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Ninja Theory



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Release Dates

01/15/13 Capcom
01/17/13 Capcom
01/15/13 Capcom

Community Stats

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DmC Devil May Cry (X360) > Opinions (53)

A203D posted 22/02/2015, 02:26
@Rafux. I forgot you don't care about quality, you only care about red cowboy boots and camp homoerotic DMC4 Donte. You know the camp cowboy that butchered an icon. That to you is quality that DMC4 Donte butchered an icon. Let me guess, that to you is pure quality, along with Nero the Emo, Kyrie the Twilight girl and Lady and Trish Playboy fanservice. DmC and Ninja Theory are to blame for that affront to the original fans and the classic DMC games.
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Rafux posted 28/10/2014, 11:00
The quality of DmC killed DmC on every console.
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A203D posted 31/01/2014, 08:50
The quality of DMC4 killed this series on the Xbox consoles.
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A203D posted 18/06/2013, 12:41
@Rafux. Well I'll have to mention it to the moderators. I thought it had been brought up already. The sales of the DMC games here are all incorrect, except for DMC4. Vgchartz still hasn't updated those numbers, and actually God of War numbers haven't been updated either. But someone like you dosen't care about facts, you only care about red cowboy boots and red underpants.
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Rafux posted 16/06/2013, 05:17
@A203D "Vgchartz had GT5 sales incorrect, God of War games"

Exactly and VGC updated those numbers when official sales were released but they haven't updated DmC numbers cause Capcom numbers are shipped to retailers and VGC only counts sold to customers. But maybe if you go cry to them like you cry here all day they could make a little update (maybe 20 more copies sold!). Those tears taste so good.
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A203D posted 16/06/2013, 11:49
@Rafux. Please cry more, go tell Capcom to update DmC sales numbers then. Vgchartz had GT5 sales incorrect, God of War games, and probably other games we don't know about. According to Capcom Vgchartz only has the correct numbers for DMC4, the sales for DMC1,2 and 3 are inaccurate. However I know you don't care about things that are inaccurate, like how DMC4 camp Donte was an affront to the original masterpiece.
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Rafux posted 16/06/2013, 09:39
@A203D Please cry more, go tell vgchartz to update DmC sales then, they updated GT5 sales when official numbers were released. Capcom only counts shipped numbers, 1.15M of DmC were shipped and retailers still can't get rid of them (and they won't since it has completely stopped selling)
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A203D posted 16/06/2013, 12:08
@Rafux. Again, Capcom report sales based on Xbox Live and PSN sales, hence their higher figures. Besides according to Capcom the tracking for the previous DMC games is wildly incorrect. DMC3 has only sold 1.3 mil copies, not 4 mil according to Vgchartz. Now Rafux, Capcom have proven you wrong with their official sales numbers. I expect "I'm sorry guys, I lied about DmC because I couldn't face how much that red pants camp DMC4 Donte was insulting to the original DMC masterpeice".
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Rafux posted 15/06/2013, 08:14
*I mean vgchartz only counts sold to customers
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Rafux posted 13/06/2013, 06:47
Those are shipped numbers, vgchartz only counts sold to retail where DmC hasn't even reached 750K. It bombed super hard.
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A203D posted 13/06/2013, 01:22
@Rafux. Here is the link
I expect an "I'm sorry guys, I lied about DmC because I couldn't face how much that camp DMC4 Donte was insulting to the original DMC1 masterpeice". Capcom reports all numbers for its games including DMC1-4. If you can't accept that Capcom have proven you wrong, well why is it my problem??
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Rafux posted 13/06/2013, 01:44
@A203D DmC has SHIPPED 1.15M which they haven't sold yet as you can see on vgchartz numbers. You have mental problems, seek help.
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A203D posted 11/06/2013, 12:11
@Rafux. I expect a 'sorry guys, I went into hiding because I can't face the damage that camp DMC4 Donte did to the series'. According to Capom DmC has sold 1.15 mil copies, in line with their 1.2 mil expectations. Looks like your Nero and Kyrie Twilight trash greatly damaged the series. You wouldn't understand that having not played Devil May Cry 1. Unfortunately while DMC4 has Devil May Cry on the box, that dosen't make it a good game; its insulting to the original fans to degrade Hideki Kamiya's masterpeice like that. Ninja Theory did their best to repair that damage.
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Ginryu posted 29/04/2013, 02:03
DmC made by Ninja Theory = FAILURE
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fvgc2049 posted 26/04/2013, 06:14
Some comments is not comment it is hatred for sure.

