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Alternative Names

Zelda no Densetsu: Kamigami no Tri-Force

ゼルダの伝説 神々のトライフォース


Nintendo EAD



Other Versions


Release Dates

04/13/92 Nintendo
11/21/91 Nintendo
09/24/92 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 687
Favorite: 96
Tracked: 6
Wishlist: 8
Now Playing: 8

Avg Community Rating:


The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES) > Opinions (61)

ExplodingBlock posted 10/10/2014, 09:57
Low sales for such a high install base makes me sad
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AshKetchum1992 posted 23/07/2014, 06:26
Great game
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Roar_Of_War posted 12/01/2012, 04:39
By about 300k in the USA.
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Roar_Of_War posted 12/01/2012, 04:36
That's an NPD chart. I know it's an old game, but LttP is apparently undertracked on this website.
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Roar_Of_War posted 12/01/2012, 04:30
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bigjon posted 08/12/2011, 04:54
Nintendo seriously needs to make a true successor to this baby.
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Mordred11 posted 17/09/2011, 03:12
amazing game.
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gunslinger posted 02/01/2011, 05:09
I still can sit down and play this for a couple of hours and get the same enjoyment out of it as much as i did when it first came out.
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Icestyng posted 03/12/2010, 11:30
I agree... Best Zelda game!
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Wickedshyn posted 22/05/2010, 09:18
Best Zelda game.
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Imphamis posted 31/01/2010, 06:14
IMO This game has best story in the entire Zelda franchise.
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Aidman posted 17/08/2009, 10:55
My Best Game ever
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SHMUPGurus posted 26/06/2009, 09:33
I agree with Majin. I'm sure he liked Ezlo, haha! This bastard is worse than Navi by a mile! xD
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Thechalkblock posted 17/06/2009, 01:39
I really should play this game again sometime.
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HanzoTheRazor posted 13/05/2009, 03:27
10/10 Special game. Still my favorite in this awesome sreies.
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 12/05/2009, 04:08
Valkyria00 should be shot.
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Valkyria00 posted 03/05/2009, 08:35
Minish Cap was much better imo
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DreadRaptor85 posted 10/03/2009, 05:16
Zelda owns!
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bigjon posted 31/12/2008, 05:43
this baby is on my VC!!
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LNRT posted 20/11/2008, 06:52
A truly masterful game that has the perfect balance between exploration and actual progression.
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PowerOn posted 29/10/2008, 08:49
It's my all-time favorite Zelda series. My opinion, the ending is far best.
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blunty51 posted 15/10/2008, 03:40
This game will forever be a part of my life.
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DreadRaptor85 posted 06/10/2008, 08:46
Fcuk Yeah!
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Vas-y posted 25/08/2008, 02:33
Don't know why but somehow I don't like the atmosphere in this game.
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sc94597 posted 25/08/2008, 08:40
Along with Majora's Mask as the best Zelda game, and one of the best Action Adventures ever.
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HanzoTheRazor posted 20/08/2008, 10:17
10/10 I have lost count of how many times I've finished it!
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SHMUPGurus posted 04/08/2008, 07:13
There's a typo in the game title. It should be: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Lots of people seem to forget the ''A'' for an unknown reason...! o_o
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Soanevalcke posted 08/06/2008, 08:54
2D Masterpiece. Do yourself a favor and buy it :U.
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oliist posted 05/06/2008, 08:28
I first played it on a rainy night in the year 1992.And this image was burned forever into my brain.When it's raining in a dark night i always get this special thunderstorm-Zelda-dungeon-feeling.
One of the five best games i have ever played.
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trestres posted 24/05/2008, 10:15
Best Zelda game along with OoT.
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Snake612 posted 17/05/2008, 03:01
i loved this game. i wish i still had my super nintendo

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SaviorX posted 03/05/2008, 10:37
Funny how I was born 1 DAY after this came out in the US. I was born to be a Link fan.
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Aidman posted 02/04/2008, 10:58
my big huge wish is to see a remake of that master-piece A Link To The Past you're the real best game that links any gamer to the past to that wonderful 2D of the past.
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HanzoTheRazor posted 31/03/2008, 01:37
10/10 What a special game....was my fav until Wind Waker was released. All great things shine on forever!

Oh, and the thing about no perfect games, well you could argue that perfection does not even exist. Perfect for me :p
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sinheart posted 03/03/2008, 10:51
Best in the series.
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batusai69 posted 29/01/2008, 04:38
a great great game :)
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lolita posted 23/01/2008, 08:21
@ Meow The Mouse... Difficulty too low? It's much harder than any of the 3D Zelda! O___o How can you say this? Beside, iono about you but I don't like it when a game is impossible I like to be able to beat it.
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MeowTheMouse posted 21/01/2008, 02:26
^ its one of the worst zelda i played, and ofcrs by that u would figure that i didnt play the CD-I zeldas.

still gr8 game diffeculty is too low
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NintendoTogepi posted 20/01/2008, 08:38
Call me weird but I'm not a fan of this game.

