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Rocksteady Studios



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Release Dates

11/22/11 Warner Bros. Interactive
(Add Date)
11/25/11 Warner Bros. Interactive

Community Stats

Owners: 73
Favorite: 13
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 4
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Batman: Arkham City (PC) > Opinions (21)

Kindro posted 30/03/2013, 06:34
This could have been a great game, if it wasn't a barely working DRM infested piece of shit...
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Ganoncrotch posted 05/08/2012, 05:08
Find it rather funny that Nilli person ranting that the best thing about console gaming is that you can sell your games? there was a law past in the EU now that demands that digital content can be sold on, and any distribution network ie steam has to accommodate people who want to sell on their licenses to play their games, ie sell on digital download copies.

On top of that I would hope you find more enjoyable things to do with your games... than sell them.
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ManciuD posted 18/03/2012, 11:09
Mr Puggsly@ i dont think is sold over 1 mil with digital sales
only 2 weeks it was on top 10 steam and.....thats not good
keep in mind that the witcher 2 sold 300k so far on steam and that one stayed for a while on top 10 steam unlike arkham city
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Mr Puggsly posted 27/02/2012, 05:24
Not bad, over 300K in physical sales. I wouldn't be surprised if digital sales gets it over a million. I played it via OnLive, solid game.
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clos3 posted 07/01/2012, 01:45
LOL @ nilli, 340k copies osld is a lot of extra money for the dev who are going to give tha tmoney to bonuses to go on vacation haha, so see nilli, sales are fine. Where are you nilli? you are gone from the skyrim page, or swtor page, oh maybe cause they sold relaly well and now you have nothing to say anymore.
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nilli posted 16/12/2011, 07:40
LOL @ the pc sales.
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ehbunny posted 15/12/2011, 04:30
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ehbunny posted 15/12/2011, 04:28
Oh boy you totally got me, How wrong was I to assume that you aren't the god of knowledge and all that is totally like freaking right. Should I grovel now or later? What do you actually do with your life that you spend even one day posting about how bad pc gamers are on pc reviews of pc games? Why do you even care? Normally I'd attack an argument, but in this instance, that's just stupid because the only thing you're gonna say is pointing out a completely moot point and laugh about how bad pc is. I could dig in so much about your precious pc (I mean console) all day, but there's no point. You're nothing more than a troll looking for a feeding. So instead of trying to fight you on a point you've already decided upon Imma ask, what pleasure do you get out of this? I feel silly that I even remembered that I made this account to feed the bullshit, yet you seem to enjoy dishing out to get pc gamers riled up and angry that they didn't have the "foresight" to buy what, in your opinion, is a superior machine. If you hate piracy so much, why not get a job at the IIPA or FAST and fight this disease that sickens you so. Wait, that would involve actually doing something in life other than posting on a website dedicated to game reviews, and would be a hell of a lot harder, so maybe you should stick to what you know. It seems to be working out for you.
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nilli posted 13/12/2011, 07:24
It was a month late and full of bugs. HAHAHA PC gaming FTW! Well with these kind of sales do you really think that the devs waste money on the pc ports.
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zingerman posted 11/12/2011, 11:36
yeah, they fixed dx11, game looks gorgeous on PC. nilli, I bet it's nice in 720p on that kidsbox ? :DDDDD
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clos2 posted 10/12/2011, 04:29
hahaha nilli, what a loser. Then he wants to ask other people if they have a life, yet he comes here on every pc game to bash it about being a loser. Nilli your arguemnts are so stupid theyre not even worth looking at anymore. Nilli, when you learn alil bit about the market then come and talk, but first educate yourself ok? you obvisouly have no idea what you are talking about in terms of sales, money and profit the developers make in DD. There is a reason why its called the future of gaming. There is a reason why EA said they may be the ones that make the LAST DISC, since everything is going digital. Seriously, befor eyou say stupid shit, go do some research, i dont have a problem arguing, but i cant argue with people with an IQ lower than 15 like you. In terms of batman sales, game sold well on console didnt it? so let me ask oyu it the objective of developers to have better sales on pc or console? console right? ok, so they did, over 5 million copies sold for batman. Now, they want to make some profit with pc and treat pc players. Why not nilli? extra money for them, a game for us and the sad thing is, even without dx11 this game runs and looks better than your pixelated piece of shit console on your sd tv. Hell, ill wait another month for th e better version. I dont mind. You seem to think that all your opinions are facts, when in fact, theyre just...sorry to break it to you...opinions. Now, we have proven you wrong over and over n every single one of these walls and you keep coming back for mmore attention. This is how pathetic you are haha. You have nothing but a stupid piracy argument which doesnt even work anmore cuase we are still getting pc games and they still look better and play better than consoles. So till then, merry xmas you fucking jew, from the pc community. Enjoy your pixelated xmas
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nilli posted 23/11/2011, 10:42
Buhahah! The game on pc is a shitty port. DX11 is barely working and 30fps hahahah suck it. You get games atleast 1 month later and when they do arrive the games are crappy shitty console ports. HAHAHAHAH! That is the modern day pc gaming.
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nilli posted 01/11/2011, 10:08
Are you guys enjoying this game? Oh jeah it was delayed on pc just like majority of the bigger title. PC is an after thought. Oh and ehbunny i didn't know that you get new games on pc with 20$ because that is actually what you lose if you sell a console game or trade it. You have to pay 49$ on pc trought steam and you can NEVER sell the game etc... Freaking morons pay for stuff that actually is not even theirs to begin with.
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nilli posted 01/11/2011, 10:08
Are you guys enjoying this game? Oh jeah it was delayed on pc just like majority of the bigger title. PC is an after thought. Oh and ehbunny i didn't know that you get new games on pc with 20$ because that is actually what you lose if you sell a console game or trade it. You have to pay 49$ on pc trought steam and you can NEVER sell the game etc... Freaking morons pay for stuff that actually is not even theirs to begin with.
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ehbunny posted 30/10/2011, 07:07
so.. you get ripped off by buying their PC (essentially what a console is) that has limited capabilities, buying a more expensive version of the game, selling it to reach (about) the same price as a pc bought game and you no longer have it if you wanted to play it in the future. Other than the opinion that PC gamers are dirty thieving bastards, what exactly have you proven by posting here?
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nilli posted 25/10/2011, 11:25
do you know what developers are even less happy about? The fact that 90% of thei games get stolen on pc.
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Noodlefighter posted 25/10/2011, 01:38
Developers/publishers aren't so happy about you guys selling your games enjoy the future where you'll have to pay for for passes to multiplayer or locked single player features when you try and use your friends, buy it used, or rent it. If getting Dx11, physx and preordering it for $40 while you guys gotta pay $60 a short end of the stick then ok.
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nilli posted 24/10/2011, 10:09
Buhahah i feel your pain :D When you finally get the flawed version from the torrent sites I have already finished the game and sold it. 10-20$ well spend. You are telling me that you can donwload the game from steam and sell it when you are not gonna play it anymore? HAHAHAHAH! PC gamers are once again getting the short end of the stick as they should with their piracy numbers and crappy sales.
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Noodlefighter posted 21/10/2011, 05:30
I get meh Dx11 and Shader model 5 plus I can get it 20% of on steam since I own Arkham Asylum
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zingerman posted 20/10/2011, 09:45
I applaud them too, we get a superior version of the game at a reduced price, what more to ask, and just a one month delay :)
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nilli posted 12/10/2011, 06:32
I applaud you developers and publishers for having the balls to delay this game on pc. Now I bet there are one or two individuals who have to buy the game instead of pirating it because they just can't wait. Next time cancel the game on pc alltogether. All you get is massive piracy and shit sales. Even the console sales suffer because pc piracy has gotten so bad. If you like to once again give support to the pirates go ahead and waste your talents on pc.
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Shipping Total

