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Alternative Names

BioHazard: Revelations

バイオハザード リベレーションズ





Other Versions

All, NS, PC, PS3, PS4, WiiU, X360, XOne

Release Dates

02/07/12 Capcom
01/26/12 Capcom
01/27/12 Capcom

Community Stats

Owners: 165
Favorite: 18
Tracked: 4
Wishlist: 9
Now Playing: 14

Avg Community Rating:


Resident Evil: Revelations (3DS) > Opinions (210)

 1  2  3 
Conegamer posted 05/05/2012, 06:26
I'm not sure why people are moaning. It's over half a mil, which makes it
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xxbrothawizxx63 posted 04/05/2012, 09:34
Please stop coming to this comment section just to friggen port beg!

It just bothers me that the wheels of the "Nintendo Cycle" may begin with this title just because Capcom was too lazy to do what a publisher is supposed to do and promote the title. Racoons City did the numbers it did because its add campaign was huge. Print ads, Tv ads, everywhere. How could Capcom feel that releasing information about the game online and on the eshop would be enough when the likely has one of the least pro-active user base's of any gaming system? The ad campaign of Raccoon City would have done wonders for this game, and even if it had received it on a smaller scale things would have been much better. TV would have been the most effective place to advertise as well as some gaming magazines, but instead it gets next to nothing. I wonder if they even had ads in fricken Nintendo Power for christ sake....
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pokeclaudel posted 03/05/2012, 11:46
Well I hope this is severely under tracked. This is a really good game.
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Heavenly_King posted 03/05/2012, 05:46
When they make the game for PSVITA, it will sell much better. It will happen, it is just a matter of when. Just like it happened with GTA:Chinatown for the DS, the sales were so poor that it got ported to the PSP.

