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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

メタルギア ソリッド ピースウォーカー


Kojima Productions



Other Versions

PS3, PSN, X360

Release Dates

06/08/10 Konami
04/29/10 Konami
06/18/10 Konami

Community Stats

Owners: 760
Favorite: 21
Tracked: 8
Wishlist: 66
Now Playing: 10

Avg Community Rating:


Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (PSP) > Opinions (101)

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italo244 posted 14/12/2012, 06:34
It sold almost 3k this week. I think next year it will reach 2m.
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italo244 posted 14/12/2012, 06:34
It sold almost 3k this week. I think next year it will reach 2m.
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-girgosz- posted 18/06/2012, 03:55
2 million by the end of the year
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Sparking posted 21/01/2012, 04:04
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Rockyb posted 28/12/2011, 02:38
the cutscenes are horrible , i hope they dont make those comic style cutscenes again
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Mr Puggsly posted 18/12/2011, 06:55
Glad they brought it to the HD twins because it much more enjoyable on a gamepad.
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nen-suer posted 05/11/2011, 11:55
Best game this generation
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-girgosz- posted 04/08/2011, 03:01
Best selling MGS in Japan.
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dystopia posted 10/06/2011, 09:37
The best game on the PSP
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Heavenly_King posted 09/06/2011, 08:46
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osamanobama posted 25/05/2011, 12:18
probably 2 million with downloads. im still waiting for the price to drop, i own a pspGO
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sbvgc2049 posted 22/04/2011, 07:45
Fun is the only formula for a game,MGSPW is quite fun for sure.
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Mr Puggsly posted 16/04/2011, 09:06
@ sbvgc2049 - I don't care what it was meant to be. If they are gonna make a sequel to MGS3, they should stick to the forumla that made that such a hit. Not this niche crap.
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sbvgc2049 posted 05/04/2011, 02:24
Piracy is the main reason for Computer Games Failure in Business and Industry
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sbvgc2049 posted 05/04/2011, 02:17
@Mr Puggsly found it a "CORE" game,then play it with friends,it meant to be,again,is it that hard?
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VivaLaWiida posted 03/04/2011, 06:16
My first MGS game. It's really complex
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Mr Puggsly posted 01/04/2011, 06:43
Finally beat it, I think game was actually a disappointment. I just wanted a traditional MGS, they made this game only appealing to serious core gamers.
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Mr Puggsly posted 27/03/2011, 08:15
@ hunter_alien - What are you babbling about? I own the game. I'm just annoyed by people always blaming piracy for poor sales. PS: One game selling remarkably well is no reflection on typical PSP software sales.
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Heavenly_King posted 08/03/2011, 03:21
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nen-suer posted 06/02/2011, 06:06
Looking forward to "MGS: Outer Heaven" on NGP ^_^
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hunter_alien posted 03/02/2011, 03:09
Mr Puggsly: why do you come to every PSP game and bash its sales? Sad that it didnt cpome on your console/handheld of choice? Seriously, you dont have anything else to do? PS: Monster Hunter Portable 3 says hi! And its not the beginning
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italo244 posted 01/02/2011, 04:32
Its still can hit 1.7m before NGP release.
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Mr Puggsly posted 25/01/2011, 05:24
@ sabby_e17 - Yeah, the beginning. HD consoles have become much cheaper since then and those userbases have grown significantly. People rather spend their time and money on higher quality HD games than PSP games. Hence, people lost interest in PSP games.
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sabby_e17 posted 22/01/2011, 10:24
Mr Puggsly, first ask yourself why PSP games pulled great numbers at the beginning of its release. Games like GTA LC + VC would have sold no where near as much as they have if they were released today.
