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BioWare Edmonton



Other Versions

All, PC, PS3

Release Dates

11/03/09 Electronic Arts
01/27/11 Spike
11/06/09 Electronic Arts

Community Stats

Owners: 815
Favorite: 21
Tracked: 5
Wishlist: 13
Now Playing: 11

Avg Community Rating:


Dragon Age: Origins (X360) > Opinions (61)

thewastedyouth posted 26/04/2013, 04:16
Dragon Age 2 did not even sell a million, ahaha take that Bioware and EA for trying to screw over your fans
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tgnevermore posted 31/12/2011, 03:00
Greatest Game of this Gen!!!
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yo_john117 posted 24/09/2011, 08:46
I thought this would be like a medieval Mass was I let down :/
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yahoocom1984 posted 12/06/2011, 01:37
I think the Number is OK, Bioware said this shipped over 4 million copies across 3 platforms
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yahoocom1984 posted 12/06/2011, 01:37
I think the Number is OK, Bioware said this shipped over 4 million copies across 3 platforms
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yahoocom1984 posted 12/06/2011, 01:37
I think the Number is OK, Bioware said this shipped over 4 million copies across 3 platforms
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yahoocom1984 posted 12/06/2011, 01:37
I think the Number is OK, Bioware said this shipped over 4 million copies across 3 platforms
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Slimebeast posted 21/05/2011, 04:10
A bit overtracked I would guess. I think the numbers are adjusted up too much.
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SinZinDetta posted 06/05/2011, 04:21
Dragon Age II
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Emme posted 29/03/2011, 08:11
A bit overhyped, not as immersive as the old Black Isle RPGs.
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Zlejedi posted 26/03/2011, 10:59
crap that should went to DAII comments
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Zlejedi posted 26/03/2011, 10:59
second week is smaller than second week of DAO by 30% should drop below first one very soon
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TheConduit posted 12/02/2011, 03:33
Hope dragon age 2 has better textures on the Xbox360.
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LanceX2 posted 09/02/2011, 09:41
AWESOME 2 MILLION. Deserves it!
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hudsoniscool posted 04/02/2011, 01:16
@ yahoo1984 ya overall but its not fair to pit DAO vs ME2 since the ps3 version came out much later. lets compare DA2 vs ME3. me3 will probably do 3+ million on 360 and ps3 version 1+ million
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Mr Puggsly posted 28/01/2011, 06:55
Unfortunately, I have to agree with yahoocom1984. I thought this game was mediocre but sales are great. It also hasn't taken big price drops like Mass Effect 2.
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yahoocom1984 posted 25/01/2011, 08:28
The only reason Dragon age orign hasn't pass Mass effect is Mass effect's exclusive titie on console while DAO has PS3 version. Overall, the total sales of Dragon age origin across 3 platforms destroy Mss effect 2 abd borderlands
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hudsoniscool posted 11/01/2011, 11:02
what about mass effect and borderlands. DAO wont pass mass effect and borderlands on 360
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yahoocom1984 posted 15/11/2010, 07:46
Dragon age is the most successful new RPG IP this gen for sure
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Salem posted 14/11/2010, 02:13
Wow, didnt realize how good this is selling, heres to bioware and WRPGs in general. Good job guys!
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Altitude posted 06/05/2010, 12:26
You guys are so right about the RPG's on the 360. I seriously had no idea. But since I wrote my last comment I've been on 360 RPG spree and I could easily coast playing RPG's till fall. Just Insane.
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mrstickball posted 02/04/2010, 06:09
@Altitude -

As others have said, WRPGs on the 360 have done gangbusters this gen. I mean, even Two Worlds did well, despite being one of the worst RPGs ever.

I hope RPGs continue to have a bright future on the 360.
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Mutiverse37 posted 12/03/2010, 04:15
Just finished the game. Love the Celtic soundtrack. These kind of RPG's have been on the PC since they sere invented in the West I might add haha. With the 360, developers are able to give console owners a taste who have been largely playing JRPG's because those are the only ones that made it to consoles over the last decade or two.
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FaRmLaNd posted 27/02/2010, 11:51
Who knew?

Take a look at pretty much every Western made RPG on the 360 and you'll see good to great sales.

Multiple multi million selling games in the same genre.