This game for VITA will look better, maybe it could look as great as Uncharted:GA. And would play even better with the 2 analog sticks. I know the 3DS has an accessory with a 2nd analog, but it is sold separately.
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oni-link posted 02/05/2012, 07:00
definetly undertracked!!!
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AngryAztec posted 02/05/2012, 04:45
@xxbrothawizxx63 There is no point trying to convince Capcom-Unity about this issue. As long as they have Sven there, they will continue to send games OUT TO DIE. With little to no budgets to promote them at all. I can't tell you how many times I had to explain Revelations to users on the 3DS by way of Swapnote/Letterbox. Trying to convince them that the game is worth a look. Inviting them to try out the FREE demo. I also find myself doing the same on Twitter. Lots of 3DS users do not know enough about the game. Many are not even familiar with it. It's so depressing how much lack of awareness there is about this game. More so when you consider how Capcom-unity have failed big time, in promoting it.
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xxbrothawizxx63 posted 28/04/2012, 11:55
That statement is BS. Operation Raccoon City had a MASSIVE AD campaign. I saw CG commercials of the game on several channels and often too. If Capcom comes out later and says "Revelations sold poorly because of Nintendo's strong 1st party titles that overshadow our own and its user base's demographics", I'm going to be very pissed. They need to cut the bullshit and own up to their mistake. The truth is in the numbers. Nintendo published both Mercenaries and Revelations in EU and both of those titles did much better relative to the North America in comparison to the usual ratio between NA and EU on platforms other than the PS3, especially other RE titles on previous Nintendo consoles. NA:EU ratio on Nintendo platforms is usually around 2:1, but Mercs and Revelations have some of the lowest NA/EU sales ratios in series history with only some of the low selling PS2 spin-offs and RE:5 getting anywhere close to an only 7% sales difference between NA and EU for Mercs and an only 3% difference for Revelations (the lowest in series history I believe, also one of the lowest percentages of total sales for NA in series history with EU tracking closely to usual share performance). Surely Capcom has to see this. The proof is right there......
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AngryAztec posted 26/04/2012, 07:34
I agree, Capcom-Unity did a terrible job promoting Revelations in the US. I wrote about it on their forums. Asking Sven about that stupid "word of mouth" strategy they used to sell the game. Barely investing any cash in promoting it by traditional ways. Despite the low sales, Capcom-Unity still stands by their lousy strategy. The only hope Revelations has to pick up sales, is with a PRICE DROP. If the game were to be sold at 29.99 it would start selling like crazy. Nevermind at 19.99 (but this price would only happen in two years).
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xxbrothawizxx63 posted 24/04/2012, 08:17
A total fiasco in NA because Capcom made it so. It is obvious that the majority of the 3DS install base is not the type to actively search for game news or keep up with titles. In Europe, the push for this game was pretty immense (from what I heard from those in Europe and the various high quality commercials for European countries released). Guess who published the game in Europe? NINTENDO. The only push Capcom gave Revelations in America was the demo, but from what I gathered it didn't exactly stir people's feelings too much. The rest of the push for the game in NA was essentially Nintendo with the Nintendo Video footage and special editions for the game, showcasing the title a bit on the eshop (trailers ARE NOT in 3D and I believe there were only one or two, KI:U on the other hand has around 7 all in 3D and look at its sales for a new IP), and the commercial showcasing it and SM3DL (doubt Capcom had too much to do with it being in the commercial or even had to pay). Poor sales in NA really fall on Capcom's shoulders.
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MRKs posted 23/04/2012, 02:06
A total fiasco in NA. A shame really. Hope this continue to sell at least in japan
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DarkFury posted 21/04/2012, 12:41
Games get the sales the consumers get, the gamers vote with their wallets. The Western gamer (thus far) has not shown interest in this game.
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vitoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx posted 17/04/2012, 05:02
This game deserves more sales.
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AngryAztec posted 15/04/2012, 08:21
Anyway, Revelations is clearly one of the games that every young/older adult 3DS owner should have on his/her radar. And considering that it just came out a couple of months ago and that it will eventually get a price drop, it will eventually get some legs down the line. Let's see how it does after it's first financial year on the market. It's alread above the half a million units sold. Not bad at all considering it came out on a 1 year old handheld and not on the 2 systems with 60 million users each.
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AngryAztec posted 15/04/2012, 08:18
I have nothing against Vita, but seriously, what makes anyone think Revelations would do better on that system? Especially when Uncharted on Vita is getting similar numbers as Revelations on the 3DS worldwide. And Uncharted is pretty much THE game to own on Vita. Unlike Revelations on the 3DS, where there are other games like Mario Kart 7, Super Mario 3D land, Kid Icarus, Monster Hunter and popular eshop games that get most of consumers attention. And even so, it's sales are not that far off from Uncharted's. They're practically neck and neck.
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Heavenly_King posted 15/04/2012, 04:38
this game will be released on PSVITA eventually, considering this sales.
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JTurner82 posted 15/04/2012, 03:50
There's no way this game is going to come to Vita. Capcom is satisfied with the sales numbers; it has done well for itself on the 3DS. It's hardly a failure.
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Cold Light posted 14/04/2012, 09:11
122K is a lifetime number in US to date. Horrible that this game underperformed when bullshit like Operations Raccoon City has sold so well. No trolling, but I hope Vita will get this game. Together, sales would be decent at very least (just like with GTA: CW) and this game deserves it much more than ORC.
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oni-link posted 14/04/2012, 05:14
should really say 620K+ instead!!!
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oni-link posted 14/04/2012, 05:13
sorry but everyone who is everyone stands by the 122K sold for march instead of 7K sold for that month that vgc undertracked (more common than joystiq misquoting it).
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PhantomLink posted 14/04/2012, 01:44
I'm pretty sure that they meant 122K LTD and not just for March, wouldn't be the first time that joystiq makes a mistake with NPD data.
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oni-link posted 14/04/2012, 12:21
actually it sold 122K in march not feb so it is undertracked by at least 110K since VGC has it ONLY selling 7K for the whole of March!!! Honestly, that's pretty bad undertracking!!!!
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sundin13 posted 13/04/2012, 09:50
According to NPD this sold 122K in february so this has to be undertracked by at least 15K in the US...
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PhantomLink posted 10/04/2012, 06:01
A lot of games "share" development costs by reusing things for previous entries and still sell tons. The sales of Revelations are not great in the west that's for sure. But how much CAPCOM expected from Rev? Even I could tell that this game wasn't going to be a huge success and why didn't they put this on consoles? I think CAPCOM is trying to create a market for Resident Evil in handheld and the sales of Rev while not great are a first step into that. I repeat what I said, numbers are not great but this wouldn't have sold better on Vita. Dissapointing sales but it's a starting point for RE in handhelds and fan reception was great.
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AngryAztec posted 09/04/2012, 06:38
@ HelloMotto You sound like a troll. First of all, Revelations production costs were shared with Mercenaries 3D costs. Both games were produced at the same time using the same budget for both games. Mercenaries is basically like a DLC update for Revelations that was sold separately. And that game sold nearly 400k while Revelations already is above the 500k mark. So guess what, troll? Revelations didn't flop. It barely out for a few months and has still a long way to go. Especially with a price drop near x-mas. Then it will really take off.
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AngryAztec posted 09/04/2012, 06:33
@chickenmoshpit, Uncharted for Vita has not outsold Revelations. Cehck the numbers again. And even if it did, consider that Uncharted is practically the best game the Vita has. So obviously, most Vita user have no choice but to buy that game. On the other hand, the 3DS has LOTS of great games since last year. Revelations had to compete with Mario Kart 7, Super Mario 3D Land and Monster Hunter (in Japan). The holy trinity right there. Plus all the recent games coming out like Kid Ikarus and the great eShop games like Pushmo.
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HelloMotto posted 08/04/2012, 07:13
ok. i take back my previous comments. i'd say 900-950k lifetime.
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luiaots posted 06/04/2012, 09:07
@ HelloMotto: You really think that? The game already sold 500k and it hasn't had its first christmas and it hasn't been out for a year.
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JTurner82 posted 06/04/2012, 03:50
Million seller or not, the fact is that it still has outsold MERCANERIES in all territories. So it's in no way a failure.
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JTurner82 posted 06/04/2012, 03:05
Hardly a failure in any way; it's still successful for a portable game.
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HelloMotto posted 06/04/2012, 02:24
wait, scratch that, i honestly think it only do 650k, and that's being generous.
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HelloMotto posted 06/04/2012, 02:23
the most reveLAITIONS will sell is 700k - 750k. which is a mega flop for a RE game.

