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Alternative Names

BioHazard: Revelations

バイオハザード リベレーションズ





Other Versions

All, NS, PC, PS3, PS4, WiiU, X360, XOne

Release Dates

02/07/12 Capcom
01/26/12 Capcom
01/27/12 Capcom

Community Stats

Owners: 165
Favorite: 18
Tracked: 6
Wishlist: 32
Now Playing: 14

Avg Community Rating:


Resident Evil: Revelations (3DS) > Opinions (210)

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fedfed posted 08/02/2017, 10:18
21 copies in 2017 - great!
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oniyide posted 22/01/2017, 07:08
it had a whole year head start and was the cheapest of all the versions. It better have sold the best, why the excitement
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fedfed posted 25/01/2016, 04:15
this has been on offer a few times I am sure it has passed the mil mark with digital - in retails I am not sure it will - I haven't seen a new copy in years!
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atma998 posted 12/12/2015, 05:16
This game's now at 0.85M compared to 0.77M for PS3 version, quite good if you ask me.
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b00moscone posted 05/12/2015, 01:46
Best-selling out of all the platforms. Congrats!
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b00moscone posted 05/12/2015, 01:46
Best-selling out of all the platforms. Congrats!
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legendarysaiyanbroly posted 07/01/2015, 05:47
I know how they're considered by the majority; hence, the previous explanation. There's no problem with using them whenever considered necessary, either, and I couldn't care less how that makes me seem by someone whose opinion doesn't matter to me.
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acdcste posted 01/12/2014, 01:12
Ps back to you. Capital letters are considered shouting by the vast majority of people. You don't need to use them. All it does is make you seem illiterate.
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legendarysaiyanbroly posted 08/11/2014, 06:39
P.S. The use of caps in an internet comment mustn't always b interpretated as screaming, or as a rude gesture (at least not necessarily), they're also used to make others take notice of a special observation in a non agressive manner. Just so u know, noob...!
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legendarysaiyanbroly posted 08/11/2014, 05:48
DAMN! Congrats @ getting pretty much everything wrong, genius! First, I don't remember blaming Crapcom for the cheaply done port, but since u mention it,... it kind of was, wasn't it? Second, about the 1st. part of your comment, no, that's bullshit. I see u have no idea what a "good margin" really is. Third, If leaving the 3ds out for the sequel was such a bad decision, they wouldn't be doing exactly that; but they are, that's cuz the first game on 3ds was a dissapointing SALES FAILURE for Crapcom and they were expecting much better from it. If you don't like it, go and make a petition to see if they change their minds about it. We all know how effective and efficient those petitions are for these sort of things, right? Hahahahahahaha, XD! About being inflamatory, no, I just don't like all the fanboy bullshit here and I call it for it. If u and others are so in denial or so stupid to only want to see inflamatory behavior or trolling instead of valid criticism, that's your choice. Besides, the same could be said about others, but as long as they are defending everything Ninty related, it's all good I guess! And,... "Stop being screaming?"... "BEING screaming"????!!!! Really?!!... I don't know if I'm begging 2b moderated, but u sure should b begging for a better education. Good luck with that petition, lol XD!
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Nuvendil posted 04/11/2014, 06:12
Wait...I can't...what? Leaving the 3DS was an ass-backwards decision if ever there was one. The 3DS version of this sold the most by a good margin. And the port being done cheaply isn't the 3DS's fault, it's Capcom and their inability to make intelligent decisions concerning where their resources go. Stop being screaming like a child and being inflammatory, btw. You're just begging to be moderated.
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legendarysaiyanbroly posted 01/11/2014, 11:44
* shooters *
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legendarysaiyanbroly posted 01/11/2014, 04:20
"Making it EXCLUSIVE FOR A SPECIFIC PERIOD OF TIME" on 3ds damaged it. That's pretty much the sum of what I typed b4 in regards to that, not just the fact of releasing it for it. Once again, some of u really need 2 have a better comprehension of the stuff you read. THAT temporary exclusivity was indeed, A PISS POOR & TERRIBLE DECISION about it. The whole sales declining thing is just a lame excuse. If u want better sales 4 ur product, then make a good product (RE game) instead of giving fans something they never asked for, like spin offs, on rail shotters, or more action and less horror. The "cheaper to make for 3ds" thing doesn't cut it either, since it makes nothing to explain that initial exclusivity. In d end, the home consoles just got a CHEAP port of that version with minor graphical improvements and the convenience of a much bigger and better screen, but that was it,... oh, also support for trophies/achievements, for those who care about it. Hell, they might as well should've done that from the beginning, but everyone knows what that time exclusivity was all about, of course. Now that there isn't any type of deal in place,... what did Crapcom decide to do???!!! They decide to release THE DIRECT SEQUEL for almost everything else, but the original platform that received da 1st. game; tragic for some, but HILARIOUS for everyone else. That proves that is about profits, alright,.. being as much profitable as they can with Revelations 2, and bcuz of it, it's precisely that the 3ds was left out this time around.
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acdcste posted 02/10/2014, 07:24
Releasing the game on the 3ds did nothing to damage the franchise, thats only your opinion, its not a fact. You keep on saying its a fact doesn't make it so. Sales have been steadily declining game by game fir resi so releasing a cheaper to make game for 3ds was not the worst decision. For me its in my top five games for the system. Games don't have to sell millions and millions on a handheld to turn a profit.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 23/09/2014, 12:06
sales are fine, especially if you take into account that it was released to a much bigger user base relatively fast
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GdaTyler posted 17/09/2014, 03:48
I never thought sales were so bad. :( I still plan on picking this up. Hopefully gameplay won't be so crappy without the 2nd circle pad. :/

