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Alternative Names



Rockstar San Diego



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All, PS3, PSN, XBL

Release Dates

05/18/10 Rockstar Games
10/07/10 Rockstar Games
05/21/10 Rockstar Games

Community Stats

Owners: 312
Favorite: 60
Tracked: 10
Wishlist: 4
Now Playing: 23

Avg Community Rating:


Red Dead Redemption (X360) > Opinions (61)

hiccupthehuman posted 06/12/2018, 10:51
I wish we could still see how much a game sells by year. It would have been interesting to see how much RDR had sold during 2018
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hiccupthehuman posted 06/12/2018, 03:45
This game is still slowly increasing. Pretty cool.
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Slimebeast posted 12/10/2012, 07:49
This week it passed 10 million copies sold combined on PS360!
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iceolate posted 14/03/2012, 05:00
The best voice acted game i have ever played. Top notch graphics and very realistic environment. This game is a masterpiece although the ending really pissed me off.
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man-bear-pig posted 11/02/2012, 07:51
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man-bear-pig posted 11/02/2012, 07:51
My favourite game of all tab!
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nilli posted 05/12/2011, 07:04
if they would have released the pc version the console version would not have sold even 3 mil since everybody would have pirated the game on pc. I personnally know three pc only gamers who had to buy a console and for this game. Those guys have not payed for a game (not including) wow in ages. Because they pirate every single game on pc. Good for rockstar that they didn't feed the pc pirates and didn't kill their sales immediately.
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nilli posted 05/12/2011, 07:02
Pc version would have killed the sales
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yo_john117 posted 24/09/2011, 08:43
Amazing sales for this game...Rockstar has to be pleased with them.
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yahoocom1984 posted 21/09/2011, 04:20
They should release a PC version and this will move to 10 million mark
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yahoocom1984 posted 21/09/2011, 04:20
They should release a PC version and this will move to 10 million mark
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Mordred11 posted 03/09/2011, 07:25
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Jay520 posted 05/08/2011, 05:26
can reach 10m on PS360
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Baddman posted 26/07/2011, 04:32
just got this hope it as good as ppl say and not another gta4
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dsage01 posted 09/05/2011, 09:50
will this pass Uncharted 2
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YoshiLimbo posted 07/05/2011, 08:04
I hope L.A Noire is as good as this !
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d21lewis posted 07/05/2011, 03:05
Traded in my copy of Killzone 3 for $30. Grabbed this game. Hope it's good!
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snuffsaid posted 12/04/2011, 01:22
clever game, full of choice and atmosphere
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Slimebeast posted 07/04/2011, 10:52
Now it's down at 20K per week but it should sell another 800K during the rest of the year and pass 5 mill. Amazing sales.
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Barozi posted 17/03/2011, 06:43
selling over 30k each week. Should hit 5m this holidays and fly waaay past 5.5m lifetime.
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ethanmars posted 15/03/2011, 01:00
Un juego fantástico
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-girgosz- posted 04/02/2011, 12:29
This can hit 6 million. The PS3 version will aroun 5.5. Rocstar's not joking. One of the best games ever made! And L.A. Noire is coming soon. :P
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dsage01 posted 30/01/2011, 07:56
i'm gonna have to disagree with you 5.5 million lifetime
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dsage01 posted 30/01/2011, 07:55
great game!
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yahoocom1984 posted 26/12/2010, 11:40
6 million lifetime on XBOX360
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Bagaren85 posted 25/12/2010, 12:52
Great sales, just got it today.. This should be a epic western game.. Cant wait to start play it
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Slimebeast posted 26/11/2010, 08:49
Amazing sales, fantastic game.
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haxxiy posted 15/11/2010, 12:46
Well, who cared about RD Revolver anyways :P
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drakesfortune posted 05/11/2010, 02:25
Yeah, it's not a new IP.
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Cross-X posted 28/10/2010, 12:25
@ioi isn't Red Dead already a franchise that existed already before? Red Dead Revolver on PS2, XboX?
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donsterydo2 posted 31/05/2010, 08:59
3m on X360 easily.
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BulletProof posted 29/05/2010, 09:19
Gonna sell over 2m X360 version alone probably!
I forsee legs, and since its a new game everyone owning it gonna tell their friends to buy it for sure. Expect 5m by the end of the year both versions.
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drakesfortune posted 29/05/2010, 05:36

I don't know about that. I think AC2 had a much broader appeal. I hope you're right, but I think 2-3 million max for 360 and 2 million to 2.5 million for PS3. That's not bad though. They should hopefully at least make their money back and a decent profit with those numbers.

I just can't believe they spend 100 million making this game. That is pure craziness, and was a massive risk. I'm shocked it's doing as well as it is. This will definitely be the best selling western ever.
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yo_john117 posted 29/05/2010, 06:57
Very good game....expect a sequal!
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Ghazi4 posted 29/05/2010, 01:15
@kilik it had shortages (the ps3 version)
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Zucas posted 28/05/2010, 08:04
Good to see that this had great first week sales. Definitely a million seller next week. I've beaten the game 100% (in only a week I know haha) and enjoyed every second of it. Was just a well-crafted game.

