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Alternative Names

Shin Hikari Shinwa: Palutena no Kagami

新光神話 パルテナの鏡


Project Sora



Release Dates

03/23/12 Nintendo
03/22/11 Nintendo
03/23/12 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 229
Favorite: 48
Tracked: 4
Wishlist: 8
Now Playing: 37

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Kid Icarus: Uprising (3DS) > Opinions (143)

 1  2 
Machina posted 05/08/2023, 12:45
+10k for all of 2021 and 2022.

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xxbrothawizxx63 posted 23/04/2017, 07:21
Agreed Noir. The game is a masterpiece and deserves to be unchained from the underpowered 3DS. The sales on 3DS are a travesty. Some would argue that the touch controls were integral to the experience, but I'm sure it would work just fine with a twin stick setup. The character portraits during dialogue could be relegated to the bottom or top corners of the screen. An HD upgrade wouldn't be enough though. The game needs an upgrade to the core assets. Even in HD with the Citra, the low polygon models mar the experience.
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NoirSon posted 12/03/2017, 03:52
Really wish Nintendo would do a remake of this game on the Switch with traditional controls and updated visuals. A game of this value deserves more love and I can't think of any reasons other then the controls and maybe the difficulty as to why it isn't more popular.
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TJZ_Link posted 23/03/2015, 04:59
this deserves 3m ww..... oh well
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ExplodingBlock posted 14/11/2014, 04:19
Hope this convinces Sora to start working for a sequel to this on Wii U after they finish Smash Bros
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AshKetchum1992 posted 11/08/2014, 03:07
This game is really amazing, happy it passed 1 million sales.
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killeryoshis posted 26/06/2014, 12:43
Love this game, best new/revivied IP Nintendo has done since Punch Out. I still can replay this but I sorta played it to death hahaha
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leedlelee posted 17/04/2014, 04:59
Those figures are actually from before the game was out on the eShop, so the game is definitely under tracked...
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Olivernintentoal posted 27/03/2014, 06:16
This is probably under tracked, as Nintendo has the sales figures at 1.18 million units as of March 31, 2013. Yes that includes digital, but those figures are a year old. It must be quite a bit more by now.
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NintendoPie posted 17/03/2014, 09:46
Wow, kind of a disappointment. Didn't even outsell the NES version.
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AshKetchum1992 posted 05/02/2014, 03:57
This game is awesome!!
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supernihilist posted 05/02/2014, 12:12
still selling!!!
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AshKetchum1992 posted 01/02/2014, 01:50
I bought this :D
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AshKetchum1992 posted 27/01/2014, 12:20
I want this game, I think I will buy it soon :D
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S.Peelman posted 12/01/2014, 05:17
They're good sales of course, especially for a game like this, but sadly it won't be able to come close to what the NES game did... Too bad we don't know the GB game's numbers.
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supernihilist posted 18/12/2013, 09:39
I love this. MP is a blast. they should release it for PC as a F2P MMO game.