Well regarding sales, in the words of the wise and mighty Meret," NINTENDO BOMBA"
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legendarysaiyanbroly posted 07/08/2014, 09:04
@ angryazzwipe: Cannot edit? Who wants to edit them? Everything I posted was true and I even gave the specific reasons about it. The only thing embarrassing here is watching a poor stupid nintendo fantard such as yourself getting bitchy, angry n' frustrated about it, since u know well that you can't deny it. U clearly lack either d intelligence or the necessary experience to spot true "trolls", so don't even go there... Asstec! And yeah, by reading this as well as some of ur other posts, I see u're the 1 to talk about slope-headed children and how to make them realise they are... wow, thanks 4d invaluable lesson, hahahahahahahaha!XD.......... Yes, I agree there is no point, but that is cuz there's no argue to a FACT, you Moron, I already typed about it in other comments and I'm not going to repeat it; and if calling out you or any other fanboys on their bullshit "defines me" then whatever, stay "angry" about it if u want and keep living in Nintyland, asstec.
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ZombieVito posted 22/07/2014, 03:54
I read your comment wrong haha.
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AngryAztec posted 16/07/2014, 05:49
@ZombieVito - I dunno what you're on about. I said REV is part of the mainline series. Nothing you say will change that.

@legendaryTROLLbroly - You sound like a slope-head child yourself. You do realize that, don't you. Read your posts (which you CANNOT edit). Look at how embarrassing they are. They define you 100%. There is no point discussing anything with such an idiot.
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legendarysaiyanbroly posted 16/05/2014, 07:06
U wanna see something really awful n' pathetic? That's ur reading comprehension, for sure. I wrote that it was the decision to make the game timed-exclusive to 3ds what damaged the franchise, (even more) and therefore, its initial further appeal AND SALES. I never said anything bad about the quality of the game itself. Revelations is far from perfection, but it's better than the other last 3 R.E. games that Crapcom published.
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NintendoPie posted 27/04/2014, 11:26
Wow, you're acting quite pathetic. RE:R was a better game compared to some recent RE games. If anything, this game actually helped RE's appeal. It was actually well done.
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legendarysaiyanbroly posted 23/04/2014, 09:38
@ nihilist: Dude, try to THINK for a moment about what u're typing, O.K.? 14 m.???? U think that's so little? This is R. E. Guess what? It's still a fucking sales failure for the franchise, you moronic whining bitch. And how much has the 3ds sold since, huh?! Basically, what I typed b4 was correct,... it was A TERRIBLE DECISION TO MAKE REVELATIONS TIME EXCLUSIVE TO THE KID FRIENDLY & WEAK 3ds, the game always felt out of place there, it would've been MUCH BETTER to put it somewhere else from the start, and yes, Crapcom just damaged the R.E. franchise even further by doing so. None of this will ever change, no matter how much you cry about it. There, u failed to prove me wrong, but hey, keep throwing tantrums and telling others to fuck off if that makes u happy, you retard.
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supernihilist posted 06/04/2014, 11:23
idiot. the install base when this launched was 14m. it did OK to good. fuck off
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polo2014 posted 14/03/2014, 04:17
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NintendoSupporter<3 posted 10/03/2014, 02:39
