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Alternative Names

ディシディア デュオデシム ファイナルファンタジー


Square Enix



Other Versions


Release Dates

03/22/11 Square Enix
03/03/11 Square Enix
03/25/11 Square Enix

Community Stats

Owners: 101
Favorite: 16
Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 18
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Dissidia 012: Duodecim Final Fantasy (PSP) > Opinions (49)

zedo0 posted 09/09/2012, 04:19
I personally love the hell outta this game.
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sensebringer posted 23/11/2011, 11:18
that coment was a mistake. I thought that was the search game database box.
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sensebringer posted 23/11/2011, 11:15
god of war
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Mordred11 posted 19/10/2011, 05:15
dissapointing sales.
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Iveyboi posted 14/07/2011, 03:46
Regret my purchase kind of. I expected a whole new game not a few chapters and the original dissidia. Should have done my due diligence I guess
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kanjitech18 posted 10/07/2011, 09:49
Wow...this hasn't done so well in the west...
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Mad55 posted 04/06/2011, 03:27
2PSwii60 exactly i was pretty dissapointed like wow 6 characters and 3 new levels wtf
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italo244 posted 21/05/2011, 09:13
With some legs, can still hit 1 mil by the end of the year
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PSwii60 posted 17/05/2011, 03:36
i don't know how or why SE would expect this to sell more than the first one; this one is practically a remake of the first one
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sbvgc2049 posted 23/04/2011, 08:14
Addicting play but chidish story though,where the hell are those decent stories like Tactics Ogre,FF2,FF4,FF6,FF7...
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RukiSama posted 17/04/2011, 12:38
750k ltd it's the best scenario I can see for the sales of this game
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Galvanizer posted 11/04/2011, 04:10
I really thought this would sell 1 million in Japan due to how much charcaters from FF were in it. It seems that FF is just not as popular an IP as it used to be. People care more about main series FF games than sequels and spin-offs.
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italo244 posted 09/04/2011, 03:32
@Galvanizer I think it can, maybe it can have some legs till 2011 end
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Galvanizer posted 09/04/2011, 08:29
Piracy has destoyed this games sales. I may not hit 1 million worldwide at this point.
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Wagram posted 07/04/2011, 03:29
Square banked on this one with no advertising. I seen TONS of commercials for the first one. Makes me sad.
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italo244 posted 07/04/2011, 03:03
still can hit 0.2 in americas and 0.08 in EMEAA... so... still can hit 0.90m
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Mr Puggsly posted 03/04/2011, 08:42
@ Galvanizer - You're ignoring the spin offs are mostly awful and western audienes aren't into handheld JRPGs like the east.. But this game can still break a million and the Kingdom Hearts games do as well. FF is plenty mainstream, but choice of platforms and lackluster games aren't appealing.
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arcane_chaos posted 03/04/2011, 07:08
damn...this flopped hard...I hope some damn legs
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Biddles posted 03/04/2011, 05:32
Its definitley mainstream. Its just nobody cares about this crap.
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Galvanizer posted 03/04/2011, 04:12
@Mr Puggsly No, FF isn't mainstream. The only one sthat sell are amin series FF games. Everything else doesn't crack a million in NA and EU. It's a series with loads of spin-offs but all of them sell like shit in NA and EU. It's only main series FF that sells and that shows the series is not mainstream.
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Mr Puggsly posted 02/04/2011, 07:47
@ Galvanizer - No, FF is definitely mainstream. FFXIII for example is a top selling game in the series. PSP games just don't sell well in the west anymore. Its bascially just become a niche console for fans of low budget Japanese games. Which is apparently the type of games Japan loves.
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outlawauron posted 01/04/2011, 11:49
There was hardly any advertising with this one, but they did get done very quickly. Take what you can I guess.
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Galvanizer posted 01/04/2011, 09:55
Massive flop in NA and EU. Square Enix couldn't have expected this to sell that well given how pirated the PSP actually is. Still, to open with less than 50,000 in NA and EU is a huge fail. FF just isn't mainstream anymore.
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Mr Puggsly posted 01/04/2011, 05:27
Ouch, way down from the original. If I was a developer I'd stick with RPGs on the PSP. Its the only genre that sells well on it.
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Biddles posted 01/04/2011, 04:53
The first game was crap why would anyone expect this to sell?
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darthdevidem01 posted 31/03/2011, 06:15
Massive flop. FF Type-0 is similarly doomed. My local bolckbusters and HMV don't even know they still make PSP games. And GAME and Gamestation have reduced PSP shelf space to a level where it can just be called insulting rather than "shelf space". This is "Gamecube end era all over again"
