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Release Dates

08/23/11 Square Enix
(Add Date)
08/26/11 Square Enix

Community Stats

Owners: 114
Favorite: 13
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Wishlist: 8
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Deus Ex: Human Revolution (PC) > Opinions (90)

adde127 posted 16/09/2013, 07:46
I don't understand why VGChartz doesn't include Steam sales. i am 100% sure it sold more than this.
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AndrewWK posted 16/06/2012, 11:33
It did good on PC
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FaRmLaNd posted 16/12/2011, 11:28
Good legs so far considering its first week.
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roboticsun61 posted 16/12/2011, 08:08
SE said 2.2m sold to date last month. so at least 0.6M were sold on PC. not bad
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cars298 posted 09/11/2011, 12:43
less sell as compared to its performance
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Kenchu posted 01/11/2011, 04:37
nilli, why do you so obsessed about this? Developers will continue supporting platforms where they think they can make a profit. You don't need to worry about their decisions.
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nilli posted 31/10/2011, 10:14
Sure but those digital sales include every farmville shit game you can think of. These games still sell more from retail. Just like Witcher 2 did. There is no way that this game sold more from digital if even Witcher 2 didn't.
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Kenchu posted 29/10/2011, 05:03
Digital distribution surpassed retail sales in 2010. Since then they've increased. So a rough estimate would be more than 2x the sales being displayed here.
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cmoyano posted 24/10/2011, 03:24
nilli is a pc gamer. He goes to every pc game and bashes it, wen in reality he got dead island on pc and plays cod on steam cause ive played with him, and shit does he suck. His mother is better at giving head than he is at trolling. Poor kid, you almost feel bad for his down syndrome status, but thats the way his mother raised him and we cant judge her for that. Let him speak his mind, we pc gamers know the truth. That pc gaming aint going anywhere and thats already been stated by almost all developers, weather its the platform of choice or not. 40 million users on steam, 5 million users on origin, direct2drive, impulse, gamersgate, steam. Why is it that we still get triple A titles if pc gaming is dead according to nilli. Hes a professional troll, but again, his mother is better at sucking my dick than he is at trolling. Oh everyone should go spam on his wall with what apparently, according to his profile, he is gay. Such a weird character nilli.
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yahoocom1984 posted 22/10/2011, 03:14
nilli is true loser, he is done
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Kadayi posted 19/10/2011, 10:32
40 million Steam users disagree with you. Given at launch DXHR was being played by more people than playing TF2, I suspect the above figure isn't actually reflective of the actual number of sales.
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nilli posted 17/10/2011, 11:49
THE DIGITAL SALES THE DIGITAL SALES. Just STFU the game sold like SHIT on pc and got pirated so freaking heavily that it is laughable. PC gaming is done.
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yog-sothot posted 14/10/2011, 09:35
honestly, it's impossible to say how the PC version compares to the other ones as the digital sales are unknown. If I base my judment on people I know, the steam version sold really well but really, I can't put a number on it
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nilli posted 03/10/2011, 10:53
No! The sales are like this: 360>PS3>PC. The piracy numbers are like this PC>360>PS3. On consoles a lot of people still buy even battlefield games for the single player experience. They are not playing on PSN or XBL. You would know this if you knew anything about console gaming.
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nilli posted 26/09/2011, 08:03
3 million OH MY GOD! Well its nearly 4 million on 360 with PS3 nearing 3 million markalso keep in mind that does not count for all the players who bought the game for the single player experience. Then the pc would look even smaller in comparison. PC players only steal single player games just check this title if you don't believe me. YOU WERE SAYING THAT BFBC2 SOLD MOST ON PC. THE HELL IT DID! Go get some laser surgery and check the stats again. Oh and your 1,2,3 and 4 just shows how immature frustrated little child you are.
