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Ninja Theory



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Release Dates

01/15/13 Capcom
01/17/13 Capcom
01/15/13 Capcom

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DmC Devil May Cry (PS3) > Opinions (248)

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A203D posted 28/05/2016, 09:02
@AgentRedgrave: Now your denying what you already admitted? Embarassed much. Its over, DMC4 featured your precious automatic lock-on and it was awful. DmC used a true manual lock-on far superior to automatic lock-on. Deal with it.
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AgentRedgrave posted 07/03/2016, 09:48
I never admitted anything. And as I said, Capcom themselves debunked your statement.
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A203D posted 01/03/2016, 01:23
@AgentRedgrave. You already admitted that DMC4 was using automatic lock-on, and that DmC was using a true manual lock-on. How does lying about Hideaki Itusno now change that? How does it change that DMC4 is using an automatic lock-on? How does it change DMC4 Donte is not Dante? How does it change DMC4's slow, clunky gameplay mechanics? Let me guess you refuse to answer for the way DMC4 butchered the series yet again...
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AgentRedgrave posted 24/11/2015, 02:03
@A203D Not according to Capcom, when they stated DmC's lock on was automatic, and the one added in the DE (Like the ones the previous games had) was manual
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A203D posted 28/05/2015, 09:01
Its actually the previous games using automatic lock-on, this was the first game of the series to use the manual lock-on.
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[PACT] posted 15/05/2015, 03:11
Damn, this comment section. Two years of animosity and salt. Sheesh...
OT: Decent numbers for the most hated game of last gen. I really loved the soundtrack, level design, weapons and the flow/pacing of the game. But no 60fps, no manual lock-on and no aggressive enemy AI held this game back from it's fullest potential. (Fixed in the Definitive Edition though...)
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A203D posted 04/05/2015, 08:37
@Rafux. Nah I got one better; Tisk, tisk Nero the emo fan. DMC4 uses automatic lock-on. Enter a thread and engage me and I will expose you for the lying camp homo fan you are. DMC4's gameplay is slow and clunky and the story is attrocious. This is a fact and not a mater of opinion. You lied for the camp homo, and your camp homo game will pay for that.

DMC4 Donte is not Dante, as confirmed by Hideki Kamiya himself and the original Devil May Cry fans. What are you not getting about that?
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Rafux posted 18/04/2015, 11:25
Please seek help dude, I'm sure your parents love you and want you to be well. Good luck.
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A203D posted 17/04/2015, 08:50
Tisk, tisk Nero the emo fan. DMC4 uses automatic lock-on. Enter a thread and engage me and I will expose you for the lying camp homo fan you are. DMC4's gameplay is slow and clunky and the story is attrocious. This is a fact and not a mater of opinion. You lied for the camp homo, and your camp homo game will pay for that.
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Rafux posted 15/04/2015, 09:57
No you mental case the manual lock on is new for the Definite Edition of DmC and DMC4 never had automatic lock on it has always been manual those are facts and no matter of opinion.

I could tell you to back up that claim but you live in a fairyland.
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A203D posted 29/03/2015, 06:29
Rafux. Will you ever stop lying for Nero the Emo May Cry? DmC already featured manual lock-on, it was DMC4 that contained the outdated clunky automatic lock-on. 60 FPS wasn't available on PS3 or 360. Yet even then DmC still managed to look better and play better than DMC4 which is a clunky game by comparasion. Yet you'll never enter a thread and answer for this, you'll always try and blame Ninja Theory for the lies that came out of your mouth so you could excuse Nero the Emo May Cry.
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Rafux posted 24/03/2015, 10:16
This shit game actually got patchd with the Definite Edition on PS4 with all the things we demanded like manual target locking and 60 FPS, its quite decent now but the damage has been done as the new version bombed horribly too.

By the way did VGchartz adjusted down the numbers on this garbage game? I though it was 1M on ps3
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A203D posted 12/03/2015, 08:38
@fatslob. Now your calling Hideaki Itusno, Capcom Japan and the professional reviewers liars? Lol. I guess everyone in lying and only the Nero the emo and Kyrie the Twilight girl fans are telling the truth?

Again get your facts straight before talking to a DMC fan:

Vgchartz have yet to align their numbers with Capcom's offical reports. Refuting your claims yet again Nero the emo fan.

Besides your wrong about the combat, DMC4 is the one actually using the automatic lock-on. DmC is using manual lock-on. DMC4's combat is clunky because the controls and movement are limited and restrictive. The camera is down right abysimal at times. The movement is slow. The missions are outright attriocious. That awful dice game, or the gyro game, or the attrocious platforming. Then you have the utterly disgusting story of Nero the emo and Kyrie the Twilight girl. Then you have DMC4 Donte, the camp homo Donte making homoerotic poses with red cowboy boots. An utter insult to the original fans and butchered an icon. I suppose its DmC's fault DMC4 was only half a game as well.
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fatslob-:O posted 07/03/2015, 12:42
@A203D People usually resort to ad hominem attacks don't have any arguments left and I guess you're one of them ...

Too bad it shows 404 ...

Keep asserting whatever you want while the rest will really face DmC for what it really is ...

Who cares what Hideaki Itusno thinks ? Developers turn sour all the time just like the rest of the duds at Capcom ...

The so called "professional" (LOL) reviewers are indeed liars for the most part ...
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A203D posted 07/03/2015, 11:52
@fatslob. "Many people thought it wasn't a great game and I agreed with them ... " I woulnd't call lying DMC4 fans many would. Yet your a liar so maybe you would.

"Actually DMC1 has slightly higher sales than DMC4 even without factoring in the HD collections and DMC3 has significantly higher sales than DMC4 when combined with the special edition so I don't exactly know what your talking about ..."

