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Alternative Names

キャッスルヴァニア ロードオブシャドウ


Mercury Steam



Other Versions

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Release Dates

10/05/10 Konami
12/16/10 Konami
10/08/10 Konami

Community Stats

Owners: 217
Favorite: 17
Tracked: 16
Wishlist: 59
Now Playing: 11

Avg Community Rating:


Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (PS3) > Opinions (65)

AgentRedgrave posted 02/03/2014, 08:15
I really liked the game, solid 8/10
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-girgosz- posted 30/06/2012, 10:41
The sequel will most likely push this over a million
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A203D posted 23/06/2012, 10:09
It did sell over 1 mil including the Xbox sales. I dont know if it made money though, since it was a very long game, and voice acting from Patrick Steward along must have been expensive. And i dont know what sales numbers constitute financial success.
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AndrewWK posted 04/06/2012, 02:55
It is not flop Mr. Slimebeast it gets a sequel
I hope this game can the million by the end of the year.
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Slimebeast posted 28/05/2012, 06:36
Sadly most of these sales are from the bargain bin. Fantastic game that underperformed so much, a true flop. It's a memorable game too. Most games get erased from my memory quickly but not this one. Can't wait for a sequel.
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oniyide posted 28/05/2012, 02:17
People knew about it, they just didnt care. THe fans didnt like that it didnt feel like a Castlevania game. the GOW type fans (including me) felt that it wasnt as polished as that game. I loved it, the story and characters were great, it looked good, it played good. I dont know what the hell happened
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A203D posted 22/05/2012, 09:36
Its a shame not many people seemed to know about it. The game trumped God of War 3 on every level except combat. Deserved to sell triple what it sold. An amazing experience and a milestone for a European developer. Will definitly pick up the sequel! My only quiver was the last boss, other than that a masterpeice. Reviewers shouldve give it at least 9/10. Better than God of War 3 by a huge margin.
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SnakeDrake posted 13/04/2012, 03:35
Damn it the Japanese box art looks so much more badass. will reach 1 mil by the end of the year
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Slimebeast posted 07/04/2012, 09:32
I think they made a substantial loss on Lords of Shadow but maybe Konami believes a sequel has potential, kinda like EA with Dante's Inferno. I am thankful for both sequels.
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Slimebeast posted 07/04/2012, 09:29
So a sequel is not officially announced but practically 99% confirmed.
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oniyide posted 03/04/2012, 03:43
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Slimebeast posted 11/03/2012, 04:31
A sequel is already confirmed.
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oniyide posted 26/02/2012, 05:49
I wouldnt hold my breath for a sequel. This did not do to well, not even one version could cross the mil mark and I dont think it will. I dont even think they made money. Patrick Stewart's voice alone must have cost a grip
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AndrewWK posted 19/02/2012, 12:50
One of my favourite games of the last year. @A203D sorry to dissapoint you dude but this did never reach the 2million mark i sold combined about 1,5 which is still very good and with the DLC´s it is a great financial success
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A203D posted 17/01/2012, 04:25
@-girgosz- i think the sales have frozen. but its the best selling Castlevania game ever including the 360 version. i think the reason it didnt sell 2 or 3 million is because of 8.5 reviews. when in reality it deserved 9s across the board. the sequl will hopefully be a lot more successful!
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-girgosz- posted 08/01/2012, 01:25
Castlevania games were never that popular and this actually passed a million, unlike Enslaved. The PS3 version even has a chance for 1 million alone.
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Emme posted 30/12/2011, 12:48
Brilliant game with good graphics and great atmosphere.
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dart1250 posted 23/12/2011, 12:53
@Bristow9091 Man, this game gets more interesting from chapter 4 onwards. :)
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Slimebeast posted 18/12/2011, 09:49
@A203D That's awesome news!
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cars298 posted 10/11/2011, 03:08
cool action
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cars298 posted 10/11/2011, 03:08
best game ever played in ps3
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A203D posted 02/09/2011, 06:30
@Slimebeast i've heard rumours that Mercurysteam are developing 2 games at the moment. the sequel should be one of them. i dont really know what they could do though, based on the ending. and they need to make sure they dont release in Fall this time.
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Slimebeast posted 28/08/2011, 10:10
Fantastic game. I hope these guys get to develop a second Castlevania game.
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oniyide posted 26/08/2011, 07:37
THe crazy thing is, this is one of the BETTER selling Castlevania games. THe PS3 version by itself has outsold just about most Castlevania games released. i think this series is not as popular as we would like to think
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DitchPlaya posted 29/07/2011, 02:56
Almost 900k, and still selling, not bad overall, hopefully 1.1-1.3 million overall, probably enough to warrant a follow up.
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vw1303 posted 29/06/2011, 04:29
it's such a great game! it earned so much more that this. :(