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led9010 posted 26/09/2011, 07:36
and dude bad company 2 has 3 million players on PC on If you can't see that then you're probably blind, or carrying a leech around to make people believe that you are blind
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led9010 posted 26/09/2011, 07:34
OMG nilli you're still here. That proves a lot of things, namely ;- 1. You don't have a life. 2. You're a virgin who has never been laid before. 3. You will never know how to get a life. 4. You will always be a troll
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DakonBlackblade posted 25/09/2011, 04:36
@haxxiy - the game sold over 1.2 mil copies in 4 weaks (not counting digital sales it was probably over 1.3 mil copies with digital sales included) and got a metacritic score of 90 how is that another SquareEnix fail? Tone down the SquareEnix hate ppl...Ps:Dont walls have moderation, this is clearly the case for some perma ban from wall priveledge for these two guys.
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nilli posted 23/09/2011, 09:30
cmoyano how about a piece of huble pie? Love how I just owned your ass. Your know how is based on one moderator once saying during the launch of BFBC2 tha there were at the momoent more players on pc than on either of the consoles. That just shows you how stupid and naive pc fanboy you are and know nothing about the gaming market. You feed yourself just with any bullshit information you can find from the internet that supports somehow pc gaming. Your platform is dying and you know it. When the next generation comes kiss your pc games good buy or start playing farmville.
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nilli posted 22/09/2011, 05:57
Yep EA sure makes money on all the Facebook and casual games on pc. No doubt about it that is the future of pc gaming. Oh and about the BAD COMPANY 2 STATS: YOU ARE WRONG ONCE AGAIN! I just feel a little sorry for you since you clearly are not the sharpest tool in the shed. At the moment there is double the players on 360 that there is on pc and even on PS3 there is 4000 players more currently than on pc. It has sold most units on 360 WAY more than the pc. Now what would have happened if Dice would have learned some console development sooner and created a engine for the consoles? JUST CHECK MODERN WARFARE SALES IDIOT. HAHAHAHA YOU WERE EVEN WRONG ABOUT THE BFBC2 STATS IDIOT :D
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cmoyano posted 22/09/2011, 12:41
bahahaha..did u realize taht BAD COMPANY 2 has more players on pc than it does on consoles? or are you too blind to even notice that. Here my nigga, read this too to educate yourself. other that that, enjoy your low res low poly count washed out grpahics console form 2005 while i enjoy bf3 where the real competition is. Dice can go consoles all they want and EA too, fact is EA makes more money on pc games as well as frostbite 2 being EA flasgship engine, meaning till always look better on pc and alwya sbe dumbed down for consoles. PC master race ftw, stay cool peasant.
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nilli posted 21/09/2011, 10:06
You are a little crazy arent you and afraid? BF2 was never released on consoles. BF3 is coming to consoles. Headshot :D It will sell more on consoles like every other multiplatform game. No matter if the pc has better graphics etc... more player. Oh and by the way nobody wants to play on tohse 64 player servers anyway they didn't with BF2 and they will not with BF3. Only thing why they are making BF3 better for pc is because Dice is mainly a pc developer. It is about to change in the future. MW3 will rape BF3 sales just because activision was smart not to focus on pc but instead created a solid engine for the consoles. When the next generation comes this is exactly what every single bigger developer company will make. Engines focused for the consoles and pc will get the ports if even that.
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cmoyano posted 21/09/2011, 09:42
oh and the cherry on top of the you go you stupid lil child...
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cmoyano posted 21/09/2011, 06:02
If Microsoft or Sony release a new console next year, or the year after, they're both likely to blow their predecessors out of the water in terms of graphics and other features. But we're still going to face the problem of the last generation, where PCs are going to be more capable from the get-go, and will only get better as time passes.
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cmoyano posted 21/09/2011, 06:02
For development of Battlefield 3, EA set out to make the PC the best platform possible to experience the game. Patrick Bach, EA's Executive Producer for the game has said, "PCs are way more powerful than consoles today. We're aiming to use the PC to set the bar." As a result, BF3 is using an entirely different lighting engine than the one consoles will see, and of course, DirectX 11 is also being added into the mix, among other capabilities (larger maps, more players per map).
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cmoyano posted 21/09/2011, 06:01
just quoting from that artcile sinc eyou wont be able to read it....
