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CD Projekt Red Studio



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Release Dates

05/17/11 Atari
07/28/11 CyberFront
05/17/11 Namco Bandai

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The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings (PC) > Opinions (148)

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MichiGen posted 31/05/2012, 04:20
CD Projekt RED just announced on their conference that The Witcher 2 sold 1.7 million copies on PC only. Nice number indeed. Hope the X360 will reach at least half of that..
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ManciuD posted 19/04/2012, 07:33
not even half the sales of tw1
and i bet tw1 got more digital sales then tw2
ouch again
all due respect CD Project you get shitty sales for how much efford you put on games
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okr posted 05/04/2012, 11:16
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okr posted 05/04/2012, 11:16
Today CD Project said (during their soring event) that the PC version sold 1.1 milllion copies up to now.
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AndrewWK posted 19/02/2012, 12:38
This game is already beyond a million combined with digital sales, which is pretty impressive for a PC exclusive
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Noodlefighter posted 17/12/2011, 04:23
Oh yeah and a lil heads up more Console Exclusive/ Console centric developer studios have been closed down or hit badly then their have been PC centric/Exclusive Studios this generation
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Noodlefighter posted 17/12/2011, 04:18
STALKER 2!? LOL ur desperate STALKER isn't dead they've announced that they're still working on it. It had nothing to do with them being PC exclusive but their Country's government and failing to get a publisher for console versions which I guess you can say console development almost killed them
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nilli posted 14/12/2011, 06:46
Yep it sure will since everybody pirated it on pc already. Everybody I know who has consoles and pc has arleady played this for free. If it were released on 360 first it would have sold so much more. Nobody here wants to mod their console but everybody pirates on pc because it is so fast and easy and you don't have to mod nothing.
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yahoocomReborn posted 13/12/2011, 02:28
Anyway, the xbox360 version of this game will sell like shit too
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nilli posted 13/12/2011, 02:11
Oh and here is a little gift for you all. You were wondering why the Witcher devs decided to star releasing their games on consoles? Here is why That would happen to them if they would not. STALKER SERIE IS DEAD! Goes to show you how good pc gaming is doing. They even said that developing a shooter for pc only is not worth it.
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nilli posted 13/12/2011, 02:10
You do realize that Skyrim is the biggest RPG game out there. Their company has done several award winning RPG in the resent decade. They had humongous advertising and marketing etc.... So there is no reason to even begin to compare. But hey see where skyrim sold the least ammount of copies 360,ps3 or pc. The answer is pc.
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yahoocomReborn posted 13/12/2011, 12:42
SKyirm PC version alone outsold Dark souls both console versions
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yahoocomReborn posted 13/12/2011, 12:41
Dark souls sold like shit on consoles... At least witcher 2 sold over 200, 000 copies digitally
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nilli posted 13/12/2011, 07:12
No its not. Im just pointing out how stupida and childish you are. Did you get bullied bad as a child? I bet you did since you are so slow. Oh and again CD Project was saiying how consoles are a market that you simply can't miss. You will never see another pc exclusive title from the. Oh and Witcher 2 even was not heheh pirated 4,5 MILLION TIMES MUHAHAHAHAH!
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clos2 posted 10/12/2011, 04:39
hahaha nilli, is that all you have left? a defense? man, youre done son. You get offended? aww am sorry. You are done son. You hve nothing left but your stupid piracy argument, which btw, developers didnt mind it was prated 4.5 million times. In fact, they are still pc and will continue to be. Sorr man, you had a good run, but its time for you to give up.
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nilli posted 01/12/2011, 08:28
You try to insult me personally and know nothing about me. That tells alot about you tho. Tells how you have ran out of arguments and aren't the most sharpest tool in the shed.
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clos2 posted 30/11/2011, 03:13
hahaha nilli has played through the witcher 2 twice. Am telling you, this kid is a pc gamer with some attention problems, since he cant get his mom to love him or have any friends, he comes here to get attention. He palyed witcher 2 twice? hahahah...please nilli, 1 million on drm free game is more than enough to make the developers happy, just comes to show you that witcher fanbase is there, and its not for people like you or for dragon age 2 fans, meaning console fans, this is for people who like a good story, a good hardcore rpg, so it was made for a specific crowd of crpg players. Something youre not, so stop pretending and go back to dragon age 2. If witcher 2 had the advertisemnt bf3, dragon age 2 did, it would sell a lot more.
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nilli posted 30/11/2011, 07:31
CD Project screwed millions in sales by not releasing the 360 version at the same time. HAHAHAHA SHOWS YOU HOW GOOD PC GAMING IS DOING. So 1 million sold and another 4,5 million pirated. HAHAHAHAH FUCKING MORONS! That is what you get on pc.
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Noodlefighter posted 30/11/2011, 04:14
Wow and CD Projekt still doesn't give a damn about the numbers :P
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led9010 posted 29/11/2011, 05:15
before NILLI can have his silver lining moment, let not let him get the upper hand lol
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nilli posted 21/11/2011, 09:37
First of all you being such a fanboy that you cant even read when you get excited is a sad sad thing. Second Im not jelous I have played through witcher 2 twice and even if I had not the game is coming to 360. I just made you look like a complete fool. Please next time learn how to read so I don't have to do the reading for you.