I downloaded this game. For some reason I think this sold at least like 850,000 so far if you include eShop sales. This did well to be on a Nintendo handheld.
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legendarysaiyanbroly posted 07/03/2014, 03:56
Crapcom idiots! Things like this r exactly why that company is in the state it is. It was a terrible decision to make Revelations time exclusive on 3ds. It would've sold much better had it been available on PS3/360 from the beginning. Revelations sold miserably on 3ds considering the install base, and the game itself always looked out of place in that lil' kiddy handheld. Lol Crapcom, whatever money Nintendo paid u clearly wasn't worth it. U just damaged the R.E. franchise even further, XD.
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supernihilist posted 05/02/2014, 12:14
its been doing good at the eSHop too ass of latte. wonder how many digital copies have been sold...
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supernihilist posted 12/01/2014, 06:45
should reach 800k+ adding digital when all its said and done. which is good enough. if it only launched now...
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ZombieVito posted 28/12/2013, 08:17

@AngryAztec - If your definition of main games is that they have to be 100% canon then the Outbreaks, Dead Aim, the Chronicles (the new parts) and Survivor are Main games as well. They are 100% canon.
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AngryAztec posted 26/12/2013, 04:38
@atma998 - Revelations is a spin-off as much as Code: Veronica is. Or in other words, it isn't. It's a main (100% canon) game. So troll harder next time. By getting informed about the series. M'kay?
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ZombieVito posted 23/12/2013, 12:19
After playing the PS3 version, I have to say the definitive version is this one.
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supernihilist posted 18/12/2013, 09:41
i like the 3DS version the most btw
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supernihilist posted 18/12/2013, 09:40
CAPCOM dont be greedy 750k for this game which has a lame short story is pretty good. you made a profit there. plus digital sales are just a plus.
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atma998 posted 18/08/2013, 09:13
0.73M, not bad for a RE spinoff.
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swii26 posted 11/07/2013, 04:26
Only if save data could transfer between Wii U and 3DS like MH3U. Silly Capcom and their cheap, quick money ports
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Meret posted 16/06/2013, 05:58
3DS > all other versions combined, lol
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Nem posted 04/06/2013, 04:08
After those week one sales, it looks like this version will still outsell all the others put together.
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Falk Sturmfels posted 29/04/2013, 04:41
Hm, are these numbers correct? .72 million is not that bad. Capcom already announced that they are not superhappy with the sales, but also not disappointed.
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DieAppleDie posted 21/04/2013, 10:46
it sure is a matter of tastes but even if you liked action more than horror, this game is not a very good action shooter imho
still i had a lot of fun beating Raid mode and the game has the best bosses in a long time

never said it was bad, only that could ve been better to fit my tastes xD
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acdcste posted 17/04/2013, 06:39
Each to their own i guess but i disagree with you on the action front. For me its one of the best games i have played and definatley deserved better than the 700k it currently has in sales.