Get your facts straight next time:

Vgchartz have yet to align their numbers with Capcom's offical reports. Refuting your claims yet again.

"Having to hold a button to switch weapons is annoying and having two dodge moves is useless. DmC is the one with the automatic lock-on. DMC4 had the manual lock-on ..."

Dude the shows over. I'm a DMC fan, I know the combat mechanics inside out. DMC4 is a clunky, slow, automatic targetting game. DmC's mehanics are much better. This isn't just what I'm saying, Capcom's Hideaki Itunso who designed the mechanics with Ninja Theory has admitted the same thing. Are you calling Hideaki Itusno a liar, as well as the fans, and the professional reviewers?
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fatslob-:O posted 06/03/2015, 03:42
@A203D How exactly am I lying about DmC ? Many people thought it wasn't a great game and I agreed with them ...

Actually DMC1 has slightly higher sales than DMC4 even without factoring in the HD collections and DMC3 has significantly higher sales than DMC4 when combined with the special edition so I don't exactly know what your talking about ...

Those things that I described weren't in DMC4. Unlike DmC, DMC4 was actually refined when it came to combat. Way too much delay when it came to starting another melee combo from a previous one in DmC. The controls are horrible. Having to hold a button to switch weapons is annoying and having two dodge moves is useless. DmC is the one with the automatic lock-on. DMC4 had the manual lock-on ...

I don't remember DMC4 having extended periods of hallway traversal ...
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A203D posted 01/03/2015, 02:48
@fatslob. If DMC4 is such a good game why are you lying about DmC?

"DmC is the LOWEST of the series therefore it is the WEAKEST in the franchise ..."
I suppose that means DMC4 is the best of the franchise because it sold more than DMC1 and DMC3. Lol.

"The combo attacks don't connect very well, the clunky controls just make things harder, too many worthless weapons, no lock-on, and it's unbalanced. "

You've just described DMC4. DmC features the best combat in the series. Confirmed by Hideaki Itusno himself. In facts the combos connect better than previous games and the controls are much more seamless and fluid than the clunky and slow DMC4. DmC also features manual lock-on compared to DMC4's broken automatic lock on.

"the enemy designs ACTUALLY resemble to demons, and it didn't try to make it a platforming game. "

DMC4 features just as much plaforming as DmC. The difference is DmC's platforming is good, DMC4's clunky controls and akward automatic lock-on make plaforming awful in DMC4 and actually previous games also featured an insult to the orignal fans in the form of DMC4 Donte, the camp homo Donte.
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fatslob-:O posted 23/02/2015, 07:39
@A203D What more is there to prove that DMC4 is better than DMC ? DMC4 is ON PAR with DMC1 saleswise and DmC is the LOWEST of the series therefore it is the WEAKEST in the franchise ...

The combat in DmC is awful. The combo attacks don't connect very well, the clunky controls just make things harder, too many worthless weapons, no lock-on, and it's unbalanced.

DMC4 is a decent DMC game. The flying enemies weren't annoying as hell in DmC, the enemy designs ACTUALLY resemble to demons, and it didn't try to make it a platforming game.
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A203D posted 22/02/2015, 02:20
@fatslop. Fine, enter a thread and prove it. Capcom collaborated with Ninja Theory on DmC's combat, hence why the combat ended up being the best in the series. If you think DMC4 is a good game, enter a thread and explain to me why thats the case. I've been a fan of these games since the first game, and DMC4 is on par with DMC2 for worst game in the series. Lying and trashing DmC won't make DMC4 any better of a game. the fact is the majority thought it was weak.
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fatslob-:O posted 20/02/2015, 08:37
@A203D How is it NOT a good game ? Both reviewers AND more importantly sales show for it ...

Capcom only became heavily involved with the combat mechanics AFTER the majority of the game was already finished and it mostly involved the aerial combat. Say whatever you want about DmC but it doesn't change the fact that the majority thought it was weak ...

Trashing DMC4 won't make DmC any better of a game ...
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A203D posted 18/02/2015, 05:15
@fatslob. How about you enter a thread and tell me DMC4 is a good game. Lol.

Capcom actually designed the gameplay mechanics, Ninja Theory collaborated with them on those things, hence why DmC is gameplay wise the best game in the series. This is something we've seen with the expert players showing DMC4 fans how they deal with lying Nero and Kyrie fans. DMC4 was abysimal and insulting because of its slow, clunky, automatic gameplay mechanics. Blaming Ninja Theory dosen't make the camp cowboy Dante, and it dosen't make Nero the emo a good game.
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fatslob-:O posted 04/02/2015, 08:24
Despite whatever A203D spouts about DMC4 that was actually a good game even for a DMC game!

This on the other hand is WEAKER than DMC2 ... It's a step backwards compared to the previous games in terms of enemy designs, plot (I am not joking on this part as DMC games don't tend to not have great stories as it is ...), controls, platforming mechanics, and including the combat mechanics too! It's insulting enough that Ninja Theory didn't get the gameplay mechanics right but worst of all there was no redeemable aspect either. Case in point, you don't order a burger without the meat ...

At this point I'd rather see the series retired if it means been able to keep remembering that DMC was a good franchise in the end. Stick a fork in it already, Capcom ...
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Goodnightmoon posted 22/01/2015, 08:54
The gameplay on this game is AWESOME.
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A203D posted 07/10/2014, 08:40
Type this into Youtube and watch it: Devil May Cry 4 - Yoshikawa interview 04-26-07
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ShroudedDarkness posted 24/08/2014, 07:08
After going through the comments, Ignore my question: Let's not go down that road again.
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ShroudedDarkness posted 24/08/2014, 04:25

Quite the claim you have there. You have a link where Capcom admitted that?
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A203D posted 25/06/2014, 07:54
@PyroBlade. Unfortunately there would be NO REAL DMC5, because DMC4 was not Devil May Cry, and it was actually insulting to the original fans. Capcom have admitted that DMC4 was an imitation of Hollywood movies. Hence why the gameplay was slow and clunky, and Dante, Trish and Lady were butchered from their original characterizations.