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-girgosz- posted 21/01/2011, 05:53
Yeah it's not fully, but it has a huge part in this game sales. I understand that PSP is slowly dying but it's MGS(!) and it's a freaking great game so how the hell those games sold it out so easilly? And no1 said that a 1 year old "port" of LBP should outsell the original one on the PS3 but you have to admit those are great sales.(waay better than PW's) And I don't think spin-offs on handhelds should be compared with the main version of a series on home consoles.
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nen-suer posted 21/01/2011, 05:49
@Mr Puggsly Before psp was hacked game sales were great thats a fact.
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Mr Puggsly posted 21/01/2011, 11:07
@ girgosz - Those PSP games you mentioned don't have success anywhere near the home console games of the same franchises. The sales of the games you mentioned aren't impressive for the franchises, they are impressive compared to the generally abysmal sales of PSP games. For some reason PSP owners aren't compelled to buy many PSP games, and I don't think piracy is to blame.
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-girgosz- posted 20/01/2011, 02:29
Puggsly: I' not sure. KH, LBP, AC: Bloodlines, GT all have impressive sales outside of Japan too. This game got great rewievs and the franchise has a HUGE fanbase while AC for example got MUCH lower rewiev score(54% on metacritic) and it's longetivity is like the 1/20 of MGS: PW and it stille sell good in the others.(It's in the top 100 almost every week). And AC has a much smaller fanbase.(The franchise is only exsisting since 2007.)
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Mr Puggsly posted 14/01/2011, 09:40
Oh you people... its not piracy its lack of interest from PSP owners. A lot of people are turned off to playing games like this on hand held consoles. The Japanese love hand held consoles which is why the strongest sales are in Japan.
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vyom posted 22/12/2010, 06:47
how come its selling so bad in emeaa at the moment as compared to games like assassins creed.did it got a price cut?
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whatz3rname posted 17/12/2010, 11:31
They are just more honest people. That's all.
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NSS7 posted 17/12/2010, 07:34
How come Japan able to fight piracy while others can't
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vyom posted 10/12/2010, 12:02
this week it sold 14 k emaa+americas but only 11 k added in this something wrong?i think last week also same thing happened
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zzamaro posted 07/12/2010, 04:54
I got it today new for 29.99 at Toys R Us, enjoy it so far :D
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Heavenly_King posted 27/11/2010, 05:02
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nen-suer posted 23/11/2010, 05:32
Looks like Monster Hunter 3 sales will anger alot of people then :P
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Salnax posted 20/11/2010, 04:36
This is about as sucessful as a PSP game gets. Which is why the PSP is ridiculed by a lot of people.
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ishiki posted 18/11/2010, 01:39
it has great sales for a psp game. bad sales. Even good sales for a MGS portable game. I think if you count Ghost Babel and the Acids.
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-girgosz- posted 04/11/2010, 03:27
Well, these are amazing sales compared to Castlevania.
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BanTiger posted 04/11/2010, 01:21
horroble sale for an Amazing Game
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ishiki posted 29/10/2010, 05:37
My 3rd Favorite Metal Gear after MGS1+2
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nen-suer posted 23/10/2010, 10:35
My 2nd favorite MG game after MGS. Easily my 2010 GOTY.
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Marco posted 28/05/2010, 05:17
OH my god, amazing sales! MGS Peace Walker is a must buy-game for all psp-gamers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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fvgc3 posted 26/05/2010, 03:36
You will love this game,trust me.
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chuchy posted 23/05/2010, 08:00
Haha math fail. What do they have horses doing theath or what! May dog can count better than the guy adding the numbers.
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Heavenly_King posted 23/05/2010, 07:07
damn!!! Vgchartz people didnĀ“t aprove math by the looks of it.