Although nice play,but stupid story for sure,like playing a terrorist to destroy the world for nothing.
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zxcv11223300xi posted 24/04/2013, 01:59
Typing wrong

DmC---> Decision-maker must Cry.
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zxcv11223300xi posted 24/04/2013, 01:58
DMC---> Decision-maker must cry.
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Rafux posted 21/04/2013, 10:12
"According to information sent to Capcom investors, the drop is due to excessive outsourcing of low quality games"

"Capcom has also released its forecast for game sales. DmC: Devil May Cry is now expected to sell 1.15 million units, down from two million units."

Hahahaha, read and cry, 1.2 M forecast is massive step down from the 5 M Crapcom wanted.
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ShroudedDarkness posted 19/04/2013, 06:22

1.15 million is their "Sales Forecast". They haven't sold that yet. Just like 2 million was their Sales Forecast. And then 1.2 million was their Sales Forecast.
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A203D posted 19/04/2013, 01:21
According to Capcom DmC has sold a combined total of 1.15 mil during the period January - March 29th 2013. Not sure if the game has been undertracked or whether those sales have come from digital downloads and PC sales. But DmC has sold over 1 mil copies and counting.
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Rafux posted 18/03/2013, 03:20
Gamers voted with their wallets.
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DietSoap posted 14/03/2013, 02:46
So how much are they paying you Kindro?
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Kindro posted 13/03/2013, 02:18
What the f*ck happened to the gamers? When they got the same game every year like CoD, Assassin, FIFA, and now God of War: Ascension which is a huge disappointment, they are buying it like crazy.
They are whining that there's not enough innovation, that games are very similar to each other, but they are still buying it like stupid sheeps. And when there is an awesome game like DmC released which brings new fresh wind to the series, you are raging, threatening the devs that you'll kill them, and then you are offended with a few "f*ck you" words in a game? There is something seriously very VERY wrong with the industry, or with the DMC fanbase at least.
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zxcv11223300xi posted 11/03/2013, 02:11
to DarkFury:
The week ending for VGChartz is in the seven week now. The Global First Ten weeks is almost due. The DmC will have only three weeks to report its sales. We will see DmC although I don't expect it ever.
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DarkFury posted 09/03/2013, 04:43
Sales under 4K this week already? Good grief. The consumer hath spoken.
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Kindro posted 07/03/2013, 08:04
Retarded haters are retarded. Looks like MGR:R has broken combat (where you can with simple move block all the damage) and it's not deep enough, also it's rather short game and full of QTEs... God of War:A is just another GoW game with anything really new, combat is the same, pure recycling for money.

DmC and Bayonetta are clearly the king and queen of the hack'n slash genre for this generation.
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MichiGen posted 03/03/2013, 03:00
DMC not able to reach DMC 4 standards? You gotta be kidding me... Nero was a joke, he knows approximately 20 moves, new Dante knows around 60...
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Noopal posted 25/02/2013, 07:59
Terrible games like Dragon Age 2 and Diablo 3 got awesome reviews from most reviewers, and then a few months later they started noticing most of their flaws. In other words, gaming "journalists" aren't exactly the kind of people I'd trust.
I pirated the game on PC, and I played it all the way through. Gotta admit it was a nice PC port, but the game itself was really mediocre, worthy of no more than a 6/10. You'd be surprised to know that only DmC babies care about the white hair since it is the only argument they have to defend themselves against "haters". DMC isn't really hated because of Dante's redesign, it is hated for more important reasons like the combat system not being able to reach DMC4 standards, the awful fanfiction-tier writing, the game being piss easy even in the higher difficulties (I beat the game under 5 hours on Nephlim during my first playthrough and 4 on DMD, what a fucking joke), or simply because NT closed themselves to any positive criticism.
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MichiGen posted 25/02/2013, 06:41
86% average score from majority of the reviews = average game? seems legit...*sigh*
Look at the steam forum, there are almost non crybabies. Majority of the players don't care about white hair / new Dante stuff. Majority of the PC gamers love the game, because they can objectively review qualities of the game. The game is really great, I'm not saying there can't be any people who don't like it, but the hate aura around DmC from a bunch of retards who apparently don't have anything better to do on the internet is simply ridiculous...
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Noopal posted 24/02/2013, 11:59
@MichigGen You really are an ignorant DmC baby. Hideaki Itsuno, the director of both DMC3 and 4, and his team are still working for Capcom. In fact, they just released Dragon's Dogma last year (a kickass game, btw). The only way the DMC series is related to Platinum is that the creator/director of the first game is now working for them.

Also, Capcom had to cut its sales expectations for the game by almost 50%.So yeah, NT are still to be blamed for the medicore game they released and ended up being a huge flop.
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MichiGen posted 24/02/2013, 05:07
What are you talking about? This game is only a month out and you are already saying it has bombed? You don't know shit about market and sales obviously.