While I appreciate DMC4 was your first Devil May Cry, it is not Devil May Cry at all. Which is why DmC has not performed well on the Xbox console, where DMC4 killed the series, and where DMC4 has killed the sales of the DMC HD collection. You got a problem with DmC's superior fluid gameplay and manual lock-on then you are no true DMC fan. NO DMC fan would prefer DMC4's terrible gameplay to continue over DmC's, nor would they want DMC4 to continue at all, because the game is not Devil May Cry, its a Hollywood imitation and Capcom admitted it.
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PyroBlade posted 30/05/2014, 08:29
If this poor thing can sell over a million copies, then imagine how much a REAL DMC5 would sell! This franchise is still going strong in the hearts of the fans.
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A203D posted 22/03/2014, 07:31
@Rafux. It is an insult to think DMC4 is the only game in the series. There were 3 preceding games, 2 of which greatly surpassed DMC4. You know I'm right hence why you ran away in the forum. DMC4 is not a bad game, its just not good either. A lot of fans do hate it though because of Nero the emo, or Donte the camp homo. Even though having played it recently, the combat is pretty clunky and well the game is fucking boring.
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Rafux posted 22/03/2014, 04:49

Stop it dude, A203D has mental problems, he thinks "DMC4 fan" is an insult, you can't reason with him.
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A203D posted 15/03/2014, 02:44
@AgentRedgrave. Well its down to personal opinion what story you wanted to continue. I can understand why you wanted DMC4's story to continue, and how fans felt betrayed Capcom didn't continue that story. Yet combat wise, what was best for the series was to innovate and improve the combat, which is what Capcom did with this game. Its not just what I think, Hideaki Itsuno and Capcom Japan designed the combat to be better, they improved the combat, because that was what was best. This is evident in the final product. Which I'm willing to discuss in this forum. Your a liar because your attacking Ninja Theory and DmC because you wanted DMC4 to continue. I don't need to attack DMC4 anymore, I've finished the game, I know what was wrong with it. I know why Capcom had to improve the gameplay. There was no way that gameplay could continue. Whether Capcom should have continued DMC4's story or not is open to debate.
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AgentRedgrave posted 14/03/2014, 11:39
Lol that last comment made me laugh. Also "what's best for the series". Everyone has different opinion on what's best for the series. Some people think DmC should continue, some want DMC5 (preferably with Dante instead of Nero). Lol, who are you to decide what's best for the series. You're just saying what YOU think is best like everyone else. Really? I'm a liar for liking a game? You're just one big contradiction. You go back and forth between saying it's okay to like DMC4 to saying that saying that the game is good is a lie. You want a thread? Let's settle this like DMC fans make a post there
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A203D posted 14/03/2014, 09:12
@AgentRedgrave. Thats the difference between me and you: "I could easily say the same thing about people who like DmC". No, because I think Capcom should have continued and finished Nero's story before rebooting DMC. And if Capcom say they will continue Nero's story next with DMC5, I fine with that. A true DMC fan wants whats best for the series. You want whats best for you, not whats best for the series. Thats why you keep lying. Like I said I can start a thread and prove my points with rational thinking. Yet you won't engage me there because you know you I'm right. I've finished DMC4, the gameplay needed some serious changes which Capcom made. I am calling you a liar, what are you going to do about it, hide here instead of engaging me in a thread as per usual.
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AgentRedgrave posted 14/03/2014, 07:17
@A203D. Why, you already exposed yourself as a troll "you can't be a DMC fan if you wanted that to continue." And I could easily say the same thing about people who like DmC. But that would just me using my opinion as fact. Just like your statement. Oh and F.Y.I., my personal score for DMC4 is 8.5/10, lower then I score DMC1 (9/10) and DMC3 (9.5/10), but higher then I score DMC2and DmC. Go ahead, call me a liar, I dare you.
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A203D posted 14/03/2014, 03:52
@AgentRegrave. You want to talk DMC create a thread, I will expose you as nothing more than a DMC4 fan there. I've finished DMC4, its not a sequel to the original Devil May Cry. Its a reboot featuring the end of Dante's story and the beginning of Nero's story. Is it a bad game, no its not. Is it a good game, well no its not good either. Its an average game, with good bits and bad bits that leave an average quality game. And yes the game is fucking boring. I nearly put the controller down permanently because it was so boring with its clunky gameplay. I'm not saying you can't like it; but you can't be a DMC fan if you wanted that to continue. It simply wasn't healthy for a series to continue with such a stale formula. Call me a liar if you want, but you lying if your telling me that fucking shit dice game was good. Hence why I don't think many people finished DMC4, and hence why not many fans have returned for the HD collection. Go on start a thread Rafux, I dare you.
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AgentRedgrave posted 02/03/2014, 07:28
Comments page is quite foe nearly weeks till he randomly comes back just to say the game's boring. Okay this is where you prove you're a troll. You go on and on and on about how much you hate the game, then outta nowhere play again it up too mission 5, just to say it's boring. People, no more replies to this man, he's just proven beyond shadow of a doubt he's trying to get a rise outta people
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A203D posted 26/02/2014, 08:11
What are DMC4 fans actually defending here? I've just started playing DMC4 again, and the game is so mind numbingly BORING. The missions are so slow and repetitive. Hit the gyro, once is fine, but all the damn time. Now hit the dice to make Nero go forward to open the door. Even the combat feels outdated and clunky. I concede DMC4 is not good what so ever. How can anyone enjoy something so dull.
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A203D posted 08/02/2014, 09:32
@Rafux. You can't reason with me because you know your wrong. Thats why you keep posting in a sales page for a game you don't play. Thats why you've now attacked me personally and why run away in a confrontation. Typical behavior of Nero and Kyrie fans.

