales are falling...
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sabby_e17 posted 10/01/2010, 03:07
EA must be very happy with these sales.
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Aj_habfan posted 30/12/2009, 11:15
Nice comeback for the series, it's nowhere near the PS2 versions, but is still doing well.
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Munkeh111 posted 24/12/2009, 06:17
1.7m this year, so will definitely become the top selling PS3 NfS
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Cold Light posted 14/12/2009, 08:33
Bought it, finally, great! It sells very well on PS.
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puffy posted 13/12/2009, 01:30
Bought it this week :)
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Munkeh111 posted 12/12/2009, 10:50
This should beat NFS Pro Street (at 1.75m) to become the best selling PS3 NFS. To become best selling NFS of this gen it certainly needs to overtake the 360 Pro Streets 2.05m as well as the PS2 Pro Street's 2.27m, certainly both doable

It won't get anywhere near the 6.49 on Underground on the PS2, but with Criterion making the next Need for Speed, this series is going to continue to strengthen through this gen
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kopstudent89 posted 07/12/2009, 07:02
Wow EU sales!!! shockingly high
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Cold Light posted 07/12/2009, 10:27
Awesome game, awesome sales. Simply.
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Munkeh111 posted 06/12/2009, 11:41
Remarkably good sales in Europe
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Cold Light posted 30/11/2009, 02:46
I'll buy it soon. Demo pretty awesome!
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Munkeh111 posted 27/11/2009, 06:17
Shocking! Another 1m from an NFS game on PS3, legs are holding up very well
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Dark Odin posted 27/11/2009, 03:06
45th million seller!
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hunter_alien posted 19/11/2009, 06:49
Could hit a million next week o_0
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Mohasus posted 10/11/2009, 03:43
@pslee try turning off the auto-brake assist.
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sepisfu posted 10/11/2009, 07:54
this game is great much better than the need for speed undercover
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metalgearmatt posted 18/10/2009, 04:20
I just didnt like this game
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pslee posted 17/10/2009, 03:16
played the demo and this game is a joke. the game brakes for you if you go in the corner too fast. you dont need brake at all lol.
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Aj_habfan posted 11/10/2009, 03:55
Wow Europe lol, EA must love you.
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sabby_e17 posted 10/10/2009, 05:26
Wow, I'm impressed with the numbers.

With these kind of legs and the holidays coming up, the game should be able to reach 2 million+
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NicholasCage posted 10/10/2009, 12:03
EU loves racing
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Munkeh111 posted 09/10/2009, 11:19
Fantastic legs in others, will reach 1m easily
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headshot91 posted 09/10/2009, 03:45
I cant begin to explain that most of your arguement is wrong, cowboy has done it for me already ;)
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snyperdud posted 07/10/2009, 06:42
Awesome game.

It's no GT, but, it'll do.
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HelloMotto posted 05/10/2009, 07:29

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Cowboys4u86 posted 03/10/2009, 12:31
The attach rates for the multi-plats are about the same in most instances, so while the totals are normally higher for 360 software, it's normally because of the userbase difference.

I doubt the number of non working 360's in that 8 million difference is a substantial enough number to support your argument.
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Cowboys4u86 posted 03/10/2009, 12:28
@ Boneitis

Yes those games to have much bigger margins, but you have to remember it's been more frequent that PS3 versions have started selling better. You also have to remember that it's doing this with 8 million less consoles in homes, the 360 by all rights should be blasting PS3 software sales for every multi-plat game. But it's not, the only time you see a big disparity in teh software sales if it's a game that caters heavily to the NA audience. Like CoD or other shooters as an example.
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Boneitis posted 02/10/2009, 04:45
@ headshot91
Sure there is a lead of 8 million in sales, but I doubt its an 8 million lead of working consoles thanks to the RROD and E74 errors.

What ever the lead is in working 360 consoles, its not a huge enough lead to be expected to win software sales every time.

Bear in mind there is still a huge difference in overall software sales. That isn't going to change because an occasional PS3 game sells better.
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headshot91 posted 02/10/2009, 10:11
Well football games, nfs etc usually have pretty big differences between the ps3 and 360. fifa09 sold almost 20 percent better on ps3, bu you seem to forget, even if the ps3 only just beats the 360 for a games sales thats still a big thing as the 360 has 8 million more consoles!
oh and btw the attach ratio on gta4 for europe and america is better on ps3 than 360....
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Boneitis posted 02/10/2009, 01:02
@ Cowboys4u86
Seriously, how often does a PS3 release outsell a 360 game? Perhaps 1 in 8?

