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Alternative Names



EA Digital Illusions CE



Other Versions

All, PC, X360, XBL

Release Dates

03/02/10 Electronic Arts
03/11/10 Electronic Arts
03/05/10 Electronic Arts

Community Stats

Owners: 852
Favorite: 35
Tracked: 10
Wishlist: 22
Now Playing: 21

Avg Community Rating:


Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (PS3) > Opinions (81)

soulfly666 posted 24/06/2014, 10:30
The best game of last generation, IMO.
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Iveyboi posted 10/10/2011, 02:39
Last Bad Company game for sure after BF3 comes out
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MrMofongo624 posted 24/09/2011, 05:10
way better than Black ops, mw2, mw3, and mw4
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Riku148 posted 07/09/2011, 04:44
This is good but not as good as Black ops or MW2
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superchunk posted 25/07/2011, 05:04
Just picked this up for $20. Gonna have to see if I can get used to dual analog ... will determin if I spend $200 on a new video card to buy BF3 on PC.
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mysticwolf posted 08/07/2011, 05:06
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Gearbox posted 01/07/2011, 08:08
@homer - medal of honour is also only 19 bucks everywhere i go
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homer posted 04/06/2011, 03:56
It is interesting that MoH is outpacing this(or was when I last checked) dispite people touting this as the superior game. Perhaps the difference in release dates is to blame or perhaps MoH is seen as more accessible?
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retardedramirez posted 01/05/2011, 07:11
BF3 on PC? YES. BF3 on console?? FUCK NO. KZ3 graphics will always be better than anny multiplat coz those developers dumb down the PS3 version so it looks similar to the Xbox version and xbox cant handle the physics and Graphics of KZ3. and@kickazz113. Considering that game released in 2005 and KZ3 released in 2011 i think there SUPPOSED to be a difference in graphics. andyways Yahoocom1984 is a fag and is moms a Bitch.
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retardedramirez posted 01/05/2011, 07:11
BF3 on PC? YES. BF3 on console?? FUCK NO. KZ3 graphics will always be better than anny multiplat coz those developers dumb down the PS3 version so it looks similar to the Xbox version and xbox cant handle the physics and Graphics of KZ3. and@kickazz113. Considering that game released in 2005 and KZ3 released in 2011 i think there SUPPOSED to be a difference in graphics. andyways Yahoocom1984 is a fag and is moms a Bitch.
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retardedramirez posted 01/05/2011, 07:11
BF3 on PC? YES. BF3 on console?? FUCK NO. KZ3 graphics will always be better than anny multiplat coz those developers dumb down the PS3 version so it looks similar to the Xbox version and xbox cant handle the physics and Graphics of KZ3. and@kickazz113. Considering that game released in 2005 and KZ3 released in 2011 i think there SUPPOSED to be a difference in graphics. andyways Yahoocom1984 is a fag and is moms a Bitch.
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yahoocom1984 posted 29/04/2011, 06:02
Graphics whores below me and Battlefield 3 will rape Killzone 3 in terms of graphics
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kickazz113 posted 26/04/2011, 11:38
battlefield2 suck killzone 3 is better lol just look at the graphic it suck sooo much
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retardedramirez posted 25/04/2011, 12:36
End of ur moms story Fuckwit. KZ3>BFBC2 anyday. although BF1942 and BF2 would be a competition. but BFBC2 is utter crap. the only reason people like this game is because curent multiplats like B ops and MW2 are even worse. so KZ2=KZ3>BFBC2. Chroniczaaaa. ur just 15 so u shouldnt even play KZ2 or 3 so ur opinion does not count
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yahoocom1984 posted 22/04/2011, 08:36
BC2 > KZ3 , end of story; and BF3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>KZ3
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Chroniczaaa posted 22/04/2011, 10:44
BC2 = KZ2 > KZ3
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dsage01 posted 10/04/2011, 05:15
@yahoocom1984 Killzone is way better than battle feild. Maybe your a battlefeild fanboy or just sad cause your mama won't allow you to buy killzone 3 you 10 year old punk!
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retardedramirez posted 06/04/2011, 07:57
Ok u know what.ur mom should sue disney land .Disney Land is not the best place on earth YOUR MOMS PUSSY IS.and yeah i like BFCB2.. down below my neighbour was trying to be a troll
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yahoocom1984 posted 05/04/2011, 05:34
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 >>>>>Killzone 2+ Killzone 3, Know that?
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yahoocom1984 posted 05/04/2011, 05:33
no, retardedramirez is a Killzone fanboy, Any Battlefield game can kick Killzone games butts so hard
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Bl00dSaint posted 02/04/2011, 12:11
@retardedramirez Stop spamming the wall u typical CoD fanboy. This game pwns ur beloved CoD anyday. This is why stupid kids like you shld be banned from posting such ignorant, stupid comments.
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Lastgengamer posted 31/03/2011, 06:37
What was so bad about it?
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retardedramirez posted 26/03/2011, 08:54
Oh my god this game is shit and not in the good way
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retardedramirez posted 26/03/2011, 08:53
whats wrong with this game
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retardedramirez posted 26/03/2011, 08:53
such a crappy game
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retardedramirez posted 26/03/2011, 08:53
shit game
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retardedramirez posted 26/03/2011, 08:53
crappiest game ever
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retardedramirez posted 26/03/2011, 08:53
worst game ever
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retardedramirez posted 25/03/2011, 06:20
Gayest game ever. try killzone 3 if u want a good game. this is the worst game ever 1-10
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dsage01 posted 02/02/2011, 04:53
great game!
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yahoocom1984 posted 31/10/2010, 11:25
I want this to outsell Killzone 2
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Kennyheart posted 31/10/2010, 08:56
8000 thousand more come on
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yahoocom1984 posted 29/10/2010, 11:34
Also, I think PC version of this game has sold over 1 million copies
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yahoocom1984 posted 29/10/2010, 11:34
Kai Master, It's 5 million shipped at that time
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jester2358 posted 15/05/2010, 02:24
3.8 sold to consumers, 1.2 million in stores WW between 3 systems. 300k-400k for each system on shelves is not unheard of.
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TurismoT posted 13/05/2010, 06:44
@kai vgcharts are not accurate, never have been
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Kai Master posted 13/05/2010, 05:40
EA just said that 5M have been shipped on PS3+360+PC. VGC is at 3.76M right now.
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sabby_e17 posted 30/04/2010, 08:02
I'll be getting this after my studies. Can't wait.