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clos posted 19/11/2011, 06:33
haha nilli, you did osme research..good for you. I misread that. Dont mean nothing though, pc sales for this game are nearly a million and its a pc game and on top of that DRM free, something not even your consoles have. You buy used games and contribuete to the piracy of consoles cause you cant afford a full game. Witcher 2 just shows how pc gaming is not dead at all, sales maynot be in th emillions, but the developers are happy with it so whats the big problem nilli? why u so jelly? cause we sitll getting the games? is that what makes you mad? a platfom you are convinced is dying is tstill getting triple a games and there is absolutely no sign of developers stopping their support for pc? is that what makes your ass quiver in fear? you like the developers dcick up ur saucy ass nilli. You want them to milk you in tha tbutthole all the time. For someone who defend cosnoles a lot, i see you on steam playing games all the time and then you buy used console games. You cant even pirate a pc game caus eyou cant even run it. Ill take a screenshot of your profile and show the world how you own the kingdom of th emagyc crystals on steam. A pony game. Nilli, you can trollall you want, fact is, pc gaming is here to stay and if that pisses you off, then sorry to hear that. You still hav eno valid arguements and still hvave no valid points besides piracy, which is the oldest and now useless argument against pc gaming. Not even developers throw that argument around anymore. They have accepeted it and they get profit form their pc sales. Maybe youre just too dumb to understand but thats ok , we dont exepct you to.
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clos posted 19/11/2011, 06:33
haha nilli, you did osme research..good for you. I misread that. Dont mean nothing though, pc sales for this game are nearly a million and its a pc game and on top of that DRM free, something not even your consoles have. You buy used games and contribuete to the piracy of consoles cause you cant afford a full game. Witcher 2 just shows how pc gaming is not dead at all, sales maynot be in th emillions, but the developers are happy with it so whats the big problem nilli? why u so jelly? cause we sitll getting the games? is that what makes you mad? a platfom you are convinced is dying is tstill getting triple a games and there is absolutely no sign of developers stopping their support for pc? is that what makes your ass quiver in fear? you like the developers dcick up ur saucy ass nilli. You want them to milk you in tha tbutthole all the time. For someone who defend cosnoles a lot, i see you on steam playing games all the time and then you buy used console games. You cant even pirate a pc game caus eyou cant even run it. Ill take a screenshot of your profile and show the world how you own the kingdom of th emagyc crystals on steam. A pony game. Nilli, you can trollall you want, fact is, pc gaming is here to stay and if that pisses you off, then sorry to hear that. You still hav eno valid arguements and still hvave no valid points besides piracy, which is the oldest and now useless argument against pc gaming. Not even developers throw that argument around anymore. They have accepeted it and they get profit form their pc sales. Maybe youre just too dumb to understand but thats ok , we dont exepct you to.
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Noodlefighter posted 19/11/2011, 10:05
*once again TW2 doesn't represent the ratio of digital:Retail for ALL PC games. Your just grasping straws to make it seem as retail is the 100%
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Noodlefighter posted 19/11/2011, 10:04
Even though Skyrim is a steam works it game surpassed every other steam works game such as Portal 2, Deux Ex HR, Rage, TF2, and etc Once again TW2 represent digital sales for ALL games. You are just using it as an excuse to make it seem retail are the 100% sales and claim PC as a dying platform.
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nilli posted 17/11/2011, 09:15
IM gonna put this here too so everybody can see what a freaking loser you are! CLOS = Retard little child! CD Project said that witcher digital sales surpassed 250K not half a mil. The game has not yet sold over 1 million on pc. This just goes to show you how weak the steam sales and digital sales on pc generally are. Only reason Why Skyrim pulled "big" numbers on steam is because THE GAME USES STEAMWORKS! So it has all the retail copies as well. This game series shows exactly how pc gaming is dying and why the developers care less and less about pc development. It is an after thought. Oh and CLOS here is a gift to you little monkey. IT SAYS QUARTER! You do know what that means don't you retard? It is not half a million.
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clos posted 16/11/2011, 05:14
yo nilli, do some resasearch, this game has already surpasses 1 million slaes you idiot. cd projekt themselves have said that digital sales have gone above 500k while its at 650k on retail? do the math? or you are just too put it in down syndrome terms, over 1 million and guess what? DRM FREE YOU MORONIC IDIOT! 1 MILLION ON A DRM FREE CULT FAVORITE SERIES. this isnt a series that was ovehyped to the entire world, in fact, only to the pc hardcore rpg fan and it sold well for that. You would never be able to play withcer 2 or skyrim cause its too hard for you, it doesnt hold your hand like the oe you loved so much called dragon age 2. That kiddy rpg made for peple lik eyou with down syndrome and an inbred brother. BAAHAHAHAHAHAHA..nilli, never seen such an idiot my entire life, and ive seen some morons, but you bite the cake for ultimate idiot. Making claim without proof doesnt make you smart nilli. Think bout that, and we all know you hat pc gaming so much u dont even bther to look up the facts, you still living in 2001 right before 9/11
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Noodlefighter posted 16/11/2011, 01:16
Nope it does not Show how weak digital sales are on PC I'll even refer to titles like StarCraft 2 where the retail copies came out first yet they already got 1 million digital copies on the day they released it their digital service
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nilli posted 15/11/2011, 06:20
Buahhahaha "we are closing on one million sales" they have not even yet reached million sales. HAHAHAHAHA now the pc fanboys are screaming "they have sold probably 1,5 million already!" This game shows exactly how weak the digital sales on pc games are and how pc piracy kills the sales.