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DieAppleDie posted 08/04/2013, 09:57
the game is a mixed bag of rights & wrongs
the horror parts are great, the action parts are lame...Its good, but it could ve been sooo much RE3.5 compared to RE4.
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acdcste posted 03/04/2013, 07:05
Dieappledie. Why is it not the best game? Its only his opinion. I own every one of the big 3ds games and i would consider this, along with ocarina of time the joint best two games, just ahead of kid icarus and then followed by mario 3d land and mario kart 7.
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DieAppleDie posted 02/04/2013, 10:31
released on the eShop for 30€
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DieAppleDie posted 01/04/2013, 08:03
actually, its not
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zwei posted 21/03/2013, 12:08
The best game for 3DS
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fedfed posted 28/01/2013, 10:01
with the HD version announced for home console. the chances of 1 mil are fading!
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xxbrothawizxx63 posted 04/01/2013, 11:34
Really wish this would have hit one million. It really deserved it. The title was far from a commercial failure, but 1 million would have been the sweet spot to me.
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TheKingofRedLions posted 03/01/2013, 10:54
I bought this recently at Walmart for 30 bucks
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shiackz posted 27/12/2012, 02:48
well i did my part and, bought three copies for chrismas to give as gifts
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vitoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx posted 14/12/2012, 06:51
I hope it reaches 700K by the end of the year. Still wish it got the sales it deserved.
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Arfen posted 23/11/2012, 07:50
one of the best games on 3DS, it deserves much more sales
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vitoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx posted 23/11/2012, 03:07
Selling 3K a week. This game clearly didn't get the sales it deserved.
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DieAppleDie posted 22/11/2012, 11:43
its still full price here
the game is doing ok, too bad as this is one of the big games of the year, it should do awesome
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DieAppleDie posted 22/11/2012, 11:43
its still full price here
the game is doing ok, too bad as this is one of the big games of the year, it should do awesome
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swii26 posted 20/11/2012, 05:40
1 mil lifetime is possible... great game and now selling for $20 and under
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xxbrothawizxx63 posted 15/11/2012, 07:52
Hopefully this crawls to 1 million lifetime in the end...

We'll see how things go holiday season I guess.
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sethnintendo posted 10/11/2012, 03:04
Considering it hasn't even been out one holiday season I believe you are selling the title a little short, vitox. Wait after this holiday season and if it hasn't hit .9 - 1m by early Jan then I will admit defeat.
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fedfed posted 05/11/2012, 10:29
I hope to see this at 1mil soon. It is a really good game.
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vitoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx posted 04/11/2012, 07:12
1.5-2 mil? You're dreaming man, I'll be very surprised if this get 1 mil.
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sethnintendo posted 29/10/2012, 08:31
Numbers will pick up probably around holiday season. This title will sell probably 1.5-2m lifetime. Not as much as it deserves but still a decent number.
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oni-link posted 28/10/2012, 10:03
When will VGC do a sales adj on this game? The game is probably at least 130K units undertracked in the USA alone. NPD has the game selling 122K copies in March while VGC has it ~7K. Looking at the forums around the web this game is closer to 800K sold WW. Here's hoping for a sequel as I loved the 3D effect had on the game!!!
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DieAppleDie posted 25/10/2012, 10:05
The flaw in your argument is that if you find 3DS library weak, well thats YOUR oppinion based on YOUR tastes
PS360 has a lot of core games that didnt sell well, does that mean a shit?

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Thechalkblock posted 25/10/2012, 05:10
i thought this was a pretty fun game; the most fun i had from resident evil since resident evil 4. i enjoyed the brief "horror" portions of the game with jill in particular. i hope capcom will release a sequel for 3DS/Vita
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Mr Puggsly posted 17/10/2012, 03:14
@ DieAppleDie
The flaw in your argument is you're ignoring the PS360 have massive libraries with countless noteworthy titles. The 3DS on the other hand doesn't have many noteworthy titles, so I find it surprising more 3DS owners didn't get this game.

Anyhow, I'm not here to crap on the 3DS. The 3DS and this game are great. However, I'm bothered by these lackluster numbers because they don't encourage publishers to bring more core games to the 3DS.
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DieAppleDie posted 16/10/2012, 12:48

"Face it, these numbers are lack luster for a platform with a small library of noteworthy titles."
thats a matter of tastes, i for example find the PS360 having a small library of interesting games
sales are mediocre, but maybe its because its a mediocre game

i still dont get why its selling so poorly in the US
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Mr Puggsly posted 14/10/2012, 12:52
@ oni-link - Perhaps you should have tried to be mature from the beginning.