guess this game is too mature for the 3DS audience.
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JTurner82 posted 05/04/2012, 11:27
The sales for this game already surpass those of MERCANERIES big time in all three territories. Capcom is satisfied. More RE titles for 3DS are guaranteed. End of story.
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JTurner82 posted 05/04/2012, 11:18
I dunno, I think the game's sales are pretty good, especially for a handheld title. Of course it's not console quality sales, but all things considered, half a million units in two months isn't anything to sneeze at. At hey, it sold more than MERCENARIES.
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oniyide posted 03/04/2012, 03:28
could be, but that still doesnt explain the terrible legs, its like everyone who was really interested in this game already bought it.
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acdcste posted 31/03/2012, 08:22
I think the this was overshadowed by the new resi release persoanlly. Even though there have been a few weeks difference i have seen plenty of adverts for the new resi and none for the 3ds. I still think the sales are decent. Handheld games always continue to sell longer so it should end up just fine.
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oniyide posted 31/03/2012, 07:38
Mercs is a bad comparison, that wasnt even a real game, they just took a MODE from an actual RE game and sell it for full price, not a surprise why that only sold as much as it did. THis game was hyped to all hell and is a full length RE game. Yes going gold is not bad, but the game has no legs, its been out of the top 100 for weeks. I though ORC might give a boost but maybe 6 will do that.
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acdcste posted 25/03/2012, 01:50
Its important ti remember that uncharted golden abyss is the only game worth buying for the vita, hence its good sales. I persoanlly don't think the sales are that bad considering mercs is only on 330k
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chickenmoshpit posted 24/03/2012, 01:32
lol uncharted golden abyss is outselling and that game's on the VITA which has a much much smaller install base than 3DS.

