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Release Dates

10/25/11 Electronic Arts
11/02/11 Electronic Arts
10/28/11 Electronic Arts

Community Stats

Owners: 117
Favorite: 14
Tracked: 12
Wishlist: 17
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Avg Community Rating:


Battlefield 3 (PC) > Opinions (62)

Noodlefighter posted 24/12/2011, 06:03
Your stupid for actually thinking making consoles the lead would make it sell as much as CoD. You do realize the difference between CoD and battlefield? CoD is a game that everyone and their grandmother can play and call themselves "pro" Battlefield is a game where you don't jump around everywhere doing "No scopes".
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led9010 posted 15/12/2011, 04:22
The right audience cannot be decided by fags like you. Battlefield 3 looks better on PC then it ever could on consoles even if it would have been built on the consoles first. You're kidding yourself if you think building for consoles is the way to go. Everything is not judged monetarily. By making the game for PC first they have created a quality product and sold 9 million copies. That they could have sold more is irrelevant. They sold around 9 million copies of the game and still managed to make a quality game, one which Modern Warfare 3 is not, despite selling more than 12 million copies
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nilli posted 14/12/2011, 07:56
It all about catering the right crowd. Make a shitty engine for consoles and you will pay in the millions.
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led9010 posted 10/12/2011, 01:52
hahaa NILLI its not about the engines, its about the game. And looking at the sales on 360 i really have to say consolites have really bad tastes
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Guovssohas posted 09/12/2011, 04:24
And btw, this 950k, is it only physical games sold? Not counting Origin sales?
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Guovssohas posted 09/12/2011, 04:21
Lookin' good so far :) What does extrapolated mean?
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nilli posted 04/12/2011, 10:45
MW3 engine is miles better for the consoles than dice could ever produce that is why only the 360 version sells millions more than all the version of BF3 put to gether. If you have not ever played COD games on consoles you really should STFU. Even the COD splitscreen is running more smoothy than BF3.
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nilli posted 02/12/2011, 07:02
First of all battlefield 2 had sold over 2 million on pc in 2006 already. Im not saying battlefield 3 is a bad game. Im saying it is not as polished as call of duty on consoles there for they are never going to make sale numnbers like COD games do. Besides costs have gone up. Do you think making BF3 is as cheap as making BF3. Hell no. Making that caliber game and releasing it on pc alone would have been suicide for Dice. But what was a humongous error on their part was to focus on pc and not the consoles. Since most of the sales came from consoles. Besides that overall BF3 is nearly as good game as call of duty if you take in to account the co-op and campain. No matter how hard they tried to copy COD.
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led9010 posted 02/12/2011, 04:10
By that logic, if i make a million, but other people who used to make less than me are not making more than me, but i still make a little more than a million; does that make me a failure??? No it doesn't. All your claims are based on comparison. You say the pc is saying, but not on its own, its dying compared to consoles. But then the PC has always had these type of sales. Bf2 on the pc sold just 2 million copies in its entire lifetime, and if this game has sold 2.5 million, then its an improvement. You just want to compare something to prove its worth. A ford isn't as good as a mercedes, but that does not mean its not a good car. In this case, i'm using the merc, and you're using a Ford. Just cause mercs don't sell as much as fords that doesn't mean they're not good. This is just you saying that the grapes are sour, maybe because you cannot reach them
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nilli posted 02/12/2011, 09:06
You always have some excuses lined up dont you? Sure the sales would have been much more :D shut up. No matter what they would have done the sales on pc would have been stomped by the consoles sales just like they did. PC gaming is dying and this game is a prime example of that. Just like every other game the pc is in last place. In single player games the difference is even way bigger thanks to the ease of pc piracy.
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Tokashi posted 01/12/2011, 05:17
nilli, it is very simple. Origin ... it is Origin that reduced the PC sales. BFBC2 had more PC sales than this and it was on steam. EA screwed up by forcing Origin on PC users and I promise you if they didnt use Origin then the sales would have been MUCH MUCH more higher
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nilli posted 30/11/2011, 10:48
Well let me get this straight.. Battlefield 2 was an pc exclusive. Dice creates Battlefield 3 and tells everybody how they are making pc the lead platform and when the dust settles the pc version sold less than either of the console versions? If this is not telling how pc gaming is dying I don't know what is. The only reason BF3 even put up a fight with the console version is that is is mainly a multiplayer game. So if you wan't to play on legimate servers you have to buy the game and that cuts out piracy. PC gaming is dying and fast. There is just no freaking way EA would ever let dive put their focus on pc after these numbers.
