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Release Dates

02/16/10 Sega
(Add Date)
02/19/10 Sega

Community Stats

Owners: 33
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 3

Avg Community Rating:


Aliens vs Predator (X360) > Opinions (24)

yo_john117 posted 24/09/2011, 09:17
Good sales for such a mediocre game
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-girgosz- posted 03/07/2011, 10:58
The game was very dissapointed that you rented it? Thats said. :(
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slipknotfan posted 26/06/2011, 02:41
Rented it, was very disappointed!
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hudsoniscool posted 11/01/2011, 11:37
avp apperently is just as popular in emeaa. the ps3 version is doing better there.
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hudsoniscool posted 11/01/2011, 11:27
really good sales for a okay game. if aliens CM is really good it should be able to do atleast 2 million on 360
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nathantay posted 28/05/2010, 11:22
Sales look really good. Now give me Aliens:Colonial Marines SEGA.
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biosonico posted 19/05/2010, 08:35
Combined sales of 1.7mill so far, big profits for Sega :D
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disolitude posted 05/03/2010, 04:03
Cause the game kicks ass OkeyDokey. ITs fun to play...
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I LOVE GIGGS posted 04/03/2010, 08:41
adjusted down?
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 04/03/2010, 05:58
Why is this selling so well? Does anyone have an explanation? O_o
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mexitalrish posted 03/03/2010, 10:01
shh, c'mon buddy, lets play nice now :)
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strunge posted 01/03/2010, 11:34
"lvader posted 27/02/2010, 10:25
This can't by right, Sony said multi platform games sell better on PS3."

that's not what they said. did you not grasp what was said because it is too complex or are you dishonestly misrepresenting it in hopes of simply appealing to people who are too stupid to know better? if the latter, why would you really want to be the influence leader of that group?
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enragedorange posted 28/02/2010, 05:51
dominating in UK is equal to selling half of nothing us sales. There is just a much bigger userbase in the US. I doubt the sales are overtracked.
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lvader posted 27/02/2010, 10:25
This can't by right, Sony said multi platform games sell better on PS3.
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Ghazi4 posted 27/02/2010, 07:46
nice first week lets see how its legs hold up
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theSkillfull1 posted 27/02/2010, 09:02
goes to show that the franchise has a lot of fans, and we want MORE!
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Strategyking92 posted 27/02/2010, 01:52
I have a feeling the extrapolations on this game might be overtracking it.
Everybody is saying the game dominated the UK charts, but did nothing in america.
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Mr Puggsly posted 26/02/2010, 07:14
Wow, this is a great opening. I thought this game had bomb written all of over it.
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italo244 posted 26/02/2010, 04:06
I'm surprised too! The reviews are pretty low, but... 300k first week is very good!
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arsenicazure posted 26/02/2010, 11:04
1.5mil LTD
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Justin posted 26/02/2010, 03:04
I'm surprised how good an opening this game got.
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snyperdud posted 26/02/2010, 12:42
Awesome opening.

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sanadawarrior posted 19/02/2010, 03:02
Game is alot of fun, too bad it deleted my saves or something(not sure what happened) and now I have to restart all of the campaigns.
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SegaWorld posted 15/02/2010, 07:31
In France, french tv passe all Alien, Predator and Avp movies by week. I am ready for this.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (24)

1 n/a 176,056 92,873 46,188 315,117
2 n/a 77,152 59,527 23,305 159,984
3 n/a 46,840 27,488 12,741 87,069
4 n/a 21,289 13,412 5,940 40,641
5 n/a 12,801 8,615 3,661 25,077
6 n/a 8,933 9,299 3,090 21,322
7 n/a 5,088 12,835 2,987 20,910
8 n/a 4,430 8,683 2,196 15,309
9 n/a 3,776 4,277 1,362 9,415
10 n/a 2,898 3,363 1,058 7,319
yo_john117 posted 24/09/2011, 09:17
Good sales for such a mediocre game
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-girgosz- posted 03/07/2011, 10:58
The game was very dissapointed that you rented it? Thats said. :(
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slipknotfan posted 26/06/2011, 02:41
Rented it, was very disappointed!
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hudsoniscool posted 11/01/2011, 11:37
avp apperently is just as popular in emeaa. the ps3 version is doing better there.
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hudsoniscool posted 11/01/2011, 11:27
really good sales for a okay game. if aliens CM is really good it should be able to do atleast 2 million on 360
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nathantay posted 28/05/2010, 11:22
Sales look really good. Now give me Aliens:Colonial Marines SEGA.
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