2,468,000 Units
As of: July 1st, 2018

Opinion (21)

Kindro posted 30/03/2013, 06:34
This could have been a great game, if it wasn't a barely working DRM infested piece of shit...
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Ganoncrotch posted 05/08/2012, 05:08
Find it rather funny that Nilli person ranting that the best thing about console gaming is that you can sell your games? there was a law past in the EU now that demands that digital content can be sold on, and any distribution network ie steam has to accommodate people who want to sell on their licenses to play their games, ie sell on digital download copies.

On top of that I would hope you find more enjoyable things to do with your games... than sell them.
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ManciuD posted 18/03/2012, 11:09
Mr Puggsly@ i dont think is sold over 1 mil with digital sales
only 2 weeks it was on top 10 steam and.....thats not good
keep in mind that the witcher 2 sold 300k so far on steam and that one stayed for a while on top 10 steam unlike arkham city
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Mr Puggsly posted 27/02/2012, 05:24
Not bad, over 300K in physical sales. I wouldn't be surprised if digital sales gets it over a million. I played it via OnLive, solid game.
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clos3 posted 07/01/2012, 01:45
LOL @ nilli, 340k copies osld is a lot of extra money for the dev who are going to give tha tmoney to bonuses to go on vacation haha, so see nilli, sales are fine. Where are you nilli? you are gone from the skyrim page, or swtor page, oh maybe cause they sold relaly well and now you have nothing to say anymore.
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nilli posted 16/12/2011, 07:40
LOL @ the pc sales.
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