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led9010 posted 30/11/2011, 09:55
and the global charts are up
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led9010 posted 30/11/2011, 09:54
No nilli you fagaroth, its contrary to what you said. You said pc games sell like shit. But 2.25 million is not shit. You are shit. Your talk is shit. But 2.25 million is the exact opposite of shit you stinking shit
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nilli posted 30/11/2011, 07:24
So you telling me that pc is holding the last place? That is your success story on pc? 3.33m on 360, 2,42m on PS3 so that leaves 2.25m on pc :D Oh and VGcharz have not even updated the latest numbers since they update once a week. So they are late couple of days. You just made yourself look like a complete fool. PC IS HOLDING THE LAST PLACE HAHAHAHAHA! WAY TO GO DICE PUT YOUR FAITH IN PC GAMERS!
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led9010 posted 30/11/2011, 12:35
@nilli Kindly take me through how if battlefield 3 sold 3.3 million on xbox360 and 2.5 million on Ps3, then how come it has sold 8 million copies till now according to this
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nilli posted 23/11/2011, 07:28
So rexar1 users online equals as games sold to you? hahaha when the game came out consoles were raping pc in that category too. Many people witched to MW3. let me tell you that those statistics show nothing. It does not show the single player gamers Who are not paying for XBL for example. It shows all the people who created multiple accounts on the same cd key. But hey hang in there. If you look at those stats just the right moment there might be more BF3 players on pc tahn on consoles. At the moment there is 31K on pc and 43K on ps3 and 41K on 360 LOL! My god you are a little retard child arent you :D HAHAHA At the moment pc is holding the last place of simultaneuous players HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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Hakker_nl posted 21/11/2011, 06:23
nilli for a 26 year old person you really are dumb. Go cry on your RRODing Xbox and come back when you actually make sense instead of being an xbox fanboy.
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nilli posted 21/11/2011, 06:32
Sold less on Pc than either of the consoles. Way to go! Dice don't know how to make games run on consoles so they "focus" on pc. Then they realize that the market is on consoles and in panic try to make the games work on consoles. These are the sales you get by doing that. They should have forget pc ages ago and focus only on consoles and make the engine for consoles. Look how activision is doing with their 60fps :D Dice live and learn.
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Calm101 posted 11/11/2011, 11:12
There was a time when consoles were really good, but the recent generation has shown that consoles are just downgraded pcs, I do enjoy console games as much as millions of others do. But to say consoles are better than pcs is just plain ignorance, For exclusive games on console i would agree, but all games that were ported from a pc to a console are far better on a pc and no facts can prove that wrong. Also paying for xbox live is just one of the many ways Microsoft tries to milk money from you, they could easily provide the service for free, i'm very sure they have the money. From your rants all ic an gather is that your a raging xbox fanboy, who fails to relalize the console he is playing on is a microsoft based system that runs software developed on a pc.....
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nilli posted 11/11/2011, 06:50
Calm101 just showed that he does not know anything about console online. The XBL service is better than any other service you can ever find on pc. You play with your friends. Im happy to pay 40$ a year for that. Steam just got hacked that shit is what you people get. On console you don't have to worry about Hw etc since everybody is on the same starting level. On pc when you suck you can always go out and buy better hw and wider monitor. About mods. Those are nearly gone in games. Nobody gives a fuck about those. Pc gaming community is way worse than the console hackers and cheaters all day long. Inferior graphics and resolution LOL! You could ad to that list infreior picture. You do know what resolution is do you? Play in front of your little monitor and admire those graphics. But the best part about console gaming is the fact that the games are made for consoles and you don't have to upgrade your hw. You are just too stupid to know this.
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Calm101 posted 10/11/2011, 03:59
I agree with clous, why play on 360, with an online service you have to pay for on top of your exsiting ISP fees, inferior graphics, inferior resolutions,non upgradable hardware, inferior game selection, inferior hardware, the ability to not mod your games legitimately , an FPS community that consists of whiney ass kids and lastly more expensive games?
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Calm101 posted 10/11/2011, 03:29
i personaslly prefer retail copies for both pc games and console games, even if it costs 60 dollars mroe for a retail copy....
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nilli posted 10/11/2011, 11:26
Hhahah 360 over 3 million already. On pc barely over the 500K LOL haha Dice you freaking morons putting your faith in the pc community.