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Noodlefighter posted 15/11/2011, 04:26
Once again TW2 =/= all games once again you can't back up your claims either until digital sales are finally revealed for ALL games
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nilli posted 14/11/2011, 06:31
Yep pc digital sales are highly exaggerated. This game again proves it. Funny of you little pc nerds always try to go the "well they are not counting digital" route when a game sells like shit on pc. Well keep in mind that it sells way less digital. The games that show digital distribution as success are games like Farmville, Terraria and minecraft. Not these big titles. These sell like shit on pc and there for even Witcher 2 is coming to 360 :D
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Noodlefighter posted 12/11/2011, 10:21
So The witcher 2 is proof that ALL GAMES sell shit? Uhm hell no and it's not surprising for me since I knew that atleast 200k were done through digital. Besides the retail copies offered a lot more then the digital copies.
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nilli posted 11/11/2011, 08:25
Witcher 2 has not sold even a million units. HAHAHAHA! it has sold 900K What a pathetic number for one of the most hyped game ever! 9/10 in the reviews an pc exclusive and they failed to reach 1 million! LOL! There you have it the sales died instantly. Thanks to pc piracy CD-Project should have made the 360 version at the same time. Now everybody has pirated this game on pc.
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nilli posted 11/11/2011, 07:53
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clos posted 10/11/2011, 07:44
haha nilli at it agian. Hes poor, raped his sister, and his father touched him a few times. He has nothing. Yet, he has a stea acct with over 100 games in it. Please nilli, you have lost your argument on every single pc agame page, aand as you argue more and more, pc games keep coming out like my cock out of ur moms butt. pc gaming is alive baby!
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cars298 posted 09/11/2011, 12:26
very hard 2 play...
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cars298 posted 09/11/2011, 12:25
places are cool
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nilli posted 04/11/2011, 08:16
Majority :D Please do tell me why it is the majority if even BF3 sold less on pc than either of the consoles? Im talking about upgrading your rig wasting your money on it. and time. Then tweaking the setting and reading the support forums to find out why the game fails to run on your rig. Then buying new Graphics card and waiting for a patch. That is pc gaming. Waste of time and money.
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Noodlefighter posted 04/11/2011, 12:48
Only morons would waste their time and money on PC's? I guess the majority of the world is full of morons then? "Hey guys let's make a next gen game on an Ipad!!!"
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nilli posted 03/11/2011, 01:34
waaaawaaaaaa raxar got owned hard. What is the matter can't fight your own battles. It is sad to be so stupid isn't it?
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rexar posted 03/11/2011, 04:45
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rexar posted 01/11/2011, 01:33
nilli stfu you console retard, PC is best, you retarded idiot
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nilli posted 31/10/2011, 10:20
Blizzard has no problem with piracy because their games are heavily multiplayer focused. You see them making pure single player games? Valve would never say anything since they have the biggest direct to drive service on pc. Pc is shrinking all the time. Exclusives vanishing and this means that the games are made on consoles terms. Pc gamers are the ones moving to ipads etc... since today you can do the same shit with those than with pc. People buy a console and an ipad and they don't need the hunk of junk pc's anymore. Desktops are nearly done. Nobody is buying those anymore. Acer CEO resigned just little time ago the main reason was that the taplets are eating away the desktop pcs. Only morons would waste their time and money on pc's.
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zingerman posted 26/10/2011, 05:53
also, PC piracy is no longer the issue for good games on PC, you don't see valve or blizz ever complaining about it, guess what, they make good games for PC, what a shocker :o and with the way things are going, PC is gonna grow stronger and stronger, while console gamers move on to ipads and shit :D
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zingerman posted 26/10/2011, 05:50
lol nilli, steam takes way less than game distributors like gamestop take, not to mention royalty fees which take up 12 dollars, so what the devs and publisherts get are 10 dollars each. Now let's say if steam and DD distributors took 50% percent, which is absurd, the publisher and dev make 12,5 each, even then it's more profitable on PC. Also, i think GoG got like 100k+ sales, meaning every cent went directly to the devs, cool huh, where can you find something like that on consoles :D? Also, the game cost 20 mil with marketing andsuch, so you can imagine the profits already ;)
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Noodlefighter posted 25/10/2011, 01:20
PS SWTOR is going to be the biggest PC release this yeard and with Battlefield 3 behind it
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Noodlefighter posted 25/10/2011, 01:20
PS SWTOR is going to be the biggest PC release this yeard and with Battlefield 3 behind it
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Noodlefighter posted 25/10/2011, 01:18
So Digital sales are weak because of 1 game? Proof?
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nilli posted 24/10/2011, 12:45
Yahoocom1984 you really shouls STFU. You have absolutely no idea how much steam takes from every copy sold. Unless you can show me how much it takes you need to STFU. This was suppose to be the nro 1 release on pc this year and they just managed to pull 1 million sold. Goes to show you how weak the digital sales of new games really are. Maybe 400K sold through digital. Don't worry I bet it has been downloaded millions of times through torrent sites. The sales are dead.
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yahoocom1984 posted 23/10/2011, 01:41
The witcher 2 sold more than 1 million copies (with DD sales of course, especially on Steam and GOG, and Publisher can get huge chunk of money from digital download, 35% for retail, 70% for digital)
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yahoocom1984 posted 23/10/2011, 01:39
To those PS3 faboys below, most of your PS3 exclusives' sales can be considered as crap: Socom 4? Lol, Resistance 3? Lol; Infamous 2? Lol, Motorstorm ? Lol
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yahoocom1984 posted 23/10/2011, 01:36
The XBOX360 version of this game will sell like shit.. PC version = quality, keep braging your console crap
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Noodlefighter posted 22/10/2011, 02:22
Explain STALKER especially with SoC and CoP selling 2 million copies it's first year. Not to mention the multiplayer was buggy crap? Wow still using VG Charts to determine the sales? Once again VG Chartz still doesn't track digital copies which make up at least %50 of most games. Don't go blurting out Witcher 2 sold more retail ATM, I'll just tell you that the retail copies offered more then the Digital.