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Heavenly_King posted 09/06/2011, 09:58
Hopefully the money they are getting from DLC will be enough to guaranty a sequel XD
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sbvgc2049 posted 14/05/2011, 06:42
only 0.53m sales,F88king tragedy.Buy this one,it's very very good.
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A203D posted 04/02/2011, 06:26
It will do 1mil combined PS3 360, but i was hoping for 1 mil on PS3 alone.
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Heavenly_King posted 29/01/2011, 04:17
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A203D posted 21/01/2011, 04:33
In comparasion to those games ghettoglammour, its not doing as well. but i would say its doing okay. and it was multiplatform during a competitive time of the year, so it was forgotten unfortunatley.
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ghettoglamour posted 21/01/2011, 09:00
I don't understand can get such low sales while other rebooted franchises like MoH, with poor critics, have reached 4 mill combined...I'm really starting to hate those millitary FPS
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reviniente posted 21/01/2011, 07:16
I think it will eventually do 1 million on both systems, quite deservedly so IMO. Uhmm... Eventually of course.
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A203D posted 16/01/2011, 10:40
Yeah i also hope it does over a mil on PS3, really deserves it!
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sergiopepeu2 posted 15/01/2011, 01:42
Great game. Deserves 1 million on PS3.
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Bornyn posted 07/01/2011, 06:00
This game is really good thing.
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A203D posted 30/12/2010, 07:27
Just picked it up, great game. only thing that dissappoints is the combat imo, other than that very good.
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oni-link posted 27/12/2010, 07:31
gots the incredible collector's ed.(for the 360 the premiere ed of the two systems) hope to score an extra one if it goes down in price seeing this game is selling wayyyyy below expectations.
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zgamer5 posted 24/12/2010, 11:42
will get it down the line
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oni-link posted 24/12/2010, 12:55
hopefully word of mouth salvages this game as it truly has flopped and hopefully Konami recoups it's investment. It's a great 3D Castlevania game!!!
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oni-link posted 24/12/2010, 12:54
Despite a grand marketing push this game flopped harder than Other M. It had everything going for it; celebrity voice overs, advertising, Kojima etc. Don't understand what went wrong?
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A203D posted 22/12/2010, 01:38
Its still not out in Japan yet, this will do over 1 mil life imo, (multiplat sales combined), which is actully very good considering when it released.
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jneul posted 04/12/2010, 07:08
i just got this game, completed chapter 1 and it's amazing so far
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XiaoMay posted 21/11/2010, 01:15
Really overated for such a "basic" and uncharming game
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Slimebeast posted 20/11/2010, 03:09
Terrible sales. I want this game so bad.
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arcane_chaos posted 07/11/2010, 05:12
one of the most underrated games of the year!!!
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marpa73 posted 04/11/2010, 05:59
this is a beautiful and long game, too bad it was not supported by a decent launch campaign - hope word-of-mouth will make sales grow
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A203D posted 03/11/2010, 07:31
These sales arnt too bad imo, it hasnt released in Japan yet and including the 360 sales i think it could end up doing maybe 1 mil
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BanTiger posted 03/11/2010, 04:08
very bad sell for a A++++ game
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pablogers posted 01/11/2010, 03:03
this kind of games, have to be released in the window between january and july....
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geddesmond2 posted 30/10/2010, 12:24
WTF is awrong with people. Developers make a solid great looking game and nobody buys it. If anyones on the sidelines about getting this game then go ahead. The games great.
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AdventWolf posted 29/10/2010, 09:15
wow I can't believe it sold so few, they need to advertise it some!
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Vashyo posted 26/10/2010, 05:48
Dissapointing, the game got some awesome reviews. I'm definately getting the game at some point.
Message | Report posted 25/10/2010, 09:36
This game should have been PS3 or X360 exclusive. Now we wont see great sales.
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Severance posted 24/10/2010, 09:50
Too bad people have crappy taste or this would sell millions, its a great game with excellent storyline and combat and also level design.
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pablogers posted 23/10/2010, 08:47
i think this game will have leg... it an excelent game, very long, amazing graphic, a lot of rpg in it.... huge bosses. I think idiot reviews killed the sales
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nordlead posted 23/10/2010, 03:36
This is going to go down as one of the biggest flops on the HD consoles. Sorta like Bionic Comando. This is on my want list though
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Slimebeast posted 23/10/2010, 10:30
Huge bomb. Very sad. I loved the demo and will definately get this.
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haxxiy posted 22/10/2010, 10:11
Mmm. I hope it does at least 600k lifetime for this version alone.
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snyperdud posted 23/01/2010, 12:46
If Kojima's working on it....