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AmonAmarth11 posted 09/11/2011, 05:54
Yeah it is. Sure. But what if valve goes bankrupt and, if not all but at least some, of the downloaded games become unplayable? That's why I would never buy games with onlive, steam, origin, impulse or whatever platform. A lot of indie games can be downloaded as a Setup.exe wich can be installed without i-net connection and on as many systems as you like with no restrictions, just like games. That's how steam should work. But as long as games can be bought as a retail version, i don't really care. Sorry, long text again ;)
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The_Joker_Product posted 09/11/2011, 04:51
Itll never go all digital.
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AmonAmarth11 posted 09/11/2011, 01:17
Yeah, indie games maybe. Like Amnesia, Aquaria or Trine. The Witcher 2, for example, have to be a boxed version. I buy boxed versions just because I love to collect them. I also like to buy some of them used, when publishers go all digital there won't be a way to get them to a price I want like on amazon or ebay (ok, Steam deals are fine and all, but can you guarantee that they'll still work in 20 years? I still can play those games today I bought 15 years ago like Screamer 2/Rally etc.). There are more reasons why i heavily dislike (except indie games) digital sales of games, but text is already too long.
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AmonAmarth11 posted 08/11/2011, 06:16
When PC and consoles go all digital, i'll stop buying new hardware since i'm one of those who only buys retail versions. Not a big deal though, there are still so many games for PS/2, XBOX, GCN and many more i still want to play. A huge game crash wouldn't be bad, all the majors would then realize WHO actually their buyers are (really getting sick of games that needs to be heavily patched after release, or on PC all that DRM copy protection shit, or all the DLC crap that is floating around on PSN and XBLA).
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Noodlefighter posted 08/11/2011, 05:21
ROFL and they clearly stated that the switched to consoles during mid development so they could rush the game out onr time. Clearly making PC the lead platform would of tooken to long for them to cash in before MW3 and having time to down scale the PC version for the consoles..
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Noodlefighter posted 08/11/2011, 05:18
@nilli lol nice excuses for trying to down play the digital sales of the PC version to make it look like retail look like it's only relevant. Retail is not way bigger and Digital is growing every day and will soon overshadow it next year.
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nilli posted 06/11/2011, 06:56
Muhahaha Dice even admitted that they made consoles the lead platform for this game. There you have it. Battlefield 2 was a pc exclusive. Now they made the third one with consoles as the lead. PC gaming is DONE!
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AmonAmarth11 posted 06/11/2011, 02:32
Wow, some gamers really are immune against that Origin and DRM crap. Oh well, you can tell the quality of the game by their copy protections. A good game doesn't need to have that arse-penetrating kind of "protection". I hope the majors(EA, Ubi, Acti etc.) will realize that someday.
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nilli posted 06/11/2011, 08:56
It sold under 500K from digital. Just like every other game like this. Retail is still way bigger than digital on pc. Only if you count farmville etc games the digital is bigger. PC gaming is dying.
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Noodlefighter posted 06/11/2011, 03:57
Yes but you and friends don't equal everyone and doesn't change fact that a large amount of people have boughten it Digitally
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-girgosz- posted 05/11/2011, 08:04
May I add that five friends of mine bought that game for PC and every one of them bought the retail version. So not everyone buys games digitally.
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Hakker_nl posted 05/11/2011, 05:26
it sold at least 5 million and less than 6 that's all we know or do you really think it's 5.000.001 ;) Also Battlefield series has been more console based since B:BC1 so hitting a 1,5 million mark week 1 isn't bad at all. Even good when you compare the fact that all previous BF games combined for around 10 million PC sales.
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nilli posted 04/11/2011, 10:20
AGAIN! EA said it sold 5mil so you can take the console portions out of that and it shows exactly how much it sold on pc. It sold even less than the ps3 version!
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Hakker_nl posted 04/11/2011, 07:31
@nilli, You are so stupid. VGChartz has no insight in most PC sales due to service like Origin, and Steam. those 500K are RETAIL sales, and retail sales only. If EA's press release is accurate then atleast another million ordered it through Origin.
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nilli posted 04/11/2011, 04:20
Buahahah that is the biggest load of shit i have read in a while!!!!!!!!