I'm hoping this game will be able to get over the 3 million mark and close to 4 million for the 360 version, but this is still a ways off. But Rockstar should be very happy with its performance thus far.
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kilik posted 28/05/2010, 10:14
360 version in line with expectations. PS3 version a bit disappointing.

First-week sales are on par with Assassin's Creed II, so I think lifetime sales will be very comparable to AC2.
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Mr Puggsly posted 28/05/2010, 07:40
Another million seller for the 360 next week.
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kowhoho posted 27/05/2010, 10:28
darkdayz: wtf?
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Riachu posted 27/05/2010, 09:53
Just got the game and played for an hour and ten minues
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chuchy posted 27/05/2010, 01:28
Idk if it's true any where but when I went to pick it up I only saw 3 ps3 copies left. But the 360 batch was full. But it could have been they didn't order much since expected a bi less sales than 360.
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Aion posted 26/05/2010, 09:27
It deserves more!!
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quarashi posted 26/05/2010, 08:35
What a first week. It deserves every bit of it!!!
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darkdayz posted 26/05/2010, 07:22
great game love murdering mexicans lol take the fight to the enemy i say!
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FootballFan posted 26/05/2010, 04:56
Did a ship really sink losing 90% of PS3 copies?
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BulletProof posted 26/05/2010, 04:25
There are enough PS3 versions here, only not alot of 360 versions. So idk why every sony fanboy is trying to find a excuse.
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Slimebeast posted 26/05/2010, 02:59
@Munkeh it only outsold the PS3 version cos the PS3 version is supply constrained in Northern Europe due to a sunken ship.
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Munkeh111 posted 26/05/2010, 02:34
Fantastic start, and a rare occasion where the 360 version outsold the PS3 version in Europe
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sanadawarrior posted 26/05/2010, 02:11
I usualy dont like Rockstar games however this is one of my favs for the gen.
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tripleb2k posted 26/05/2010, 05:39
the most fun I've had with a game in months.
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Slimebeast posted 25/05/2010, 10:39
Got it today! So excited.
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Zucas posted 24/05/2010, 08:26
Well just beat it tonight and I was quite happy with it. Ending was a little bittersweet but fitting for an epic western. Rockstar really outdid themselves with this and I enjoyed it quite heavily and I usually don't like sandbox games. Amazing piece of work and definitely one of the best games I've played in awhile.
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McBanks29 posted 23/05/2010, 10:36
Why did they try harder on the 360 version and then give PS3 the DLC?

Maybe they were like "Okay its time to be nice to Sony since the GTAIV dl.... oh fuck the ps3 version looks like shit, umm, give them a new shirt and a house in the game, that'll do"
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piggychan posted 21/05/2010, 06:35
just got it today
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toastboy44562 posted 21/05/2010, 02:15
700k first week
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haxxiy posted 21/05/2010, 12:30
2.5m lifetime
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yungmagic09 posted 29/04/2010, 04:36
I didn't start getting hyped for this game until today. I can't to try it out.
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Ninpanda posted 17/04/2010, 08:32
This game looks HUGE! How they're going to fit this sh1t on a 360 disc is beyond me...
Either way, I'm excited!
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Mad55 posted 23/03/2010, 08:11
oh yeaaaaah
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Slimebeast posted 24/01/2010, 09:43
I'm so excited for this game. It looks beautiful.
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AlkamistStar posted 31/10/2009, 06:48
Can't wait!
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (61)

1 n/a 632,548 310,776 162,217 1,105,541
2 n/a 301,284 187,966 83,767 573,017
3 n/a 221,211 134,400 60,916 416,527
4 n/a 124,614 87,707 36,269 248,590
5 n/a 78,883 68,142 25,014 172,039
6 n/a 61,193 43,543 17,887 122,623
7 n/a 50,831 36,193 14,862 101,886
8 n/a 43,070 33,334 13,027 89,431
9 n/a 44,918 25,653 12,103 82,674
10 n/a 40,042 23,368 10,870 74,280
hiccupthehuman posted 06/12/2018, 10:51
I wish we could still see how much a game sells by year. It would have been interesting to see how much RDR had sold during 2018
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hiccupthehuman posted 06/12/2018, 03:45
This game is still slowly increasing. Pretty cool.
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Slimebeast posted 12/10/2012, 07:49
This week it passed 10 million copies sold combined on PS360!
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iceolate posted 14/03/2012, 05:00
The best voice acted game i have ever played. Top notch graphics and very realistic environment. This game is a masterpiece although the ending really pissed me off.
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man-bear-pig posted 11/02/2012, 07:51
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man-bear-pig posted 11/02/2012, 07:51
My favourite game of all tab!
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