Unfortunately just because your a DMC4 fan, attacking DmC dosen't make DMC4 a good game. Its still an abysmal imitation of Hollywood movies, which Capcom has admitted. Blaming Ninja Theory won't change the poor quality of DMC4. Nor will it change how your nothing more than a lying coward who is too frightened to engage me in a forum to defend his Nero and Kryie Twilight garbage, which butchered the original characterisation of Dante.
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Rafux posted 08/02/2014, 05:31
@A203D Waste of time, I can't reason with a retarded person like you, if you are feeling lonely and the only contact with human life you have is discussing with someone in a forum I advise you to seek help or you can stay mad.
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A203D posted 07/02/2014, 11:53
@Rafux. You ran away in the last confrontation because you knew you were wrong. If your calling Hideaki Itsuno and Capcom Japan liars thats fine. Just don't tell me that we have to accept your lying opinions as facts.

What would I need to change my mind about? I've given innumerable amounts of proof about why DmC plays better than DMC4; Capcom have explained the mechanics themselves. Yet you won't listen to logical arguments because its beyond your limited thinking to understand why Capcom wanted to move beyond the clunky outdated mechanics of DMC4.

Stay mad at what? A lying DMC4 fan who comes into the DmC sales page to force his thuggish opinions as facts? Just because you accepted DMC4 as a good game, it dosen't mean the long time fans of the series have to get in line with what you think.

It dosen't mean we can't think for ourselves and examine the mechanics with a level of scientific interrogation you refuse to; because you know if you engage me in a forum where I discuss the combat mechanics in detail, you have no chance. We both know thats why you won't take this into a thread.

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Rafux posted 03/02/2014, 05:37
@A203D It would be a waste of my time, you won't change your mind and you don't listen to others.

By the way of course Capcom is going to say DmC is better than God they need to sell the game (and desperately cause it bombed). Bayonneta has the most shitty story ever but the gameplay is better than any DMC game, hack and slash is about gameplay dude thats all it really matters. Stay mad.
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A203D posted 31/01/2014, 08:47
@Rafux. "Because I don't give a shit about that, the game is about gameplay the rest is an excuse to move Dante from point A to point B"

Of course you 'don't give a shit' about that, because your not a DMC fan, your a lying DMC4 fan, nothing more. DMC1 and especially DMC3 had very good stories, no, not perfect, but a damn sight better than that Twilight nonsense.

Gameplay wise, Capcom have explained and proved why DmC is an improvement on DMC4. You know you can't engage me in a forum because you know you have no chance, hence why you resort to flooding the comments section here. I challenge you to continue this in a thread. Yet you won't. Your a coward and a liar, traits you demonstrated when you last ran away from me in a thread. Traits common to DMC4 fans.
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Azhraell posted 21/01/2014, 02:31
I liked a lot this game, deserved more sales. It's not better than 1 & 3 but is way better than 2 & 4.
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Rafux posted 08/01/2014, 07:37
@A203D first of all you are an homophobic idiot, I'm not gay myself (I'm married to a beatiful woman) but the fact that it bothers you so much makes me think you are trying to resist your own desires.

Back to DMC I have to remind you that DMC4 is not included in the DMC Collection so I don't know why you bring the Collection numbers which by the way you said "Sold very little" yet it sold the same ammount as DmC so you are admiting that DmC was a BOMB, BTW DMC Collection at almost 1 million is not bad at all for an HD upgrade.

DMC4 GAMEPLAY was the best in the series thats why is used in tournaments by pro players. DMC4 GAMEPLAY has nothing to do with "Dante's camp homo behaviour" gameplay is gameplay and DMC4 was the best in the series.

Why do you even play DMC games? Do you really play them for the story? Really? Because I don't give a shit about that, the game is about gameplay the rest is an excuse to move Dante from point A to point B
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A203D posted 06/01/2014, 10:32
@Rafux. I'm sure its just as delicious as seeing an icon butchered into the camp homo. For you theres nothing wrong with camp homo because your a DMC4 fan. For myself and the original fans turning Dante into that was too far away from the original icon Team Little Devil's created:
Thats the admission from Capcom DMC4 was designed to imitate Hollywood movies. The facts speak for themselves, gameplay wise DMC4 was not very good, neither was the game itself. Hence why the DMC HD collection has sold very little. DMC4 was inferior to the previous games in the franchise; coming here and crying about it exposes your tears for the camp homo. Whether Ninja Theory continue DmC or not is not important; the fact that your here crying for your camp homo speaks for itself.
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withdreday posted 02/01/2014, 09:54
Meh, maybe they should have kept his hair white after all...
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subsamuels posted 31/12/2013, 01:16
This game was amazing, but this game was destined to flop from the beginning because of the design. Too bad, would have been great to see a sequel.
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Rafux posted 29/12/2013, 07:37
Is just delicious seeing your meltdown a203d, seriously man I don't have to make a video game to have an opinion, stop being a retard.

This game bombed just accept the facts, Capcom lower expectations two times, there will never be a sequel, Ninja Theory quit console development and DmC has the lowest sales in the series.