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cmoyano posted 21/09/2011, 06:00
The death of PC gaming has long been a mocking-point of console gamers, but recent trends show that the PC has nothing to stress over. One such trend is free-to-play, where games are inherently free, but support paid-services such as purchasing in-game items. This has proven wildly successful, and has even caused the odd MMORPG to get rid of it subscription fee. It's also caused a lot of games to be developed with the F2P mechanic decided from the get-go.
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cmoyano posted 21/09/2011, 06:00
As of 2008, boxed copies of games had paltry sales compared to digital sales, and nothing at all looks to change. During 2011, nearly $15 billion is going to be attributed to digital sales while $2.5 billion belong to boxed copies. This is a trend I have to admit I am not surprised by. I'll never purchase another boxed copy if I can help it.
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cmoyano posted 21/09/2011, 05:58
just in canse you cant read cause ou didnt go to talks baout how pc sales are gonna surpass console sales and how pc gaming is on the rise...BITCH
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cmoyano posted 21/09/2011, 05:57
yo nilli...just for you my nigga... watch and read that my lil living abortion...
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nilli posted 20/09/2011, 10:38
Hehe cry me a river. You do see how desperate you are with your little girl crying. You know what I say is the truth! Heavy rain is a flop? LOL! it got 1 millino within 5 weeks and has sold over 2 million already. So even that sold better and faster than Witcher 2 and it was a new IP. Gears 3 will rape all the pc sales numbers aside from WOW. Bulletstorm failed because Epic made the mistake to release it on pc. Something the didn't do with Gears 2 and 3. Still even bulletstorm has released neary 800K on 360 alone. Hard reset sales are absolute horshit. It failed miserably something it would have never done on consoles. Oh and if you are talking about enslaved odyssey to the west it has sold nearly a million and that game is shit just like Hard reset but still reached nearly a million sales. Hard reset hasn't probably reached 2000 sales :D LOL idiot.
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cmoyano posted 19/09/2011, 04:52
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! gears 3 lmfao! you troll so bad, youre not evne good at what you do...u think hard reset would have osld well on consoles? you fags only like cod stuff, hard reset would be too hard for you ppl to handle with your pads. Bulletstorm faile don console, so did odyssey, so dida heavy rain, only shit deadbox has is cod, halo and gears, thats it. How revolutionary haha, please son. Witcher 2 is made for the cult following of the witcher 1 and to be honest, its only an 8 million dollar project so with 1 million sales, its already gaining profit. So sad that a 20 man team does a lot more than a 150 man team like most companies, like ubisoft and activions who just put out the same shit every year and you eat it and suck it and let it penetrate you deep in your butthole and enjoy it greatly, cause thats what you are, a true console fag. Two things son, pc wins no matter what you know why? cause i can either buy it or get it for free and even play online. So what? u mad? u jelly? games are still coming, AAA titles are still coming to PC, so no loss for anybody here, cause as i said 4 times already, your console exclusives are less relevant now and you are so ignorant to believe in vgz chart numbers as the entirety of the sales. Maybe you are half aborted? somehow survived? thats why you are so dumb? i dunno, who knows how you think.
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nilli posted 19/09/2011, 10:37
Oh by the way checkout how well hard reset is doing in sales :D It has dropped out of the steam sales list. That was suppose to be a true hc game for the pc gamers. Oh well another develoeper made a mistake that they are never going to repeat. It is bankrupsy for those guys.
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nilli posted 19/09/2011, 10:35
Of course you rather play that because you can't play gears 2 or 3. Oh BTW Gears getting better reviews than Witcher 2 and has more preorder than Witcher 2 has sales. MUHAHAHAH that is how good pc game sales are doing. Only an idiot would spend thousands of dollars to update for his gaming rig and even bigger idiot would buy pc games. You own nothing when you own a game on steam. If you torrent the game you actually own more.