You had options. You could have ignored me, agreed or disagreed. I gave my opinion and it apparently hurt your feelings so much that you had to attack me. That's pretty sad. Oh well, I respect you for trying to be mature now.
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JTurner82 posted 13/10/2012, 08:36
It looks like this game sold best in Japan than in USA and Europe. Still, this is not bad for a RE handheld.
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oni-link posted 11/10/2012, 07:43
@oniyide, I know, and I am the one who will show maturity and walk away from a troll who pretends he hasn't been trolling. It's pointless to argue with such shallow individuals and I consider that ugly troll to be way beneath me!!!
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oni-link posted 11/10/2012, 07:43
@oniyide, I know, and I am the one who will show maturity and walk away from a troll who pretends he hasn't been trolling. It's pointless to argue with such shallow individuals and I consider that ugly troll to be way beneath me!!!
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Mr Puggsly posted 11/10/2012, 03:03
@ oni-link - Perhaps you should see some of the PSP games ported to the HD twins. I've played God of War Origins and MGS: Peace Walker. They look great on my HD TV. RE: Revelations looks considerably better than those games. Hence, you're a moron.

But you can keep calling me a troll and ignoring the points I made. You're a moron and I expect you to continue being one.
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oniyide posted 10/10/2012, 07:52
lot of maturity going on around here...maybe RE6 will give it a boost
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oni-link posted 09/10/2012, 09:17
@Puggsly-Face it you're a've been trolling the Wii and Nintendo since I've joined here and nothing gonna change!!! You're butt-hurt response and attempt to insult (moron? that's the best you could do? lol what is this junior high?) just shows how low of person you really are. Enjoy trolling Nintendo as one just needs to check most of the Wii and DS games for your history of trolling. Oh by the way learn to read what I said, because your idea of porting a game made for a system whose resolution is optimized for WQVGA would look great on a 55" HD screen genius. 'nuff said I'm done with you and talking to UGLY "little" trolls!!!
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Mr Puggsly posted 07/10/2012, 03:13
@ oni-link - You're moron. Resident Evil 5 sold extremely well on the HD twins. Racoon City sold quite well inspite of it being mediocre. Yet you don't think this wouldn't do well on the HD twins? Once again, you're moron and its pathetic how defensive you are about NIntendo hardware.

