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Alternative Names

テイルズ オブ ヴェスペリア


Namco Tales Studio



Other Versions

All, X360

Release Dates

(Add Date)
09/17/09 Namco Bandai
(Add Date)

Community Stats

Owners: 37
Favorite: 7
Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 2
Now Playing: 1

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Tales of Vesperia (PS3) > Opinions (65)

Keybladewielder posted 16/12/2015, 12:23
I wish this version of the game was localized
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think-man posted 30/12/2012, 03:36
Tales of Vesperia is a prime example of why the xbox is and will always be a failure in japan. Considering this released on the xbox long before the ps3 version and still only managed half the sales of the long delayed ps3 version.
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postofficebuddy posted 25/12/2012, 04:32
I stand corrected, adjusted again. Assuming at least a handful of sales came from continental Asia (which we still don't track) 400k for Japan seems about right.
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postofficebuddy posted 13/10/2012, 10:19
Finally adjusted, although still slightly low.
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postofficebuddy posted 05/10/2011, 11:36
@Iveyboi Look at the link in the earlier wall post. There's hard data showing that this is undertracked.
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Iveyboi posted 26/09/2011, 02:44
Does no one realize that this was a year-later port? Of course sales are lower! Look at the new tales which launched in Japan PS3
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Mordred11 posted 02/09/2011, 08:43
sales seem pretty low
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Carl posted 27/08/2011, 02:47
So this is hugely undertracked?
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postofficebuddy posted 21/07/2011, 09:46
At 420k now. When is this going to be adjusted? And it's seriously shocking that this has almost doubled its first week.
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postofficebuddy posted 09/01/2011, 05:26
Well we don't have any Asian sales here anyway so if we did it would probably be even more than 400k if they were included.
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Hero_time88 posted 09/01/2011, 01:33
Most of the imports are probably from Hong-kong.
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postofficebuddy posted 22/12/2010, 04:49
Wow, 400k. Although not that great in the grand scheme of things for a Tales game this must have had relatively good legs after it left the chart. I actually wouldn't be surprised if a decent number of those sales were imports.
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Noobie posted 16/12/2010, 12:42
Tales of Vesperia has crossed 400k mark.. Link...
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postofficebuddy posted 18/04/2010, 03:30
Don't know about the USA but I'm pretty sure this was confirmed for a European release by some retailer. I'll just import the UK version once it comes out.
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Mr Puggsly posted 02/04/2010, 09:14
@ MarshmallowMan
Aside from no plans of a US release. The 360 version is becoming difficult to find. I was only able to purchase it online and this site is not tracking the sales.

For whatever reason Namco Bandai is not letting this game reach its full sales potential on either console.
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radha posted 29/03/2010, 06:12
i have a ps3 and didnt know US version wasnt out yet, so i bought it at amazon thinking it was the ps3 version, now i have the 360 version and no 360
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MarshmallowMan posted 26/02/2010, 10:07
No western release. Bad move, Namco-Bandai. While I'm sure they have their reasons, I can't imagine that they are good ones. Lazy. Really wanted this game.
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Spoony posted 05/02/2010, 05:04
I played this on Xbox 360 but I sold my 360 for a PS3 ! Hope that this game will come to America ! It was a great game !
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postofficebuddy posted 27/01/2010, 08:03
Already reached Famitsu's lifetime prediction. Should hit 400k with a greatest hits rerelease. Come on, bring this to the west already Bamco.
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Dark Odin posted 19/01/2010, 04:23
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dart1250 posted 15/01/2010, 12:33
COME TO AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Avarice28 posted 07/01/2010, 09:50
Wow this game in one region has almost outsold the 360 version in 3 regions. This game "better' get released over here or I to shall import this game.
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Kamal posted 04/01/2010, 01:35
If this game doesn't get annouced at march for a NA release am importing this sucker.
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VivaLaWiida posted 30/12/2009, 01:03
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superbaboonfacex posted 13/12/2009, 10:39
damn hope they bring it over
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Deidara89 posted 05/12/2009, 11:05
It did well in Japan... Why don' t they release it in USA? I am waiting for this game so madly...
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whatz3rname posted 29/11/2009, 12:21
Wil get to 350k eventually with a future cheaper edition.
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Sessie posted 12/11/2009, 03:23
I really hope this comes out here~
It's certainly doing well enough in Japan.
It's got so many new goodies too! Haha, I just hope I'm not setting myself up for disappointment.
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ps3_jrpg_gamer posted 11/11/2009, 08:56
it is really awesome but i have stuck in a place
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MarshmallowMan posted 06/11/2009, 02:42
When is this coming to the US?
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ps3_jrpg_gamer posted 31/10/2009, 02:49
second best selling HD jrpg in japan after White Knight chronicles
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Rawnchie14 posted 16/10/2009, 02:37
This game has some significant upgrades, and some seemingly fun stuff to partake it.

As I said, I'll play it again =P Now how about that NA date, eh Namco?
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ShadowSoldier posted 12/10/2009, 02:49
It'll outsell the West ToV if it comes here
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Drage posted 12/10/2009, 10:40
Bring it over here Namco!
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headshot91 posted 03/10/2009, 10:42
@bagaren in others I bet it will
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Shadowblind posted 03/10/2009, 12:07
WHOOT! Combined, Vesperia has done about 690k!

Wonder how much further it can go?
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Bagaren85 posted 01/10/2009, 01:33
Great for Namco. And Tales of Vesperia, the best Tales of game ive played.