revelations is a huge bomba for a Resident Evil game. i fully expect CAPCOM to port this to PS3/360/VITA very soon.
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PhantomLink posted 18/03/2012, 11:04
I believe Kawata only said that he would like to do more Resident Evil games for 3DS not that they are already planning them. I don't think that Revelations would have sold better on Vita, but these are defenitly not good numbers.
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oni-link posted 18/03/2012, 09:29
Seriously just talking facts and no assumptions!!! IF I was to assume this game is a great success seeing Capcom is already planning future spin-offs for the handheld. I haven't heard anything being said about RE on the Vita!!!
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oni-link posted 18/03/2012, 09:28
LOL...this is selling better than if it would have been on the dying Vita!!!
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Salnax posted 15/03/2012, 03:08
@DarkFury Seriously, Half a million units in two months is enough for a handheld game. Besides, it's not like this was a console title. The engine is recycled from RE5 and Mercenaries.
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DarkFury posted 15/03/2012, 12:17
I very seriously doubt this was profitable with such sales. We shall see how long-term sales are.
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megaman79 posted 12/03/2012, 05:11
Its already surpassed GC RE4 in Japan, its got a while to beat the other GC RE remakes, but if you consider the bundle together (inc. SSF43D, MH3G) i think they'd be happy enough with the business.

Consider a Rev. Bundle in Japan for Christmas 2012? Would do very well. I think Capcom should be spitting out the entire RE back catalogue onto the 3DS asap too.

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swii26 posted 11/03/2012, 08:49
This game will have legs!
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Salnax posted 10/03/2012, 07:32
11th best selling 3DS game at the moment. It will easily surpass Lego Star Wars 3 and Star Fox over the next few months.
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Juma009 posted 09/03/2012, 02:57
How can I check the week by week numbers, the way it used to be.
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Moren posted 08/03/2012, 02:13
Horrible, horrible sales.
Looks like this time, Vita sabotaged Nintendo.
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jbee02 posted 07/03/2012, 03:39
The only reason this game hasn't sold more in America is they didn't ship enough copies to America. Almost every time i walk into the stores this game is sold out. Though granted it not nearly as bad as it is with Tales of Abyss, that game is just really difficult to get your hands on.
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Salnax posted 03/03/2012, 03:30
@megaman If I had to guess, several reasons.