would be a instant succes
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manayter posted 21/08/2013, 12:11
This is still my favourite game on the platform and deserves every sale and more.
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aimancooper posted 02/05/2013, 09:53
Yay! It finally hit 1 million! ='] Amazing game!
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Bitfreak posted 28/02/2013, 10:42
Fantastic sales, Stellar title and a wise choice for a reboot, I still play the multiplayer from time to time even a year on!
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JWeinCom posted 17/02/2013, 06:33
And, 1 million again. Yay! Hopefully it could make it to at least 1.5.
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Jankelope posted 09/02/2013, 06:54
WooHoo!!! Awesome game! Impressive sales for a game with no prior releases in the last 25 years. And for a system with only 28 million systems worldwide. I hope this means there will be more icarus in the future
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Mnementh posted 06/02/2013, 01:09
@Apple: Wait for it, so far we at 997K. It can't take long anymore.
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DieAppleDie posted 04/02/2013, 10:26
one fucking million!!!
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swii26 posted 12/01/2013, 08:22
Not enjoying the adjustment, I got :) then :(
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Ganoncrotch posted 12/01/2013, 06:38
adjusted back below the 1m mark! harsh
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Billjw posted 08/01/2013, 01:25
I predict 2.5-3.0 million lifetime giving the 3ds remains viable for at least 3 more years but maybe more as Nintendo portables usually sustain longer than their consoles. Plus, despite the fad of 3d cinema, 3d video games, I believe, are here to stay. Glasses-free 3d tech is only getting better. Btw KI:uprising is the best game of the century so far.
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aker posted 07/01/2013, 02:43
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xxbrothawizxx63 posted 04/01/2013, 11:32
Very nice to see this finally hit one million. I have no doubt that it will continue to sell in the shadows of the other big first party titles. It's just sad that Resident Evil: Revelations couldn't hit the same benchmark.
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fedfed posted 02/01/2013, 02:24
So one million within the end of the year!
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S.Peelman posted 02/01/2013, 02:11
1 million! Congrats! Only 250k to go to beat the original, should be able to do that during the remainder of 3DS's life.
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ibrahimman0 posted 27/12/2012, 11:34
this is the best 3DS game, MUST GET , it actully deserves more sales than this come on about 1mil sales for this game it deserves at least 4-5m.
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Mensrea posted 14/12/2012, 06:39
The best first party game on the system. I really hope they sequel this up for the Wii U. Considering it would look and control much better.
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POE posted 10/12/2012, 05:17
i will stick to my initial prediction and say this will hit the million mark by January, February 2013
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tbone51 posted 10/12/2012, 07:54
it will get a mil most likely by march, april!!
Craziest thing this game deserves so much more its so underrated!!!
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Mnementh posted 09/12/2012, 05:08
Sorry, I didn't update further. Much to do at work before the years end is my lame excuse. So far my prediction came out wrong, KI didn't get to the million before the end of October
Let's see how long it takes, until this milestone is taken, I think it will reach the million eventually.
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swii26 posted 26/11/2012, 04:25
I hope Nintendo builds on the success of this game and make it a key franchise.
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DieAppleDie posted 22/11/2012, 11:41
oh wrong could i be....
This game is freaking awesome!!!!
totally got used to the controls, they are actually quite well balanced
The multiplayer is simply a blast, and its the best looking 3DS game with Revelations and 3DLand

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Metrium posted 06/11/2012, 01:32
This game 100% deserve to break 1mil. Hopefully this is just a matter of time.
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oni-link posted 28/10/2012, 09:46
This MosDef will pass the 1mil mark before or during the Christmas holidays. Hopefully we get a more polished sequel; a welcomed re-invented IP for Nintendo!!!
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Thechalkblock posted 25/10/2012, 05:11
i don't know if it's because i played this on a 3ds xl, but i got used to the controls pretty quickly. once i did, i was blown away by how fun this game was. one of my favorite games for 3ds
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DieAppleDie posted 16/10/2012, 12:39
im playing this atm
i think controls are fucking broken!!
apart from that its a great game, very good looking and with original gameplay
i would give it an 8/10
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Mr Puggsly posted 14/10/2012, 12:57
I'm about half way into this. Fun game but repetitive. I'd probably enjoy it more if I could play it on the Wii. The 3DS control isn't ideal for a game like this.
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acdcste posted 13/10/2012, 12:00
Looks like this will be overtaken by kingdom hearts next week. Didnt think that would happen so soon. Beginning to wonder if this will reach a million with it dropping around 500 units per week. Its down to 4k per week now.
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Mnementh posted 05/10/2012, 07:42
The week ending 22th September 2012:
Global: 863,325 / 4,895 / -4.3%
USA: 275,584 / 1,493 / -20.2.2%
Japan: 316,437 / 988 / -1.4%
Europe: 200,409 / 1,936 / +12.6%
UK: 43,475 / 619 / +146.6%
Germany: 43,185 / 280 / -20.5%
France: 53,333 / 474 / -23.2%

So it was an adjustment last week in the UK. But as the other region keep dropping in sales, the sales are down further.
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LinkVPit posted 29/09/2012, 01:14
Love this game, its one of my favorites of all time! It has some amazing music!
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POE posted 28/09/2012, 11:56
Big Drop :(
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Mnementh posted 28/09/2012, 08:00
The week ending 15th September 2012:
Global: 858,430 / 5,114 / -21.6%
USA: 274,091 / 1,871 / -6.2%
Japan: 315,449 / 1,002 / +6.4%
Europe: 198,473 / 1,720 / -40.9%
UK: 42,856 / 251 / +73.6%
Germany: 42,905 / 352/ -16.6%
France: 52,859 / 617 / -10.7%

Sharp drop, mostly caused by UK. Sales in UK drop that hard, that I think here is an adjustment. If that is the case, it should go up next week again moderately.

