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Alternative Names

メタルギアソリッド2 サンズ オブ リバティー


Konami Computer Entertainment Japan



Other Versions

PC, PS3, X360

Release Dates

11/12/01 Konami
11/29/01 Konami
03/08/02 Konami

Community Stats

Owners: 755
Favorite: 53
Tracked: 5
Wishlist: 2
Now Playing: 4

Avg Community Rating:


Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (PS2) > Opinions (44)

Machina posted 05/08/2023, 06:08
The sales total above does not include sales for Substance. The page for the combined total can be found here:

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Kerotan posted 02/03/2015, 05:24

Undertracked in Japan. 1.07m
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CruZControL posted 29/04/2012, 12:12
You people are mistaken; it shipped 7M on ALL platforms, not just PS2.
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Snake_eat_her posted 02/12/2010, 03:10
"Best Metal Gear Imo. One of the best games ever." AGREED
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ishiki posted 29/10/2010, 05:01
Best Metal Gear Imo. One of the best games ever.
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Frieza posted 24/03/2010, 03:20
Think people think, it shipped 7 million. This is at 5.6 million, MGS Substance on heres at 0.8 million. So 6.4 million total.

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StreaK posted 20/03/2010, 07:14
Yeah, this game without a doubt topped 7 million. I read numerous articles stating that fact. I think it's the best-selling MGS game because of that awesome demo that came out back in the day. Too bad many gamers ended up becoming disappointed because this game is incredible.
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TT Makaveli posted 07/03/2010, 09:20
i wrote last year and today i will write the same: UNDERTRACKED!

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ShadowSoldier posted 10/09/2009, 09:15
7M....holy hell 7M UPDATE please
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SaviorX posted 13/07/2009, 03:49
I heard this shipped 7m copies.

It should be at like 6.98m sold here or something. Those 7m copies were shipped ages ago.
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Digary posted 20/06/2009, 02:38
Best MGS
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TT Makaveli posted 25/03/2009, 11:05
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Gilgamesh posted 18/03/2009, 07:09
Game under tracked sold over 7 million.
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zexen_lowe posted 17/03/2009, 08:52
Fantastic game, really improved over the first (which was already amazing) and an excellent story. 9.5/10
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Hunter-121 posted 28/02/2009, 09:07
I think the game is a bit boring in comparison to the first one. I don´t know why, but I didn´t get this epic feeling I got with MGS.
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Marco posted 20/12/2008, 12:28
my favourite game
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Simulacrum posted 03/10/2008, 02:57
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
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Okain posted 23/09/2008, 10:47
Would be higher in my books if there was more Snake instead of Raiden.
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gera4390 posted 23/09/2008, 09:37
I've had this game like 5 times, and I have 3 copies left :D and 2 of them are the substance version.
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xxxvitoxxx posted 14/08/2008, 04:10
mgs2 actually sold 1k in japan last week 0_o
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el_rika posted 23/07/2008, 12:12
There are more than 7 mil actually sold of this game. Several sources confirmed it some time ago.
Maybe VGchartz will bring the numbers up to date someday :)
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vitoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx posted 13/07/2008, 05:30
the best mgs game..well after mgs4 =p
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MontanaHatchet posted 01/07/2008, 07:09
Amazing, this game is actually still selling thanks to MGS4.
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leo-j posted 27/06/2008, 05:52
This game sold 7 million copies, GT said it and so did KONAMI, there are no copes of this on shelves either.
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Griffin posted 22/06/2008, 01:11
During the MGS retrospectives on GT they say this game sold 7mil copies.
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SchumiF1 posted 13/06/2008, 10:50
Best game ever! I just wish the actual sales numbers were up-to-date!
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HanzoTheRazor posted 11/05/2008, 10:48
9/10 Great game. 4's going to *ROCK*!
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Snake612 posted 11/05/2008, 12:39
meatl gear solid was very good. Metal Gear Solid 4 is going to be one of the best games of 2008. I'm hoping it brings in huge sales.
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saw posted 08/03/2008, 02:01
The story line was...well...weird. It's a game you need to play, if you are into the MGS story line, but the game play its self isn't as good as some of the previous one; this isn't to say that it's "un-playable" or even bad.. it's just not quiet as good as I had expected it to be. I'll probably play the next one immediately before the next one comes out. :P
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sieanr posted 28/02/2008, 05:28
ITT people who think shallow political commentary and a dilettantish story is "deep"
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Parokki posted 03/02/2008, 09:37
Possibility 1: "Every other article" are quoting the same, incorrect source.
Possibility 2: Those figures include sales of the remake.
Possibility 3: This site has a minor mistake. Please tell ioi if you have a good source, and I'm sure he'll fix it.
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X-Man posted 16/01/2008, 04:38
"this game has sold at least 7 million according to every other article"