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nilli posted 21/10/2011, 06:09
You do know that Fable 3 is a piece of shit game and they released it like over six months later on 360. Witcher 2 will sell way more on 360 than Fable 3 did on pc. That will show you also how CD project should have released the game on 360 firts. Unfortunately it will never reach its true potential because they first released it on pc where it sold 1 mil LOL and got pirated millions of times. Oh and just to make it clear nro 1 game on the most pirated list on pc got pirated more than almost all the 360 games in top 5 combined. Now go check how much those games sold on pc vs console. Mass effect 2 and mafia 2 both sold like utter shit on pc and meanwhile SC2 and BFBC2 saw success. HMMMM why do you think that is. There is only one explanation... PC PIRACY. Those games were singleplayer and the rest were multiplayer focused. There you have it. No point to ever create a single player game for the disappearing pc crowd. Only thieves stay on that platform.
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Noodlefighter posted 21/10/2011, 05:25
2010 report of the most pirated games on consoles Alan Wake, Red Dead Redemption, Halo Reach, and call of duty black ops all where over the 1 million mark or in the 900ks I highly so your claim about console downloads being only k is poop :P Good thing The Witcher 2 did sell more then fable 3 on PC :P
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nilli posted 20/10/2011, 11:38
infamous flop? STFU idiot it just wait for a month and it reaches witcher 2 numbers. it is already 900K. Resistance is a dead serie nobody even wanted the third game. There nealy no piracy on consoles when you compare it to pc. Check any multipaltform title from torrent sites and the you can multiplay the console version downloads with 1000 to even get close to pc numbers. If they would have released this game on 360 first and then on pc later they would have sold over 3 million already like Fable 3 did. Oh and fable sold like shit on pc and is a shit game so witcher 2 would have sold even more. Too bad everybody has already piratd this game and the sales are dead.
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zingerman posted 14/10/2011, 11:28
lol resistance and infarmous flopped hahaha, what an idiot, piracy agin prevails on consoles, oh wait, those games sucked :DDD
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nilli posted 13/10/2011, 06:36
Lets wait untill the next year. Witcher 2 sales have died. It sold purely on hype and everybody who wanted it already bought it or pirated it. Resistance and Infamous will keep on selling.
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Siman posted 12/10/2011, 02:06
Shit sales? So how would you call this year PS3 exclusives, e.g. inFamous 2 or Resistence 3 then? Besides, hype was quite huge, but still, The Witcher isn't THAT big IP (comparing to BioWare or Bethesda RPG titles, for example).
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nilli posted 12/10/2011, 12:10
Not even half of the sales came from digital. This game will sell about as much as witcher 1 did if it even reaches those numbers and this is miles better and has WAY MORE HYPE. Still shit sales. Show you what has happened to pc gaming.
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Siman posted 11/10/2011, 06:48
nilli, you're wrong. According to developer, The Witcher 2 has sold 1 million copies only in two first months (which means, not suprising, vgcharts underestimated PC sales a lot and i'm not talking about digital, because it's only 20% of the witcher sales, not 40%). Sales are 30% better than witcher 1 and it's expected to get more than 2 million on PC only (the witcher 1 sold 1.7 mln copies in total). And witcher 2 is not biggest PC release this year, The Old Republic will be.
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nilli posted 10/10/2011, 08:37
Well it certainly has a chance since the 360 version is released way later in 2012. Everybody has already pirated the game on pc by then.
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yahoocom1984 posted 10/10/2011, 05:23
nilli, shut up Bitch.. TW2 PC sales will crush its console sales... PC version = best version bitch
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Noodlefighter posted 07/10/2011, 10:34
@nilli and where are your facts to back up your claims?
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nilli posted 06/10/2011, 06:12
muhahaha Biggest release of the year on pc and they only sell 1 million copies. This game will not even sell witcher 1 numbers. The sales have died. All the hype and the game is miles better than Witcher 1 and not even a new IP anymore and they manage just to pull the million mark. sad how pc gaming has died.
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yahoocom1984 posted 06/10/2011, 03:11
Of course this game sold more than this number; At least 40% of the total sales for TW2 are from digital (mainly Steam and GOG) Bitch
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yahoocom1984 posted 06/10/2011, 03:07
This game has sold more than 1 million copies, because VG doesn't count digital sales, bitch
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nilli posted 02/10/2011, 06:06
Again go cry about the commercials if that is the only thing you can come up with and Oblivion did sell way better on consoles and with Fallout 3 and new vegas the gap was even bigger. So what does that tell you about the state of pc gaming?