Face it, these numbers are lack luster for a platform with a small library of noteworthy titles.
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Mr Puggsly posted 07/10/2012, 03:03
Finished this game recently and it was even better than I expected. Shame this isn't doing better.
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DieAppleDie posted 03/10/2012, 12:20
why are NAn sales so low?
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Wickedshyn posted 24/09/2012, 12:08
First game I bought when I got my 3DS. It did not disappoint.
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JTurner82 posted 23/09/2012, 05:11
From what I understand, Capcom isn't displeased with the sales of RE: R. At all. They are interested in bringing another title to it (from what I heard a while). Undertracked or not, this is pretty good for a RE handheld.
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hunter_alien posted 21/09/2012, 11:54
Is there any poof that the game is undertracked? If not, it did terrible. I mean even the atrocity that is RC outsold it, even on the 360. Too bad, it seems that we will get even more action oriented REs, seeing how only those sell
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oniyide posted 23/08/2012, 07:37
doesnt surprise me at all KH has a bigger presence on handhelds than RE does, a lot bigger
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megaman79 posted 21/08/2012, 06:40
Im just surprised to see Kingdom Hearts smash the sales of Resident Evil.
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TheDarkBender posted 10/08/2012, 09:22
Good sales, especially if it's undertracked.
Hopefully it will encourage Capcom to make the series more horror again, or atleast to make another title for the 3ds :)
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DieAppleDie posted 07/08/2012, 01:30
severely undertracked
this game has chances to hit 1m LTD
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oni-link posted 31/07/2012, 09:50
Same old troll line that Pugsly has been ranting on for years on Nintendo systems (c'mon port a 3DS game on a big screen try harder man). Only now it's on the 3DS instead of the Wii. You need to come up with a new hobby buddy or find a girl of something. Great sales btw and severly undertracked though from the sales Capcom has on the game. MosDef getting a sequel.
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AngryAztec posted 27/07/2012, 08:16
Nope. It would do worse on the HD twins. The type of gamer on those 2 consoles would not go for a game like Revelations. It would be too slow for them. They need more action and mindless shooting.
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Mr Puggsly posted 27/07/2012, 11:01
Wow, this is doing awful. Capcom needs to port this to the HD twins. That's where millions of people will actually play it.
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AngryAztec posted 24/07/2012, 09:21
Revelations could only bump up in sales at the moment by way of a PRICE CUT. I keep reading on the web about people being on the fence about this game. And the only thing stopping them is the current retail price. The game could be sold for $29.99 tops. But it's still usually selling for $40-35 bucks (plus tax). Unless Capcom gives it a price cut soon, there will be no sales bump. 3DS XL or no 3DS XL. Only a price cut would do it. It may happen after it's first year on the market. And when and if it goes down to $19.99, you will see this game sell like crazy. Until then, a lot of people are on the fence.
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xxbrothawizxx63 posted 15/07/2012, 08:32
I'm very interested in seeing how the 3DS XL impacts core titles like his and KI:U. Unlike the Dsi XL which had the most appeal for and was marketed to seniors. Many people who would be considered a part of the core audience seem to now have a much larger interest in the 3DS many said that the XL would push them to jump in first day. Though I'm sure MK7 and SM3DL will benefit the most, I curious if core titles vs. casual will see bumps.
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xxbrothawizxx63 posted 15/07/2012, 08:27
I really hope that Capcom will share the true sales number with us and hopefully not the number sold to retailers, but instead sold (though how many copies were sold to retailers is what matters to them in terms of profit I believe).
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acdcste posted 12/06/2012, 03:04
I agree with phantomlink nem. I think you misunderstand the difference between capcom shipping to retailers and actual games sold. I wish your numbers were right though as that would make me happy as a resi fan.
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Nem posted 19/05/2012, 07:25
Its not that i dont believe the possibility phantom, but they explicitly say the numbers up are sales numbers. They can be lieing, we dont really know for sure, but i'm just going with the official numbers here until theres a trustworthy source saying otherwise.
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PhantomLink posted 17/05/2012, 04:25
Shipped = sold to retailers, that's the money that counts to CAPCOM. If MH3G is more in line with VGC numbers is because it wasn't overshipped like SSF43D and is still selling.
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Nem posted 15/05/2012, 04:04
Phantomlink, check this link here on number 50 and read the bit up-top. Its sales numbers according to them.
I'm extrapolating the number for this game based on how undertracked SSF43D is and im beeing pessimistic about it. I doubt theres 400k copies of SSF43D on retailers shops right now.
Notice also that number 29 MH3G seems to be more in line with what we have here on VGC.
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PhantomLink posted 13/05/2012, 11:34
@Nem. Capcom figures are shipped copies, not sold to costumers.
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Nem posted 13/05/2012, 04:16
Given how undertracked SSF43D is (by 400k) i am guessing this games real sales must be on the 700-800k units at this point.
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AngryAztec posted 11/05/2012, 07:44
@Cold Light

2) Well, if you're trying to sell something to a crowd that barely knows your brand and you don't advertise it and even refuse to give it a decent sales pitch (like Capcom did with Revelations on the 3DS), you cannot possibly blame that crowd for not buying your product. And even if you try to come up with excuses as to why you don't advertise it properly ("that crowd doesn't look like they will like my product, so I won't spend a penny advertising it to them"), nothing you can come up with will change the fact that you have only yourself to blame. So yeah, Capcom-Unity gets all the blame here for not putting some effort in selling their wares on the 3DS. They must know that M rated games and RE games are not exactly established on handhelds. So it was a no brainer to at least set aside a budget to market Revelations. But they really didn't. And the results are right there for all to see. Capcom in Japan advertised Revelations a bit more and they sold more units than Capcom-Unity did. Same game, same crowd, different sales tactic. Different results.