I was about to say the same thing. This game was actually more successful than the first, which sold 6.6 million copies world wide. And that's according to more established sites like GameSpot and the like.

I'm wondering if the owner of this site just makes the numbers up when he feels like it.

No wonder no one trusts the numbers in this place.

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segajon posted 14/01/2008, 04:41
I own this game but I'm not going to put it on my profile because I haven't been able to find it for 2 years now.

Hope I can find it, I'm currently in the middle of my 3rd run through of the game.

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Stats87 posted 30/12/2007, 11:11
this game has sold at least 7 million according to every other article
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fazz posted 23/12/2007, 10:02
I wouldn't say "BRAIN POWER", but "open mind". After some point in the game you are like "ok I get it... but wtf"
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mx_remix91742 posted 18/12/2007, 12:27
epic story, my favorite game for years to come... 10/10
WARNING!!**this game ACTUALLY requires BRAIN POWER to comprehend the complexity of the storyline and requires knowledge of the first MGS to understand the abstract/complex nature of this masterpiece

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Lord_ash posted 26/11/2007, 06:39
For me it wasn't as good as the 1st but still very damn good.
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MontanaHatchet posted 01/11/2007, 10:00
nathantay trolls random PS and PS2 games. Just ignore him.
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erikguy posted 25/09/2007, 04:39
deathbeast sucks.

"Better than the first MGS but still not that good"
says someone who likes the Saturn....
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nathantay posted 19/09/2007, 05:06
Better than the first MGS but still not that good. 6/10
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OldManOnCampus posted 28/07/2007, 08:30
This is my favorite game of all time and not the best (as in I wouldn't recommend it to everyone), even with the poorly told story and all its flaws, for the ending speech impacted my real life. Not directly though, only through means of discovering its themes in other works of not so niche'd media. I hope that made sense.
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DoubleV56 posted 15/07/2007, 07:36
deathbeast, sorry Metal Gear Solid isn't a overrated game like Halo.
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deathbeast posted 10/07/2007, 03:47
this game sucks. ridiculously overwrought story. no wonder leoj likes it.
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leo-j posted 29/06/2007, 05:52
I love this game man
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Shipping Total

5,640,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2004

Opinion (44)

Machina posted 05/08/2023, 06:08
The sales total above does not include sales for Substance. The page for the combined total can be found here:

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Kerotan posted 02/03/2015, 05:24

Undertracked in Japan. 1.07m
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CruZControL posted 29/04/2012, 12:12
You people are mistaken; it shipped 7M on ALL platforms, not just PS2.
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Snake_eat_her posted 02/12/2010, 03:10
"Best Metal Gear Imo. One of the best games ever." AGREED
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ishiki posted 29/10/2010, 05:01
Best Metal Gear Imo. One of the best games ever.
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Frieza posted 24/03/2010, 03:20
Think people think, it shipped 7 million. This is at 5.6 million, MGS Substance on heres at 0.8 million. So 6.4 million total.

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