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Alternative Names

RockMan World






Release Dates

12/01/91 Capcom
07/26/91 Capcom
01/01/92 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 37
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Wishlist: 1
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Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge (GB) > Opinions (4)

Thechalkblock posted 25/10/2012, 05:01
mega man games are not very forgiving... this is the first one i've beaten outside the x series.
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joey123 posted 16/08/2009, 07:10
i beat this game... its pretty tough but not as hard as megaman 1 on the nes.

lol i also think 9 is harder than this game
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ClaudeLv250 posted 20/10/2008, 01:47
Beat it last night.

People that think that Mega Man9 is impossible seriously need to play this game. The level design is downright sadistic.
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Roflinator posted 06/04/2008, 03:30
That game was seriously annoying and way too difficult for my likings.

And this is coming from a guy who has finished the NES series. D:
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Shipping Total

1,000,000 Units
As of: 1996

Opinion (4)

Thechalkblock posted 25/10/2012, 05:01
mega man games are not very forgiving... this is the first one i've beaten outside the x series.
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joey123 posted 16/08/2009, 07:10
i beat this game... its pretty tough but not as hard as megaman 1 on the nes.

lol i also think 9 is harder than this game
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ClaudeLv250 posted 20/10/2008, 01:47
Beat it last night.

People that think that Mega Man9 is impossible seriously need to play this game. The level design is downright sadistic.
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Roflinator posted 06/04/2008, 03:30
That game was seriously annoying and way too difficult for my likings.

And this is coming from a guy who has finished the NES series. D:
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