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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names



Kaos Studios



Other Versions

All, PC, PS3, PSN, Series, XBL

Release Dates

03/15/11 THQ
04/14/11 Spike
03/18/11 THQ

Community Stats

Owners: 56
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 5
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Homefront (X360) > Opinions (50)

fvgc2049 posted 27/04/2013, 01:32
The shooting system feels VERY VERY NICE,deserved much better sales.
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ManciuD posted 03/06/2012, 08:30
they said homefront 2 will be 5 times better
how did they measured?

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thewastedyouth posted 01/05/2012, 05:35
INSTEAD of wasting million in advertising and putting a giant banner at E3 they should have made the campaign longer, freaking 4 HOURS

the multiplayer was good but dammit it is a new IP so the campaign has to lead the players into this new franchise

idiots, messed it up
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Mr Puggsly posted 18/03/2012, 09:41
Decent campaign and good multiplayer. I've had more fun with this over BF quite honestly.
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cars298 posted 10/11/2011, 03:03
cool grafix
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SeXbox_360 posted 29/09/2011, 03:32
terrible game should have sold less. The advertising campaigns shifted about 70% more than it should have sold.
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yo_john117 posted 24/09/2011, 08:31
Looks like a pretty decent game.
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PearlJam posted 18/08/2011, 08:05
I like this game. The campaign is terrible, but the multiplayer is good. I think people didn't like it because it's harder to play than COD. My friends who are beast at COD (who isn't?), all have terrible k/ds in this game and gave up pretty quickly because you can't just run around like an idiot.
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slipknotfan posted 26/06/2011, 05:13
I thought this game was ok.
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foodfather posted 27/05/2011, 06:52
This game may not be perfect but it sure is better than Blops and deserves at least a quater of its sales.
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Sincity1886 posted 14/05/2011, 12:31
This game has droped so far off yhe radar ill be for gotin in another month
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Mr Puggsly posted 02/05/2011, 06:02
@ Vekta - I don't know what you're babbling about. Obviously multiplat sales can be an advantage. It can often lead to overall great sales, but it doesn't guarantee success. Your theory ignores sequels often do better, but whatever.
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Vekta posted 01/05/2011, 01:34
then after the first couple to few weeks word of mouth spreads around. Look how this game dwindled in numbers over the courses of the weeks.
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Vekta posted 01/05/2011, 01:33
btw its not going to outsell kz3 on xbox 360 alone, look how the numbers are dwindling over the weeks. If this game wanted to outsell killzone 3 it would have a better chance combing all its sales on all versions, because this game may have sold faster upon its first couple weeks compared to kz3, but this game is having no legs at all after the first 3 weeks. Newer ips tend to sell faster since people are curious about it.
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Vekta posted 01/05/2011, 01:31
oh so now all of a sudden multiplatform games have the advantage? but on bullestorm you were saying multiplatform games struggle to hit 1 million
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Mr Puggsly posted 29/04/2011, 06:24
@ dsage01 - Who cares if it outsells KZ3 on the 360 a lone? Its multiplat and it outsold KZ3 easily.
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Vekta posted 24/04/2011, 09:27
Good sales for a new ip, but it seems like its dwindling as the weeks go by, yea it had an awesome start when it first came out but at this rate this game will be lucky to hit 2 million, unless the upcomming weeks all of a sudden make up for it in large amounts which i doubt will happen since so much shooters are coming out.
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chidori-chan2 posted 17/04/2011, 05:56
well deserved. amazing game.
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ManusJustus posted 17/04/2011, 02:56
Awesome multiplayer. The singleplayer isn't anything to brag about, but its not like single player for FPS are any different anyway.
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enrageorange posted 16/04/2011, 12:17
Even though currently it is tracking ahead of killzone 3 if you exclude bundles, I agree. It should drop off the radar pretty quickly while killzone 3 sells moderate amounts for at least the rest of this year.
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dsage01 posted 16/04/2011, 03:34
This isn't gonna oustsell killzone 3
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Barozi posted 12/04/2011, 12:39
also gets 8/10 from me
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Barozi posted 12/04/2011, 12:39
well the early Battlefield games that only came with bot support didn't have any kind of campaign or something and they were still rated very highly. I played Homefront and I really liked the campaign. It was just 3 hours too short. Still the multiplayer makes up for that and since you're not forced to play the campaign and throw the game away I see nothing wrong.
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oniyide posted 09/04/2011, 10:54
@usrevenge that makes no sense. MP is only half the game if that,so you think its more important than the SP, thats whats wrong this gen, people cry about bad SP but then go right ahead and support the games with bad SP just cause they have good multi. If half your game sucks you shouldnt be getting 8/10
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usrevenge posted 09/04/2011, 09:15
its not even bad, just bad reviewers, almost every review sits there and complains that single player blows ( which it does) then says multplayer is great, 5/10 wtf? its a MP game, its at least an 8
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vashkey posted 08/04/2011, 03:04
Looks like this will be 2011's first million unit selling 360 game. Who'd have thought I new IP with luke warm reception would have beat Dead Space 2, Marvel Vs Capcom 3, Bulletstorm, Dragon Age 2 and Crysis 2?
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Mr Puggsly posted 01/04/2011, 05:03
Easily passed a million on both HD consoles combined. 2 million might take a couple months.
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blue7x7 posted 31/03/2011, 08:04
Yet people where saying this game bombed it's almost 1 million on both platforms in just 2 weeks that's amazing for a new ip
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ysobad posted 31/03/2011, 04:23
yeah that was over hyped due 2 1 of the first ps3 exclusives
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elvacano80 posted 29/03/2011, 02:40
@ysobad just like Haze on ps3 huh?
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ysobad posted 28/03/2011, 04:37
amazing people with xbox's just throw there money at any garbage
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mangoman10 posted 28/03/2011, 01:57
Good: a new IP gets such sales .???see how big is CoD!!!even its clone sells better than much hyped kz3!!!half of the people who baught it think this is a dlc of games like Deadspace 2 and Bulletstorm deserved better than this clone
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-girgosz- posted 27/03/2011, 01:42
And Homefrone has a cheap ass online pass system, that's why everybody buys it sealed. Still, congrats for THQ these are great sales, but they need to improve the game for the sequel and ditch the online pass.
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-girgosz- posted 27/03/2011, 01:40
Yeah it did the same as KZ3 first week, but KZ3 gonna leg the shit out of it. ;)
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retardedramirez posted 27/03/2011, 11:11
Please yahoocom1984 EXPLAIN to me how homefront 360 sales killed killzone 3. killzone 3 just sold 8000 units less than homefront and u do know the fact that homefront sales ur counting are 360 sales and killzone 3 is a PS3 exclusive. and u do know the fact that xbox has a larger install base and generally sells more Games than a PS3 right. and again the fact that an Xbox version just sold 8000 units more than kiilzone 3 is a failure in front of kz3. the PS3 sales of this game just evidently proves that. and anyways i just want to know how does selling 8000 more KILLS a game. get a life douchebag
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AWESOM-O posted 26/03/2011, 11:26
this game will flop next week..... just waite for it.... i hated this game, did like the last chapter of campaign but that doesnt make up for the rest of the game
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yahoocom1984 posted 26/03/2011, 10:43
First week sales killed Killzone 3
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homer posted 26/03/2011, 04:29
It will be interesting to see what next weeks sales for this game will be after all those reviews.
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LordMatrix posted 26/03/2011, 12:21
The multiplayer is tons of fun I heear. The singleplayer is not bad its just short.
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ManusJustus posted 26/03/2011, 05:58
Regardless of critic score, this game is a lot of fun.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 26/03/2011, 02:26
WHY is this piece of crap selling?
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Mr Puggsly posted 25/03/2011, 06:59
Not bad, had about the same opening as Killzone 3 on 360 a lone.
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usrevenge posted 25/03/2011, 04:55
850k is still amazing for a new IP
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vashkey posted 25/03/2011, 02:58
Thats across all platforms.
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yahoocom1984 posted 25/03/2011, 08:05
Homefront sold over 850,000 copies in its first week
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usrevenge posted 19/03/2011, 05:17
im thinking 3/6 user reviews are codwhores or just bad at the game in general
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goddog posted 19/03/2011, 12:14
not the worst game vie played.. but i hated the my compatriots so much so i wanted the north koreans to win
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MonstaMack posted 18/03/2011, 06:20
Guess it was a temp sale I was wrong.
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MonstaMack posted 16/03/2011, 06:07
Dropped to $42 on Amazon already and Bombed hard.
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usrevenge posted 16/03/2011, 02:52
only issue is its hard to get amatch, when your in one though its smooth, and your not kicked out after each new map, so just stay in the match and play all day
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (50)