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nilli posted 04/11/2011, 07:10
Bad company runs just as shit on consoles as does BF3. It is not console focues unless they make the engine completely on console terms and not just trie to twist their engine to work on consoles. You say little bit less from other DD stores. You are talking from your ass. Steam has been reported to take 40% of the price in some cases. That is little to you? Also you have aboslutely no idea how much BFBC2 sold on each platform. Sure you might post the BFBC2 stats of the online players but that means nothing unless every single gamer has played the online portion. Still even with that the 360 version smoked the pc version. Noit as bad as with BF3. Well this once again shows how the pc gaming is dissappearing. Just think about it. They focused on the pc release and the console sales somped all over the pc sales. Developers are waking up.
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Noodlefighter posted 04/11/2011, 12:29
The game is 2 weeks old and it sold 1 million on PC already and that is considered shit sales? Also before you go and blame it doing bad on consoles cause PC was the lead and all that crap may I point out that the Bad Company series was console focused and BC2 the console did just was as well on 360 as it did on PC. Let's not forget EA and Dice get 100% of the money from copies bought of Origin and little bit lesser from other DD stores.
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nilli posted 03/11/2011, 07:04
The fuck it did. BF3 sold like shit on pc. Dice put all the effort in and here is the reward. :D I bet nextime they think twice. pc version sold just over a mil. EA reported it sold 5mil alltogether you can take the ps3 and 360 version numbers out of it. BUHAHAHAH!
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-girgosz- posted 02/11/2011, 04:25
All 3 versions sold nicely but still way too far from COD.
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Kenchu posted 02/11/2011, 02:30
Judging by your tone it's obvious you're not interested in discussing, just trolling and flaming. Please leave. Average age of fans:
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MichiGen posted 02/11/2011, 01:56
LOL nilli what a fag.... no seriously, this is not funny anymore. You just repeating yourself and it get's pretty boring and annoying reading the same stupid shit and noob troll messages over and over again.
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nilli posted 02/11/2011, 01:34
Show me a study that shows the average age difference. You are talking out your ass. It is not about game being better than the other. The thing is that COD games are way more optimased for consoles. Battlefield games are not. So Battlefield games sell fraction of the call of duty numbers. The difference in the controls and FPS is like day and night. EA and Dice will never ever reach COD sales numbers with their BF series unless they make consoles their nro 1 priority.
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Kenchu posted 02/11/2011, 12:20
I hope you're aware you're giving an impression of being extremely immature. If you're a kid it's excusable though annoying. I suspect you are since it's very common children commit emotionally in way you're displaying. I can assure you that companies developing games have some very talanted and intelligent employees when it comes to planning and marketing. You don't need to worry about their money. I'm sure you'll be able to play Call of Duty even though it's released for the pc. As for a game being better than another one - that's subjective. Some like BF better than CoD and vice versa, and that's just the way it is. Ranting like you're doing will only confirm what BF players think of CoD players, as the average age of CoD players is lower than the BF player average.
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nilli posted 02/11/2011, 11:10
Well it is made for consoles but it does not ran as nicely as COD does. Single player experience is nowhere near COD or the co-op missions. They focused on pc because that is what they know and that is their fault the game sells fraction of what the COD series sells. Also this is to ANYBODY who is crying about how VGChartz is not following digital sales. 360= 2.25M PS3=1.49 AND EA SAID THEY SOLD 5M SO THAT LEAVES 1.26 FOR PC! SO PC LOST TO BOTH OF THE CONSOLES. HAHAHAH THIS SHOULD SHOW EVERY DEVELOPER THAT BANKING ON PC RELEASE IS A WASTE OF MONEY!!!!!!
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Kenchu posted 02/11/2011, 10:09
I already asked on the Deus Ex wall, nilli, but I'm asking here as well. Why the obsession about developers choosing to release their games for PC? It's profitable. And as long as it will be, they'll continue making games for it. There's really no need for you to worry about their decisions. And FYI, this game is made for consoles as well so your comment about people learning to make games for consoles is really odd in this context.
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magekyou posted 02/11/2011, 07:42
people, dont even mind that dumbass, hes a pretty popular PC troll around here, butthurt that hes too yound to afford his own computer, since his parents doesnt want to buy him the good stuff.
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nilli posted 02/11/2011, 06:50
FPS shooter that is advertised as the second coming of jesus and these are the numbers they manage to pull :D Hey why don't you learn how to make games for consoles. COD will sell more on 360 alone. Why? Because that game is made for consoles and ported to pc. BF3 is not the best selling EA game ever. It is the fastest selling you freaking morons. Sold purely on hype and advertising. Sales will plummet when COD hits the stores.