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Noodlefighter posted 29/09/2011, 09:34
@nilli yes TV commercials do matter since they play a big role in marketing a lot. Also "Bethesda Softworks announced today that Oblivion, the fourth installment in the award-winning Elder Scrolls series, has sold more than 1.7 million copies for PC and Xbox 360 since its March 20th launch date. According to the NPD group Oblivion is currently the top selling PC game in North America, Germany, France, and the UK with the Special Collector's Edition (which includes Pocket Guide to the Empire, "Making of Oblivion" Documentary, and a Septim Gold Coin for a retail cost $10 more than the non-collector's edition) right behind it. The two versions represented 13% of all PC game sales during their first week of release." All those games you listed had marketing campaigns bigger then The Witcher 2 except demon's souls. The sales of the PC version went past CD Projekts expectations and they seem pretty satiisfied with what they currently got, ever though that maybe they simply just want to expand their market? "you do realize that Witcher 2 was consideret the next coming of Jesus amongst the pc gamers and all they can get is million sales" I haven't seen any hype like that even then still ain't as hyped as the upcoming Diablo 3 that's a game PC gamers are making it look like the next coming of Jesus the newest Diablo 3 trailer has more views then the oldest Witcher 2 trailer/footage. IF there first title took a year to sell 1 million copies and their sequel did that in just 3 months how is that a failure, not to mention it hasn't been out for a year just 3 months and with 2.0 coming out their sales will boost. I love how you keep trying to pass it off as the most hyped PC release when it clearly isn't. "Witcher 2 is the last witcher game that will ever come exclusively on pc or even as a timed exclusive. THAT SHOWS YOU HOW MUCH FAITH EVEN CD POJECT HAS FOR PC! " Your making your own assumptions instead of listening to what CD projekt has said and the basic facts like the game was on a 8 million dollar development budget with a marketing campaign that doesn't go past trailers on youtube and the current copies sold generated $47 million in profit. Your not using facts or anything to back up what you say your just using your own assumptions.
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nilli posted 29/09/2011, 08:25
What a freaking joke! So those had tv commercials LOL! Getting desperate. I just gave you what 10 games that did better than Witcher 2. you do realize that Witcher 2 was consideret the next coming of Jesus amongst the pc gamers and all they can get is million sales :D. Oh and about Oblivion. IT SOLD WAY BETTER ON CONSOLES JUST LIKE EVERY SINGLE MULTIPLATFORM GAME. Witcher 2 is the last witcher game that will ever come exclusively on pc or even as a timed exclusive. THAT SHOWS YOU HOW MUCH FAITH EVEN CD POJECT HAS FOR PC!
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nilli posted 29/09/2011, 08:25
What a freaking joke! So those had tv commercials LOL! Getting desperate. I just gave you what 10 games that did better than Witcher 2. you do realize that Witcher 2 was consideret the next coming of Jesus amongst the pc gamers and all they can get is million sales :D. Oh and about Oblivion. IT SOLD WAY BETTER ON CONSOLES JUST LIKE EVERY SINGLE MULTIPLATFORM GAME. Witcher 2 is the last witcher game that will ever come exclusively on pc or even as a timed exclusive. THAT SHOWS YOU HOW MUCH FAITH EVEN CD POJECT HAS FOR PC!
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Noodlefighter posted 29/09/2011, 03:19
Oh wait Final Fantasy XII had tv commercials too XD
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Noodlefighter posted 29/09/2011, 12:45
@nilli Wow nice try with that list of RPGs, Oblivion sales on PC and Xbox 360 were on par Demon Souls did worse then The Witcher 2 and is on par with The Witcher 1, Dragon Age Origins/2, Fallout3/New Vegas, Fable2/3, Mass Effect 1/2, all have had TV Commercials and marketing campaigns behind them. And Final Fantasy? Like you said to me on Total War wall about that series being old and Vanqiuish being a new IP I'm gonna use your own material against you XD The Final Fantasy Series is A LOT older then The Witcher series must be some crappy so yeah it don't count derp! Before you go and say Demon Souls is a IP I'll let you know that From Software certainly isn't a new Developer to the market like CD Projekt they've been making games on about every single console since Dreamcast. "If witcher would have been released same time on pc and on 360 it would have sold 3 times more atleast on 360 just like every other multiplatform game. You know this to be true and CDProject made a huge mistake putting their fate in pc gamers." If The Witcher 2 had a marketing campaign like most console games behind it and was advertised as a Xbox 360 exclusive then maybe. Metro 2033, Bad Company 2, Portal 2, The Orange Box, and others would like to disagree with you. Your friends=/= every person who games on PC. "You morons think that just because you have only your crappy pc's nobody else has pc's and consoles." Since when did I ever think that? "My god you are sad losers." Oh the irony you deluded man. "Lastly about that Newzoo study. It is utter bullshti. NOBODY CAN DO A STUDY LIKE THAT!" Uhm it's not fake just because the chart isn't shown as consoles being 90% and PC being 1% like in your fanboy mind doesn't mean it's fake. I''d love to see you say this crap on a forum like gamespot the PC gamers down their would own the shit out of you and all your claims. I love how your throwing insults now XD
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nilli posted 28/09/2011, 09:17
Oh and to answer your idiotic question: "RPG that had more success on the consoles than witcher 2". How about Fable 2, Fable 3, Finalfantasy XIII, Dragon age origins, Even dragon age 2 has sold more on ps3 and 360 combined. Mass effect 1 and 2, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout new vegas, Demon souls. If witcher would have been released same time on pc and on 360 it would have sold 3 times more atleast on 360 just like every other multiplatform game. You know this to be true and CDProject made a huge mistake putting their fate in pc gamers.
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nilli posted 28/09/2011, 09:06
Talk what ever you want idiots. Batman got delayed because of piracy. Do you think they would ever admit it. Hell no! They come up with bullshit excuses like every other developer who is smart enough not to release their games same time on pc. Evereybody i know have gaming pc's capable of running the latest games. They pirate every single game on pc possible but they also have every single console but they buy console games because they don't want to mod their consoles and they have the money to buy games. If batman would have been a console exclusive they would have bought it day one. Now they wait for couple of weeks and pirate it on pc because it is so freaking easy. Oh but I know couple of dudes who probably will buy it now since they cant wait. Pc piracy is so easy. You morons think that just because you have only your crappy pc's nobody else has pc's and consoles. My god you are sad losers. Most of us have ps3, 360 pc and even a wii. But 99% of the gamers who have all those pirate only on pc because it is so freaking easy and fast. Hell when you pirate a game and burn it you actually own more than you would over steam buy :D Lastly about that Newzoo study. It is utter bullshti. NOBODY CAN DO A STUDY LIKE THAT! the proof is in the pudding so take your time to checkout some sales numbers.