1 n/a 354,204 141,407 74,057 569,668
2 n/a 123,499 76,954 29,953 230,406
3 n/a 53,473 38,658 13,766 105,897
4 n/a 26,969 21,500 7,243 55,712
5 7,493 19,409 16,363 5,345 48,610
6 2,657 12,641 16,033 4,285 35,616
7 1,511 6,948 12,535 2,911 23,905
8 1,101 3,786 6,559 1,546 12,992
9 755 3,483 3,838 1,093 9,169
10 755 4,378 3,934 1,242 10,309
fvgc2049 posted 27/04/2013, 01:32
The shooting system feels VERY VERY NICE,deserved much better sales.
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ManciuD posted 03/06/2012, 08:30
they said homefront 2 will be 5 times better
how did they measured?

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thewastedyouth posted 01/05/2012, 05:35
INSTEAD of wasting million in advertising and putting a giant banner at E3 they should have made the campaign longer, freaking 4 HOURS

the multiplayer was good but dammit it is a new IP so the campaign has to lead the players into this new franchise

idiots, messed it up
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Mr Puggsly posted 18/03/2012, 09:41
Decent campaign and good multiplayer. I've had more fun with this over BF quite honestly.
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cars298 posted 10/11/2011, 03:03
cool grafix
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SeXbox_360 posted 29/09/2011, 03:32
terrible game should have sold less. The advertising campaigns shifted about 70% more than it should have sold.
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