It is nearing 200K in Europe. If it holds this sales, the milestone should be taken next week.
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Mnementh posted 28/09/2012, 07:50
I agree with *Yoshi*: Buy this game. But not to support it's developers because it's a great game (the studio is dissolved anyways), but because it is a great game and you will have fun playing it.
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*Yoshi* posted 19/09/2012, 02:30
This game is one of the best of this handheld generation. Please buy Kid Icarus: Uprising!!!!
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justin6d posted 18/09/2012, 08:54
Hope this breaks a million it was an awesome game
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Mnementh posted 16/09/2012, 07:52
The week ending 08th September 2012:
Global: 853,316 / 6,519 / -8.0%
USA: 272,220 / 1,994 / -17.4%
Japan: 314,447 / 942 / -5.7%
Europe: 196,753 / 2,909 / -0.4%
UK: 42,605 / 950 / +17.7%
Germany: 42,553 / 422/ -15.1%
France: 52,242 / 691 / -10.0%

Declining sales overall except UK. UK sales-total overtook german sales this week.
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Mnementh posted 13/09/2012, 09:41
The week ending 01th September 2012:
Global: 846,797 / 7,085 / -4.2%
USA: 270,226 / 2,413 / +1.6%
Japan: 313,505 / 999 / -7.7%
Europe: 193,844 / 2,922 / -7.7%
UK: 41,655 / 807 / -6.4%
Germany: 42,131 / 497 / -14.9%
France: 51,551 / 768 / -4.0%
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Mnementh posted 07/09/2012, 09:08
The week ending 25th August 2012:
Global: 839,712 / 7,394 / +2.2%
USA: 267,813 / 2,374 / +33.0%
Japan: 312,506 / 1,082 / -33.4%
Europe: 190,922 / 3,167 / -0.4%
UK: 40,848 / 862 / -12.2%
Germany: 41,634 / 584 / +59.1%
France: 50,783 / 800 / -11.8%

Increasing sales in the US, slowing sales in Japan, overall and in europe stable. It now reached 40K in UK and 50K in France, as expected.
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Mnementh posted 04/09/2012, 04:15
@POE: I made mine a while ago: 1M until end of october. Doesn't look too likely now. To your prediction: currently KI sells around 7K (a bit more) a week. That would mean it need another 23 weeks. 18 weeks are left in the year, so that would match your prediction. This would assume, the game get no boost from the holidays. If we assume, it will double it sales over November/December (8) weeks, it would reach that goal late in December.
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POE posted 28/08/2012, 11:02
Make your bets: When will this hit the million mark?
For me: January/February 2013
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Mnementh posted 28/08/2012, 12:53
The week ending 11th August 2012:
Global: 832,318 / 7,234 / -9.7%
USA: 265,439 / 1,785 / -15.2%
Japan: 311,424 / 1,600 / +15.3%
Europe: 187,755 / 3,181 / -14.7%
UK: 39,986 / 982 / -8.6%
Germany: 41,050 / 367 / -39.1%
France: 49,983 / 907 / -6.4%

As expected, the milestone of 40K in UK and of 50K in France is missed only by a few units. Next week this milestones are taken for sure. Sales are declining worldwide, although it sells a bit stronger in Japan.
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Mnementh posted 27/08/2012, 08:26
Does it come to the west? If DQ stays only in Japan, it might be possible for Kid Icarus to go past it.
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acdcste posted 24/08/2012, 11:58
Now that dragon quest is slowing down a little each week i would expect kid icarus to overtake it in a couple of months.
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Mnementh posted 23/08/2012, 06:31
The week ending 11th August 2012:
Global: 825,084 / 8,012 / -0.8%
USA: 263,654 / 2,106 / +8.1%
Japan: 309,824 / 1,388 / -4.3%
Europe: 184,574 / 3,731 / -4.3%
UK: 39,004 / 1,074 / -3.0%
Germany: 40,683 / 603 / -7.5%
France: 49,076 / 969 / -3.7%

As expected it's past Streetfighter now. In the UK the sales may reach 40K next week, in France 50K. But in both cases I think it is more believable that it misses the milestone by a fine margin and another week is needed.
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Mnementh posted 16/08/2012, 07:56
The week ending 04th August 2012:
Global: 817,072 / 8,074 / +2.2%
USA: 261,548 / 1,949 / -5.8%
Japan: 308,436 / 1,450 / +1.4%