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cmoyano posted 17/09/2011, 07:55
hahaha in the army? best officer? nice, thanks for doing somehting on 9/11 u fascist cunt...haha, pc sales are alive and better than ever..when it dies ill come and give you a pat on the back, but while you are still alive, itll get bigger and better and there nsothing you or your penitum 4 can do about it. Gears 3, ya cause we pc gamers crave gears 3, lmao, gears 1 was a disgrace for is the whole series, whats so good bout it? i rather play space marine 40k than gears son
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nilli posted 16/09/2011, 11:14
My god you are retard. Oh by the way I was in the army and got a trophy for being the best officer in our class. So go suck it..
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led9010 posted 15/09/2011, 04:35
You're the type of ppl that would make a very bad general commanding an army, cause you'd always be thinking that you're going to win, even at the brink of a loss
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led9010 posted 15/09/2011, 04:34
@nilli - So you kicked our asses improbable as that sounds, i can't imagine what you must have earned from doing that. Please enlighten us oh so obviously learned one
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haxxiy posted 15/09/2011, 01:56
So what happens when you take Metal gear solid, battle angel alita and shoves it all down a barely disguised half-life 2-style shooter? Yeah! Another SE fail this gen!
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nilli posted 15/09/2011, 08:56
What happened with dragon age :D That is it some developers are just learning where the money is. You think when pc gamer or some other pc focued site interviews developers they say that their pc version is shit? Witcher 2 is coming to 360 why is that? Money is on consoles and pc has nothing. Gears of war 3 just around the corner beating all the shitty pc exclusives in reviews and has the highest pre order number ever. Oh and they did not release the second one on pc because of piracy. BUHAHAHAHA PC IS DONE. DEUS EX 36K SECOND WEEK ON PC WHA A SHITTY NUMBER. WHAT HAPPENED TO PC GAMERS KEEP ON SUPPORTING FOR YEARS?
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cmoyano posted 14/09/2011, 04:59
thats exactly why you lost..cause yo dont read and just didnt win anything but just embarass yourself and made yourself look as ignorant as a console player can get. Peace son, enjoy your low poly washed out graphics while i enjoy real high def, better controls, better games, better grpahics, mods, community, steam etc, ETC...E...T..C..also, if pc was dying why would developers bother with making definitive versions? like deus ex? fifa? dargon age origins? withcer 2? fml, so many i could go on all day. Peace son!
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nilli posted 12/09/2011, 08:55
My god you guys are pathetic or is it the same guy. You actually think somebody will waste their time to read that? You know I owned your asses just move on.
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cmoyano posted 12/09/2011, 04:59
shit man you got me there, cause you know, xbox doesnt have casual shit right? they even have games on demand cause digital distribution is the new way to go. As you can see xbox is made for pc, with connectivity to it and almost every game on xbox now comes to pc with gfwl or steamworks. Steamworks being better than anything xbox live has ever done. Also, they may be console ports, but Resident Evil 5, lost planet 1 and 2, SFIV, SSFIV, the new resident evil, 90 percent of capcoms pc "ports" are amazingly well done, with the inclusion of dx10, dx11, much better graphics and much better everything. Including Devil may cry series. Once again, consoles are for casual players like you. For the better players, there is the PC. Dont forget about valve games, which always sell on the millions and even your beloved consoles (ps3) have included steamworks in them. BF3 is lead platform son, so while you play your COD at 60 fps with washe dout graphics which are even better on pc as well, low poly count, dx9 deadbox i get to play bf3 on 60 fps maxxxed out. And as i said before, your console "exclusives" are less relevant now as pc sales are picking up not only on steam but gamestop which bought impulse, hell, even onlive, fuck it man, even d2d, shit negro even god damn gamersgate, fuck shit cock and plenty of other services. Face it, you lost your argument not only to people that know a lot more than you, but to better gamers. Your strawman argument is over a decade old. You are still saying pc gaming is daying when in fact it has only bene but rising by a lot. Do some research and show me how the last 5 years pc gaming has been dying. Have fun playing crysis on consoles you noob. It is thanks to ppl like you why the game industry is where it is, cause devs like bioware fall prey to your console needs and hand holding and they dumb down the games to make you happy so you can play, but in terms of hardcore you have nothing. Dark souls will whoop your ass, so will witcher 2. Go troll somewhere where you will find people dumber than you...oh wait....thats right, you won't cause if you cant even admit that pc gaming is not dead just by looking at the FACTS, then you wouldnt be trying so hard to look cool defending consoles.
