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Ninja Theory



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Release Dates

01/15/13 Capcom
01/17/13 Capcom
01/15/13 Capcom

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DmC Devil May Cry (PS3) > Opinions (248)

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Rafux posted 18/02/2013, 12:51
A203D plays DMC games for the story hahahaha.

DmC adjusted DOWN and another horrible week in sales.
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ShroudedDarkness posted 18/02/2013, 12:32

What the hell were you talking about?
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A203D posted 18/02/2013, 12:24
DMC4 was the travesty, turning Dante into a camp cowboy then turning the DMC name into Nero and Kyrie Twilight garbage. But I guess DMC4 was Ninja Theory's fault. Hell yes more DMC5 with Nero, Kyrie, Camp Dante, and sexually objectified Trish and Lady. Because thats all NTs fault.
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Heavenly_King posted 17/02/2013, 10:06
this game BOMBED!!! hell yes! Now hopefully they will let this franchise rest in peace after the travesty NT has done. Or if Capcom is sane, they will develop DMC5 with the japanese team XD
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Heavenly_King posted 17/02/2013, 09:59
4k next week WW XD
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ShroudedDarkness posted 17/02/2013, 07:33

By the way, most companies base their financial reports off of NPD and Media Create... so they are most likely accurate.
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ShroudedDarkness posted 17/02/2013, 07:32

Here are the sales from Media Create (Japan) and NPD (North America)

NPD = 187,000 sales across both systems.

Media Create = 170,000 across both systems.

Total = 357,000 worldwide that can be confirmed. Europe has no official sales collector, but independent retailers in at least the UK confirm that DmC dropped like a rock from the charts.

So yes, VGChartz is inaccurate in this case. DmC was a major bomb. It might do 600,000 to 800,000 life time due to being so late in the console life cycle... meaning Capcom won't even break even.
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MichiGen posted 17/02/2013, 11:49
Adjusting? They either know how much it sold or they are only guessing. No reason to come here every week to watch this nonsense then. I'll wait what CAPCOM will say about DmC sales in upcoming months.
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ShroudedDarkness posted 17/02/2013, 11:04

They are probably adjusting to get closer to the NPD numbers... which were horrid.
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MichiGen posted 17/02/2013, 08:12
Dafuq happened? Probably another proof that VGChartz is just taking all these numbers from their ass.
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DarkFury posted 17/02/2013, 12:25
Wow, looks like this was just adjusted down BIGTIME. O_o
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ShroudedDarkness posted 16/02/2013, 07:40

Goddamn, Capcom must be shitting bricks if they are going based off of NPD rather than VGChartz.
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chidori-chan2 posted 16/02/2013, 06:46
Already confirmed sales NPD of DMC

Capcom may cry ~ 187k (PS3 ~ 52%)

Hm, bad sales?
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Vile posted 16/02/2013, 02:07
My god this game did worse than I thought. What a terrible fucking game.

What a bomb.

It hardly reached half of DMC4 sales and that's with a larger install base. Ninja retard theory must feel ashamed to have failed so hard, and all after they insulted the original fan base with this ridiculous smear on the DMC series.

Reboot? More like a fucking funeral.
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Turkish posted 14/02/2013, 11:17
This was actually a very good game despite its problems.
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legendarysaiyanbroly posted 13/02/2013, 05:36
Oh, and I read ur previous comment yesterday (wasn't gonna say anything about it), and I laughed at your infinite idiocy. That however, was funny. U're in NO position 2 call any1 else ''stupid'' if u yourself r S_T_U_P_I_D enough 2 believe no1 is buying this shit because of a character's hair color. You're over-simplifying it, duh,...!!!! And the saddest thing about DmC (4u) is that it will continue to D_I_E in sales, it will continue 2b irrelevant, it will continue 2b HATED n' IGNORED by the TRUE Devil May Cry FANS, and there is NOTHING that u can do about it! Lmao @ u! XD
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legendarysaiyanbroly posted 13/02/2013, 05:05
U retarded Fuckhole! who's trying 2b funny? this isn't! And how much of an imbecile can some1 b not 2 see that Crapcom has already killed the DMC franchise themselves,... and if u really ''think'' this is awesome and better than previous DMC games in any way other than graphics then yes, I agree with u,... how idiotic can some people like YOU b these days, indeed. This new DmC game S_U_C_K_S from beginning to end (except in gameplay), especially in the storyline department (boring/lame/pretentious), and it is an insult to every TRUE FAN of the series, which u clearly r fukkin' NOT; u're just another of Crapcom's Morons/Tools.
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MichiGen posted 11/02/2013, 05:14
You stupid retard. Really funny, to want kill the entire Devil May Cry franchise and talented developers from Ninja Theory. It's hard to say how some people are idiotic these days.... I really hope we'll get DmC 2 because DmC is an awesome game. It's better than DMC 2 and 4, with better story than all previous DMCs which were full of plot holes, and after DMC 1 the whole story just went full retard. Although I like DMC 1,3,4, but each as a separate individual game. It never really worked as a series. Unlike DMC, the new DmC can finally achieve something what can be called a coherent story throughout it's sequels.
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legendarysaiyanbroly posted 11/02/2013, 09:00
Average hack n' slash game at best, and extremely shitty DMC game. I'm very glad to see this game's sales dying so quickly, especially the 360 version. Also, it's a good thing for once that this is available on PC too, that way the rampant pc piracy will help kill DmC. Lol! >=)
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Rafux posted 10/02/2013, 04:31
The whole point of this dumbed down, westernized reboot was to gather more sales not less. Capcom and Ninja Theory failed big time.
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Heavenly_King posted 09/02/2013, 09:18
in every region :D
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Heavenly_King posted 09/02/2013, 09:17
on track to sell 4000 units next week HELL YEAH!
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pandaXL posted 09/02/2013, 06:56
great game! the ONLY thing i do regret is that i bought it from Walmart :(
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ShroudedDarkness posted 05/02/2013, 12:30