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DakonBlackblade posted 02/11/2011, 03:29
@zingerman except this game wasnt realy sucessfull on any plataform, from what Ive been rearing and from the Beta its a game that looks good but doesnt do anything diferent or push the genre foward in anywhay (pretty much the same as CoD). That had nothing to do with what the lead plataform was of course but this isnt an awesome game its a good game, theres plenty of better things out there with or whithout PC as lead plats, PC exclusives, consoles exclusives or multiplataform games.
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enrageorange posted 02/11/2011, 12:58
enjoy having to restart the game every time you want to join a new server and having the game crash on you half the time. This is coming from a mostly PC gamer as well. PC being the main platform just made this game suck on everything. Maybe in a few months when the game gets fixed you can show it off.
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zingerman posted 01/11/2011, 10:36
nope nilli, EA just got proven that focusing on PC is the way of making millions. BF3 is best selling EA game ever and guess what, PC was the lead platform :DD we also get a better game, you mad bro, sub HD 30 fps on your shitty console. I think 3-4 days ago EA said that focusing on PC benefits all, devs are starting to learn that when PC leads - games get most successful on all platforms :) More to come.
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VetteDude posted 01/11/2011, 10:35
Rexar, you're a sad little douche bag. Why don't you grow a pair and stop bitching around about consoles.
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The_Joker_Product posted 01/11/2011, 10:32
Aww shame not even 500,000 copies lol lol lol it sold more in just EMEAA on the 360. Its not as funny as rexars inability to spell a word as simple as absolute though.
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Kulcan posted 01/11/2011, 04:56
nilli , CoD 5 years old engine vs Frostbite 2.0 there is a big difference between them. Consoles can't handle it . Fail troll
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The_Joker_Product posted 01/11/2011, 04:54
Not even 300,000 sales, not so good, guess nobody cares for PC gaming anymore.
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fedfed posted 01/11/2011, 02:36
is 8.4 a good score for this kind of games? If they are so popular why they do not get 9+?
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nilli posted 01/11/2011, 11:43
COD runs on 60fps on consoles so yeah there is that :D. Dice has an engine that is made for pc and they fail to make great console ports and they will never ever reach call of duty sales numbers as long as they put pc first and don't learn console programming.
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Noodlefighter posted 30/10/2011, 08:11
Wow so you're a developer now? So tell what is this game on consoles that is advance as a Battlefield 3 and runs "nice"
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nilli posted 28/10/2011, 06:14
Dice f**ed up. They have no clue how to make games run nice on consoles. They will never ever come even close with COD in sales.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (62)

1 n/a 250,671 287,633 146,259 684,563
2 n/a 79,413 117,160 56,174 252,747
3 n/a 25,414 42,655 19,980 88,049
4 n/a 14,435 42,624 18,037 75,096
5 n/a 17,207 32,851 14,694 64,752
6 n/a 14,932 40,445 17,215 72,592
7 n/a 15,222 48,577 20,163 83,962
8 n/a 15,209 43,070 18,146 76,425
9 n/a 20,979 52,958 22,780 96,717
10 n/a 13,716 29,862 9,516 53,094
Noodlefighter posted 24/12/2011, 06:03
Your stupid for actually thinking making consoles the lead would make it sell as much as CoD. You do realize the difference between CoD and battlefield? CoD is a game that everyone and their grandmother can play and call themselves "pro" Battlefield is a game where you don't jump around everywhere doing "No scopes".
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led9010 posted 15/12/2011, 04:22
The right audience cannot be decided by fags like you. Battlefield 3 looks better on PC then it ever could on consoles even if it would have been built on the consoles first. You're kidding yourself if you think building for consoles is the way to go. Everything is not judged monetarily. By making the game for PC first they have created a quality product and sold 9 million copies. That they could have sold more is irrelevant. They sold around 9 million copies of the game and still managed to make a quality game, one which Modern Warfare 3 is not, despite selling more than 12 million copies
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nilli posted 14/12/2011, 07:56
It all about catering the right crowd. Make a shitty engine for consoles and you will pay in the millions.
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led9010 posted 10/12/2011, 01:52
hahaa NILLI its not about the engines, its about the game. And looking at the sales on 360 i really have to say consolites have really bad tastes
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Guovssohas posted 09/12/2011, 04:24
And btw, this 950k, is it only physical games sold? Not counting Origin sales?
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Guovssohas posted 09/12/2011, 04:21
Lookin' good so far :) What does extrapolated mean?
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