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Alternative Names

ニンテンドックス プラス キャッツ


Nintendo EAD



Release Dates

03/27/11 Nintendo
02/26/11 Nintendo
03/25/11 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 44
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 2
Now Playing: 2

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Nintendogs + cats (3DS) > Opinions (59)

Machina posted 04/08/2023, 12:10
+10k in all of 2022.

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Olivernintentoal posted 03/02/2016, 03:15
Officially 3.96 million as of Dec. 31
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atma998 posted 08/07/2014, 02:12
Now at 3.36M. Only sold 1 million for the past two years... At this rate 5 million will be hard to reach!
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leedlelee posted 13/02/2014, 12:55
I can't help but wonder how this game would have done had it not been a launch title...
The game/console released with no buzz, and it's intended audience was unaware of its existence...
How might things have turned out if this title was released now???
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Salnax posted 21/10/2013, 11:57
Now ahead of Ocarina of Time 3D! This just keeps on selling modest numbers.
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Salnax posted 30/04/2013, 07:22
Oh, this game's still selling. Decently in fact It should hit 3 million in a week or two. Not bad for a mediocrely received launch title, albeit one of a renowned series. Hell, it might reach 4 million someday if legs remain constant.
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atma998 posted 22/07/2012, 11:20
2.37M. Will obviously not reach anything near what Nintendogs did on the DS but I won't be surprise to see it reach 5 million at some point.
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acdcste posted 25/04/2012, 07:20
Another week of being in the top 100. It mighht not sell as much as its predecessor but it will still end up easily one of the best selling 3ds games.
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Salnax posted 06/01/2012, 08:04
@goldeneye0065r Considering the tablet controller, that's a good idea.
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fedfed posted 04/01/2012, 01:05
wow 2 mil is impressive i was not expecting that anytime soon!
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acdcste posted 31/12/2011, 06:53
Going to pass the 2m mark next week. Good sales and should continue to sell steadily for years.
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goldeneye0065r posted 30/12/2011, 06:35
better then that lame sims 3 pets i just got thats for sure
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goldeneye0065r posted 30/12/2011, 06:35
nintendogs pwns they should do a wii u version
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oniyide posted 25/12/2011, 07:12
im loving that a re-release of a old Zelda game is selling better than this, should put this whole, "certain games should not be on handhelds" crap to rest
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acdcste posted 24/12/2011, 11:01
It wont shift mega numbers on a weekly basis but this will still be selling in five years time unlike a lot of games. Will end up with very good numbers.
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d21lewis posted 22/12/2011, 10:21
Got it for less than $8 at Best Buy! Gonna wait until Christmas to play it, though.
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NintendoFanDj posted 20/12/2011, 07:08
5 days remains to blow sales out
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acdcste posted 16/12/2011, 08:53
Nice boost this week. Should pass the 1.5m mark next week.
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acdcste posted 06/12/2011, 05:19
On second thoughts, maybe Zelda wins that battle!
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acdcste posted 28/11/2011, 03:13
I would expect sales to reamain very steady, if not increase due to the fact its being bundled with the new pink 3ds. I reckon it gets to 2 million faster than Ocarina of Time
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kopstudent89 posted 18/11/2011, 02:35
@oniyide Don't hold your breath :P Nintendogs is now matching Zelda's sales. I wouldn't be surprised if the holidays turned the balance for this game's favor
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oniyide posted 06/11/2011, 07:06
im glad Zelda sold better than this, it shows that people do want to play those types of games on the go
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Salnax posted 02/11/2011, 06:00
Congrats Nintendogs! You reached a million sales just in time for Mario to blow you and Zelda away!
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TheDarkBender posted 29/10/2011, 02:02
1 M next week! 2nd game to reach that number on 3DS!
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DrZoidberg posted 28/10/2011, 08:50
won't be 2nd everywhere for long with Super Mario 3D Land on its way
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Kai Master posted 28/10/2011, 12:43
catching Layton quickly in Japan, in 3 or 4 weeks it will pass it and will be 2nd in evry territory after Ocarina.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 26/10/2011, 04:58
the bundle will probably sent sales high, especially in young girls, a part of the DS audience
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Salnax posted 22/10/2011, 04:37
It'll become the 2nd million seller just in time for Mario 3D to launch and sell a million.
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kopstudent89 posted 19/10/2011, 04:52
so 3DS is rounding up the million sellers! Second hopefully of many more
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DrZoidberg posted 14/10/2011, 09:52
1 million in a couple weeks
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hunter_alien posted 18/09/2011, 03:26