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led9010 posted 12/09/2011, 02:32
And then i wonder, why am i feeding the troll. I guess i have nothing better to do. No more. Rant as much as you want. But everyone knows here who has won this argument, so you may post a thesis about your shoddy opinions, but its not going to make a difference to anyone.
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led9010 posted 12/09/2011, 02:26
And about the FADE numbers, read this - "Big Download contacted FADE to find out more about how it came up with its Steam revenue numbers. It's Director of Research & Analysis Benjamin Schlichter told us, "Our sales figures for Steam are estimated by incorporating a passive user survey of approximately 8 million registered Steam users. This allows us to track actual sales conversions by users, so we can offer insights into the Steam market.". And this is EXACTLY how Vgchartz gets its numbers. So suck on this till you want the next rant you can feed your stupid ego on
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led9010 posted 12/09/2011, 02:23
why is a game like hard reset pc exclusive only, why is the PC version of BF3 the lead version? Why was witcher 2 on PC first. They had been teasing console development from a long long time, still the PC version came first, and sold almost a million copies. And if you're talking about hype, let me tell you the first witcher was only popular in poland. Outside of poland it had hardly sold anything. Still it managed to sell almost 2 million in 2 years. The sequel will surpass 3 million sales on PC, and will never touch those numbers on the 360.
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led9010 posted 12/09/2011, 02:20
So you just choose not to read whatever proof i have given and just say what you have to say without any consideration that anyone is providing proof of what he is saying,. That's very mature of you. Plus did you know that any game that is designed for the console is developed on PC first? I bet you didn't. Tell me if what you are saying is right, then why is Fifa 12, whose earlier iterations have had crappy pc ports, is not the lead version over the console versions, according to this
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nilli posted 12/09/2011, 07:41
Muhaha Deus ex pc 36 thousand second week on pc. What a joke. Shitty pc sales. Oh jeah and EA might get money from pc but its coming from casual facebook and browser games. PC two gens ahea :D you know that most of the games you play on pc are console ports and made primilarly with consoles in mind? Again those fade numbers are pulled from their ass. Besides they are not talking about steam making billion it is every single company that releases games through steam.
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cmoyano posted 12/09/2011, 05:36
lmao and as you can see, PC still has the better version of all these games and your console exclusives are becoming less relevant as they are timed exclusives only. BTW, didnt EA report a bigger profit on PC sales than it did on xbox and ps3? oh yes, they did...once again, facts have left you without an argument. Go troll somewhere else. As your deadbox360 and ps3 die, pc gaming is rising due to the fact that we are easily two gens ahead, while you are sitll stuck in dx9 shader model 3.0. So put on your seatbelt and hold on tight, cause PC is back and better than ever. Better versions, MOD support, Steam, digital downloads and a much better community. So deus ex sols 120k on retail only. I bought 3 digital copies, green gaming, amazon and steam. The real numbers are in steam, which they wont tell, but it has been told by fortune 500 that steam is a company close if not already in the billion dollar market. Here is all my info. peace my lil ignorant console peasant!
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led9010 posted 11/09/2011, 06:50
LOL! As you can see from your tawdry comment, that you have absolutely no credibility when it comes to commenting. And btw you just said that piracy is killing pc gaming, and on top of that you say that anybody who pays for a pc game is a moron. Way to go contradicting yourself you moron lol
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nilli posted 10/09/2011, 03:47
LOL! as you can see from your crappy and few examples pc gaming is going down the drain. Piracy has taken over and anybody who pays for a pc game is a moron.