3) I think Vita will bounce back. But presently, according to recent reports, the best selling game in the NA market is Uncharted for Vita and it has only sold a bit higher than the 100k mark. While the other games barely sell from 50 to 80k. Sony needs to fix this situation and they will at E3 (I hope).
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Nem posted 09/05/2012, 03:51
The sales are quite good for a first year console and rumors say that were gonna get a new resident evil on 3DS starring claire and the 2 resi movies in 3D at the end of the year.
This game sold very well, the development costs arent high and were shared with SF43D and mercenaries and i suppose the upcoming RE:downfall. Capcom is no doubt making loads of making off this.
It certainly wouldnt be able to do it on the Vita, with a much smaller installed base and higher development costs.
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Cold Light posted 07/05/2012, 05:46
@ AngryAztec:
1) k
2) Point number one is that you are blaming only Capcom and their poor marketing, but maybe Nintendo handheld gamers generally weren't really interested in RE:R. And point number two is you thinking that people all around are stating that Vita version would sell more than 3DS one. It is pretty impossible and port could be only an improvement of this game's overall performance. It could be close, but no more. And maybe it would increase popularity of handheld RE games.
3) I admit all problems of Vita, hell, I don't even going to buy one until some really serious reasons come. But all that doom crap is crazy and often pointless. And ignorant, yes.
4) Capcom is doing a lot of bullshit today. DLC, marketing, killing its own franchises, losing key people. But some decisions could be right. And I think decision to narrow the audience of this game is silly. Yes, today RE on handhelds isn't looking popular and it's bad.
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AngryAztec posted 07/05/2012, 04:26
@Cold Light -

1) GTA Chinatown Wars sold better on DS than PSP. Regardless by how much. It's kinda ridiculous to say that it didn't by "quite a lot" since the point was that it still sold better on DS. And digital sales back in the early days when the game came out didn't make a dent in terms of revenue. I dunno why you even went with this, considering what I said still stands as fact. DS version sold better. If you have tangible proof of the contrary, provide a valid link that says it did. If not, then shut it.

2) Too much ignorance in your own reply (I treat you the same way as you treat me here, do you like it?). It's ignorant if you think "Nintendo platforms" are one and the same. They're not. You can't compare the Wii with the 3DS or even the DS with the 3DS. Each platform provides unique challenges and opportunities. Even if on the Wii, Capcom screwed the RE brand name by failing to deliver games that the user base wanted (games like RE4, which was a hit on Wii and not on-rail games). So you got different and specific situations with each "Nintendo platform". And this happens because unlike what you think, Nintendo gamers don't actually play on all Nintendo consoles. Some of them are handheld gamers. Some of them never play on handhelds. Another big fail in your reply, is that didn't notice that MAHTOORE games don't exactly have a very long track record on handhelds. Especially RE games. Unlike on home consoles, the RE brand name has yet to become popular with HANDHELD GAMERS. That has yet to happen on any handheld. And another thing that made your reply ignorant (sorry but you went there), is when you talk about my points being ignorant and yet you agreed that Capcom sends out games to die by not advertising them properly. Congrats for agreeing with my "ignorant" point.

3) Don't be so sensitive whenever someone talks about the Vita without using rose-colored glasses. The fact is the Vita barely has any system selling software on it. Proof of it is the lackluster sales of the hardware on every market out there. This actually happened with the 3DS as well after it launched. So no, no one is "bashing" the Vita here. The Vita can still recover and continue having a long life. The point is, Uncharted is undeniably the best title the Vita has and it still has sold the same amount as Revelation has worldwide. And unlike Uncharted, Revelations has had no advertising and a lot of competition. So, there is nothing at all that would make anyone with a forehead think that game would sell better on a system like Vita. When it's best title (Uncharted) has not exactly sold better than Revelations.