It's probably my second least favorite Zelda of the eight I own.
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ClaudeLv250 posted 06/01/2008, 08:30
So good I had to say it twice.
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ClaudeLv250 posted 06/01/2008, 08:29
Best Zelda game ever.
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StarcraftManiac posted 30/12/2007, 06:02
Got it on VC... That counts right? ...
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lolita posted 22/11/2007, 06:32
Epic game, perfect difficulty and the dongeons were just amazing!
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Aidman posted 19/11/2007, 10:10
10/10 all I can do.. just do it .. do the ZELDA.
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AwareQP posted 28/10/2007, 03:44
Could give it a 10 but only "perfect games" should get a 10. OOT is perfect. LTTP therefore gets a 9/10. Easily one of the best games of all time and #3 in the Zelda series behind OOT and TP.
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natedog4000 posted 14/10/2007, 08:39
haha...ok so I just did some research on the zelda timeline and learned that it is very cloudy and all that's out there is many arguable theories....

Here's a link to a video of one of the theories which is quite interesting...
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natedog4000 posted 14/10/2007, 08:18
This is an awesome game and if you haven't played you should at least give it a try even if you think you don't like zelda games...

also from what I've read A link to the past refers to it being a prequel to the two NES games. Also Ocarina of Time is a prequel to A link to the Past...
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eclipse27 posted 27/09/2007, 07:02
Link to the Past was the best Zelda indeed, Wind Waker 2nd and a distant 3rd is OoT
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quarashi posted 27/09/2007, 01:56
OoT is garbage compared to this game. Greatest Zelda game of all time!!!
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Chadius posted 22/09/2007, 12:34
Best. Zelda. Ever.

Probably best SNES game ever.
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masterisaac21 posted 09/09/2007, 06:19
Unos de los mejores juegos de todos los tiempos, en la escala del uno al diez= 9.5
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nathantay posted 05/09/2007, 11:55
Great game easily the best of the series and probably my favorite SNES title ever.
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PaperChronoRPG posted 18/08/2007, 08:55
I don't like this game. It's very boring. I probably just don't like large 2D games.
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ClaudeLv250 posted 30/07/2007, 10:43
Best Zelda ever, hands down. It defined the series, created all the good tools (Bottles, Hookshot, Flippers), introduced the dual world scenario and the fomrula that's been re-used even today. OoT was good but it was just a 3D LttP, not nearly as good as the source material, the original, while important for making the series what it is, is just surpassed in all areas. LttP is THE Zelda.
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Maverick Hunter Z posted 29/07/2007, 12:08
Never really liked this one, guess its because I didn't play it until after Ocarina of Time. I still hold the original Zelda to be far superior. 6/10.

P.S. I'm not really sure this was meant to be a prequel since it was originally called Zelda 3 when originally planned for the NES. But its a hard call.
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OldManOnCampus posted 28/07/2007, 09:38
I'm pretty sure the name implies that it's a prequel to the first two as well. My favorite Zelda game, something was lost when they made it into 3D, but only a little.
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ssj12 posted 27/07/2007, 09:42
I prefer the Japanese name, The Legend of Zelda: Triforce of the Gods, that sounds cooler.
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Psycho1984 posted 18/07/2007, 12:01
I think z64dan is right, in fact, they could also have said: The legend of Zelda: a link ''with'' the past. For the ones that speak French, we would get: ''La légende de Zelda: un lien avec le passé''
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z64dan posted 10/07/2007, 07:33
Fuzzmosis, I believe the descendants of the 7 wise men are the links to the past. Zelda, herself, is a link to the past.
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Fuzzmosis posted 07/07/2007, 04:04
What perplexes me is the title. Link does not go to the past. Link stays in the present, just goes to the dark world.
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Pejko posted 04/07/2007, 01:59
Best Game ever!!!!
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Shipping Total

4,610,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2003

Opinion (61)

ExplodingBlock posted 10/10/2014, 09:57
Low sales for such a high install base makes me sad
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AshKetchum1992 posted 23/07/2014, 06:26
Great game
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Roar_Of_War posted 12/01/2012, 04:39
By about 300k in the USA.
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Roar_Of_War posted 12/01/2012, 04:36
That's an NPD chart. I know it's an old game, but LttP is apparently undertracked on this website.
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bigjon posted 08/12/2011, 04:54
Nintendo seriously needs to make a true successor to this baby.
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