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bboynatural posted 10/09/2011, 12:56
Led, there are many more examples like minecraft who sold 3 million copies, World of warcraft who sold 11 million copies, Half life 2 sold 11 million copies as well, Battlefield 2 sold 4 million copies, in fact, theres a whole wiki page about PC sales
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bboynatural posted 10/09/2011, 12:51
dude led forget it that dude is a fucking douche who can't afford a good PC and cant help but diss pc games. And I said 30 Millions ACTIVE account you fucking douche, AKA PAYING account. You can only use steam features like friends and groups if you PAY for something, and that makes you an ACTIVE account. Learn your stuff dumbass. And to answer your 40k active players on deus, not EVERYONE plays at the same time, so the 40k you see at said time, and then the 40k you see 8 hours later are not the same players. And anyway this conversation is pointless, as I said, if there was no profit to be made from PC sales, publishers would just stop making PC games which THEY DONT. In fact, one of the biggest release of this year is a superior PC game, Battlefield 3. So enjoy your 24 player medium graphic shit game while I enjoy some 64 player rampage on maximum setting with real HD graphics. Fag.
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led9010 posted 10/09/2011, 10:06
dude you want data i can find a lot of evidence for you. Just admit it that you're a noob whose life is so low as to go on a board and demean a platform that you probably hate
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led9010 posted 10/09/2011, 10:05
Bad company 2 has 3 million players on the pc as you can see here
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led9010 posted 10/09/2011, 10:04
Take Sins of a Solar Empire, a relatively unknown game.It went on to sell more than 500,000 copies as you can see here . And it wasn't even on Steam.
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led9010 posted 10/09/2011, 10:01
As another example, Look at Crysis sales, they were barely 87,000 copies in the first week. It went on to sell 3 million copies as you can see here . Also Bioshock, whose initial sales were just 20% on PC, has its lifetime sales divided 50:50 and has sold quite a lot on PC
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led9010 posted 10/09/2011, 09:56
There must be thousands of game stores in the US alone. Going by just pure mathematics 10/1000 is almost as good as those so called pulled numbers from the air. To phrase it in laymans terms if steam numbers have a 0% chance of being right cause they're pulled out of someones ass, then vgchartz numbers have a 0.01 % chance of being right, which is sad considering those numbers are from legitimate sources according to you.
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nilli posted 10/09/2011, 09:29
Like you have done your research :D You have contributed nothing to this wall. I have told you that if Deus ex gets barely 40K simultaneous players on steam it no freking way has sold half million on pc. The game uses Steamworks idiot. Now don't worry im sure the piracy numbers on pc will reach millions. I do understand the difference between shipped and sold but you are so angry and frustrated that you probably think they are gonna sent back couple of million to the developers. No they are not the stores will sell those games. Oh and vgchartz will still contact few stores unlike with steam numbers where they contact nobody and pull the numbers from their ass. You are just an sad individual who is scared shitless that pc gaming is going down the drain and developers are focusing on consoles. When they occasionally focus on pc sales and piracy numbers like this is what they get.
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led9010 posted 09/09/2011, 01:47
"After a month from the release they had already shipped 5 million units of the game and pc had sold 250 in retail LOL!" If you don't understand the difference between shipped and sold, then you'll never ever do well on the gaming forum boards, so just quit, cause you're obviously getting your titties squeezed bad
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led9010 posted 09/09/2011, 01:44
And for your info Vgchartz does not go and ask every store for their numbers. Out of like 100, they will contact 10 stores and put up their estimates for the entire 100 stores. As i said before and will say countless times, go do your research and then try and feed us some of that bs that you obviously are so full of
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led9010 posted 09/09/2011, 01:42
Wow so your only comeback is "like hell it did" and "no it didn't" . Go do some research kid before talking over here. And don't talk as if your word is THE word. You're about as credible right now as any Patcher comment or bout as interesting as a UWE BOLL movie, so please spare us the mediocrity
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nilli posted 09/09/2011, 12:04
Active users my ass. How much does a steam account cost? Does Valve ever remove steam accounts? Hell No. I have 3 accounts from back in 2004 when I still used to play counterstrike. Wake me up when steam reaches 700K simultaneos players like halo reach did on XBL. Steam is nothing compared to XBL even when it is free and many games force you to install it because the games use steamworks just like Deus ex did. XBL is already way bigger than steam. Oh and by the way FADE numbers are estimates they have no freaking clue how much games sell through steam. Valve doesn't release those numbers LOL why is that :D. Unlike in here VG chartz they actually collect the data from stores etc.. But fade just pulls those numbers from their ass.
