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VGChartz Score



Alternative Names



Nintendo EAD / Retro Studios



Release Dates

12/04/11 Nintendo
12/01/11 Nintendo
12/02/11 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 487
Favorite: 51
Tracked: 10
Wishlist: 18
Now Playing: 64

Avg Community Rating:


Mario Kart 7 (3DS) > Opinions (157)

 1  2 
Machina posted 09/05/2023, 11:11
+10k in the last year.
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ShadowLink93 posted 13/11/2021, 05:34
Can't quite get to 19 million.
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Maluigi posted 03/11/2019, 11:54
I hope it will reach 20m.
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p0isonparadise posted 06/03/2018, 02:43
16.76 million by the end of 2017 according to Nintendo. Officially the best-selling 3DS game.
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PortisheadBiscuit posted 31/12/2017, 05:10
Crazy legs
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Salnax posted 16/08/2017, 04:25
MK7 has the fortune of continually being part of various deals. You have those XL bundles in 2012, 2DS bundles in 2013 and 2014, a straight price cut in 2014, and indirect price cuts for the hardware its bundled with.

This will keep on selling so long as the 3DS is suppported in stores.
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NintendoPie posted 04/05/2017, 06:49
Yes, quite undertracked.
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bulla posted 30/04/2017, 01:35
It's at 15.22m according to this
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Luke888 posted 03/02/2017, 06:27
Why is this still charting :'''''D
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bl00dyroar posted 13/01/2017, 11:55
13.94 as of oct 2016
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GuyDuke posted 16/12/2016, 07:34
What the fuck Mario Kart? 132k on November 26th? After 260 weeks? Dose legs.
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Jranation posted 01/12/2016, 12:22
Wow! Quite a bump in USA on Nov 12 chart.
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b00moscone posted 06/11/2015, 05:29
11m! Congrats!
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S.Peelman posted 30/10/2015, 11:54
Nintendo says 12.19m as of september 30.
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NintendoPie posted 06/07/2015, 03:50
Never mind, I'm obviously illiterate. VGC is still under-tracked. 11.7 vs. 10.76.
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NintendoPie posted 06/07/2015, 03:49
Disregard my post below... VGC decided to finally update their numbers.
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NintendoPie posted 28/06/2015, 11:15
This is under-tracked. Nintendo has sales at 11.7 million, including eShop sales.
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garretslarrity posted 15/12/2014, 06:35
Welcome to the VGC 10M club.
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NintendoPie posted 09/12/2014, 05:10
It's hit 10 million! (Once VGC adds in last week's numbers.)
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NintendoPie posted 28/10/2014, 01:40
It should hit 10 million by the end of November unless it gets a terrible Black Friday.
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AfricanSanta posted 13/09/2014, 05:23
Hopefully this hits 10m retail by the end of November.
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Tammi posted 28/05/2014, 08:22
Wow, almost 10m!
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ExplodingBlock posted 30/04/2014, 11:35
Obviously passed MK64 with digital sales but I wonder how long it will it take to outsell in retail
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NintendoPie posted 18/03/2014, 04:51
Welp, it'll definitely pass 10 Million this year. Will Super Mario 3D World, Pokemon X/Y, and this be our 10+ million seller trio on the 3DS? Hopefully there will be more... although I doubt it.
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Scizor_99 posted 13/03/2014, 12:54
And... now it's #2. Besides maybe a 7th gen Pokemon game (which might instead appear on a next-gen Nintendo handheld), this should hold its spot for the rest of the generation.
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S.Peelman posted 11/02/2014, 11:23
Will overtake Super Mario 3D Land in a few weeks as the #2 3DS game. Mario Kart is the king, maybe even Nintendo's most lucrative franchise overall. I hope the WiiU game will help that system as much as Mario Kart 7 did for 3DS!
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garretslarrity posted 30/01/2014, 07:27
Nintendo's has just revealed that this game has sold 9.35 million units as of the end of 2013. This does include digital sales.
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Juanky1 posted 28/12/2013, 05:34
Yes this finally passed Halo 4
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Juanky1 posted 26/12/2013, 02:01
How can I go vgchartzpro
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Arinald posted 20/10/2013, 09:31
Right now this game is selling faster than SM3DL. Even though I had a lot of fun with both of those, I feel that MK7 deserved higher sales.
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think-man posted 03/03/2013, 11:20
Crazy how many copies this is shifting.
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VGKing posted 15/01/2013, 01:44