Doubt that it will do 10 million+ but it shows that the IP is still strong Maybe a true sequel, could reclaim the series former glory :D The sales of the game will be interesting never the less from this point on.
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ghik16 posted 04/09/2011, 12:06
Will be the second Million Seller for the 3DS followed by Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7
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primogen18 posted 27/08/2011, 03:18
3ds and 3ds solftware sales really rising
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hammad280 posted 27/08/2011, 09:44
Definitely a 10m+ seller. The casual audience hasn't shifted to the 3DS yet and when they do (Probably by Christmas), expect sales to explode.
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Salnax posted 27/08/2011, 02:56
I'm not sure about 10 million, but these legs are remarkable.
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ganondorf7799 posted 19/08/2011, 06:51
At least 10m when everthing is said and done.
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ghik16 posted 19/08/2011, 04:35
This really have some mad legs for the 3DS.
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oniyide posted 09/07/2011, 12:33
@gustave154 you can only sell the same thing so many times and the 3d effect is pretty bad in this game
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kopstudent89 posted 27/06/2011, 05:39
The sales are actually accelerating!
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ljlrj posted 24/06/2011, 02:10
nintendo said it sold over a million already
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gustave154 posted 20/06/2011, 04:45
the original nintendogs sold 2.6 million in 10 weeks.. this title sold 470k in 10 weeks...
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Roar_Of_War posted 20/06/2011, 03:10
Very depressing. Nintendo wasn't able to win over their mass DS market with this game.
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Galaki posted 20/06/2011, 03:01
I blame the cats for bad sales.
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cromeros posted 13/06/2011, 05:42
really bad sales...
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 10/06/2011, 04:25
Good lord, those sales are pathetic. And its the highest selling game on the platform! Nintendo REALLY should've waited until Ocarina was ready to launch this system. What a disaster.
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RCTjunkie posted 06/06/2011, 05:31
My puppies are cuter than your puppies. :P
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Boutros posted 06/05/2011, 09:24
Pretty awful sales considering Nintendogs DS's success.
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TheConduit posted 06/05/2011, 05:20
I dont see the difference between shipped and sold. They had to SELL them to ship them.
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Salnax posted 30/04/2011, 06:28
@siavm In that case, we can look forward to huge adjustments in a month or two.
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mpereira posted 26/04/2011, 10:22
I was going to say what @siavm said ; )
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siavm posted 26/04/2011, 04:55
This site is really under tracking this game. According to nintendo this game sold 1.7 mil.
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Reconnection posted 10/04/2011, 04:58
@oliist Silly me. :P Sorry, you kinda made it sound like you were saying the 3DS version of Nintendogs + Cats, and i was like... "Er... the 3DS is the only system with that game" xD
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italo244 posted 09/04/2011, 04:15
if it got bundled, 20m like the first one. If it not got bundled, 7m is more likely
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TheConduit posted 09/04/2011, 01:10
I predict 100million by the end of the week 60 thousand lifetime
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Salnax posted 28/03/2011, 04:53
I'm predicting 3 million in 2011, 8 million lifetime.
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oliist posted 18/03/2011, 07:14
Um... the 3DS version compared to its predecessor, the DS version. Maybe you have heard of it before.
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Reconnection posted 14/03/2011, 09:43
@oliist Um... theres only 1 version. And its for the 3DS...
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freddy1403 posted 12/03/2011, 04:44
great sales
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oliist posted 08/02/2011, 04:25
I am curious to see how many copies the 3DS version will sell.
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Shipping Total

4,690,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2022

Opinion (59)

Machina posted 04/08/2023, 12:10
+10k in all of 2022.

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Olivernintentoal posted 03/02/2016, 03:15
Officially 3.96 million as of Dec. 31
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atma998 posted 08/07/2014, 02:12
Now at 3.36M. Only sold 1 million for the past two years... At this rate 5 million will be hard to reach!
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leedlelee posted 13/02/2014, 12:55
I can't help but wonder how this game would have done had it not been a launch title...
The game/console released with no buzz, and it's intended audience was unaware of its existence...
How might things have turned out if this title was released now???
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Salnax posted 21/10/2013, 11:57
Now ahead of Ocarina of Time 3D! This just keeps on selling modest numbers.
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Salnax posted 30/04/2013, 07:22
Oh, this game's still selling. Decently in fact It should hit 3 million in a week or two. Not bad for a mediocrely received launch title, albeit one of a renowned series. Hell, it might reach 4 million someday if legs remain constant.
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