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Noodlefighter posted 28/09/2011, 07:55
"Even Batman got delayed because of piracy" You do know that Rocksteady has said that they're using to extra month to improve/optimize the DX11, Shader Model 5, and Nvidia Physx in the PC version just like how they used the extra month for the first one for Nvidia Physx and making Mouse & keyboard controls fluid. "Are you moron? You do realize that almost all the important money for the devs comes right at the launch." Again with the desperation you actually think I was talking about 5 years later and crap ever thought that maybe people buy games after the month it was launched? How come when it comes to the console market people never seem to divide the causual, motion control crap, and etc when it comes to consoles. Newzoo chart for 2010 has shown the PC market retail+digital was 19% and this is not including MMOs, Casuals, and Social Network platforms, meanwhile all consoles combined are 43% and just realized when people do console charts they never split up the casual games which make a big/fair share of the market don't ven try to do deny that some of the consoles top selling games are things like Wii Sports, Kinect Adventures, Kinect Sports, Just Dance, and other crap. Wow still no facts to back up your claims and your powering your arguements on "It's a failure cause I said so! derp! These guys are clearly just lying I know cause I said so derp!"
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zingerman posted 28/09/2011, 03:55
PC market for it's freedom and profitability. And lol, what do you call hardcore games? Gears, killzone, call of duty and many other generic games and franchise tasteless, shallow console gamers play? Gaming isn't a charity buddy, if they make games for PC, it means they profit from it and if they don't - it's their fault. The dalay has nothing to do with pircacy, because it would not make absolutely no sense, because console games sales are affected by PC piracy, oh the astounding logic. Also, take a look at the popular genres that exclusives like resistance, infamous represent and then look at the bombed sales and that's comparing the multi million marketing campaigns versus a studio who has almost spent nothing for marketing, also, show an RPG that had more success on the consoles than witcher 2, which is as small and doesn't have a big publisher or marketing campaign supporting it.
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zingerman posted 28/09/2011, 03:47
Nilli, you're such a pathetic little troll :) It's clear that every piece of statistics regarding PC gaming, that overshadows console market is just a conspiracy by multi billion dollar companies, amirite? It's been years since developes started praising the
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nilli posted 28/09/2011, 05:53
See this is the problem with people like you. You find your "stats" from sites like PCGA or Nvidia. Do you think that they would ever post statistics that would show pc gaming in bad light. But even those "studies" could not hide the fact that it is not hardcore gaming anymore that brings home the money. It is the casual games and ofcourse MMO's. So here lies the problem with pc gaming. Developers are making these great games on pc and seeing how those games sell less year after year and then check the download stats from torrent sites. There is gonna be a day when they stop doing even the console ports for pc anymore. Hehe even Batman got delayed on pc. Why? Because the piracy on the first one was massive they on pc they flooded the support forums with guestions about issues that were hidden in the pirated version. Then everybody can see how shitty the game sold on pc. I just don't get it why the devs even bother anymore. You all should just thank 360 for even getting to pirate the ports on your pc because the development for 360 is so close to pc development. Oh and about the launch sales. Are you moron? You do realize that almost all the important money for the devs comes right at the launch. It means jack and shit if they sell another million for 2$ a dowload five years lates. It is peanuts for the devs. So in conclusion forget diggin up bulllshit stats and see how desktop sales and graphic cards sales have plummeted and by the way no device will ever replace the consoles. Because gaming is what people do with consoles. Concoles have taken everything that was good in pc gaming and turned it to ease and fun.
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Noodlefighter posted 27/09/2011, 10:32
@nilli CD Projekt's expectation for The Witcher 2 sales was to be 30% more then The Witcher 1 and they achieved it. They are pretty satisfied with the goal they reached and are continueing to achieve. All that attention and hype was no where as big as Blizzard Titles and others which Cd Projekt looks up to. Why would Valve lie about Portal 2 selling more on PC just to promote steam? Steamworks is not the same as steam genius Steamworks is the service planted on it, Steamworks doesn't mean it's automatically bought from steam. You trying to define Portal 2 numbers by talking about the amount of players on launch Wow -_-, you do know that people play/buy games after launch and the amount of SIMULTANEOUS=/= total? Valve isn't lying they've said earlier about how L4D series has sold more on Xbox 360 then PC but that's about it when it comes to their titles.PC Game sales are shit I guess if the game being sold on consoles then it's a success to you like you tried to damage control about games on PC selling more or the same as consoles. When will you learn that outside Mass market/mega franchises/games and the well established developers/publishers that most games on consoles sell on par or less then their PC counterparts Didn't find one report eh? You do know they have a website showing reports here is some of them in 2009 PC market was a $13.1 billion industry, in 2010 the Market reached a total revenue of $16.2 billion, Revenues from consumer PCs capable of gaming totaled approximately $54.6 billion in 2009 and are forecasted to grow to $61.3 billion by 2014, 61.5 million PCs (Desktop and Laptops) shipped in 2009 that can largely be associated with PC gaming as a key usage scenario,lets not also forget AMD sold over 25 million DX11 cards it's first year, Nvidia recently made the report that PC gaming can generate more revenue then consoles by 2014 with how well the market is growing and with that chart if they have to combine all the consoles+handhelds inorder to show it has more revenue then PC then what does that tell you? . I highly doubt LAptops, Smartphones, and Tablets will over throw Desktops then smart phones/tablets can also overthrow the consoles and other stationary devices. The only one being the fanboy is you :)
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nilli posted 27/09/2011, 10:50
This game was suppose to show how good the pc gaming market is doing. Only thing it showed is how weak sales even witcher 2 is getting and how piracy is booming. Even CD project are using consoles as their backup. All the anticipation and hype and they barely broke 1 million. Valve is promoting steam you idiot. There is no FUCKING way that the game sold more on pc. It uses steam works every single bought unit should be on steam retail or not and include every copy downloaded through steam by the ps3 players that got it for free. Desperate much Valve? They know where most of their sales come from. You can check how Valve is talking out their ass because it portal 2 got shitty numbers on steam when it came to simultaneous players during launch. Pc game sales are shit. Desktop sales are shit. Highend graphics card sales are shit. All this contributes for the downfall of pc gaming. Use google and report back ok. Don't just find one report from PC gaming alliance or NVidia where they try to twist the numbers without doing any real research. Companies like Nvidia release sales numbers and highend graphic cards are selling less year after year. Piracy is growing year after year. Desktop pc's are disappearing and replaced by laptops and notebooks and smartphones. You are just too much of a fanboy to admit it.
