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Review Scores



Alternative Names

NieR RepliCant

ニーア レプリカント


Cavia Inc.



Other Versions

X360, Series, All

Release Dates

04/27/10 Square Enix
04/22/10 Square Enix
04/23/10 Square Enix

Community Stats

Owners: 118
Favorite: 19
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 14
Now Playing: 11

Avg Community Rating:


NieR (PS3) > Opinions (41)

weaveworld posted 24/10/2012, 08:45
Awesome soundtrack, more than worthy to play multiple endings. A fine game! (and yes i'll keep some complaints to myself)
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withdreday posted 26/03/2012, 10:23
Square-Enix should be giving us a sequel to this instead of 50,000 sequels to FFXIII.
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ishiki posted 12/02/2012, 08:44
I really wanted to like it, the story seemed interesting and music good. But, after about 6 hours. I just don't :-/ due to gameplay(has neat elements)/graphics.
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man-bear-pig posted 09/02/2012, 05:27
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man-bear-pig posted 09/02/2012, 05:27
I looks pretty good!
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man-bear-pig posted 09/02/2012, 05:27
My cousin has this.
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Boutros posted 17/12/2011, 10:46
Good game...but I'll keep it to myself XD There are already enough bad things being said about my taste in video games.
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Boutros posted 20/11/2011, 10:57
Finally bought it for 10$!
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Mordred11 posted 18/09/2011, 12:12
i love that banner
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nen-suer posted 22/03/2011, 01:17
@"Remnant" Actually the original "Nier" design is the one in Gestalt, Replicant was made for japan to drive sales (and looks like they did the right thing).
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cory.ok posted 12/03/2011, 06:39
i was reluctant to buy this, but im so glad i did, one of my favorite games so far this gen
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Wagram posted 30/11/2010, 03:47
Truly an under appreciated game. Must buy for any JRPG fan.
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pablogers posted 23/10/2010, 08:34
these comentarie are made but ignorant people who didnt play the game. GAme i the mot underrated of all time, its an amazing game! 9.8/10
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Remnant posted 21/05/2010, 05:09

This a interview done recently about Nier. It mention how if the developers would of had their way it would of been a Xbox 360 exclusive REPLICANT game. No Gestalt and no PS3. However to drive sales up, they made it multi-plataform and made Gestalt to appeal to the western market.

It probably would of done poorly regardless of what version was sold in NA. Personally I believe it would of sold more had they just ported both versions. I know I would of bough it. They probably was in a tight budget, who knows. Is disappointing to see stereotype affect a title so much as to force developers to make something they don't want. Hope SE learned their lesson. Shitty game/ developer conditions and pissing off JRPG fans = horrible sales.
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Squall Strife posted 20/05/2010, 09:49
I heard it's a very nice game except for graphical design. Music scores high an 4 endings. Will buy it later this year for some €.
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Abberon posted 17/05/2010, 09:12
Pay money for a PS2-looking game that was universally panned by the reviewers and looked lame before it came out? No thanks. As for nothing better to do, you seem to be happily joining in :)
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Abberon posted 14/05/2010, 09:49
Japanese developers have been catering to Western audiences for a loooong time and some of them have been extremely successful at it. Look at Metal Gear Solid 4. It has an old white man main character, developed by a Japanese company, with very western influences, and it was an immense success in NA and EU, while moderately successful in Japan.

I'm well aware that Japanese consumers don't buy western products, but it's an irrelevant point. We're talking about the western market here. A lot of games that do well in Japan do terrible here.

The reason Nier did so poorly wasn't because of the main character. It was because it was a bad game. Read the reviews. The reviewers weren't complaining that the main character was a bulky old man. They all said it was a repetitive, boring and ugly game with PS2 graphics.
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Abberon posted 13/05/2010, 08:35

Yeah, I must be totally wrong...

CoD MW 2:
Americas: 4.10 Million units sold
Japan: 0.24 Million units sold

Americas: 1.39 Million units sold
Japan: 0.08 Million units sold

Yep, I'm not seeing any difference at all in taste....
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Abberon posted 13/05/2010, 03:05
@ Remnant

Probability theory? I'm not sure you even know what that is. Regardless, you need only look at the successful games in the action rpg genre to show you where the numbers are. God of War, Heavenly Sword, Darksiders etc all sold the pants off this game with the 'western' audience in mind.

What 'your friends' indicated as their reason for not buying the game is completely irrelevant. Why you love transvestite male characters is not my business. On the other hand, I really question why anything BUT male- transvestite-looking characters would completely ruin a game for you and your friends....If it was a good game that should be enough to make it enjoyable.

Aside from that, it was reviewed EXTREMELY poorly across the table, and not for the choice of main characters. It looks like a PS2 game.