Extremely surprised to see this game is tracking ahead of Mario Kart DS despite releasing on a December instead of a November.
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acdcste posted 27/12/2012, 07:30
Nice to see it pass the 7m mark.
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tbone51 posted 12/12/2012, 07:43
This game is now bundled with the XL it will pass 7mil in two weeks!!! It can and might even pass 7.5mil by years end!!!
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supermariodance posted 10/12/2012, 05:36
This game will sure surpasse MKDD!! in 2 or 3 weeks.
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acdcste posted 30/11/2012, 02:32
The 3ds overall was dissapointing on black friday. Still a plus 100k week which is never a bad thing for a game which is a year old.
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NintendoPie posted 30/11/2012, 04:41
I'm surprised this didn't sell more during Black Friday. What a disappointment.
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benji232 posted 27/10/2012, 10:50
I hope it will keep selling!
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acdcste posted 11/10/2012, 02:15
Should get to the 15m mark for sure. Its pretty clear the 3ds wont be as hot as the ds meaning the overall game sales will be down. I think mario kart is pretty bulletproof though, and it can maybe even get to 20m by the time the 3ds is finished with.
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acdcste posted 25/08/2012, 08:56
Nice to see it pass the six million mark. Great sales.
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C-M-D posted 25/08/2012, 01:00
6 Million!
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Pavolink posted 17/08/2012, 11:48
Surprised 3D Land has sold more than this.
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Ganoncrotch posted 01/07/2012, 07:53
such a great game for it's game sharing feature, surprised it isn't more heavily advertised but being able to play this game with 7 of your mates only needing 1 copy of it is amazing, will possibly lose you a friend or 2 tho if you start blue shelling mates heh.
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acdcste posted 01/05/2012, 02:44
Whatever buddy.
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NintendoFanDj posted 30/04/2012, 02:40
VGchartz over tracked
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acdcste posted 25/04/2012, 07:37
Should be passing the 5.5 mark soon. Great game.
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homer posted 29/03/2012, 01:12
Whoops. Never mind, that comment was meant for SML 3d.
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homer posted 29/03/2012, 01:11
Fell off USA top 30 D: MK Wii sold more although I guess you could defend it by saying it was heavily bundled.
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oniyide posted 28/03/2012, 03:52
just got this game a few days ago, blue shells are still a pain in the ass, needs more characters, online is buttery smooth, 3d is okay, visuals are great, tracks are good. new items are meh, only game i got for 3ds but its good. will be playing for awhile
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MattyPeq posted 13/03/2012, 03:51
Hating mirror mode! Grr... But loving this game!
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Salnax posted 09/03/2012, 01:25
Happy 5 million! Again!
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Salnax posted 05/03/2012, 05:12
1st million seller of the year!
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Soma posted 02/03/2012, 12:48
Great game! Finally got 3 stars in all Cups :)
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Salnax posted 22/02/2012, 02:53
This could be the first game to break a million in 2012.
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NintendoFanDj posted 20/02/2012, 03:13
Talk about being low on cash this year.
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NintendoPie posted 17/02/2012, 01:22
In Japan MK7 reached 1 Million before MKDS, a small accomplishment because it was only by a week but still a nice one. ^o^
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Salnax posted 11/02/2012, 09:33
Okay, so this game is a bit behind schedule. It can still beat Super Circuit sometime in April!
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Salnax posted 10/02/2012, 10:17
...damn adjustments.
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Salnax posted 03/02/2012, 07:30
Happy 5 million! Only .4 million or so from beating out your first fellow Mario Kart!
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NintendoPie posted 03/02/2012, 12:29
I wouldn't be surprised if this game leveled out at mid 30K's for awhile.
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TheDarkBender posted 02/02/2012, 08:49
5 million next week :D Second game to reach that milestone. I think the next one will be Nintendogs.
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Metroid33slayer posted 26/01/2012, 06:37
Looks like Peach has been omitted from the character list. Harsh!
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Salnax posted 26/01/2012, 02:51
@famousringo That doesn't explain the GameCube. Maybe it's the online that sells it? Or the retro tracks in addition to new ones?
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famousringo posted 24/01/2012, 03:45
How to sell a console in two easy steps:

Step 1 - Ship a console
Step 2 - Ship Mario Kart for that console
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TWRoO posted 24/01/2012, 12:27
The game database is being split (well not really, but visually) if you search for a game from the VGC homepage you will be taken to a pages with lots of sales info and such, if you go through gamrReview you will get the normal old page.
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NintendoPie posted 24/01/2012, 12:24
Is anyone else seeing a different setup for games?
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TWRoO posted 23/01/2012, 11:53
Discontinue MKWii?
That's ridiculous, a game doesn't need to be discontinued because it sold 'enough'. Otherwise why not discontinue Wii Sports/Play/Resort/Fit and NSMBWii.
The games are still selling because they are still desirable to new Wii owners, selling 30 million is not a good reason to force new Wii owners to search for the game 2nd hand.
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Salnax posted 21/01/2012, 03:33
5 Million next week? If not, the week after.
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NintendoFanDj posted 20/01/2012, 03:09
Also people are still recovering from christmas plus only 2.5 million users more to match 3DS in America. 4 million and 1.5 million out.
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NintendoFanDj posted 20/01/2012, 03:08
Mario Kart Wii should be discontinued it did FAR ENOUGH
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NintendoPie posted 19/01/2012, 06:53
Wow America kind of slacking aren't you? :/
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jbee02 posted 19/01/2012, 05:34
i'm happy the difficulty isn't as brokenly high as it was in Mario Kart Wii
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jbee02 posted 19/01/2012, 05:34
i'm happy the difficulty isn't as brokenly high as it was in Mario Kart Wii
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scottie posted 19/01/2012, 04:35
Easier/quicker single player than double dash?
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KohlyKohl posted 16/01/2012, 12:05
Easiest single player of the series but the amazing tracks make up for it.
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Aidman posted 15/01/2012, 11:03
Great enjoyable game from great enjoyable franchise with as always great sales.
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newwil7l posted 14/01/2012, 06:49
wow 6th week it jumped back to numberkeley 1
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Roar_Of_War posted 13/01/2012, 08:47
This should keep selling for a loong time.
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Salnax posted 13/01/2012, 08:04
@NintendoPie It's just the holidays wearing off. Levels are back to normal now.
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NintendoPie posted 12/01/2012, 10:45
0_o Biggest drop on week 5 in America! Surprising!
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Metroid33slayer posted 10/01/2012, 05:38
The addition of the glider and waterpropeller works really well, i hope nintendo reuses these features in future installments.
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Salnax posted 06/01/2012, 03:33
Best selling game of the year in Japan. Bravo.
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NintendoPie posted 05/01/2012, 08:14
Pretty good sales for after the Holiday season!
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Iveyboi posted 04/01/2012, 06:40
This + Mario Land only 2 games I have bought for the system. Can't believe how many copies it has sold already = crazy
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dsage01 posted 03/01/2012, 01:25
4 million in 4 weeks damn that's really best.
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sensebringer posted 01/01/2012, 02:39
super mario 3d land
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acdcste posted 31/12/2011, 07:01
Nice to see this pass the 4m mark. Going to be a monster seller for the 3DS.
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DKHustlin posted 31/12/2011, 06:07
god this game makes me horny those customized carts pimpcity
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Turkish posted 31/12/2011, 11:22
But... does it have 1000 cars like GT5?! Jk/ great game, altough I like MK DD better
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wass007 posted 31/12/2011, 07:43
My God!!!! :O
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Menglo posted 30/12/2011, 11:13
software totals
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NintendoPie posted 30/12/2011, 10:18
Nice 3rd week sales in America!
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Salnax posted 30/12/2011, 10:06
Will probably enter the top 25 racing games of all time once we get European and Japanese data.
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Salnax posted 30/12/2011, 10:02
3 million!
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goldeneye0065r posted 30/12/2011, 06:42
this game pwns
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Panama posted 30/12/2011, 05:56
Best game on the 3DS hands down. That is until Fire Emblem 3DS comes out anyway ;)
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NintendoPie posted 28/12/2011, 04:43
Great game! Love the sales, too! I saw a lot of people looking at MK7 and 3DS's on Monday at the mall ;D
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OneTwoThree posted 28/12/2011, 01:00
Not that I question the big success of MK7 in any way, but "legs" are hard to judge around christmas. Any title released right before Xmas will have a slower decline than those released earlier in the year. Just saying.
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Roar_Of_War posted 27/12/2011, 05:58
Legs are just outstanding. Curious about this week for US though.
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Salnax posted 26/12/2011, 05:37
For context, this already beat Gran Turismo PSP.
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Shipping Total

18,980,000 Units
As of: March 31st, 2023

Opinion (157)

Machina posted 09/05/2023, 11:11
+10k in the last year.
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ShadowLink93 posted 13/11/2021, 05:34
Can't quite get to 19 million.
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Maluigi posted 03/11/2019, 11:54
I hope it will reach 20m.
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p0isonparadise posted 06/03/2018, 02:43
16.76 million by the end of 2017 according to Nintendo. Officially the best-selling 3DS game.
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PortisheadBiscuit posted 31/12/2017, 05:10
Crazy legs
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Salnax posted 16/08/2017, 04:25
MK7 has the fortune of continually being part of various deals. You have those XL bundles in 2012, 2DS bundles in 2013 and 2014, a straight price cut in 2014, and indirect price cuts for the hardware its bundled with.

This will keep on selling so long as the 3DS is suppported in stores.
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