Also lets not forget when the PS3 has a lead its usually by a small amount. On occasion 360 games will have a huge lead for example Call of Duty series, Fallout 3, GTA4, Guitar Hero, etc.
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Cowboys4u86 posted 01/10/2009, 11:38
@ Boneitis

Lately it's been a trend that PS3 games have been at about teh same numbers or higher than 360 games.

Street Fighter IV, Resident Evil 5, Batman Arkham Asylum and now this, and that's jsut a few that I can think of off the top of my head. It's not cherry picking. Racing games are bigger in Europe and PS3 versions tend to sell marginally better in the EU.
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zibeddy posted 01/10/2009, 11:21
really good game, cars feels nice to drive, not to mention the graphics which are very pretty.
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MontanaHatchet posted 01/10/2009, 09:49
Hmm, if 360 owners are just waiting for Forza 3, how come NFS: Undercover sold better on the PS3?
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Boneitis posted 01/10/2009, 06:18
@ chinmoku
Clearly 2.2 million people purchasing the same game will effect the sales of other games.

You cherry picked a couple games that sold better on the PS3, but the fact is a majority of games still sell better on the 360.

And of course Forza 3 is coming very soon. That has already gone Gold according to gaming news websites.
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Shadowfest3 posted 01/10/2009, 05:49
Downloaded the demo last night. This is a pretty sweet game in my opinion.
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snyperdud posted 01/10/2009, 03:11
Probably going to pick this up.

I need a racing fix and no GT5 until March.
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chinmoku posted 30/09/2009, 11:16
To assume the PS3 version sold better just because of ODST is quite poor. There were other games that sold on PS3 better. Arkham Asylum, TR Underworld...
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flanker22 posted 30/09/2009, 05:14
The reason the PS3 version sold better is because most 360 owners are just waiting for forza3. logically most people will want 1 racing.

i could imagine had GT5 came out around this time shift would have sold much more poorly on ps3.
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Boneitis posted 30/09/2009, 03:16
@ TheConduit
I think the release of ODST is actually responsible for some PS3 games selling better. Clearly people had another game in mind to drop $60 on.
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puffy posted 29/09/2009, 08:30
I want this game!
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Shadowfest3 posted 27/09/2009, 10:29
A friend at work has the 360 version and he tells me that it's really good. I might have to pick this up for the PS3 when I get the money.
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Vergis posted 27/09/2009, 11:10
This game is one of the best racing games ive played in a while, very fun stuff.

and yeah rofl @rafichamp sucks cause it got 7/10 lol.

Ignore reviews, judge the game yourself
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TheConduit posted 26/09/2009, 07:19
PS3 is really starting to overtake the Xbox360.

Sure there are less PS3 than 360 but the early people to pick up a PS3 had lots of money or really like Platstation.
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C_Hollomon posted 26/09/2009, 03:26

Just because it got a 7/10 don't mean it sucks. Give it a try 1st then judge it.
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321tttrini4everz posted 26/09/2009, 03:19
i fckn luv the nfs games but sady, i' may not pick up this game soon due to GTP and GT5
i would definitely pick it upsometime next year though

good sales btw
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Munkeh111 posted 25/09/2009, 11:22
Fantastic opening, I probably get this when I get time
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geddesmond2 posted 25/09/2009, 10:27
Rafichamp. are you saying this game sucks after playing it or are you saying it sucks because it got a 7/10 on some review?

This isn't a bad game. I'm liking a lot of stuff they have done with the game
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rafichamp posted 25/09/2009, 04:06
the game sucks, got 7 out of 10
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*~Onna76~* posted 19/09/2009, 07:25
I've put this game on my wishlist. Reviews say that the game is great! Hope for a demo to come out.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (58)

1 n/a 54,114 125,809 51,486 231,409
2 n/a 32,737 114,808 44,046 191,591
3 n/a 25,007 88,655 33,965 147,627
4 n/a 20,344 62,241 24,337 106,922
5 n/a 15,389 38,988 15,712 70,089
6 n/a 14,392 32,912 13,511 60,815
7 n/a 12,382 29,126 11,894 53,402
8 n/a 13,285 25,832 10,955 50,072
9 8,829 15,390 29,703 13,282 67,204
10 4,103 14,535 34,579 14,764 67,981
Cold Light posted 13/05/2010, 01:36
2 million copies! Well done NFS! :D
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radiantshadow92 posted 11/05/2010, 04:38
wow 2 million next week for sure.
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Cold Light posted 30/04/2010, 03:23
Come on, you are so close! :D
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headshot91 posted 10/04/2010, 04:53
50k more!
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pslee posted 08/04/2010, 05:20
got this for $20. it is on sale on with promotion code
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PLayMySTatioN posted 05/04/2010, 01:24
This is much harder then the GT5 demo i played..
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