The fact that it sold better in Japan is similarly irrelevant. Put a spiky haired girl man in a tight leather costume and the game is guaranteed to sell a hundred thousand copies there. Gaming tastes are completely different there then they are here and you can hardly say this game is a big success in Japan either way.
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Remnant posted 12/05/2010, 09:47

That's your opinion. Mine is that they marketed toward the wrong audience. The fact Japanese found it unappealing enough that they had to make another version proves what I am saying. You can say the the lack of JRPG aesthetic did not affect it. But it did, because I, most my friends, and other people I know didn't buy it for that ONE reason. They assumed Western audience love bulky people, slut looking vulgar girl, and lots of gore; and I'm not saying we all don't. But SE CORE audience, the JRPG fans really do not. Need further proof? More than HALF the sales this game has so far are Replicant version, which was release in one single region. What if that same version was release in all region? Use probability theory to answer.
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Abberon posted 10/05/2010, 10:12
@ Remnant

This game didn't sell poorly because they didn't put a girl/man in leather. It sold poorly because the graphics were bad, it was marketed poorly and because there's been a glut of similar games out in the last few months. A JRPG girl-man wasn't going to make this game popular. Better overall game design would.
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geddesmond2 posted 09/05/2010, 05:58
I'm really loving this game so far. The graphics could be better but the story, voice acting, soundtrack and everything else is done really well. Reminds me a lot of demons soul gameplay wise.
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terislb posted 08/05/2010, 11:37
the soundtrack is nearly as awesome as the demons souls one, the characters are refreshingly mean for a square game and one even says fuck.. im sold
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Remnant posted 07/05/2010, 07:48
How it would of sold worse? Everyone I know did not buy it because it was not replicant design. The fact is, JRPG players, SE FANS, like your so called "transvestite character design." Is that Gears of War wannabe design that JRPG find unappealing. They targeted the wrong audience and it shows. 50k of these sales are Replicant in Japan. Pity, I hope SE learned their lesson and stop trying to stereotype. Just make JP game for JP makers like you USED TOO. People used to love them back then, why trying to appeal to the rest of the world when they clearly don't know what the rest of the world WANTS!
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Abberon posted 07/05/2010, 06:13
This game would sell even worse if they used the standard transvestite character design for normal JRPGs. Good on them for changing it. Unfortunately the action RPG is a crowded genre and even the biggest titles don't sell 'huge'. Darksiders, Bayonetta and GoW3 all came out recently and while I may have given Nier a chance otherwise, I'm not about to spend $50 on another button masher.
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GupX19A posted 06/05/2010, 11:27
Drakengard had really cool character designs and Nier has excellent designs too. So why is Nier so friggen ugly. Epic fail Cavia. Wish we got Replicant.
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Remnant posted 06/05/2010, 07:30
Ouch, looks like this game will be lucky if it ever gets 500k. Is hard to compete with all the new high budget game. They should of made just Replicant and scrapped even the concept of Gestalt(People been saying they made Gesltalt first. who cares? Bad concept, bad delivery). Wasted a lot of resources and time making two versions instead of polishing a single one. I made up my mind that I will buy it when its cheaper. It is a good game, just suffered from an ugly main character no one want/can relate too.
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Severance posted 05/05/2010, 10:39
i'd get it if its Replicant, this looks like the same old hack and slash.
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Wagram posted 04/05/2010, 02:22
I like the bulky old man. He is a good character. I mean he looks ugly but he is cool. Also the swearing hermaphrodite is hilarious.
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Wagram posted 03/05/2010, 04:40
Remnant. Gestalt was the original version of the game. It was intended to be released WW. But the JPN didn't like the western styled old man so SE created a younger character that would appeal to the JPN. You have it the other way around.
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Wagram posted 03/05/2010, 02:11
It is an action JRPG. Yes I KNOW that.
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g-value posted 03/05/2010, 02:59
@ Wagram

Nier is a jrpg. What, you didn't know that?
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Remnant posted 02/05/2010, 04:26
I'm disappointed Cavia/SE targeted the wrong audience. Should of just released Replicant worldwide. JRPG fans don't want a Gears of War with more profanity than Grand Theft Auto.
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Christian973 posted 02/05/2010, 06:28
This game bombed.
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Wagram posted 02/05/2010, 02:59
Has the best characters, story, and VA of any action game this gen!
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StockoPS3 posted 30/04/2010, 07:14
I love it and i got it for 1/2 price (£20) for the disc only v good so far
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Wagram posted 30/04/2010, 04:00
It is a good game. Very good voice acting, and probably the best story an action game can get. Old man NIER is pretty cool too.
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palitococo posted 27/04/2010, 06:59
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VivaLaWiida posted 27/04/2010, 02:18
It has currently 4.5/5 (68 ratings) stars on and I've heard from many people that NIER is indeed very good.. I might give it a try.
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Mubtee posted 03/04/2010, 01:54
I want it.
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Vanbierk posted 29/03/2010, 01:08
Game looks like it could be real fun
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (41)

1 58,350 n/a 3,473 1,037 62,860
2 23,045 14,202 2,620 3,289 43,156
3 13,332 4,013 3,355 1,710 22,410
4 11,066 2,578 7,308 2,638 23,590
5 7,008 2,600 4,655 1,849 16,112
6 4,750 2,674 3,605 1,549 12,578
7 4,180 2,226 3,078 1,312 10,796
8 2,808 1,788 2,112 947 7,655
9 2,782 1,466 1,819 802 6,869
10 2,396 1,334 1,873 794 6,397
weaveworld posted 24/10/2012, 08:45
Awesome soundtrack, more than worthy to play multiple endings. A fine game! (and yes i'll keep some complaints to myself)
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withdreday posted 26/03/2012, 10:23
Square-Enix should be giving us a sequel to this instead of 50,000 sequels to FFXIII.
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ishiki posted 12/02/2012, 08:44
I really wanted to like it, the story seemed interesting and music good. But, after about 6 hours. I just don't :-/ due to gameplay(has neat elements)/graphics.
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man-bear-pig posted 09/02/2012, 05:27
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man-bear-pig posted 09/02/2012, 05:27
I looks pretty good!
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man-bear-pig posted 09/02/2012, 05:27
My cousin has this.
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