Capcom has already reduced expected shipments of DmC from 2 million to 1.2 million, so obviously they don't expect people to suddenly decide to buy the game almost two months after release. Not only that, but Metal Gear Rising also comes out at around the same time of God of War Ascension... so people are just as likely to buy that as DmC. THat doesn't even factor in all of the other new releases. Face it, DmC failed in its objective to expand consumer interest and is on track to becoming the worst selling entry of the entire franchise.
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Rafux posted 05/02/2013, 07:15
God of War Ascension and Metal Gear Rising will be the final nail in DmC's coffin. 80% drop in the second week Mega Bomb!
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MichiGen posted 05/02/2013, 05:09
I'm sure that as soon as people realize how stupid they were for not buying this only because of the hair of the character, the numbers will go up. Also the release of God of War Ascension will help, since after that, people will want to play more hack'n slash action. The level design is gorgeous, I've never seen such things in a game before (I wonder what kind of drugs NT is using), soundtrack is sheer excellence and combat system offers such a wild combos like no other action game today. This game is a high-class and I'm sure it will have good legs!
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Heavenly_King posted 04/02/2013, 07:50
after the 4th week this game will begin to sell 4000 or less units every week.
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DarkFury posted 04/02/2013, 03:33
Capom just announced they are going to cut the Ship (not sellthrough) to 1.2 million, down from 2 million. So they expect to sell less than 1.2. So not looking too hot, sales-wise.
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Mr Puggsly posted 04/02/2013, 03:30
@ ECM - The userbases are bigger, but the libraries have grown tremendously and interest changes. Genres and games that were once popular just a few years ago may not sell as well today.

Well before DMC launched we already knew the hack n' slash genre was struggling. Worst case scenario, this should out perform Castlevania. And that game is getting a sequel!
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ECM posted 03/02/2013, 01:53
Uh, the disparity in userbases is massive, so trying to use the 'no competition' dodge isn't going to fly--it's a bomb; deal with it.
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Folks07 posted 02/02/2013, 09:41
and u people should stop comparing sales,when DMC 4 came out,there simply wasnt much competition,look up the releases Jan-March 2008 (DMC 4 was releases Feb 08),The Club,Turok,Conflict Denied Ops,Turning Point....then in March we had Condemned 2 and Army of Two...thats not really competition for a great series like DMC! When the new DmC came out,people were still playing CoD Black Ops 2,Hitman or AC3 and in the next few weeks,games like Dead Space 3,Crysis 3,Aliens,Tomb Raider,GoW Ascension,Metro Last Light,Bioshock Infinite and more will be released,so compare the competition too if u compare sales!
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Folks07 posted 02/02/2013, 09:30
DmC is my GOTY 2013 already and it will be till the end of the year!
This is what the series needed and im glad Ninja Theory showed some balls and delivered one of the best games i´ve ever played!
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Vile posted 31/01/2013, 05:44
I'm happy this game bombed. This piece of shit game did worse than DMC4 which was the worst of the series.

Are you happy now that you've abandoned the real fan base and catered to your non existent, meth head, low attention span, brain dead jock audience that you were trying to target? Hideki Kamiya said it best when asked what he thought of the new DmC. "Son, I am disappoint." Paraphrased of course.
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ishiki posted 30/01/2013, 12:01
I like the combat a bit more in DMC4, That games biggest problem was the godawful backtracking. This games pretty good I like the art design more, the story more, but the combat less.

