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Release Dates

06/14/11 2K Games
(Add Date)
06/10/11 2K Games

Community Stats

Owners: 51
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Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 6
Now Playing: 1

Avg Community Rating:


Duke Nukem Forever (X360) > Opinions (30)

WiiBox3 posted 02/05/2012, 04:25
Wow this game is now selling for $2.99 at Best Buy. Looks like they ordered way too many copies.
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Mr Puggsly posted 01/04/2012, 06:39
Not a bad game, but the campaign is just too long. The best shooters tend to be around 8 hours, but this game was about 16 hours. I guarantee If they tightened up the campaign it would have received better reviews.
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goldeneye0065r posted 03/01/2012, 10:06
haha 10 bucks at walmart i am pissed i paid 60 not to long ago
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uppertone posted 25/12/2011, 12:58
Duke is KING
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Salnax posted 26/10/2011, 01:40
An amazing sales-to-review ratio
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MonstaMack posted 27/09/2011, 07:48
Just got it for $10 thru Gamefly.
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yo_john117 posted 24/09/2011, 08:47
Disappointing game.
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uppertone posted 22/09/2011, 08:17
It has been steadely selling around 9,000 weekly on PS360, i thin it will probably sell 900,000 by the en of year. And even tho the game is really bad, i want it to be profitable, just for duke nostalgia's sake :)
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Salem posted 06/09/2011, 05:04
Take-Two has confirmed this game is profitable for them, and they're gonna continue the duke legacy
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IIthesaviour posted 29/07/2011, 02:01
I kind of want it to see just how bad it really is!
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yahoocom1984 posted 28/07/2011, 11:31
Sales drop so fasr
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MonstaMack posted 25/07/2011, 08:12
I think overtime this will outsell Brink based on name alone. A lot of my friends want this game once it hits $20. Even as crappy as the game is, It still has Duke in it. I'll be getting it at $20 or less myself.
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Marks posted 15/07/2011, 08:07
I was hoping it would be good. Shame its $**t
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Venox2008 posted 09/07/2011, 08:36
I've enjoyed this's not bad
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Chrizum posted 03/07/2011, 02:25
I knew it would be bad... but after playing it I can't believe how bad it really is. It doesn't even resemble the old Duke3D gameplay in the slightest! Utterly horrible.
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yahoocom1984 posted 02/07/2011, 04:16
Brink kills it in terms of sales
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elzabbul posted 30/06/2011, 09:37
There's too much bashing on this game. Surely it is not a blockbuster, but it fing it fun and enjoyable. 7.0 or maybe 7.5(oneliners!) for me.
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Salem posted 30/06/2011, 09:03
I think thats the score it deserves, not a must have game, but not anywhere near as bad as the critics say it is
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manuel posted 26/06/2011, 03:02
8.3 user score?? :D
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kuddles posted 25/06/2011, 11:32
@JaxxRaxor: It had a lot of hype and marketing. I predict this will be similar to Homefront, where the initial sales are impressive, but the drop off next week will be huge.
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JaxxRaxor posted 25/06/2011, 04:39
First week sales in the Americas are not oustanding, but pretty decent considering the thrashing the game got. Not entirely critic proof but perhaps somewhat close?
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Zim posted 24/06/2011, 07:15
The reason the 2 days sale is an overused and pathetic argument is because it's the same for 99% of games in EMEAA. So openings are comparable and 73k is a pretty poor opening for a game 12years in development.
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Salem posted 18/06/2011, 05:51
Bulletstorm was fun, and in my opinion so was this, I definetly rate this a 8/10. So why doesnt a 2 day argument work? I didnt know it was an argument let alone an overused one
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haxxiy posted 17/06/2011, 10:08
Bulletstorm is a fun shooter. DKF is disgraceful. As the "2 day on sales" stuff, that is the most overused argument in this site and almost never holds up.
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Pjams posted 17/06/2011, 08:11
What was 2K hoping to get out of this?
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Gimgak posted 17/06/2011, 07:55
Didnt notice it was only EMEAA lol
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Salem posted 17/06/2011, 07:53
This is sales for only like what, 2 days in emeaa?
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Gimgak posted 17/06/2011, 01:36
Wow I thought this game would sell way more on the name alone...
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Zucas posted 16/06/2011, 09:45
Just beat this game. Took a solid 10 hours thereabouts which is rather long for shooters nowadays. Don't understand the reviews haha. Thought it was a fun game. Not great, but definitely fun. Lots of comedy, great action, cool weapons, and all the great stuff you expect from the King. If you are looking for a fun shooter, then this is a good choice.
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alasz posted 15/06/2011, 01:05
mario kart
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (30)

1 n/a n/a 59,839 8,941 68,780
2 n/a 156,661 23,138 26,866 206,665
3 n/a 32,795 11,342 6,595 50,732
4 n/a 8,971 5,792 2,205 16,968
5 n/a 6,242 2,843 1,358 10,443
6 n/a 4,988 2,160 1,068 8,216
7 n/a 4,496 3,361 1,174 9,031
8 n/a 3,463 2,845 942 7,250
9 n/a 2,350 2,828 774 5,952
10 n/a 1,726 3,011 708 5,445
WiiBox3 posted 02/05/2012, 04:25
Wow this game is now selling for $2.99 at Best Buy. Looks like they ordered way too many copies.
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Mr Puggsly posted 01/04/2012, 06:39
Not a bad game, but the campaign is just too long. The best shooters tend to be around 8 hours, but this game was about 16 hours. I guarantee If they tightened up the campaign it would have received better reviews.
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goldeneye0065r posted 03/01/2012, 10:06
haha 10 bucks at walmart i am pissed i paid 60 not to long ago
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uppertone posted 25/12/2011, 12:58
Duke is KING
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Salnax posted 26/10/2011, 01:40
An amazing sales-to-review ratio
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MonstaMack posted 27/09/2011, 07:48
Just got it for $10 thru Gamefly.
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