The game is only a little more than 2K behind Street Fighter now, it should overtake it next week. But I expect NSMB2 to go past in no time. So KI will stay on 9th place for 3DS-games. And yes, with the holidays the game should surely break 1 million.
Europe: 180,843 / 3,899 / +7.4%
UK: 37,930 / 1,107
Germany: 40,080 / 652 / +29.6%
France: 48,107 / 1,006 / -4.9%

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DieAppleDie posted 07/08/2012, 02:11
i hope it passes the milion mark soon, probably holidays
nice work Mnemeth, i apreciate :D
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Mnementh posted 06/08/2012, 08:51
Aargh, the site ate half of my post.

The week ending 28th July 2012:
Global: 808,998 / 7,898 / +1.3%
USA: 259,599 / 2,069 / +5.3%
Japan: 306,986 / 1,430 / +3.0%
Europe: 176,944 / 3,629 / -1.5%
UK: 36,823 / adjustment down
Germany: 39,428 / 503 / -30.3%
France: 47,101 / 1,058 / +16.0%

Adjustment in UK, possibly more regions. And it seems the XL has no influence on the sales of the game.
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Mnementh posted 06/08/2012, 08:47
The week ending 28th July 2012:
Global: 808,998 / 7,898 / +1.3%
USA: 259,599 / 2,069 / +5.3%
Japan: 306,986 / 1,430 / +3.0%
Europe: 176,944 / 3,629 / -1.5%
UK: 36,823
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Mnementh posted 02/08/2012, 07:50
The week ending 21th July 2012:
Global: 801,100 / 7,794 / +13.1%
USA: 257,530 / 1,965 / +11.0%
Japan: 305,556 / 1,389 / -2.1%
Europe: 173,315 / 3,686 / +20.8%
UK: 37,966 / 997 / +28.5%
Germany: 38,925 / 722 / +44.1%
France: 46,043 / 912 / +2.7%

For some reason the sales are up everywhere except japan. The sales hit 800K. Two more weeks to get Street Figter.
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Mnementh posted 01/08/2012, 03:17
@Salnax: I think the game is helped by XL AND NSMB2 (as this sells consoles). But not much. I think 10-20% more on XL-release.
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oni-link posted 31/07/2012, 09:55
this game is doing just fine.

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Salnax posted 31/07/2012, 09:46
Do we think this game will be helped by the XL, or hurt by NSMB2?
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Mnementh posted 27/07/2012, 05:09
The week ending 14th July 2012:
Global: 793,306 / 6,894 / -14.0%
USA: 255,565 / 1,771 / -25.0%
Japan: 304,167 / 1,419 / -15.5%
Europe: 169,629 / 3,052 / -4.8%
UK: 36,969 / 776 / -20.4%
Germany: 38,203 / 501 / +4.2%
France: 45,131 / 888 / +8.6%

Europe is now the best region for the game - here are nearly the half of the remaining sales. With the exception of the UK it has pretty much stabilized in sales in Europe, the loss of 200 units in Europe as a whole is the same loss the UK alone shows.

At this sales-rate it needs at least 3 weeks to overtake Street Fighter.
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Mnementh posted 15/07/2012, 11:10
Ah, by the way: the game overtook Pilotwings, but Dragon Quest did overtake both. Next milestone is Super Street Fighter, but at the current pace it will need 4 weeks, if it slows even more, than it may take longer.
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Mnementh posted 15/07/2012, 11:07
Oh, wanted to update the weekly numbers now after the weekend, but the site already put up the numbers for the following week. So I have to do the average number for both weeks. By the way, the new week also brought the overtaking of Pilotwings.