DMC4 is the best in the series (GAMEPLAY WISE), there's a reason why the majority of the DMC tournaments are made with DMC4 and also please stop your homophobic comments its almost 2014 nothing wrong with being gay and absolutely nothing wrong with beign gay for Uncle Dante.
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A203D posted 28/12/2013, 07:32
@Rafux, Capcom confirmed DmC had solid sales. I suggest you get your facts straight. That is beyond you because you seem to think coming here makes DMC4 (the camp homo Twilight shit) a good game. Capcom confirmed DmC was better combat wise, I suggest if you wish for us to believe you, you make a better game than Hideaki Itsuno.
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Rafux posted 26/12/2013, 07:20
I'm so glad this game bombed, its free on Plus this coming month but I don't think I'm going to lose my time with it since I hated the demo and the gameplay was a huge step back compared to DMC4.
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A203D posted 26/11/2013, 08:14
@AgentRedgave. I understand you might have been offended by some of my previous comments. I think you really need to calm down. What your doing is unhealthy. Like DMC4, like DmC, don't like either game. No one really cares. Whats important is that you play the games you enjoy. What I'm against is the behaviour of individuals who think their rights should take precedence over others. Ninja Theory has the right to make the games they want to make, according to their mandate from Capcom. At the same time, anyone has the right to prefer DmC over prefer DMC4, and vice versa. The point is DMC4 fans think they can dictate our right because they felt DMC4 should continue. This is what I am completely against, and if you were a DMC fan, you would be too.
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A203D posted 25/11/2013, 10:44
@AgentRedgrave. You've just proved everything I've said. You don't like DmC, no one gives a fuck. Move on with your life with Nero, Kyrie and Twilight. Coming here and flooding the comments is disrespectful to the fans who actually enjoy this game. If you want to discuss this then make a thread. Yet we both know you can't do that; because your not here to discuss things, your here to disrespect anyone prefers DmC to DMC4. You won't create a thread because you stand no chance in a balanced playing field.
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AgentRedgrave posted 17/11/2013, 11:13
@A203D I've told you again and again that I did not start with DMC4. "But what would you know about respect for DMC fans??" You're one to talk. You've actually called some people opinion's invalid simply because they didn't start the series with DMC1, and said people who like DMC4 shouldn't count as fans. "the behaviour of the DMC4 fans especially has been utterly disgusting. I'm talking about the kinds of people who resorted to sending death threats to the developers. Their behaviour disgraces us all. Unless we distance ourselves from such individuals the entire DMC community will be reduced to as such as you described." Yes I agree those are the kind of people who make us look bad. But you have no proof that every single one of these people is one of your so called "DMC4 fans" they could have started with DMC1 and hate DMC4 just like you. "Devil May Cry started with DMC1 not DMC4" Gee, is that why DMC4 has a number 4? Do you actually believe some people think DMC4 was the first DMC game? Get outta here. You're a contradictive liar. You claim other people are just stated their opinions as fact, when you do the same. You even accused people "Lying for the camp homo". Now I may not like DmC, but if someone tells me they like new Dante better, I don't say they're lying, it's just their opinion. Why should we give you any ounce of respect? You've done nothing but disrespect anyone who doesn't agree with you.
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A203D posted 16/11/2013, 07:13
@AgentRedgrace. Its true I'm not a DMC4 fan, I'm a DMC1 fan. I've never denied that, and I appreciate you only started with DMC4; but Devil May Cry started with DMC1 not DMC4. If you want to discuss this further create a thread. Show respect for the fans who want to come here. But what would you know about respect for DMC fans?? Regarding DMC3's sales. Capcom released that information just recently. Yet it still means DMC3 had to be released twice to attain those sales, a privilege not afforded to DmC.
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Ginryu posted 13/11/2013, 01:52
So the sales are : DMC4 > DMC3 > DMC1 > DMC2 > DmC
DMC1 : 2.16 million units
DMC2 : 1.7 million units
DMC3 : 2.3 million units(Special edition included)
DMC4 : 2.8 million units
DmC : 1.2 million units