1. The Vita launch, like you said, stole the spotlight for the month.
2. As a hardcore console-style game, rather than a 1st party handheld game, sales are front-loaded.
3. Reviews were merely good, around 80 or 85% across websites. This does not hurt the game's rep, but it doesn't help either.
4. Resident Evil's fanbase is on the consoles.
5. Other 3DS games like Tales of the Abyss, New Love Plus, Metal Gear Solid, and Theatrhythm have stolen the spotlight in America and Japan.
6. This is a spinoff. Sales are obviously going to be less than the main series.
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megaman79 posted 02/03/2012, 07:02
I dk why its dropped so much. Maybe Vita attention has only temporarily distracted the handheld dollar? Maybe its permanent? We'll see what Nintendo will do to keep this in the market, and im sure they'll do something.
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IamAwsome posted 02/03/2012, 02:53
They released bundles for every other 3DS game, why not this?
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Salnax posted 01/03/2012, 01:09
Honsetly, I can see this game reaching half a million in Japan alone, especially if a budget version, special edition, or bundle comes out. The 3DS is still young, and they love Resident Evil and the 3DS over there. The game's strong legs in that part of the world are encouraging.
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Veit posted 29/02/2012, 10:05
I can't believe it disappeared in it's 3rd week from the top 100 in the US.
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TheDarkBender posted 29/02/2012, 05:48
I saw lots of ads of this game. It's being advertised together with Kid Icarus and MGS 3D here in Europe
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RedInker posted 29/02/2012, 05:26
Supurb game. Far superiour to Resident Evil 5 in every way.
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adsl posted 27/02/2012, 06:46
Don't worry guys this game will sell for years, 1.5 mi is something achievable in a couple of years. Also this game was not an expensive HD tittle so 0.5mi would be enough pay development costs.
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Salnax posted 26/02/2012, 08:48
@spurg I've seen nothing on TV for this game. Still, I can easily imagine this doing well over its lifetime. It's already game #11 of all time for the 3DS, and has easily surpassed Mercenaries, even after just a couple of weeks. The Japanese sales in particular make me hopeful. This can end up selling 15,000 or 20,000 a week for the rest of the year until the holiday boost. All in all, not bad for a game that scored around 80 or 85 on a young platform.
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PhantomLink posted 26/02/2012, 07:14
@Falk Sturmfels. I think the part after the credits is a reference to RE5
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Falk Sturmfels posted 26/02/2012, 12:14
Is say something about 750.000 at the end of 2012. That is okay, but it looks like the western 3DS-players donĀ“t trust in harder games. I expect from Metal Gear Solid nothing than poor sales, and I hope the 750.000 Revelations will be enough for a sequel (which is mentioned after the credits).
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ryuzaki57 posted 26/02/2012, 09:03
Quite a drop... Looks like the 3DS western audience is very different from the Japanese 3DS audience.
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Paul posted 26/02/2012, 12:24
Pretty sad numbers for such a great game. Games like this will fail on the 3DS and the Vita will fail completely so no developers will make this style of handheld game in the future. Quite sad.
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NintendoPie posted 25/02/2012, 03:47
Yikes! Hopefully it'll keep some good legs, and hopefully it'll have a Holiday boost this year since it didn't get to it last year.
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Smeags posted 25/02/2012, 01:39
I'm gonna give a shout out to the awesome soundtrack that Revelations provided. Give a listen to "Queen Zenobia (Hall)' and "Queen Dido (Submerged)'. Both are fantastic, especially the latter... which is hauntingly beautiful.
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snowdog posted 21/02/2012, 10:48
Got this th other day and it's Resident vil back to its best.Have got to Episode 4 and have already had 2 stingers on a par with the dogs jumping through the windowin th first game...I jumped a mile for one of them in particular lol. Hopefully Capcom are going to have Resident Evil 6 following in Revelations' footsteps with more emphasis on survival horror than action.
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Araknie posted 20/02/2012, 07:35
I see a lot of missed trust in the series.
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NintendoFanDj posted 20/02/2012, 03:14
@TGM well not all cause that would mean little kids who can take horror and 3d.
More likely to the nintendo gamers or gamers who has it.
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TGM posted 19/02/2012, 04:54
I truly think this is the best looking/sounding 3ds game out right now. Single player is longer than RE 1 and the achievements will make u go through the game at least 2 times. Multiplayer is MEGA deep and can be played on or offline. I HIGHLY recommend this game to ALL 3ds owners and people who are "on the fence" on the 3ds.
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Smeags posted 18/02/2012, 06:01
Not a bad start, but RE4: Wii got to where it is today through great legs. Hopefully Revelations can continue the trend.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 18/02/2012, 12:10
it is doing well indeed!! although it could be better, it may have legs which will hopefully carry it to 1m
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Salnax posted 17/02/2012, 09:26
Global week 1 is about 300,000. It's already the fifth best selling 3rd party game on the system, and #12 total.
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Iveyboi posted 17/02/2012, 06:55
Wish sales were higher; best 3DS game
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TheDarkBender posted 17/02/2012, 04:58
Almost half a million :D
Definetly doing very well.
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NintendoPie posted 17/02/2012, 01:23
I wished it was at least 90K but still good!
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Zim posted 16/02/2012, 02:52
Us pre-orders 88K+unexpected price drop+very positive reception = FW 86k......... Yea I'm thinking the pre-order numbers must have been WAY out or the game is way undertracked. Most likely the former.
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Salnax posted 16/02/2012, 02:23
What? I thought it would be closer to 100,000! Oh well.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 16/02/2012, 02:02
only 85k in US launch : (
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Salnax posted 10/02/2012, 02:36
Should be .29 or .30 when the data comes in. Add another .12 on launch week in America... pretty good progress.
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luiaots posted 09/02/2012, 09:28
@ nebnosneh: I guess you are going to be asleep forever then XD
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MasterZack posted 09/02/2012, 05:05
I jjust play it in the dark.
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Nebnosneh posted 09/02/2012, 07:11