It looks to be way better than MW2, which wasn't good.
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-ku- posted 12/04/2010, 09:49
I thhnk people are really just waiting for the epic shooter that will be

Battlefield 3: Modern Blow Shit UP

and not BBC3 or BB1944
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snyperdud posted 08/04/2010, 02:41
Fantastic Legs.
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oldschoolfool posted 07/04/2010, 08:24
This is selling better than the first game. This deserves more sales though.
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gichti posted 03/04/2010, 11:27
Everyone says this is better than MW2 (I haven´t played them, not a fps-fan) but what´s with the sales?
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headshot91 posted 31/03/2010, 04:30
1.5 Milion LTD?
This has passed 1 million in 4 weeks, its EASILY going to do MINIMUM of 2 million. 1.5 pffftt
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NanakiXI posted 30/03/2010, 09:21
1 Million!!! Woot!
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zaMy posted 30/03/2010, 08:22
it'll deffinently pass 2 million, Im thinking 3 million MINIMUM
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Iveyboi posted 27/03/2010, 05:24
Passed BF:BC 1....great start
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thelalaby posted 27/03/2010, 02:46
2m+ LTD
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iWarMachine posted 27/03/2010, 03:33
1.5M min LTD
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headshot91 posted 26/03/2010, 09:43
Excellent game
I play this quite often , add me if you want :)
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vitoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx posted 25/03/2010, 06:56
wow it only dropped 8k copies in NA.
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radiantshadow92 posted 24/03/2010, 08:18
check out my review guys
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sbvgc2012 posted 22/03/2010, 05:03
The Art of Screenshot means a lot for a game,great or no great.
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Packie posted 21/03/2010, 08:18
Got it yesterday.
So far, Im lovin it.
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NicholasCage posted 21/03/2010, 11:50
Well, I expected it to go around ~85k haha.
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Munkeh111 posted 19/03/2010, 09:28
@ nicholas cage, it dropped by over 30%
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NicholasCage posted 17/03/2010, 11:00
Dang, barely dropped in EU.
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Munkeh111 posted 17/03/2010, 07:30
Okay second week, I am sure it will keep selling for a while with positive word of mouth
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bkslopper posted 17/03/2010, 04:05
"geddesmond2 posted 12/03/2010, 11:18
PS3 has had too many games come out since the start of February so thats why the 360 version outshines the PS3 version in sales."