The total is 640k (just like the other guys are saying) :D
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kkkasd posted 23/05/2010, 09:16
Total should be 0.64
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leo-j posted 22/05/2010, 01:49
it will probably end up around 2M LTD..

the bundle is actually getting some pre orders int he americas
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FantasySky posted 22/05/2010, 12:23
wow its completly trashing mgs4 in japan. though it prob wont end up beating mgs4 cos psp games dont sell that great outside of japan
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Heavenly_King posted 20/05/2010, 10:58
I will buy the digital copy the first day!!... and buy the physical copy a month later lol XD
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Marco posted 20/05/2010, 07:46
it is my favourite game on PSP. the monster hunter gameplay elements are funny. the story is top, the gameplay too. best psp-game, i think :)
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MarshmallowMan posted 20/05/2010, 02:08
Question to all my Japanese brothers out there who own this game:
IS IT AWESOME?? Or just ok.
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Vueguy posted 17/05/2010, 03:22
damn, already over 500k in Japan?
if this got to the US and EU, it would pass 1m.
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jacks81x posted 16/05/2010, 02:43
PW will sell over 1m units in Japan by the sheer fact that there're Monster Hunter tie-ins in the game.
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Gearbox posted 16/05/2010, 02:15
@fvgc1 - japan is ps3s smallest market of the 3 areas. japan is psps biggest market. no chance.. (N)
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TT Makaveli posted 16/05/2010, 03:19
@fvgc1: yeah hope is good...but the main problem is its a PSP game in 2010...i mean if not even a GT PSP game can make it to 3 mill now or barely (we dont know the digital sales) how a MGS could?but still im hoping for a wonder...this game deserves great and big sales...
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goldingku posted 15/05/2010, 10:38
very nice=)
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fvgc1 posted 15/05/2010, 08:49
Even MGS4(J:0.78 W:4.74) did poorly in Japan.

Hope PW world wide sales will reach 3M at least.
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hunter_alien posted 14/05/2010, 10:57
The game will do a solid 700k in Japan alone Maybe even more if it has good legs
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Frieza posted 14/05/2010, 10:06
Dissidia was at 0.66 million after 2 weeks and didnt hit 1 million so this certainly wont. Birth by Sleep was at 0.6 million after 2 weeks and is only now at 0.75 million.
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sabby_e17 posted 14/05/2010, 09:44
Please reach 1 million in Japan...
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Marco posted 13/05/2010, 09:35
oh my god, awesome sales!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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vgrec2 posted 13/05/2010, 06:01
Rich content confirmed.
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GamerExclusive posted 11/05/2010, 04:28
This might just hit a million with the strong second week sales.
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Solid-Stark posted 10/05/2010, 07:55
I think these 1 week sales are only the first 3 days of release. If so, 200k week 2.
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vitoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx posted 10/05/2010, 05:27
140k sakes for second week!!! this will sell 700k for sure.
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geddesmond2 posted 09/05/2010, 09:37
Oh this is why the psp sold more than usual this week.
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Aprisaiden posted 09/05/2010, 07:58
450k + PSN sales -- its a good week 1 for a PSP game / Metal Gear game.
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sbvgc20124 posted 09/05/2010, 03:19
MGS4 Last week sales
J:0.78M W:4.73M

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buu posted 09/05/2010, 02:51

Then if this site makes poor predictions it should refrain from doing so and wait for the real numbers.
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sbvgc20123 posted 09/05/2010, 01:01
Hope it can sell 2 mil at least.
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blue7x7 posted 09/05/2010, 12:52
Why are people disappointed by the sales. For a PSP game it's doing really great so far.
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NanakiXI posted 09/05/2010, 12:43

OMG! How dare this site predict days ahead wrong!!! Unreliable!!!
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whatz3rname posted 08/05/2010, 08:04