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AgentRedgrave posted 12/11/2013, 12:19
Oh looks like I jumped the gun a bit, forgot to mention DMC1's 2.16 million sales. Sorry everyone I goofed
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AgentRedgrave posted 12/11/2013, 12:19
Oh looks like I jumped the gun a bit, forgot to mention DMC1's 2.16 million sales. Sorry everyone I goofed
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AgentRedgrave posted 12/11/2013, 04:08
@A203D "looking for any reason to attack something outside your limited thinking capacity" Wow, anybody but me smelling the hypocrisy?
@omarct Good try man, but you really shouldn't have bothered with him. I admitted to him that I personally scored DMC1 an 9/10, but DMC4 an 8.5/10 and he still calls me a "Camp homo fan" (Yeah, of a character who's always been camp, and I never saw the character as homosexual, on a side note. If Dante was gay, than who cares? A character's sexual orientation shouldn't be an issue, anyone who considers it an issue is homophobic and ignorant, which reminds me, I never thought Donte looked like a "faggot" but I did think he looked like a crackhead)
@Damian.W To be fair, I have read on Capcom Platinum Titles the game's sold 1.2 million copies.....However, considering what they originally wanted was 5 million, than 2 million prior to release. And is still the worse selling game of the series.....compared to DMC4's 2.8 million, DMC3's 2.3 million (go ahead check the list, Devil May Cry 3 has the number 45 spot with 1.3 million sales, while the special edition has the number 60 spot with a million, in contrast to A203D previously trying to convince me the 1.3 million number DID include the special edition, not on here on a youtube vid) and even DMC2's 1.7 million number. Yeah I wouldn't call this a success.
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A203D posted 28/10/2013, 09:00
@omarct... "the main charcater looked like a faggot". Not sure what your referring to here. Since DMC4 featured a camp Dante, with red cowboy boots, visible red Y fronts, and ridiculously homosexual poses. Like I said that game is not Devil May Cry. Hideki Kamiya has also confirmed only DMC1 Dante is the true iteration of the character, not DMC4 Dante. If you have a problem with that take it up with him. Not to mention if Ninja Theory have hurt your feelings with things they've said, thats nothing do with us DMC fans. You have no right to impose your own beliefs on others, and should you continue your disgusting behaviour I will take it to the moderators. As far as I'm concerned your not a DMC fan, your a DMC4 looking for any reason to attack something outside your limited thinking capacity. If you want to continue this you will come this thread to answer for your behaviour:
However your a DMC4 fan, who dosen't have respect for the fans who want to comment here without conforming to your dictations, so I expect you will continue to fill this comments section without coming to the thread to answer for your deplorable behaviour.
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omarct posted 27/10/2013, 04:45
I usually don't comment on things I do not like, but this ADHD23 dude makes it hard not to. I first played DMC 1 on my ps2, never played 2, never played 3, then I played 4 on my PS3. It wasnt a great game, it was short and the levels were the same for both characters. But the game was still fun, the combat was nice, the boss battles were really cool, and the game oozed style and a light mood. When I heard of DmC reboot I was a little excited for it. Then I watched the trailer and the main charcater looked like a faggot( They fixed(kinda) him a bit after that). The real reason why I didnt buy the game was the Ninja Theory interviews were they treated the fans like shit for little things like the white hair or other minor stuff that they wanted. When all they had to do was be humble and say that they had plans to implement that and whatnot, but no they started insulting and being assholes, so fuck them and they deserve the shitty sales and hopefully no one ever hires them again.
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A203D posted 28/08/2013, 01:41
@Damian.W. Capcom reported on their main site they've sold over 1 mil copies on PS3/360 combined. That probably included digital sales. We have no idea how many copies were sold over Steam or PC however.
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Damian.W posted 07/08/2013, 03:04
This game has surprisingly good legs. Maybe we might reach that 1m retail in a few years.
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A203D posted 29/06/2013, 09:22
Unfortunately AgentRedgrave, the behaviour of the DMC4 fans especially has been utterly disgusting. I'm talking about the kinds of people who resorted to sending death threats to the developers. Their behaviour disgraces us all. Unless we distance ourselves from such individuals the entire DMC community will be reduced to as such as you described. I'm trying to see to it that is not the case. If individuals don't like the game, they have the option of moving on with their lives with RE6, FF13 and DMC4. An option of games they deserve for their behaviour.
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AgentRedgrave posted 28/06/2013, 10:02
*being* labelled
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AgentRedgrave posted 28/06/2013, 05:51
@Hellstorm There's nothing wrong with liking the game. What needs to stop is the DMC fans be labelled "Whiny entitled fanboys/girls" for not liking it
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A203D posted 18/06/2013, 12:45
@Hellstrom. You've made a mistake, this is the DmC sales page, not the DMC4 or the FF13 sales page.
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Hellstrom posted 16/06/2013, 10:33
There is no defending this pile of crap game. Seriously if you like this garbage you have crap taste. Might not sit well with you, but it is what it is.
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A203D posted 11/06/2013, 12:07
@Vile. DmC has critically topped God of War Ascension, Metal Gear Rising, Ninja Gaiden 3 and Anarcy Reigns. Unless Bayonetta 2 comes out this year, there appears to be a good possibility this will be the best action game released this year. If you have a problem with that take it up with the journalists who reviewed those games with lower review scores. You should also learn to read, according to Capcom DmC has sold 1.15 mil copies. Thats pretty good considering the damage camp DMC4 Donte and Nero and Kryie did. As a DMC1 fan, I felt that Twilight trash was insulting to the original fans.
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Vile posted 09/06/2013, 04:56
Geezus christ A203D is still crying about how hard this game bombed?

"I think DmC has a good chance of winning action game of the year, unless Bayonetta 2 comes out." -A203D