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bboynatural posted 09/09/2011, 11:26 Like hell it did. Stop being an angry asshole will ya?
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bboynatural posted 09/09/2011, 11:23
Dude what is it you want to prove by dissing the PC like that? Trust me, if there was no profit to be made on PC, then Publishers would stop making PC ports. Steam has 30 million active users (Paying users), When xbox had the same userbase, games used to sell in the millions on their first week. So what makes you think it is not the same on steam? Your just an angry console gamer who can't afford the latest GPU. Get a life prick.
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nilli posted 09/09/2011, 08:04
Oh and Black ops sold 2 million on steam? No it didn't. But it got pirated at least 4 million times on pc. While on consoles it has sold 10 million on ps3 and nearly 13 million on 360. Oh and witcher 2 would have tripled it sales if it were released on consoles. Now it sales are dying fast because of piracy.
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nilli posted 09/09/2011, 07:59
@led9010 Like hell it did. It sold like shit on pc and got pirated in the millions. Besides if it did so freaking what? After a month from the release they had already shipped 5 million units of the game and pc had sold 250 in retail LOL!
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led9010 posted 09/09/2011, 02:31
Even Fallout : New Vegas sold 300k copies withing 13 days of its release on Steam, seriously man the more i search, the more you look like a complete idiot
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led9010 posted 09/09/2011, 02:27
@Nilli - Why even come on this board to comment if you are this sure of PC sales. Its only to satisfy your ego, and don't you worry you're wrong. The witcher 2 sold more than 400K copies in its first week out of which just 200k was retail. Borderlands sold almost 200k copies on steam THIS YEAR. Black Ops sold more than 2 million copies on Steam last year. Steam sales almost always double retail PC sales, and at times even exceed them. Many people buy their games from Steam its a fact, and you have to accept it. Or you can live in ur illusion for all i care. But seriously, if people like you are going to post on the internet, grow up
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nilli posted 08/09/2011, 08:30
Deus ex won't pick it up. The piracy numbers have already shot trough the roof. Now they are talking about upcoming DLC so that will encourage people to pirate and the huge wave of great games is just around the corner. Deus ex is done. They ruined it with pc release, DLC and being too late.
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yog-sothot posted 07/09/2011, 09:12
"Deus ex will pick up, it hasnt even sold well in general" I think the game already sold very well, even if we do not consider the downloadable version. This is a very specific genre, sophisticated game for dedicated gamers
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nilli posted 06/09/2011, 06:00
Oh sorry bioware focused on consoles with dragon age 2 because that is where most of the sales came from. Do some research before you speak.
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nilli posted 06/09/2011, 05:59
Lol so handfull of games have sold "well" on pc. Bioware said that they focused on consoles with dragon age origins sot that well it sold on pc. Portal 1 and 2 are valve games so what if they sell well through steam. Besides You missed half the game if you pirated Portal 2 on pc. Deus ex barely reached 40K simultaneus player on steam and all the retail copies use steamworks LOL that is how well it sold through steam. Steam sales are exaggerated heavily. If those games would sell in the millions we would see greater number of simultaneus player. Instead we see Counter strike games top the list year after year. Wticher sold 1 million LOL. Even cd porject knows the money is on consoles that is why it is being released on 360. Well too little too late everybody already pirated it on pc.
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cmoyano posted 05/09/2011, 04:57
are you some kind of idiot? this is only retail, a dying practice for pc..its all bout steam sales, who cares about retail? just like your comment on deus ex, this is stupid. Witcher 2 has sold almost 1 million, Dragon Age Origins has sold a lot as well on pc, half life series, portal 2 did better on pc, portal 1, do some research before you talk. Single player games are fine on the pc, considering they do not make that much moey due to consoles. Deus ex will pick up, it hasnt even sold well in general and we all know the pc version is the definitive version.