The xbox audience always bought RPG's. Take a look at KOTOR, Fable 1 and morrowind on the original xbox for proof of this.
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Altitude posted 26/02/2010, 07:35
What the? The 360 sales are through the roof! Who knew there were so many traditional RPG players on the XBOX. That's way more than on the PC which is mind boggling. Bioware is pretty damn awesome.
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Carl posted 24/02/2010, 12:18
Amazing sales... Really impressive.
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torchmoney1 posted 09/02/2010, 07:04
nobody could compete with x-box software sell not sony or nintendo they sould just make games only for the x-box
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Cueil posted 07/02/2010, 08:40
what's retarded is that Mass Effect 2 looks mind blowing but this game is retarded looking on the 360... I'm dissappointed they handed the port off
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kuddles posted 01/02/2010, 01:06
Yeah, makes sense to me. Not only WRPGs doing well, but all past BioWare console games (Mass Effect, KOTOR, Jade Empire) were on exclusive to Xbox, so that's where their fanbase is.
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FaRmLaNd posted 28/01/2010, 06:33
Why doesn't it make sense? Pretty much every wrpg has sold better on the 360 this gen...
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d21lewis posted 25/01/2010, 02:33
Amazing sales for this game. Go BioWare.
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PS360fan10 posted 25/01/2010, 01:00
Wow, the Xbox version is outselling the PS3 verion 2:1. What the.... doesn't make sense....
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ArcticGabe posted 18/01/2010, 08:18
Sales are really good, wonder how Awakening will do. 700k ltd I suppose, which is solid for an expansion pack.
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Sanzee posted 16/01/2010, 01:30
Conglomerate of Badassery
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Slimebeast posted 15/01/2010, 09:20
Hmm, were these sales adjusted up by 200k? It reached the million mark just a couple of weeks ago I recall. Now it's 1.25 mill all of a sudden. Which is awesome!
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Lolcislaw posted 14/01/2010, 04:13
Havent completed it yet im about 25 hours in, and thegame is amazing. Orzammar reminds me so much of Moria !
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FaRmLaNd posted 09/01/2010, 03:27
Loved it!
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WiiBox3 posted 05/01/2010, 11:26
Wow. I don't usually like this type of Western RPG. I love it!
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ArcticGabe posted 05/01/2010, 12:54
Awakening announced....
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piggychan posted 05/01/2010, 11:03
I still dunno whether to buy this or not... maybe when the price drops considerably
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ArcticGabe posted 04/01/2010, 11:30
million seller, congratulations!!

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zarx posted 04/01/2010, 04:01
1 million on the 360 alone maybe we will see a Dragon age 2
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Sanzee posted 29/12/2009, 04:43
Come on, one million baby.
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spacetattoo82 posted 21/12/2009, 01:55
love it
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FaRmLaNd posted 18/12/2009, 06:55
Will easily hit a million. Probably 1.5 million overall.
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Bagger88 posted 17/12/2009, 07:20
Week 6 beat week 5, lot's of discounting but that's a great trend.
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FaRmLaNd posted 08/12/2009, 11:09
nice fourth week. Bioware were smart to realease this during the holiday season.
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Slimebeast posted 05/12/2009, 03:35
This game rooooooox!
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kuddles posted 28/11/2009, 05:36
Sales are actually pretty good when you consider MW2 came out the second week and it's a brand new franchise. I bet you PC sales made up a larger percentage than most games for this one too.
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FaRmLaNd posted 28/11/2009, 06:59
+1 sales. Loving it so far!
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MorgZ posted 27/11/2009, 06:10
A very good game, not a great game but well worth a pickup as there are not that many fantasy RPG's around at the moment. The combat and character levelling is very good.
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ArcticGabe posted 24/11/2009, 07:01
Free falling on the UK chart. :( still confident of this to reach a million year end. 1.5 million life time.
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Sanzee posted 22/11/2009, 08:39
Come on, keep selling buddy!
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I LOVE GIGGS posted 19/11/2009, 04:44
very good second week.
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SaviorX posted 15/11/2009, 07:13
Needs to sell 1.21m more in the US before 11/03/2010
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ArcticGabe posted 13/11/2009, 11:39
Hopefully a million seller b4 Xmas
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YannickYAD posted 07/11/2009, 04:51
I'm playing the game yet. It isn't a very beautifull game, but the gameplay is excellent.
I hope that the scenario will follow the trend
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squall747 posted 03/11/2009, 02:38
Picking it up tomorrow. I'm a big fan of Bioware's rpg's. The code for the armor that works in Mass Effect 2 looks pretty cool too.
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TheConduit posted 21/10/2009, 02:38
Doesn't the story seem incredible similar to Lord of the Rings.

PS: not that thats a bad thing
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themanwithnoname posted 21/09/2009, 06:59
This is gonna be good.
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Gabriel84 posted 31/08/2009, 11:16
Can't wait :D
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (61)

1 n/a 206,945 65,281 47,147 319,373
2 n/a 112,629 30,748 24,881 168,258
3 n/a 60,367 19,479 13,824 93,670
4 n/a 90,897 21,790 19,588 132,275
5 n/a 65,149 24,889 15,549 105,587
6 n/a 74,553 27,021 17,555 119,129
7 n/a 98,331 30,820 22,370 151,521
8 n/a 116,564 35,253 26,309 178,126
9 n/a 41,135 21,112 10,696 72,943
10 n/a 18,090 10,798 4,950 33,838
thewastedyouth posted 26/04/2013, 04:16
Dragon Age 2 did not even sell a million, ahaha take that Bioware and EA for trying to screw over your fans
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tgnevermore posted 31/12/2011, 03:00
Greatest Game of this Gen!!!
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yo_john117 posted 24/09/2011, 08:46
I thought this would be like a medieval Mass was I let down :/
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yahoocom1984 posted 12/06/2011, 01:37
I think the Number is OK, Bioware said this shipped over 4 million copies across 3 platforms
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yahoocom1984 posted 12/06/2011, 01:37
I think the Number is OK, Bioware said this shipped over 4 million copies across 3 platforms
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yahoocom1984 posted 12/06/2011, 01:37
I think the Number is OK, Bioware said this shipped over 4 million copies across 3 platforms
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