Then this is as good as bought.
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oliist posted 18/01/2010, 03:36
It's my turn again.
If this turns out to be awesome, I'll be the happiest gamer on earth.

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sjhillsa posted 14/12/2009, 06:04
Yeah, fingers crossed on this one!
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oliist posted 14/09/2009, 10:39
Three months later & I am still hyped.
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sjhillsa posted 25/08/2009, 04:48
Hope it turns out to be a great game, here's hoping!
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oliist posted 06/06/2009, 04:44
This actually looks really promising.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (65)

1 n/a 39,412 27,236 14,968 81,616
2 n/a 20,723 13,632 7,641 41,996
3 n/a 19,545 9,416 6,060 35,021
4 n/a 16,691 18,052 8,511 43,254
5 n/a 6,884 10,366 4,484 21,734
6 n/a 5,366 7,812 3,406 16,584
7 n/a 5,043 5,522 2,595 13,160
8 n/a 6,823 5,302 2,787 14,912
9 n/a 4,494 7,337 3,118 14,949
10 n/a 5,632 8,326 3,617 17,575
AgentRedgrave posted 02/03/2014, 08:15
I really liked the game, solid 8/10
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-girgosz- posted 30/06/2012, 10:41
The sequel will most likely push this over a million
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A203D posted 23/06/2012, 10:09
It did sell over 1 mil including the Xbox sales. I dont know if it made money though, since it was a very long game, and voice acting from Patrick Steward along must have been expensive. And i dont know what sales numbers constitute financial success.
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AndrewWK posted 04/06/2012, 02:55
It is not flop Mr. Slimebeast it gets a sequel
I hope this game can the million by the end of the year.
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Slimebeast posted 28/05/2012, 06:36
Sadly most of these sales are from the bargain bin. Fantastic game that underperformed so much, a true flop. It's a memorable game too. Most games get erased from my memory quickly but not this one. Can't wait for a sequel.
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oniyide posted 28/05/2012, 02:17
People knew about it, they just didnt care. THe fans didnt like that it didnt feel like a Castlevania game. the GOW type fans (including me) felt that it wasnt as polished as that game. I loved it, the story and characters were great, it looked good, it played good. I dont know what the hell happened
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