O Rly? How's that prediction going for you buddy? HAHAHAHAAHAH!!!!
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WebMasterFlex posted 29/05/2013, 06:24
Loved this game.
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AgentRedgrave posted 21/05/2013, 01:54
@Rafux That would be awesome. Sadly I don't think it would happen. That would require Capcom to actually listen to the fan-base.
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A203D posted 21/05/2013, 12:58
@AgentRedgrave: "Why I created an account, is none of your business". I'll tell you why you won't answer the question. You can't. You created an account to troll, and you were caught. Hence why you 'won't give an answer'. Like I said this isn't Event's channel, here we show respect. Yet as we have seen DMC4 fans like yourself and Rafux no nothing of respect. Hence why you both troll here instead of creating threads. If you have a problem with what I've said take it to a moderator. Maybe you can explain to them why "you have no excuse".
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Rafux posted 21/05/2013, 10:10
@AgentRedgrave dude don't bother trying to discuss with A203D we all ignore him, everyone does after a while he is kind of "special". He just goes on circles never listening to you and just waiting to make his point. Anyway I love how this game completely stop selling maybe Capcom will see the light and hire Platinum games.
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AgentRedgrave posted 20/05/2013, 10:09
@A203D Why I created an account, is none of your business. As for not having any threads. I have no excuse, I just haven't. As for the no avatar. Well it's embarrassing to admit. But I couldn't figure out how and and gave up. Yeah yeah laugh it up. Anyway I've asked you how have I trolled or disrespected the gaming community and you haven't come up with anything. Just my lack of activity on this site. Which, to me, looks like you're dodging the question. I'm done with you. You can blame DMC4 for DmC's failure all you want. It wont make a difference
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A203D posted 20/05/2013, 09:39
@AgentRedgrave. I'll rephrase it then so you can't claim you don't understand. Why have you come to this site? You've created an account, you haven't commented in any threads, you haven't created any threads, you haven't made any contacts. You haven't even selected an avatar? Why then would someone create an account for this site? You tell me?
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AgentRedgrave posted 20/05/2013, 03:35
@A203D I'd ask "How have I trolled" again. But I'm pretty convinced I wont get an answer. I also I fail to see how I have in any way disrespected the gaming community. If you feel that I have in any way. Then by all means, enlighten me.
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A203D posted 20/05/2013, 11:26
@AgentRedgrave. You started an account this month, in that time you haven't made any threads, you haven't commented in any threads, you haven't made any contacts on this site. All you've done is come to this sales page and trolled. Like I said your not in Event's channel anymore; here you show respect to the users. Like I said you want to talk about DMC4, make a thread about it. We both know however you won't make a thread you'll continue to troll here; because DMC4 fans like you and Rafux don't know about how to respect the gaming community.
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AgentRedgrave posted 19/05/2013, 10:46
@A203D How have I trolled? By saying my opinion of the game? This sales page isn't the only one I've commented on. If that's what you think. Show you respect? This is coming form the guy who basically said my opinion was invalid cause I started with DMC3 instead of the original. You gotta show respect to earn respect, pal
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thewastedyouth posted 19/05/2013, 10:28
this game sucks, ahahah Capcom burn in hell with your on disk dlc and this crap game
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A203D posted 19/05/2013, 10:02
@AgentRedgrave. I've been a user on this forum before DmC was announced, so I would have to see the future to be trolling. Lol. You created an account this month, in that time you haven't created any threads, you've only trolled this sales page. I'm not interested in you views on DMC4, this isn't the place to discuss that. This is a sales page, here you show respect for other users, you don't flood the comments section with your opinions as soon as you create an account. Like I said, you want to discuss DMC, create a thread. You want to be a part of this community then show respect for its users. That notion might seem bizarre to you coming from Event Status's channel, it is also bizarre to DMC4 fans like Rafux and Heavenly King which is no surprise to me.
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AgentRedgrave posted 19/05/2013, 06:01
@A203D There you go again. "DMC1 fan" "DMC4 fan" We're just DMC fans. Also what difference does it make that I started with DMC3? I still played the first game. It's one of my favorite games "you created an account for trolling" you're one to talk. How about how you trolled Event Status and his subscribers and called them "extremists"? Anyway I may not have started with the first game. But I did play ALL of them before DmC. And ya know what? DMC4 may not be the best of the series. But it is WAYYYY more DMC then this piece of crap DmC is. Is that presenting my own opinion as fact? Don't care you do the same thing
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A203D posted 19/05/2013, 04:31
@AgentRedgrave. No I've never said that. I've said the people who dislike DmC are DMC4 fans claiming DMC4 is a great game. If you look at all the people who have come here. Heavenly King, Rafux, Shrouded Darkness, Shakir even yourself claim that DMC4 is a good game. Unfortunately as we discussed already DMC4 might be a good game, but its not Devil May Cry, it never was. You already made the mistake of admitting that DMC3 was you first DMC game, hence why you couldn't understand how a DMC1 fan such as myself disliked DMC4. Whether you like DmC or not is not my concern, you created an account for trolling, if you want to discuss DMC4 make a thread. Yet you won't make a thread because you know what will happen.
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AgentRedgrave posted 19/05/2013, 01:30
Will you stop trying to blame people who like DMC4. I saw a comment by one guy on youtube saying he hated DMC4, but thought DmC was even worse. The game is hated by DMC fans. Not DMC1 fans, not DMC2 fans (do those even exist? lol JK) not DMC3 fans, not DMC4 fans, JUST DMC fans. Now I know I shouldn't generalize. Cause there are some DMC fans who do like DmC. But you're doing just that by assuming people who don't like DmC only like DMC4? What, so fans of DMC1-3 love DmC? Don't think so
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Heavenly_King posted 17/05/2013, 04:49
They rebooted it because they wanted it to sell a lot more. They wanted to have the fans of the franchise, but they also wanted new people to join in, and in order to do that the franchise needed a new beginning. The funny thing is that most fans of the franchise did not bothered, and few new people jump on board.

It was just a "business/economic" decision not based on the quality of the latest game, which is a lot better in my opinion.
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A203D posted 16/05/2013, 11:39
@Ginryu. Its hated by DMC4 fans. Everyone who dislikes DmC says that DMC4 was a good game, and Capcom should've made DMC5. I'm not just defending DmC. I'm also defending DMC1. The fact is if Capcom didn't make mistakes with DMC2 and DMC4 they wouldn't need to reboot DMC. The problem isn't DmC, the problem is Capcom. Unfortunately DMC4 fans don't understand that DMC4 isn't Devil May Cry, it never was Team Little Devil's true Devil May Cry and it never will be. Thats not Ninja Theory's fault.
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RaitheNoblesse posted 16/05/2013, 05:28
is the game "hated", because it's style doesn't have the a "typical animé/emo" style like it's prequels? (which was a big plus back then..., besides it being to easy on "normal"..)
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Ginryu posted 16/05/2013, 02:05
You need the feel to defend this game, there are no need to make thread to say the same thing like others. Go do some research, this game is a lot hated, it's easy to find.
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A203D posted 16/05/2013, 01:17
@Ginryu. A lot of DMC4 fans say that its 'dumbed down'. Yet none of these DMC4 fans show their names at the top of the leaderboards; nor do they show their 'expert' videos on Youtube. They also don't explain how they are more qualified than Hideaki Itsuno and Capcom Japan. Those same DMC4 fans make these statements in the comments section, so they don't have to make threads to explain themselves. Like you just have. I wonder why...
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RaitheNoblesse posted 15/05/2013, 05:44
it is "dumed down", when playing on normal (many games of his gen, have been made too easy on "normal" for the casual gamers...),
when playing on hard, it's the best DMC....
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Ginryu posted 15/05/2013, 01:46
Don't be angry, a lot of people say DmC it's a dumbed down Devil May Cry so deal with it. DMC4 and DMC3 are better for me even if you don't like, but whatever you don't need to read what i write.
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RaitheNoblesse posted 13/05/2013, 07:48
@ Ginryu.. DMC:DMC has "poor acting"?? WTF?.. then what do you call the acting in MGR:R or Ninja Gaiden??
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RaitheNoblesse posted 13/05/2013, 07:35
* on the 3rd setting (hard), it's perfect for the first playthrough
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RaitheNoblesse posted 13/05/2013, 07:31
@ Ginryu