I like it less than 3, not sure about how I feel compared to 1 and 4. It's close though and a worthy addition to the series imo.
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Rafux posted 29/01/2013, 10:57
It sold WORSE than DMC4 in every region on both HD consoles and DMC4 came out 5 years ago when the install base was far lower.

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nnodley posted 29/01/2013, 07:20
Nevermind, that is what you were doing, but I don't know why 550,000 is in anyway bad. It's not a sales record but its still decent.
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nnodley posted 29/01/2013, 07:16
@chidori-chan2 You should really look at your number again for DmC: Devil May Cry because it sold almost 400,000 more than what you have. Unless your talking about just the 360 numbers.
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DigitalDevilSummoner posted 29/01/2013, 06:48

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Heavenly_King posted 28/01/2013, 05:58
I am quite sure the sales will bomb next week.
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Mr Puggsly posted 28/01/2013, 03:06
@ A203D - Looking at the numbers its clear Europe really lost interest in the series after DMC2 was released.
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A203D posted 28/01/2013, 11:40
I'm not sure where 183,109 units comes from. DmC has sold 545,000 units within its first week including Xbox sales. These sales don't include digital downloads, Steam sales or PC sales.

Capcom will decide whether it has been successful in a few months. The sales are not very strong in Europe where it seems DMC4 was detrimental to the series. Which is why Capcom felt they had to reboot the series.
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chidori-chan2 posted 28/01/2013, 09:55
DmC: Devil may Cry’s first week of console sales fail to meet Devil May Cry 4′s sales

DmC: Devil may Cry sold 183,109 units globally, in its first week.
Devil May Cry 4 sold 412,423 units globally, in its first week.
I wonder if this gets a sequel or simply capcom forgets about this franchise for good just like Onimusha.

capcom its just like most movie producers in Hollywood full of bad moves.
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miqdadi posted 27/01/2013, 06:04
Sales are disappointing, I thought it can easily pass 1.5 M, doesn't look so
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A203D posted 27/01/2013, 05:41
Its because of the Japanese sales this version has sold more copies. European sales are very disappointing.
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ps3-sales! posted 27/01/2013, 04:21
Double the launch sales of the 360 version, very impressive.
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Kresnik posted 31/12/2012, 11:18
This is gonna be an interesting game to follow. Cannot see it doing all that well, but who knows.
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TurismoT posted 27/04/2010, 11:34
it's inevitable
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Heavenly_King posted 27/04/2010, 03:16
Looks like Vgchartz knows the future XD.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (248)

1 112,406 92,770 48,916 39,683 293,775
2 30,720 16,363 18,305 8,606 73,994
3 15,123 8,145 9,387 4,329 36,984
4 7,156 5,406 4,740 2,626 19,928
5 3,959 2,947 4,775 1,795 13,476
6 1,945 1,602 4,167 1,236 8,950
7 1,592 1,333 2,688 899 6,512
8 1,184 1,317 2,867 924 6,292
9 1,021 1,152 2,390 789 5,352
10 1,024 1,102 1,941 697 4,764
A203D posted 28/05/2016, 09:02
@AgentRedgrave: Now your denying what you already admitted? Embarassed much. Its over, DMC4 featured your precious automatic lock-on and it was awful. DmC used a true manual lock-on far superior to automatic lock-on. Deal with it.
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AgentRedgrave posted 07/03/2016, 09:48
I never admitted anything. And as I said, Capcom themselves debunked your statement.
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A203D posted 01/03/2016, 01:23
@AgentRedgrave. You already admitted that DMC4 was using automatic lock-on, and that DmC was using a true manual lock-on. How does lying about Hideaki Itusno now change that? How does it change that DMC4 is using an automatic lock-on? How does it change DMC4 Donte is not Dante? How does it change DMC4's slow, clunky gameplay mechanics? Let me guess you refuse to answer for the way DMC4 butchered the series yet again...
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AgentRedgrave posted 24/11/2015, 02:03
@A203D Not according to Capcom, when they stated DmC's lock on was automatic, and the one added in the DE (Like the ones the previous games had) was manual
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A203D posted 28/05/2015, 09:01
Its actually the previous games using automatic lock-on, this was the first game of the series to use the manual lock-on.
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[PACT] posted 15/05/2015, 03:11
Damn, this comment section. Two years of animosity and salt. Sheesh...
OT: Decent numbers for the most hated game of last gen. I really loved the soundtrack, level design, weapons and the flow/pacing of the game. But no 60fps, no manual lock-on and no aggressive enemy AI held this game back from it's fullest potential. (Fixed in the Definitive Edition though...)
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