No, they won't develop anything like DMC5, because almost everybody who were working on DMC3,4 abandoned the DMC franchise and left CAPCOM to develop games in Platinum Games. If you = HATER, want to be mad at somebody, be mad at developers of previous DMC games, not at NT, who obviously love this franchise and hack'n slash games. I'm pretty satisfied with the work they did on DmC. It's a great game.
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Heavenly_King posted 17/02/2013, 10:05
this game BOMBED!!! hell yes! Now hopefully they will let this franchise rest in peace after the travesty NT has done. Or if Capcom is sane, they will develop DMC5 with the japanese team XD
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MichiGen posted 17/02/2013, 11:52
Obviously VGchartz is only guessing the numbers, no reason to come here every week to watch this nonsense. I'll wait what CAPCOM will have to say about DmC sale numbers, after all that's the most reliable source.
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DarkFury posted 17/02/2013, 12:14
@ShroudedDarkness: I concur: looking at this week's charts, it seems that it has had a massive droop of sales this week. If Heavenly Sword (which I am sure was cheaper to make) did not make even, I think this one is looking at an eye-watering loss.
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ShroudedDarkness posted 16/02/2013, 07:58

Looking at the charts, I'd say that the DmC having "legs" ship has already long since sailed away.
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DarkFury posted 16/02/2013, 03:20
@Vile Oh, right now the game is bombing, there is no doubt. The only hope I see is long legs -I am interested to see if they happen. I don't think there is any need for swearing. Consumers are the ones who decide the success of a game. This one does not seem to have met their approval.
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Vile posted 16/02/2013, 02:16
Are you fucking kidding me DarkFury? The game hasn't even sold half of what DMC4 sold on the 360 (600k) in it's third week and DMC4 was the worst game of the series.

The game is, hands down, a big fat bust. And not the good kind.

(What do you expect of a twilight punk remake of DMC? Reboot turned funeral.)
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DarkFury posted 12/02/2013, 05:57
Next few weeks of sales will tell us a lot. Usually a game sells majority of their copies during the first month. We shall see what kind of long-term sales we are looking at.
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MichiGen posted 12/02/2013, 05:10
Actually I think that release of MGR:R or GOW can even help DmC to sell better. There are not enough games in hack'n slash genre today, and all these releases will potentially help the whole genre to drag more attention. I don't believe that there are gamers who play only God of War, I believe there are gamers who just love hack'n slash genre for example as me, and after beating one game several times, they would need more. As much as I love DMC I also love GOW and I'm curious about MGR:R too. People can buy more games from the same genre you know, it's not like - "Hey, I'm a CoD fanboy so I won't buy any other fps game ever released",
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ShroudedDarkness posted 12/02/2013, 11:11