In West it wont outsell 360-version. Close, maybe, but no.
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Rawnchie14 posted 29/09/2009, 12:00
@ IxisNaugus

I sure hope they aren't - I want that bonus material, definitely =)
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IxisNaugus posted 28/09/2009, 06:11
Unless Namco Bandai are really that stingy, they'll release this worldwide.
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mullinsmcd posted 27/09/2009, 09:55
One can only hope that this gets a global release. Being able to play as Flynn is enough to talk me into "double-dipping". Easily the best console JRPG this gen. The only problem is if they do decide to release this vers WW, it will be after the FF13 release thus hurting their sales.
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TheConduit posted 27/09/2009, 07:03
Sales for main series tales games in order of highest to lowest with multi platform sales combined into one figure.

Tales of Phantasia (SNES, PS, GBA, PSP) 1.22m
Tales of Destiny (PS, PS2) 1.2m
Tales of Symphonia (GC, PS2) 1.1m
Tales of Destiny 2 (PS2, PSP) 0.92m
Tales of Eternia (PS, PSP) 0.91m
Tales of Rebirth (PS2, PSP) 0.66m
Tales of Vesperia (Xbox360, PS3) 0.64m
Tales of Abyss (PS2) 0.57m
Tales of Innocence (DS) 0.26m
Tales of Hearts (DS) 0.25m
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Gearbox posted 27/09/2009, 04:19
im suprised no1 has said this already but

this is the best openeing week for a jrpg this generation (i believe)
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TheConduit posted 26/09/2009, 06:24
My prediction is that the sales for Japan will roughly equate to the Worldwide sales of the game for the Xbox360.

Hopefully the success the game has had in its opening here in Japan will encourage Namco Bandai to release the game in all territory outside of Japan.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 26/09/2009, 04:45
i'll buy it if it comes to Europe, i think it will!
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Reasonable posted 26/09/2009, 03:02
For those wanting a US/Europe release, didn't one of the English voice cast indicate they'd been called back for additional work? Seems pretty likely it'll come West.

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Marco posted 26/09/2009, 10:19
Very good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Munkeh111 posted 26/09/2009, 08:06
Great first week in Japan, but you can bet it will have no legs
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outlawauron posted 26/09/2009, 06:32
It's not best ever TheConduit, but best this generation.
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Rawnchie14 posted 24/09/2009, 04:15
It should release in the states as well. Shoot I'd replay this game with new content.
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TheConduit posted 21/09/2009, 04:23
For Japan the Xbox360 version only sold 170,000 LTD
The PS3 sold 237,000 in its first week.
The PS3 version will probable outsell the Worldwide sales of Tales of Vesperia for the Xbox 360 with just Japan.

Hope this releases outside of Japan like Star Ocean 4
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Squall_Leonhart posted 21/09/2009, 01:07
According to the Japan preview the game almost outsold the LTD WW 360 amount in one week alone in Japan! Amazing!!
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TheConduit posted 20/09/2009, 01:43
Apparantly this had the best opening for a Tales game in Japan ever with 147,000 on the first day according to Kotaku.

Hope this see's an international release
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pariz posted 19/09/2009, 12:56
I'm in Japan right now when the game is out. The fact that I can see and touch the game but buying it is worthless cause I don't speak japanese is driving me crazy.
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TheConduit posted 17/09/2009, 05:41
Hope this comes to Australia
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Gilgamesh posted 31/08/2009, 03:03
According to the Japan preview this could possibly do close to 200K first week in Japan, nice
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Bagaren85 posted 22/08/2009, 01:12
* i mean december 2009* lol
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Bagaren85 posted 22/08/2009, 01:11
I predict 108k first week in JP.
I guess NA release will be december or january 2010. PAL summer 2010.
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Rawnchie14 posted 14/07/2009, 02:32
Oh... I would like this, but it's so very unlikely to get this anytime soon - and I'm US... i mourne for EU - get hosed all the time, makes no sense.
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Spedfrom posted 07/07/2009, 02:34
I'm so buying this if it comes out in the EU.
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TheConduit posted 01/07/2009, 02:37
Cant wait to get this
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Son1x posted 23/06/2009, 12:39
It says "TBA" for US, so they already said its gonna be released there?

and lol @ pegi rating, we don't even know if its gonna be released in Europe (I sure hope it is though)
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bb posted 06/04/2009, 12:37
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Xen posted 05/04/2009, 02:38
First day.
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limelight022 posted 02/04/2009, 04:52
Checked out the IGN video review and it looks like the fighting from Eternal Sonata is about the same, which i liked. Plus its about 60hours long. Def a pickup for me.
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g-value posted 02/04/2009, 12:36
I can't wait.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (65)

1 225,109 n/a n/a 225,109
2 46,903 n/a n/a 46,903
3 21,994 n/a n/a 21,994
4 10,936 n/a n/a 10,936
5 7,220 n/a n/a 7,220
6 5,676 n/a n/a 5,676
7 4,605 n/a n/a 4,605
8 3,795 n/a n/a 3,795
9 2,946 n/a n/a 2,946
10 2,453 n/a n/a 2,453
Keybladewielder posted 16/12/2015, 12:23
I wish this version of the game was localized
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think-man posted 30/12/2012, 03:36
Tales of Vesperia is a prime example of why the xbox is and will always be a failure in japan. Considering this released on the xbox long before the ps3 version and still only managed half the sales of the long delayed ps3 version.
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postofficebuddy posted 25/12/2012, 04:32
I stand corrected, adjusted again. Assuming at least a handful of sales came from continental Asia (which we still don't track) 400k for Japan seems about right.
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postofficebuddy posted 13/10/2012, 10:19
Finally adjusted, although still slightly low.
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postofficebuddy posted 05/10/2011, 11:36
@Iveyboi Look at the link in the earlier wall post. There's hard data showing that this is undertracked.
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Iveyboi posted 26/09/2011, 02:44
Does no one realize that this was a year-later port? Of course sales are lower! Look at the new tales which launched in Japan PS3
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