Weeks ending 30th June 2012 and 07th July 2012:
Global: 786,412 / 16,034=2x8017 / -20.4%
USA: 253,794 / 4720=2x2360 / -26.2%
Japan: 302,748 / 3,357=2x1678.5 / -15.0%
Europe: 166,577 / 6411=2x3,205.5 / -17.8%
UK: 36,193 / 1949=2x974.5 / -19.0%
Germany: 37,702 / 962=2x481 / -33.7%
France: 44,243 / 1,635=2x817.5 / -2.3%

I gave the change between the two weeks and the average in change. This number is base for the percentage.
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Mnementh posted 13/07/2012, 09:20
OK, I was right about 250K in USA and 300K in Japan this week. But I was wrong about it overtaking Pilotwings. Next week then.
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Ganoncrotch posted 11/07/2012, 08:46
this will definitely make the million mark no bothers, just a question of will it be the 6th game on the 3ds to do so really.
also @mnementh lol at the german %age indeed, you gotta love it when people rage about a 100% increase in sales when something sold 1 unit the week before :D... 2UNITS YAY.
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Mnementh posted 06/07/2012, 08:03
Week ending 23th June 2012:
Global: 770,378 / 10,072 / -4.5%
USA: 249,074 / 3,200 / -7.8%
Japan: 299,391 / 1,974 / -25.6%
Europe: 160,166 / 3,900 / +13.8%
UK: 34,244 / 1,203 / -8.0%
Germany: 36,740 / 726 / +114.2%
France: 42,608 / 837 / +9.4%

The ongoing heavy losses are dampened by the moderate winnings in europe. Don't take the percentage in germany too serious, it's only that high, because the sales itself are miserable.

In other news: if nothing goes wrong, the game should overtake next week Pilotwing, get over 250K in the USA and over 300K in Japan. Quite some milestones.
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Mnementh posted 06/07/2012, 07:51
@ganoncrotch: Let's hope it ill sell more, it definitely deserves it.
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Ganoncrotch posted 03/07/2012, 04:58
yeah this is another of those games which will find its way to the counter with new system sales, it really is amazing the graphics at some of the set pieces this game has to offer from a handheld system. defo glad to have added my 1 to this games sales hehe.
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Mnementh posted 02/07/2012, 06:19
Week ending 16th June 2012:
Global: 760,306 / 10,546 / -17.7%
USA: 245,874 / 3,472 / -15.6%
Japan: 297,417 / 2,655 / -21.0%
Europe: 156,266 / 3,426 / -17.4%
UK: 33,041 / 1,307 / -5.8%
Germany: 36,014 / 339 / -40.7%
France: 41,771 / 785 / -20.1%

@acdcste: Yep, my prediction may be wrong. I'm pretty sure it will get over 1M with the holidays, but before now looks not good. Maybe the XL give also the game another boost.
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acdcste posted 01/07/2012, 03:12
Im beginning to have my doubts over this reaching a million at the moment. Sales seem to be dropping off quite a lot and its almost out of the top 100 in the us.
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Mnementh posted 20/06/2012, 10:26
Week ending 9th June 2012:
Global: 749,760 / 12,809 / -15.4%
USA: 242,402 / 4,115 / -8.1%
Japan: 294,762 / 3,360 / -15.5%
Europe: 152,840 / 4,147 / -21.9%
UK: 31,734 / 1,387 / +2.4%
Germany: 35,675 / 572 / -47.2%
France: 40,986 / 982 / -26.2%
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Mnementh posted 18/06/2012, 01:38
@LinkVPit: Ah, that may explain the rise in sales at the week ending second june.
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LinkVPit posted 17/06/2012, 12:11
I've noticed a lot of adverts on TV for this in the last couple of weeks here in the UK. Good to see.
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acdcste posted 16/06/2012, 08:41
Should be overtaking pilotwings in two weeks. Its nice to see this game still appearing in the top 100 each week seen as though there are only a handful of 3ds titles that manage that.
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Mnementh posted 15/06/2012, 07:22
@acdcste: I predicted that at the release of the game. Looks difficult now, but not impossible.
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acdcste posted 15/06/2012, 02:27
Man your confident by predicting october. I hope you are right but i am predicting late this year, early next year.
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bazmeistergen posted 14/06/2012, 06:48
Superb game. Best game on the system by a long margin. Looks good for that million by end of October. I wonder if it will be a lowish-selling evergreen...
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Mnementh posted 12/06/2012, 03:45
Only a slight drop in weekly sales. It's now at 736,951 - so it must have sold 15,147 this week globally (-1.9%). It keeps selling above 13K, the hope stays it can make 1 million until end of october.

The regions(total, week ending second June, change):
USA: 238,287 / 4,478 / +27.2%
Japan: 291,402 / 3,977 / -21.3%
Europe: 148,693 / 5,312 / -5.4%
UK: 30,347 / 1,354 / +28.2%
Germany: 35,103 / 1,083 / -24,3%
France: 40,004 / 1,330 / -11.2%

The up in english-speaking countries neutralizes the down in Japan and non-english europe.