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Noodlefighter posted 27/09/2011, 07:42
@nilli wow you're sure desperate at wanting to make it seem PC is a dead platform your probably that same dude on youtube hilpparisilkki that said the same crap and got own by Daxter609, Replicatorz and others that tried using facts to back up what they say while you power yours on fanboyism and assumptions. It's not surprising that it sold more retail then digital since this game's main market is the European market which is where most games on the PC sell retail not to mention there was a lot more things offered in retail versions as special edition at a regular price. It's sad how your trying to use this determine this how all PC games sell. Are you gonna try an tell Portal 2 on PC only sold 300k retail and very little digital even though valve has stated Portal 2 has sold more then the console versions and VG Chartz shows that the Xbox 360 version is 1.7mil and PS3 0.89 mil. Funny how you try to make this game look like it did crap even though it's far from it and you tried to damage control by saying LA Noire and that game had mass marketing behind it and was publish/co-developed by a well known company. There was constant TV Commercials for the game, I even say posters on game stores, trainstations, buses and bus stops. Meanwhile The Witcher 2 had for marketing was trailers on the internet.
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nilli posted 26/09/2011, 08:06
ok so 1 million LOL. What happened to all the "it porbably sells millions and millions through digital distribution" You jackass. Even witcher with steam and GOG sales they sell less than the retail copies. Makes you wonder how shitty even the pc digital distribution sales are.
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led9010 posted 26/09/2011, 07:38
@nilli - the witcher 2 has sold more than a million copies now according to the CDprojekt conference, so shut up your hole, stitch it and gtfo here
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nilli posted 21/09/2011, 10:43
Cry me a river. These walls are for people to comment the sales charts. If the game sold shit numbers like every other pc game I can say it sold like shit and that the develoeprs made a mistake going the pc way.
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MichiGen posted 20/09/2011, 01:05
I want to read something normal on PC games walls and all I can see is SPAM everywhere from this "nilli" sick console motherf*cking hater idiot. Seriously, vgchartz staff, do your work and ban people like this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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nilli posted 19/09/2011, 05:25
Oh and by the way about withcher 2 sales. Digital sales didn't make even half the sales. Funny how pc fanboys always troll vgchartz and even witcher with GOG and Steam pushing it hard as hell didn't sell half a million in digital sales. Goes to show you that digital sales are exaggarated heavily and only games that sell nice through digital are games like terraria. Those are future of the pc gaming. Have fun playing those with you 2000$ pc :D
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nilli posted 12/09/2011, 09:04
I wish you would read out loud what you have just written. Are you that angry or are you just retarded? I will show your post to everybody where I work just to show people how I owned your ass. Oh and I have a gaming pc and all the consoles. Just wanted to push your button and show you some real world and it looks like I succeeded nicely :D. Oh one more thing Witcher 2 sales are shit and CD project has only themselves to blame to put their fate in pc gamers. I have finished the game twice a great game by the way. Oh one last thing heres some piracy numbers for you retard. I bet witcher 2 will be in the top 5 this year. ALSO REMEMBET THAT THE PC GAMES SELL LIKE SHIT WHEN COMPARED TO THEIR CONSOLE COUNTERPARTS.
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cmoyano posted 12/09/2011, 05:05 put an old ass video from years ago, on a concept ms wanted to try but knew it wasnt gonna work, why you think gfwl went free you noob? god, youre so bad you even use that tactic...i never though u would go so low man...bahahahaha..son, i am disapoint, holy shit, imma show this post to everyone cause youre just an embarassment to gaming. CD project is ver happy with pc sales, caus eyou know a 20 man team did better than bioware and activiison and bethesda. Youre just an angry troll cause you knoe pc is better and you are os poor you cant even buy a pentium 4 to play, your mommy gives you money to buy you games when you get good grades doesnt she? awwww, how cute. Seriously, find somke legit proff of pc gaming going console cause you know, as your consoles die, we get upgraded, we get better, and if you are so blind as not to see the piracy on consoles which is to some extenet worse. I have a hacked wii and a hacked xbox, never have i paid for any f those games, and on steam, i have over 150 games which i bought all. Long live pc my lil negro, in the meanwhile, stay on welfare, dont wnat you starving! u gotta go ppay 60 bucks for those games! dont forget
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nilli posted 12/09/2011, 08:27
This is the future of pc gaming according to MS: They know where the pc gaming money is coming from these days.