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nilli posted 05/09/2011, 01:03
Check mafia 2 sales if you still don't believe that there is no point to focus on pc anymore when it comes to singleplayer focused titles.
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ishiki posted 05/09/2011, 11:24
I do understand your logic, as PC sales. Even in a PC an originally PC centric IP like this one underperform compared to console counterparts. The cost/benefit only the publisher knows.
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ishiki posted 05/09/2011, 11:12
the focus was on the console version. The original Leak in june had xbox 360 buttons on the pc version. The PC version was outsourced to NIXXES. The versions are essentially the same minus a hotbar, and better graphics.
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nilli posted 05/09/2011, 06:03
Sure the first leaked copy was for 360 like almost every other game. Still Those 360 games are pirated in way smaller numbers and the 360 copies sell way more than the pc version. Still I don't get it why the hell are they wasting their efforts for a single player game on pc.
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ishiki posted 05/09/2011, 12:57
except for the first pirated leaked copy was available on 360 and not PC a few days before the releaseO_o.
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Triadfish posted 04/09/2011, 08:32
80k Retail Sales + 80k? Steam Sales =160k in First Week. That isnt bad at all.
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iBlah posted 04/09/2011, 04:39
the sale wouldn't have been that bad, it's been on the top sellers list on steam since like forever
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nilli posted 04/09/2011, 09:15
Horendous sales on pc once again. No reason to make a single player game and focus on pc release it only gets pirated. Oh and before anybody is saying something about steam sales DON'T. They hardly broke the 40K mark of simultaneus players on steam and deus ex uses steamworks so that includes all the retail copies as well.
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PullusPardus posted 03/09/2011, 10:11
Almost everyone on steam has this game.
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PullusPardus posted 03/09/2011, 10:10
Not pirates, Steam Sales!
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Zkuq posted 03/09/2011, 09:42
Hmm, I think I could be installing the original Deus Ex in the coming weeks...
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snakefisher posted 03/09/2011, 01:56
damned pirates!
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Mordred11 posted 02/09/2011, 10:27
good sales
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demonfox13 posted 02/09/2011, 04:48
Hard to track this game as I believe most people buy it off Steam download or in my case Amazon download (got the preorder bonus despite buying later).
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ishiki posted 31/08/2011, 10:05
great game, it has problems. And is not quite as good as the original. Leaps and bounds better than invisible war. And it is my favorite game this gen.
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yog-sothot posted 24/08/2011, 08:03
It's there, I can't believe it's there ! Hopefully the game will do some sweet numbers !
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (90)

1 n/a 31,831 36,858 13,971 82,660
2 n/a 17,928 13,036 5,938 36,902
3 n/a 10,668 5,780 3,039 19,487
4 n/a 5,698 3,523 1,732 10,953
5 n/a 3,540 2,611 1,182 7,333
6 n/a 2,799 2,453 1,031 6,283
7 n/a 2,202 1,648 741 4,591
8 n/a 1,790 1,324 598 3,712
9 n/a 4,147 3,879 1,590 9,616
10 n/a 8,197 5,452 3,208 16,857
adde127 posted 16/09/2013, 07:46
I don't understand why VGChartz doesn't include Steam sales. i am 100% sure it sold more than this.
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AndrewWK posted 16/06/2012, 11:33
It did good on PC
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FaRmLaNd posted 16/12/2011, 11:28
Good legs so far considering its first week.
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roboticsun61 posted 16/12/2011, 08:08
SE said 2.2m sold to date last month. so at least 0.6M were sold on PC. not bad
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cars298 posted 09/11/2011, 12:43
less sell as compared to its performance
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Kenchu posted 01/11/2011, 04:37
nilli, why do you so obsessed about this? Developers will continue supporting platforms where they think they can make a profit. You don't need to worry about their decisions.
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