Someone wake me if they do a Wii port.
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Ronster316 posted 08/02/2012, 10:25
Campaign complete........ 18 out of 21 raid mode stages complete, (some stages done in co-op to test the online waters)... this game is simply SUPERB...!!!!!!!
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pokeclaudel posted 08/02/2012, 03:59
Absolutely amazing game. Sitting in the dark with the 3d on very strong and headphones is the best.
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Iveyboi posted 08/02/2012, 02:34
Love it so far!
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Paul posted 07/02/2012, 11:57
Got it, shot me some zombies.
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d21lewis posted 07/02/2012, 01:07
The day has finally arrived! Going to buy it, now.
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man-bear-pig posted 05/02/2012, 02:05
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man-bear-pig posted 05/02/2012, 02:05
This looks goo!
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Falk Sturmfels posted 05/02/2012, 07:41
Really great game. I'm now at the end of chapter 9 and the playclock says 10 hours. I did not even touch the extramode, which is bigger than mercenaries.
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Salnax posted 05/02/2012, 04:37
It's already outsold Mercenaries in Japan.
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AstroMaSSi posted 04/02/2012, 09:13
Good game! More than 1M extimated IMHO.
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menx64 posted 04/02/2012, 06:38
I am expecting 200k sells from america, so 430k FW. 1st america + 2nd japan+Eu should be about 150k... 600k after 2nd week... 10 weeks or so to reach 1million... Not bad at all.
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Level1Death posted 03/02/2012, 10:50
Good start especially without America.
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Salnax posted 03/02/2012, 07:31
Topped the charts without America. Already the 11th best selling 3DS game in Japan. Excellent.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 03/02/2012, 06:13
sales of 230k without USA, and just 1-2 days in Europe is very good, interesting to see how it sells the coming weeks
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z101 posted 03/02/2012, 06:06
It is available since 27. February in europe, not 26. as mentioned here.
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TheDarkBender posted 03/02/2012, 05:07
Will end up selling around 1.5 million, I think. That seems as a pretty good number and should guarantee other 3rd party coming to 3ds. Hopefully it will eventually end up selling 2 million, knowing it's early in the 3ds's lifetime and the game is very good.
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Matt_182 posted 03/02/2012, 03:26
Sales are pretty good considering it has been out for less than a week and hasn't reached America yet.
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llyod85 posted 30/01/2012, 09:47
Cannot wait for this! It looks like 2012 is gonna be a good year for RE!
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Ronster316 posted 28/01/2012, 10:49
The 3DS is really showing it's muscle here, RE: Revelations looks simply amazing, also happens to be a damn fine game too, puts a lot of console games to shame.
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stitch55555 posted 26/01/2012, 04:11
I'm playing now...incredible graphics!!!
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Smeags posted 25/01/2012, 11:06
Yep. Demo kicked all kind of butt. Can't wait!
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Ronster316 posted 24/01/2012, 04:17
Can't wait, demo was fantastic.
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Salnax posted 23/01/2012, 06:40
So, what kind of numbers can we hope for. A million lifetime?
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acdcste posted 17/12/2011, 11:19
Hopefully this one will sell a lot better than Mercs did. I believe pre order numbers for the US are around the 75k mark so hopefully will be around 200k before release date.
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Salnax posted 06/12/2011, 10:34
This looks like the best 3rd party 3DS title yet. I'm hyped.
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WarioTime posted 13/10/2011, 09:33
dark room max 3d cant wait for this
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Smeags posted 20/09/2011, 04:17
The extended trailer for this looks fantastic. I am now officially hyped for Resident Evil: Revelations!
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mysticwolf posted 08/06/2011, 04:27
yeah it came out over 100 years ago, didn't you get the memo?
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VivaLaWiida posted 03/03/2011, 08:10
Release date: 1899. wtf?
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 1   2   3 

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (210)

1 151,603 n/a 50,476 6,827 208,906
2 43,897 n/a 14,687 1,986 60,570
3 22,956 85,937 5,999 13,653 128,545
4 15,262 13,811 4,651 2,693 36,417
5 12,866 5,402 3,274 1,250 22,792
6 7,615 2,252 3,339 788 13,994
7 5,004 1,209 2,996 586 9,795
8 4,105 1,277 1,903 449 7,734
9 3,362 1,016 2,499 490 7,367
10 2,687 1,114 1,796 409 6,006
fedfed posted 08/02/2017, 10:18
21 copies in 2017 - great!
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oniyide posted 22/01/2017, 07:08
it had a whole year head start and was the cheapest of all the versions. It better have sold the best, why the excitement
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fedfed posted 25/01/2016, 04:15
this has been on offer a few times I am sure it has passed the mil mark with digital - in retails I am not sure it will - I haven't seen a new copy in years!
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atma998 posted 12/12/2015, 05:16
This game's now at 0.85M compared to 0.77M for PS3 version, quite good if you ask me.
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b00moscone posted 05/12/2015, 01:46
Best-selling out of all the platforms. Congrats!
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b00moscone posted 05/12/2015, 01:46
Best-selling out of all the platforms. Congrats!
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