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Alternative Names

バットマン アーカム・アサイラム


Rocksteady Studios



Other Versions

All, PC, PS3

Release Dates

08/25/09 Eidos Interactive
01/14/10 Square Enix
08/28/09 Eidos Interactive

Community Stats

Owners: 239
Favorite: 22
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 2
Now Playing: 8

Avg Community Rating:


Batman: Arkham Asylum (X360) > Opinions (41)

elizabeth55 posted 15/06/2015, 04:47

Hello Dear
my name is elizabet dion
I am, very happy to contact you, to day
and i wish to be in good relationship, with you
and i will be very happy if you can reply me
through my private (

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h2o1977 posted 25/11/2011, 03:21
Game Of The Year Edition Rocks !!!!
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yo_john117 posted 24/09/2011, 08:48
This game has had great legs.
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Mordred11 posted 05/09/2011, 09:27
this version sold better than i expected!
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yahoocom1984 posted 01/08/2011, 10:37
I think this game is much much better than Assasin's creed, it deserved more sales
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Etanclan4life posted 22/06/2011, 01:13
Best super hero game ever.
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ishiki posted 01/11/2010, 12:18
you can turn those indicators off donstery
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huaxiong90 posted 07/05/2010, 08:36
v To each their own. I personally loved this game. Amongst the best of 2009.
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donsterydo2 posted 12/04/2010, 10:08
This game is too easy. It informs you when someone will hit you, it shows where exactly you have to go - where is the game here :-/ ?
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wiilicious posted 09/03/2010, 11:34
@ Rawnchie14
I totally Agree with Boneitis I never get into this game. Sure it's a really good Batman game maybe it's just not for me.

"I won't argue this is the best Batman game ever. But I really just don't get the hype. Finishing this game became a chore."
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Rawnchie14 posted 09/02/2010, 01:43
@ Boneitis

I actually quite enjoyed finishing this game - actually did the bonus stuff too. Don't know what you find as not "a chore"
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ps3-sales! posted 22/01/2010, 07:06
Actually, the only reason most multi plats sell better on 360 is because there are 10 million more of them in america.
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Boneitis posted 13/01/2010, 07:42
I won't argue this is the best Batman game ever. But I really just don't get the hype. Finishing this game became a chore.
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vashkey posted 28/11/2009, 11:36
Not really. FIghting games, maybe but certainly not action adventure games. Just look at the Assassin's Creed series, Brutal Legend, prototype, The Force Unleashed, GTA IV

The only games that sell better on the PS3 are games that are mostly catered to foreign demographic like soccer games, fighting games(like Street Fighter and Tekken), anime games or games that are heavily ardertised for the PS3(Batman).

Games that are more main stream(like rhythm games) or genres that cater more to western gamers(shooters, wrpgs) generally sell better on the 360. And considering that the US is the country that games are currently the most successful it's a no brainer that games generally sell better on the 360 with few exceptions.

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ArcticGabe posted 06/11/2009, 12:29
a million
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hunter_alien posted 30/10/2009, 01:46
BS... look at TRU... it sold better onj the 360 and it had exclusive DLC... Action Adventure games, some sport titles, racers and fighter games usually tend to sell better on the PS3
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Aidman posted 10/10/2009, 09:33
deserve more than one Million and the joker character missing has really affected the sales.
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Bagaren85 posted 09/10/2009, 01:10
1M soon!
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koyotecat posted 07/10/2009, 04:10
My new favorite game of all time.
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MasterZack posted 02/10/2009, 06:06
I just buy it... its GREAT!
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Rawnchie14 posted 22/09/2009, 04:24
Good to know Deviation59, that's a deal out in left field! Paid instant dividends though, it seems for Squeenix
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Deviation59 posted 13/09/2009, 12:16
Eidos was purchased by Square Enix, Rawnchie.
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Rawnchie14 posted 13/09/2009, 04:30
Square Enix? That's not right... more like Eidos.
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I LOVE GIGGS posted 11/09/2009, 01:53
Great game
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candy2500 posted 06/09/2009, 06:10
don't miss out on this one guys its a good one.
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Zucas posted 05/09/2009, 05:41
Thank goodness people are buying this game. I want a sequel after how good this one was.

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TiagoCosta posted 04/09/2009, 04:52
1 mil seller in 5 or 6 weeks i think
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JUG posted 04/09/2009, 04:24
I'm so happy this is getting great sales!
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jonnhytesta posted 04/09/2009, 03:25
@jexy maybe. but M$ =pay.
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Avarice28 posted 03/09/2009, 11:29

No it is exclusive to the ps3 version.
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Barozi posted 03/09/2009, 09:43
Did much better than I thought.
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RicHo posted 02/09/2009, 11:22
Is Square Enix the publisher of this game?
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Jexy posted 29/08/2009, 09:21
Does anyone know if the Joker stuff for PS3 will be available at some point for the 360 version? For free or pay? Just wondering...
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JUG posted 29/08/2009, 12:41
Here's hoping for great sales!
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 27/08/2009, 09:07
Just had a 12-hour session with this game. Can't believe how fantastic it is.
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monlosez posted 25/08/2009, 02:22
This has really high rating. I am gonna get this!
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SaviorX posted 11/08/2009, 07:32
Good demo. Hope it sells well.
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dsister44 posted 30/07/2009, 04:59
The rest of the achievements are secret. I will add them when they are announced
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JUG posted 10/07/2009, 07:47
Paul Dini + Kevin Conroy + Mark Hamill + Arleen Sorkin = sheer WIN

For it to be a good game would just be the icing on the cake!
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Batman...WTF? posted 06/06/2009, 02:25
I'm practically pissing myself in excitement.
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koyotecat posted 11/04/2009, 09:07
this game looks like its going to be fantastic!
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (41)

1 n/a 236,485 95,466 57,274 389,225
2 n/a 91,397 63,862 26,525 181,784
3 n/a 54,639 29,535 14,450 98,624
4 n/a 33,988 26,237 10,269 70,494
5 n/a 21,052 19,251 6,849 47,152
6 n/a 13,285 14,639 4,727 32,651
7 n/a 8,370 10,036 3,111 21,517
8 n/a 7,093 9,189 2,748 19,030
9 n/a 7,225 8,716 2,694 18,635
10 n/a 7,216 7,799 2,543 17,558
elizabeth55 posted 15/06/2015, 04:47

Hello Dear
my name is elizabet dion
I am, very happy to contact you, to day
and i wish to be in good relationship, with you
and i will be very happy if you can reply me
through my private (

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h2o1977 posted 25/11/2011, 03:21
Game Of The Year Edition Rocks !!!!
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yo_john117 posted 24/09/2011, 08:48
This game has had great legs.
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Mordred11 posted 05/09/2011, 09:27
this version sold better than i expected!
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yahoocom1984 posted 01/08/2011, 10:37
I think this game is much much better than Assasin's creed, it deserved more sales
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Etanclan4life posted 22/06/2011, 01:13
Best super hero game ever.
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