Or maybe there's nearly double the number of 360's in America, where FPS is popular. (Not saying the PS3 version is worse. I like my PS3. Just using logic here.)
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Gearbox posted 14/03/2010, 12:57
@geddesmond2 - no the real answer is. its called america
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non-gravity posted 13/03/2010, 11:23
I really like playing this game on pc talking to a friend.
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headshot91 posted 13/03/2010, 11:11
Excellen game, playing this instead of mw2 now, but the servers are down atm :(
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geddesmond2 posted 12/03/2010, 11:18
PS3 has had too many games come out since the start of February so thats why the 360 version outshines the PS3 version in sales.
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Skeeuk posted 12/03/2010, 10:23
good game and a great start, was never gonna beat out 360 sales, but this will deffo reach 1.5million+
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Munkeh111 posted 12/03/2010, 07:21
Even though the sales were far inferior to the 360 version, still a very decent start
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jester2358 posted 12/03/2010, 04:31
great sales...a guaranteed 1.5 million seller
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vashkey posted 12/03/2010, 02:15
Maybe it was MAG that stole Bad Company 2's thunder.
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vashkey posted 12/03/2010, 02:13
WOW! Wow! I can not believe the huge gap between this and the 360 version. 360 version sold about twice the amount.

I mean, I know the 360 is where alot of shooter enthusiast gamers go but sheesh. With all the extra marketing the PS3 version got with the beta and all I thought things were going to be closer this time around.

I even thought it was maybe EA attempt to try and take advantage of the lack of competition that you'd see on the 360. On the PS3 they really only need to worry about Call of Duty.
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StiC posted 11/03/2010, 05:21
After the demo I bought this day one. Add me if you're looking for someone to play/trophy boost with.
PSN ID - shiki_con
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indodude posted 06/03/2010, 04:42
I LOVE blowing shit up with my Engineer Class
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PolleyInYourPocket posted 21/02/2010, 03:22
Looked @ all the videos of Beta on Youtube...and i had 2 make a disicion of this or bioshock2....i chose this....looks sick!!! preordered n excited waiting!!!
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headshot91 posted 16/02/2010, 10:59
You must be blind then because they are a deffo step up from bfbc1 and look very good imo. Ps2 graphics my arse.
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pslee posted 15/02/2010, 01:20
the demo was garbage. ps2 graphics.
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sbvgc2012 posted 14/02/2010, 04:09
Nice screenshots.
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Rainbird posted 04/02/2010, 09:30
The demo is pretty awesome, I definitely want this!
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leo-j posted 26/01/2010, 10:58
I hope it breaks 2M
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Blaiyan posted 12/11/2009, 06:15
Looks better than the first.
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indodude posted 05/11/2009, 06:20
This game is destined to be awesome.
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NicholasCage posted 02/11/2009, 06:59
I swear to god I'm loving the box art for this. It's so badass.
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headshot91 posted 29/03/2009, 01:37
this will be great!

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Ratchetti posted 27/02/2009, 02:11
Can't wait >
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (81)

1 n/a 280,440 134,271 89,596 504,307
2 31,770 75,468 87,545 39,468 234,251
3 11,199 68,176 64,948 31,431 175,754
4 5,693 53,829 44,206 22,703 126,431
5 3,953 38,692 41,616 19,259 103,520
6 2,681 28,839 30,280 14,134 75,934
7 2,718 24,515 26,056 12,109 65,398
8 2,470 20,796 20,300 9,734 53,300
9 2,274 16,196 22,396 9,548 50,414
10 2,038 12,453 21,548 8,634 44,673
soulfly666 posted 24/06/2014, 10:30
The best game of last generation, IMO.
Message | Report
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Iveyboi posted 10/10/2011, 02:39
Last Bad Company game for sure after BF3 comes out
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MrMofongo624 posted 24/09/2011, 05:10
way better than Black ops, mw2, mw3, and mw4
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Riku148 posted 07/09/2011, 04:44
This is good but not as good as Black ops or MW2
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superchunk posted 25/07/2011, 05:04
Just picked this up for $20. Gonna have to see if I can get used to dual analog ... will determin if I spend $200 on a new video card to buy BF3 on PC.
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