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darthdevidem01 posted 31/03/2011, 06:15
Massive flop. FF Type-0 is similarly doomed. My local bolckbusters and HMV don't even know they still make PSP games. And GAME and Gamestation have reduced PSP shelf space to a level where it can just be called insulting rather than "shelf space". This is "Gamecube end era all over again"
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italo244 posted 31/03/2011, 05:08
I think it still will hit 1m... but still will be 1/2 of the first Dissidia.
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Tridrakious posted 31/03/2011, 06:20
This game bombed. Damn shame.
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Boutros posted 31/03/2011, 03:25
Someone needs to be fired for that name. Wth were they thinking?
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ljlrj posted 28/03/2011, 04:58
dissidia drop this week :O
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darthdevidem01 posted 26/03/2011, 06:32
@kennyheart.... KH:BBS is still better...but I am only a bit of the way through it.
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darthdevidem01 posted 26/03/2011, 06:31
Game is FANTASTIC...made me like Vaan. Finished his scenario now. Pitiful sales for a title of this quality...but I;m not susprised...seriously NO-ONE cares about the PSP much anymore outside of online forums.
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Galvanizer posted 26/03/2011, 01:06
Vaan is so badass in this game!
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Kennyheart posted 25/03/2011, 11:53
My new favorite psp game.
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gustave154 posted 25/03/2011, 03:39
wow the game deserves more sales..
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darthdevidem01 posted 23/03/2011, 07:55
shame everyone I know has been praising the game to the heavens
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darthdevidem01 posted 23/03/2011, 07:55
Not even charted in NA pre-orders. Flop Of The Year confirmed.
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italo244 posted 19/03/2011, 12:51
Dissidia 1 sales was a lot higher than 012, at least on Japan
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Galvanizer posted 15/03/2011, 07:06
@oniyide Dissidia 012 is not the same as the first Dissidia. There are alot of additions which makes this a proper sequel (or prequel in story context). KHII sold more than KHI in Japan and that was a sequel with same gameplay but major additions. Why then has Dissidia 012 sold less? Further still, Square Enix shipped 500,000 copies for the first week and yet it only sold 290,000 of them which is like 60% of the shipment. It failed to live up to first week sales expectations in Japan.
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oniyide posted 14/03/2011, 11:06
@darthdevidemo1 stop comparing to different genres. its a fighting game that is essentially the same game as the one b4. SSF4 didnt sell as well as the regular SF4, is that a failure?? and the game hasnt even had a worldwide release. Lets wait and see before we call failure
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darthdevidem01 posted 14/03/2011, 12:24
@oniyide... stop doing damage control. Its a prequel so sales would be lower but not by 50%, MGS3 sold much less than MGS2, but not by 50%.
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oniyide posted 13/03/2011, 08:35
this is pretty much a Super Street Fighter 4 equivalent??? why would people think it would sell just as good or better than the original
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-girgosz- posted 12/03/2011, 04:29
This will have a hard time selling a million. Shame. :S
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-girgosz- posted 12/03/2011, 04:28
This will have a hard time selling a million. Shame. :S
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Galvanizer posted 11/03/2011, 05:54
It only sold 290,000 in its first week. For comparison, the original Dissidia sold 490,000 in its first week.
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Kazukis posted 08/03/2011, 09:16
...and I thought the first game was perfect... ^_^ Totally epic!!! ^^
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Galvanizer posted 12/02/2011, 07:12
Can't wait till I buy this!
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Kennyheart posted 14/12/2010, 10:58
2011 can't come soon enough.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (49)

1 282,992 n/a n/a 282,992
2 65,829 n/a n/a 65,829
3 30,982 n/a n/a 30,982
4 22,144 28,997 20,644 14,968 86,753
5 14,668 19,633 7,599 6,849 48,749
6 9,054 8,086 6,526 4,570 28,236
7 5,614 5,386 2,377 2,030 15,407
8 4,768 3,539 3,091 2,121 13,519
9 4,728 3,041 3,094 2,048 12,911
10 3,623 2,180 3,056 1,900 10,759
zedo0 posted 09/09/2012, 04:19
I personally love the hell outta this game.
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sensebringer posted 23/11/2011, 11:18
that coment was a mistake. I thought that was the search game database box.
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sensebringer posted 23/11/2011, 11:15
god of war
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Mordred11 posted 19/10/2011, 05:15
dissapointing sales.
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Iveyboi posted 14/07/2011, 03:46
Regret my purchase kind of. I expected a whole new game not a few chapters and the original dissidia. Should have done my due diligence I guess
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kanjitech18 posted 10/07/2011, 09:49
Wow...this hasn't done so well in the west...
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