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance comes out in a couple weeks. God of War: Ascension comes out next month. Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge comes out the month after that. All are of the same genre. Over the next few months, several other anticipated games will be coming out as well. So the thought that DmC will not drop more than 30% globally for a prolonged period of time in face of the stiff competition it is facing when DmC has already been dropping like a stone with NO competition thus far is ludicrous.
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MichiGen posted 11/02/2013, 05:17
I really hope this game will have good legs. At least 15k or more every week on X360. Great game, looking forward to the sequel!
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T.Rexington posted 10/02/2013, 08:59
Honestly, it seems like the entire genre is just starting to wane a bit in the sales department. DMC did just about the life time sales of the HD collection in just a few weeks but it's already heralded as a financial flop. Legs could be good, but Capcom hopes for this game were way higher. In my opinion, probably too high. They were probably hoping for a post-Xmas success.
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A203D posted 06/02/2013, 06:26
@DarkFury. Well my opinion is that Capcom released this game at the wrong time. They released a reboot at the end of a console cycle. They should've waited to launch the game for the new consoles. DMC4 was successful because it came out very early in the console cycle. I think Capcom should (possibly) release a special edition like they did for DMC3 and RE4 on the new consoles. I have faith DmC will get its chance on the new consoles. This generation is over, and it is doing fine at this stage of the console cycle.
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DarkFury posted 06/02/2013, 05:53
@A203D, @ MichiGen: let's come back here every month and see how this title's sales shape up. It also depends a lot how heavily the game will be discounted -Bayonetta shifted lots of copies at deep discounts. Profit of 2M sales at 60$ each is not the same as 2M sales at 9.95$ each. I think it will be very interesting to see how the sales are in 3 months, 6 months and in 1 year.
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MichiGen posted 06/02/2013, 12:50
@A203D, Nice I haven't noticed it. It seems that Bayonetta was really selling very slowly, but in the end it sold almost 2 mil. together on both platforms. I believe DmC will have good legs too, this generation of consoles is dying, but a lof of people will not buy new expensive consoles yet.
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A203D posted 05/02/2013, 09:22
@DarkFury & MichiGen. I think the game will be fine. Its sold about 0.25 mil in two weeks. Its not as much as DMC4, but its higher than Bayonetta which went on to sell 0.8 mil. I think it will do over 1 mil.
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DarkFury posted 05/02/2013, 05:54
It will need one almighty reversal then. Sales dropped 80% on week 2. I will come back here a few weeks later and see what the trend is. But right now it seems breaking 1M without serious discounts will be a challenge.
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MichiGen posted 05/02/2013, 05:10
I'm sure that as soon as people realize how stupid they were for not buying this only because of the hair of the character, the numbers will go up. Also the release of God of War Ascension will help, since after that, people will want to play more hack'n slash action. The level design is gorgeous, I've never seen such things in a game before (I wonder what kind of drugs NT is using), soundtrack is sheer excellence and combat system offers such a wild combos like no other action game today. This game is a high-class and I'm sure it will have good legs!
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A203D posted 28/01/2013, 09:57
@Mr Puggsly. No thats not what I was referring to. If you look at DMC4's European sales DmC's were weaker. Both on PS3 and Xbox has experienced decline since DMC4 in Europe. The sales are not very strong on either console, but hopefully their will be momentum, its an awesome game!!
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Heavenly_King posted 28/01/2013, 05:58
I am quite sure that the sales will bomb next week
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Mr Puggsly posted 28/01/2013, 02:48
@ A203D - "Xbox sales could've been a bit better, especially here in Europe." That statement doesn't mean anything. My guess is you're a PS3 fan. That explains most illogical statements on Xbox walls.

The PS3 version didn't have an impressive Euro opening either. 43K vs 31K.
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A203D posted 27/01/2013, 05:50
That dosen't include digital sales or Steam sales, or the PC version which has not been released yet. However I think the Xbox sales could've been a bit better, especially here in Europe.
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Mr Puggsly posted 27/01/2013, 03:58
An opening of 545K combined. Not bad at all.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (53)

1 5,523 84,200 31,207 20,261 141,191
2 1,379 17,829 10,437 4,520 34,165
3 689 8,730 5,694 2,248 17,361
4 454 4,619 2,635 1,167 8,875
5 368 2,120 2,635 621 5,744
6 293 1,681 1,984 486 4,444
7 313 1,333 1,670 391 3,707
8 275 1,364 1,170 368 3,177
9 258 1,459 960 376 3,053
10 270 1,067 608 269 2,214
A203D posted 22/02/2015, 02:26
@Rafux. I forgot you don't care about quality, you only care about red cowboy boots and camp homoerotic DMC4 Donte. You know the camp cowboy that butchered an icon. That to you is quality that DMC4 Donte butchered an icon. Let me guess, that to you is pure quality, along with Nero the Emo, Kyrie the Twilight girl and Lady and Trish Playboy fanservice. DmC and Ninja Theory are to blame for that affront to the original fans and the classic DMC games.
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Rafux posted 28/10/2014, 11:00
The quality of DmC killed DmC on every console.
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A203D posted 31/01/2014, 08:50
The quality of DMC4 killed this series on the Xbox consoles.
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A203D posted 18/06/2013, 12:41
@Rafux. Well I'll have to mention it to the moderators. I thought it had been brought up already. The sales of the DMC games here are all incorrect, except for DMC4. Vgchartz still hasn't updated those numbers, and actually God of War numbers haven't been updated either. But someone like you dosen't care about facts, you only care about red cowboy boots and red underpants.
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Rafux posted 16/06/2013, 05:17
@A203D "Vgchartz had GT5 sales incorrect, God of War games"

Exactly and VGC updated those numbers when official sales were released but they haven't updated DmC numbers cause Capcom numbers are shipped to retailers and VGC only counts sold to customers. But maybe if you go cry to them like you cry here all day they could make a little update (maybe 20 more copies sold!). Those tears taste so good.
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A203D posted 16/06/2013, 11:49
@Rafux. Please cry more, go tell Capcom to update DmC sales numbers then. Vgchartz had GT5 sales incorrect, God of War games, and probably other games we don't know about. According to Capcom Vgchartz only has the correct numbers for DMC4, the sales for DMC1,2 and 3 are inaccurate. However I know you don't care about things that are inaccurate, like how DMC4 camp Donte was an affront to the original masterpiece.
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