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nilli posted 12/09/2011, 07:45
You think people are gonna read your blog. Angry much? You know what I say is true because you get sooooo angry. Oh and witcher 2 was released first on pc because cd project is a pc developer. That is gonna change in the future. Unfortunately they are not gonna get sales from 360 since they already screwd them selves by pc piracy.
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cmoyano posted 12/09/2011, 05:44
bahahaha...witcher 2 is a better game than any of the casual games on deadbox. U do realize its for the hardcore, it would be too hard fo ryou, thats why it was pc first. PC is for the few elites, and you aint one of them. You use the strawman argument of consoles have more players. In reality, we have a better community, are two gens ahead and hwile your deadbox dies PC is moving ahead to i7's and ivy bridges with shader model 5.0 and dx11, thats 2 gens ahead of your deadbeat consoles. Who says you need millions to enjoy a game? BF3 will destroy COD, witcher 2 is at hear a pc game with horrible grpahics on consoles. All fps' are at heart pc games, or did you forget when you sold out to console? afte ru played doom, wolfenstein, probably even half life, unless you were playing gamecube and super ninendo like a fag and jerking it to pirncess peach. You owe it to pc for being able to play fps. Minecraft alone has sold more than a lot of console games. You think indie games do better on xbl? find me where it says that it is better than steam. Find me a success story. Steam has plenty. We get free benefits because our community is the best, the mose creative. You guys get butt raped by MS. Notice how i dont say sony, cause sony is an open platform willing to try new things, unlike dead box. Go play your washed out grpahics, on your little 40 inch tv, while i play on my eyefinity 5760x1200 resolution with dx11, sm 5.0, 60 fps gamer rig. I laugh at how limited you are, your parent must hate you or something. Your brain is tiny, full of ignorance yet you have the balls to come out and say the shit you do. I feel sorry for you and whoever has adopted you.
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nilli posted 10/09/2011, 10:10
Idiots like you pull one example from their ass about a game that did good on pc and tell how pc gaming is doing great. Now go see ANY multiplatform title that was realeased the same time on pc and on consoles and see how well it sold on on each platform. Oh and by the way Castlecrashers has reached 2 million downloads on XBL. Are we gonna talk now idiot?.
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led9010 posted 09/09/2011, 01:54
Indie games like Magica have sold a million on the pc. Give me an example of that on consoles and then we'll talk
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led9010 posted 09/09/2011, 01:53
And for a platform thats supposedly DEAD, 5 million is a great great number won't you say? Whoppidodydoo you rhetoric f%^k
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led9010 posted 09/09/2011, 01:51
Again SC2 was not in production for 2 years, it was just released 10 years after the first game. You and your pretentious talk is really amusing to me
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nilli posted 09/09/2011, 08:10
Let me crash you stupid little world. First of all the Witcher 1 had nothing on the hype that Witcher 2 had going also the game is not nearly as good. Second Starcraft 2 sold 5 million? Whoppidoo. It was in production for 10 years. Do you think Blizzard is extremely happy for those numbers? Hell no! They even dropped the Lan support because they knew their game was gonna get pirated like no tomorrow. Oh and yes bot SC2 is mainly a multiplayer game so if you pirate you lose online. Oh and Old republic LOL it is an MMO you think people are gonna pirate that? MMO's are pretty much the only thing making some serious money on pc along with facebook games. Theres your pc gaming future. Now open your eyes and give up.
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led9010 posted 09/09/2011, 02:41
In fact read this article written by me specifically written for fools like you
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led9010 posted 09/09/2011, 02:40
And am still sure you will have nothing to say about why Starcraft 2 sold almost 5 million copies, and why the Old Republic is getting such awesome preorder numbers, cause you're too stupid to accept facts
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led9010 posted 09/09/2011, 02:36
@Nilli Haha you came here too i knew it. Btw the original witcher reached the million mark after 2 years. This game is doing the same in 3 months. Just give up your rant man and enjoy your games. Don't show off your stupidity in public
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 1   2 

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (148)

1 n/a 38,521 184,405 51,857 274,783
2 n/a 16,418 70,082 19,974 106,474
3 n/a 12,312 37,029 11,097 60,438
4 n/a 7,301 22,669 6,758 36,728
5 n/a 4,260 18,619 5,292 28,171
6 n/a 3,641 15,775 4,488 23,904
7 n/a 3,596 13,318 3,867 20,781
8 n/a 3,067 10,990 3,206 17,263
9 n/a 1,892 5,749 1,720 9,361
10 n/a 1,813 6,367 1,863 10,043
MichiGen posted 31/05/2012, 04:20
CD Projekt RED just announced on their conference that The Witcher 2 sold 1.7 million copies on PC only. Nice number indeed. Hope the X360 will reach at least half of that..
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ManciuD posted 19/04/2012, 07:33
not even half the sales of tw1
and i bet tw1 got more digital sales then tw2
ouch again
all due respect CD Project you get shitty sales for how much efford you put on games
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okr posted 05/04/2012, 11:16
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okr posted 05/04/2012, 11:16
Today CD Project said (during their soring event) that the PC version sold 1.1 milllion copies up to now.
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AndrewWK posted 19/02/2012, 12:38
This game is already beyond a million combined with digital sales, which is pretty impressive for a PC exclusive
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Noodlefighter posted 17/12/2011, 04:23
Oh yeah and a lil heads up more Console Exclusive/ Console centric developer studios have been closed down or hit badly then their have been PC centric/Exclusive Studios this generation
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