@acdcste: It's a great game. For me the best in a year or so.
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acdcste posted 12/06/2012, 02:58
31k to go till this overtakes pilotwings. I do hope this pushed on to a million as for me its the best ame on the 3ds, even ahead of ocarina of time, mario kart and mario 3d land.
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Mnementh posted 08/06/2012, 06:50
750K should be doable, that is something like 5K per week. 770K looks unlikely if this keeps dropping in sales.
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acdcste posted 03/06/2012, 11:57
With sales as they are it should be passing the 750k mark by the end of june, maybe around the 770k mark. I was hoping it would average out at 20k for a few weeks but never mind.
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Mnementh posted 03/06/2012, 02:18
Another bad drop. My prediction of 1 million until end of october could be in trouble. But yet it stays above 13K.

@spurge: Unlikely that the US-sales will get past Japan, the weekly sales in Japan are higher than in the US at the moment. The sales in the US drop faster.
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Mnementh posted 29/05/2012, 08:49
I'm not sure there this game will level off. It looked some weeks ago, as if it has found the ground, but now it's dropping even faster in the US and Europe.

To get my prediction (1M until end of October) it has to manage 13K average in the remaining 23 weeks.
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Salnax posted 28/05/2012, 11:28
We've reached 0.7 million. At 0.01 a week worst case scenario, this can reach a full million by year's end.
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Mnementh posted 22/05/2012, 07:51
@Salnax: I'm pretty confident it should not drop too much in Japan now. We are our of Golden week it seems, and it not too far below the value three weeks ago. Not too sure about the other regions. It seems good in Europe, but that is driven by an increase in UK, and I have no idea what is the reason for that. But the good news is: it has to stay above 13K, too reach the million before holidays. That seems manageable.
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Salnax posted 21/05/2012, 06:12
Here's hoping sales stabilize soon. This game deserves to reach big numbers.
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mootap posted 14/05/2012, 09:25
great sales considering this is project sora''s first game.It should have a long life
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acdcste posted 14/05/2012, 04:06
Another excellent week. Nice to see it pass the 650k mark. Just over 100k more sales till it overtakes pilotwings.
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Mnementh posted 14/05/2012, 02:14
Good numbers this week, but that is mostly driven by Golden week. I hope it can stabilize around 20K
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acdcste posted 08/05/2012, 07:25
136k behind pilotwings. Would be surprised if it hadn't surpassed that game by the middle of june.
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Mnementh posted 08/05/2012, 04:35
BTW: Kid Icarus is the best-selling game for 3DS released this year.
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Mnementh posted 08/05/2012, 04:19
I have a real hard time to predict, where this game will level off. While the weekly sales are increasing in UK, France and Japan(!) it drops nearly the same amount each week in the US and faster and faster in germany.
Anyways, 20K weekly seem plausible so far, that would mean 1 million before the holiday-sales are starting.
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Shipping Total

1,370,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2022

Opinion (143)

Machina posted 05/08/2023, 12:45
+10k for all of 2021 and 2022.

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xxbrothawizxx63 posted 23/04/2017, 07:21
Agreed Noir. The game is a masterpiece and deserves to be unchained from the underpowered 3DS. The sales on 3DS are a travesty. Some would argue that the touch controls were integral to the experience, but I'm sure it would work just fine with a twin stick setup. The character portraits during dialogue could be relegated to the bottom or top corners of the screen. An HD upgrade wouldn't be enough though. The game needs an upgrade to the core assets. Even in HD with the Citra, the low polygon models mar the experience.
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NoirSon posted 12/03/2017, 03:52
Really wish Nintendo would do a remake of this game on the Switch with traditional controls and updated visuals. A game of this value deserves more love and I can't think of any reasons other then the controls and maybe the difficulty as to why it isn't more popular.
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TJZ_Link posted 23/03/2015, 04:59
this deserves 3m ww..... oh well
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ExplodingBlock posted 14/11/2014, 04:19
Hope this convinces Sora to start working for a sequel to this on Wii U after they finish Smash Bros
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AshKetchum1992 posted 11/08/2014, 03:07
This game is really amazing, happy it passed 1 million sales.
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