I can assure you that the PSN sales is not very good. The japanese don't buy digital games if the have a boxed alternative.
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buu posted 08/05/2010, 07:30
So much for vgchartz 530k sales, and its low end was supposed to be 470k lol.
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good_boy posted 08/05/2010, 07:09
great sales, well deserved

just one more month to go
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vitoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx posted 08/05/2010, 06:18
i expected more but i think its good since it outsold mpo in its 1st week 0_o
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huaxiong90 posted 08/05/2010, 06:00
Excellent sales.
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C_Hollomon posted 08/05/2010, 05:35
Great sales. It could be close to 1m depending on what the PSN sales are.
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dystopia posted 08/05/2010, 04:48
Been playing the game for a week and it's insanely good.
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vitoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx posted 08/05/2010, 12:30
well it seems it sold 500k in week one in japan...can it outsold mgs4 there?
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challis posted 06/05/2010, 02:03
Campaign co-op! Via ad hoc! Awesome!! Most new council games do not have split screen campain co-op. This one, on the psp, no less, DOES!! Yayy. Other publishers,please take note.
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Marco posted 02/05/2010, 10:06
First day Sales: 04/29 [PSP] Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (Konami) - SE 339,000 / BE 9,000

it is awesome! MGS Peace Walker (1. week) >>> Portable Ops in LifeTime (Japan)! oh my god, great!
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shuraiya posted 21/04/2010, 02:21
The game will do fine even though it is on the PSP. It certainly does not hurt that Famitsu gave it a perfect score.
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kkkasd posted 21/04/2010, 10:17
ljlrj currently there is NO possible way to get CFW 6.20 to play Peacewalker.

I guess you'll just have to buy it like the rest of us ;)
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ljlrj posted 21/04/2010, 09:49
first time going to crack the psp since ff dissdia
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hunter_alien posted 20/04/2010, 04:26
Common... this game will probably do over 1.5 million retail alone... thats why they opted for the PSP IMO, the development costs are low and they know that Japan alone will cover for the costs
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TT Makaveli posted 07/03/2010, 09:28
oh man i really do not want see the sales...seriously...if this game had a release date in 2006 it would sell 4-5 million!
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AnarchyWest posted 28/01/2010, 11:21
if this game is anything like will be one of the best games of all time
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PlaystaionGamer posted 21/01/2010, 11:56
i will probs pick this up at some point! my psp needs dome love....o that sounded wrong
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Thechalkblock posted 21/01/2010, 02:47
This game made me buy a PSP.
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mathare92 posted 30/12/2009, 05:00
first psp game to take game of the year awards?
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Thechalkblock posted 14/12/2009, 11:39
This game is going to make me buy a PSP. Darn it.
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Heavenly_King posted 28/09/2009, 12:04
this game will easily sell 2Million copies WW.
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sabby_e17 posted 31/08/2009, 01:52
After seeing that trailer full of awsome, this is now my most wanted game on the psp.
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vitoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx posted 23/08/2009, 10:53
day one purchase
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RafaelOrix posted 24/07/2009, 02:40
These screens are impressive, the trailer is outstanding.
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Heavenly_King posted 17/06/2009, 03:53
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yuna01 posted 10/06/2009, 02:11
The trailer blow me away. I was like not another PSP game and then the music came in and I knew it was going to be awesome.
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whofwhof posted 06/06/2009, 02:56
great game
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 1   2 

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (101)

1 445,138 n/a n/a 445,138
2 138,434 n/a n/a 138,434
3 57,033 n/a n/a 57,033
4 33,379 n/a n/a 33,379
5 24,586 n/a n/a 24,586
6 14,394 n/a n/a 14,394
7 10,243 98,067 n/a 17,306 125,616
8 7,408 22,762 30,884 19,927 80,981
9 6,073 10,482 20,909 12,621 50,085
10 4,883 7,105 11,103 6,974 30,065
italo244 posted 14/12/2012, 06:34
It sold almost 3k this week. I think next year it will reach 2m.
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italo244 posted 14/12/2012, 06:34
It sold almost 3k this week. I think next year it will reach 2m.
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-girgosz- posted 18/06/2012, 03:55
2 million by the end of the year
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Sparking posted 21/01/2012, 04:04
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Rockyb posted 28/12/2011, 02:38
the cutscenes are horrible , i hope they dont make those comic style cutscenes again
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Mr Puggsly posted 18/12/2011, 06:55
Glad they brought it to the HD twins because it much more enjoyable on a gamepad.
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