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Ninja Theory



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Release Dates

01/15/13 Capcom
01/17/13 Capcom
01/15/13 Capcom

Community Stats

Owners: 8
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Game Information Updated VGPolyglot 01st May 2018
Release Date Added to Database TheKingOfDragons 05th Feb 2018
Release Date Added to Database TheKingOfDragons 03rd Feb 2018
Game Information Updated TheKingOfDragons 03rd Feb 2018
Boxart Added TheKingOfDragons 03rd Feb 2018
Boxart Added TheKingOfDragons 03rd Feb 2018
Boxart Added TheKingOfDragons 03rd Feb 2018
Release Date Added to Database oliist 13th Apr 2010
Release Date Added to Database oliist 13th Apr 2010
Release Date Added to Database oliist 13th Apr 2010
Game Information Updated oliist 13th Apr 2010
Game Added to Database oliist 13th Apr 2010

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (53)

1 5,523 84,200 31,207 20,261 141,191
2 1,379 17,829 10,437 4,520 34,165
3 689 8,730 5,694 2,248 17,361
4 454 4,619 2,635 1,167 8,875
5 368 2,120 2,635 621 5,744
6 293 1,681 1,984 486 4,444
7 313 1,333 1,670 391 3,707
8 275 1,364 1,170 368 3,177
9 258 1,459 960 376 3,053
10 270 1,067 608 269 2,214
A203D posted 22/02/2015, 02:26
@Rafux. I forgot you don't care about quality, you only care about red cowboy boots and camp homoerotic DMC4 Donte. You know the camp cowboy that butchered an icon. That to you is quality that DMC4 Donte butchered an icon. Let me guess, that to you is pure quality, along with Nero the Emo, Kyrie the Twilight girl and Lady and Trish Playboy fanservice. DmC and Ninja Theory are to blame for that affront to the original fans and the classic DMC games.
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Rafux posted 28/10/2014, 11:00
The quality of DmC killed DmC on every console.
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A203D posted 31/01/2014, 08:50
The quality of DMC4 killed this series on the Xbox consoles.
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A203D posted 18/06/2013, 12:41
@Rafux. Well I'll have to mention it to the moderators. I thought it had been brought up already. The sales of the DMC games here are all incorrect, except for DMC4. Vgchartz still hasn't updated those numbers, and actually God of War numbers haven't been updated either. But someone like you dosen't care about facts, you only care about red cowboy boots and red underpants.
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Rafux posted 16/06/2013, 05:17
@A203D "Vgchartz had GT5 sales incorrect, God of War games"

Exactly and VGC updated those numbers when official sales were released but they haven't updated DmC numbers cause Capcom numbers are shipped to retailers and VGC only counts sold to customers. But maybe if you go cry to them like you cry here all day they could make a little update (maybe 20 more copies sold!). Those tears taste so good.
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A203D posted 16/06/2013, 11:49
@Rafux. Please cry more, go tell Capcom to update DmC sales numbers then. Vgchartz had GT5 sales incorrect, God of War games, and probably other games we don't know about. According to Capcom Vgchartz only has the correct numbers for DMC4, the sales for DMC1,2 and 3 are inaccurate. However I know you don't care about things that are inaccurate, like how DMC4 camp Donte was an affront to the original masterpiece.
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