4) Capcom didn't mention Revelation because they weren't thinking of issuing a budget to promote it. That just wasn't in the cards. Unlike you, Capcom Japan was a bit more realistic with how the RE brand sells on haldhelds and didn't see any indication that it would suddenly start selling like on home consoles, where the brand was already established as a certifiable hit (with RE5). That's why instead of using money to promote Revelations, they instead went with promoting the hell out of Operation Raccoon City. Because such a twitchy game was a sure bet on home consoles. And there was minimal risk with that game becoming a hit. What with all the CoD fans on home consoles (and almost none on handhelds).
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Cold Light posted 07/05/2012, 01:25
@ AngryAztec:
1) DS version of GTA: Chinatown Wars has less than 300k advantage above PSP version (remember, there are also digital sales of PSP version which aren't tracked). That's not quite a lot. Anyway, game underperformed everywhere.
2) Too much ignorance in your words. Yeah, RE is the most popular mature-rated series on the Nintendo platforms, but there are already two examples of its games on 3DS that weren't huge hits. 3DS owners just care much more about other types of games. Even if it was poorly marketed, Capcom guys show themselves as idiots when they are producing big-budgeted title and just throwing it on the street without proper advertising.
3) I can understand Vita bashing (it really has a lot of troubles to solve), but Uncharted will sell much more with time. It's one of the biggest titles here and still worth 50 bucks and it isn't bundled. It will more than double its current numbers later. There is no alternative at this moment.
4) And yes, there is fine perspective to sell some Revelations on Vita with minimum costs of porting. RE series is popular on PlayStation platforms as well, you know. Finally, in Capcom's financial report this game is barely mentioned in line with niche Asura's Wrath and UMvC3. And it's not a very good sign for RE:R's performance.
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AngryAztec posted 06/05/2012, 01:50
@Conegamer, because the game was sent out to die with little promotion. There is a lack of awareness of the product within the 3DS user base. And even among those that have heard about it, they haven't been given the adequate sales pitch. Mostly because Capcom-Unity can be arsed to do it. Instead they're hoping that regular fans will promote the games and do their job for FREE.

@Heavenly_King - LOL Dude, GTA Chinatown Wars actually sold WORSE on the PSP. It actually sold a lot better on the DS. Get informed son.

And another thing, the Vita best and practically the only title to really own on that system (Uncharted) has sold pretty much the same units worldwide as Revelations did on the 3DS. And unlike on Vita, Revelations had a ton of competition from other games. Games that were better advertised and promoted. Considering the lackluster sales of the Vita at the moment, I dunno what makes you even think Revelations would sell better there. Since the problem is not with the platform, but with Capcom-Unity's tendency to send games out to die, unless they're ACTION games designed for twitch gamers.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (210)

1 151,603 n/a 50,476 6,827 208,906
2 43,897 n/a 14,687 1,986 60,570
3 22,956 85,937 5,999 13,653 128,545
4 15,262 13,811 4,651 2,693 36,417
5 12,866 5,402 3,274 1,250 22,792
6 7,615 2,252 3,339 788 13,994
7 5,004 1,209 2,996 586 9,795
8 4,105 1,277 1,903 449 7,734
9 3,362 1,016 2,499 490 7,367
10 2,687 1,114 1,796 409 6,006
fedfed posted 08/02/2017, 10:18
21 copies in 2017 - great!
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oniyide posted 22/01/2017, 07:08
it had a whole year head start and was the cheapest of all the versions. It better have sold the best, why the excitement
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fedfed posted 25/01/2016, 04:15
this has been on offer a few times I am sure it has passed the mil mark with digital - in retails I am not sure it will - I haven't seen a new copy in years!
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atma998 posted 12/12/2015, 05:16
This game's now at 0.85M compared to 0.77M for PS3 version, quite good if you ask me.
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b00moscone posted 05/12/2015, 01:46
Best-selling out of all the platforms. Congrats!
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b00moscone posted 05/12/2015, 01:46
Best-selling out of all the platforms. Congrats!
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