DMC is (way) too "easy", but played on the 2nd setting (hard) it's perfect for the first playthrough..
(anyone who felt it was to easy during the first chapter(s) or read any reviews, should have known better or tried a higher difficulty setting..., especially today, when when games of this gen have become more and more "casual" easy)
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A203D posted 10/05/2013, 12:36
@Rafux. All those comments are from users who've created accounts recently with the only intention to come here and force their views. As you did. Unfortunately they don't create threads to discuss the matter, nor do they present any of their expert videos or names on the leaderboards. An affliction you also seem to have been affected with. Unfortunately that affliction also made you unable to support yourself with proof when you were asked to in the thread. I wonder why.
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Rafux posted 08/05/2013, 06:19
From these comments general concensus is pretty in line with what I think of this game: a very easy, casualised, dumbed down Devil Mary Cry game.
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A203D posted 04/05/2013, 12:39
@AgentRedgrave. We spoke before; its fair enough man. For what its worth I think Capcom have said they might continue DMC5. I suggest creating a thread however if you want to discuss opinions. Its unfair when the comments section gets flooded with opinions when a thread should be created for that.
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AgentRedgrave posted 01/05/2013, 10:05
Not surprised, Personally I'd rate all the DMC games, DMC1 9/10, DMC2 7/10, DMC3 9.5/10, and DMC4 8.5/10. DmC on the other hand 6.5/10. I was very disappointed with it, and I was one of the people who believed everyone else just disliked it because of Dante's hair. Boy was I wrong. This poor attempt to give the series a more serious plot is worse then DMC4's and almost as bad as DMC2's. They gameplay's a step down from DMC3/4. First of all they replaced the style system with angel and demon stances, which is just light and heavy attacks mixed with weapon changing. Secondly, ya ever hear the phrase "You don't appreciate something till it's gone"? That's how DmC made me feel about the lock-on. Also it was wayyy to easy, especially Mundus and Vergil. After I beat it, to "detox" I played DMC1 and DMC3 over from start to finish again. (Sighs) Much better. Also I can't stand the new Dante's dialogue, he tries to be funny and fails. And as much as a dislike new Dante, I hate new Vergil. Worse part is, we may never get a Devil May Cry 5.
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A203D posted 30/04/2013, 11:52
@Ginryu. Then why are you here forcing your opinions? I think DMC4 was an average game, and the worst game in the series. You don't see me forcing that on you? Yet you feel the need to force your opinions here like Rafux and Heavenly King because DMC fans like myself like the game. If you don't like it, its not our problem, and I suggest you don't play it. But you are here because true DMC fans just arn't listening to you.
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 1   2   3 

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (248)

1 112,406 92,770 48,916 39,683 293,775
2 30,720 16,363 18,305 8,606 73,994
3 15,123 8,145 9,387 4,329 36,984
4 7,156 5,406 4,740 2,626 19,928
5 3,959 2,947 4,775 1,795 13,476
6 1,945 1,602 4,167 1,236 8,950
7 1,592 1,333 2,688 899 6,512
8 1,184 1,317 2,867 924 6,292
9 1,021 1,152 2,390 789 5,352
10 1,024 1,102 1,941 697 4,764
A203D posted 28/05/2016, 09:02
@AgentRedgrave: Now your denying what you already admitted? Embarassed much. Its over, DMC4 featured your precious automatic lock-on and it was awful. DmC used a true manual lock-on far superior to automatic lock-on. Deal with it.
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AgentRedgrave posted 07/03/2016, 09:48
I never admitted anything. And as I said, Capcom themselves debunked your statement.
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A203D posted 01/03/2016, 01:23
@AgentRedgrave. You already admitted that DMC4 was using automatic lock-on, and that DmC was using a true manual lock-on. How does lying about Hideaki Itusno now change that? How does it change that DMC4 is using an automatic lock-on? How does it change DMC4 Donte is not Dante? How does it change DMC4's slow, clunky gameplay mechanics? Let me guess you refuse to answer for the way DMC4 butchered the series yet again...
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AgentRedgrave posted 24/11/2015, 02:03
@A203D Not according to Capcom, when they stated DmC's lock on was automatic, and the one added in the DE (Like the ones the previous games had) was manual
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A203D posted 28/05/2015, 09:01
Its actually the previous games using automatic lock-on, this was the first game of the series to use the manual lock-on.
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[PACT] posted 15/05/2015, 03:11
Damn, this comment section. Two years of animosity and salt. Sheesh...
OT: Decent numbers for the most hated game of last gen. I really loved the soundtrack, level design, weapons and the flow/pacing of the game. But no 60fps, no manual lock-on and no aggressive enemy AI held this game back from it's fullest potential. (Fixed in the Definitive Edition though...)
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