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Bethesda Game Studios



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All, NS, PC, PS3

Release Dates

11/11/11 Bethesda Softworks
12/08/11 Bethesda Softworks
11/11/11 Bethesda Softworks

Community Stats

Owners: 211
Favorite: 39
Tracked: 12
Wishlist: 15
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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (X360) > Opinions (152)

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StreaK posted 03/09/2016, 10:03
I expect this game to sell another 10 million when the remaster on PS4/X1 comes out.
They will be perfect versions.
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StreaK posted 23/07/2016, 10:54
Uhh, it IS the best-selling rpg of all-time. It surely is not FFVII, which used to be. But that game only sold like 9-10 million copies on PS1. Skyrim has sold 20 million across 3 platforms (Xbox360, PS3 and PC)
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mongolianbob posted 29/12/2012, 06:50
an outstanding feat this game is amazing on the level of complete freedom of exploration only that compares is maybe GTA and minecraft in terms of freedom. Only complaints are the lack of any gear or item depth and the skill progression is funky and makes the game way too easy as you can have 1 character mastering everything which is a bore once you get past lvl 50. 9.7/10
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enrageorange posted 25/12/2012, 01:58
Will be above 7mil by the end of the year. It is very possible that it will pass 8mil lifetime. The legs of this game put most other hd games to shame considering this doesn't have any bundles that get counted towards sales.
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Ganoncrotch posted 07/09/2012, 03:57
aye Iveyboi, ever since the original xbox had a really nice port of morrowwind on it the xbox has had a fair bit of Elder scrolls love, ontop of that you have the DLC being released first for the 360.... then a month or 2 later on the pc and now it looks like not at all on the ps3. so yeah good reason to own this on the 360.
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Iveyboi posted 01/08/2012, 02:13
Wow didn't realize how much this sold on
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tomashart234 posted 21/07/2012, 08:30
@ Slimebeast Square enix would like a word with you
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Slimebeast posted 20/07/2012, 08:43
Congrats, Bethesda now has the best selling RPG of all time.
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Mr Puggsly posted 17/07/2012, 11:33
Wow, over 6 million and its only been on the market for about 8 months. Maybe this will do 8 million lifetime.
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Iveyboi posted 04/07/2012, 03:08
@Jonoridge: Well said. For everyone else; there are a number of factors to consider: 1) The gaming landscape has changed. Gaming is much more mainstream then when FF7 was released on the PS1. THis has increased sales of games all around (just look at the sales of the Top IPs this gen versus past generations). 2) Digital sales of FF& has been tremendous; the game is ALWAYS the top selling PSN game (except for when Festival of Blood & Journey was released). With digital sales FF7 is easily over 11M.
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Jonoridge posted 03/06/2012, 03:56
Why are some people comparing the sales of this to Final Fantasy VII? Different times and different consoles.
Someone said this is the best selling Adventure game of all time. If I'm right in assuming you mean RPG then check Pokemon.
Also Final Fantasy VII made the majority of it's sales on one platform, the PS1. I was around back then and console gamers generally didn't care for RPGs yet Final Fantasy VII changed this and pushed RPGs into the mainstream. Think it sold over 9 million on the PS1 so that's one platform which is amazing and created a market for RPGs on consoles. Running around boasting that Skyrim sales are going to be or are better than Final Fantasy VII just sounds childish to me. It's great for the RPG genre is they are higher but making a mockery of a RPG that made it possible that RPGs even have a market on consoles is laughable. You'd be playing Skyrim on PC only right now if it weren't for franchises like Final Fantasy setting the standard.

Either way the sales are great on this long may it continue especially with the expansion pack coming out soon.
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ManciuD posted 29/05/2012, 09:56
Bethesda Game Studios has the chance to make this the next call of duty
if they promote elder scrolls as a console game(like gta,cod,,halo etc) it has a big chance of becoming a 10 mil seller xbox only(maybe even ps3)
if they release this year another elder scrolls then it would easely outbest skyrim in terms of sales
next year people would maybe get tired of elder scrolls and thats just the time to realease fallout 4 another blockbuster to be game
etc etc

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Matt_182 posted 08/05/2012, 03:11
I was really enjoying this game up until it glitched and wouldn't allow me to continue the main quest. That ruined the whole experience for me.
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ManciuD posted 24/03/2012, 02:21
5.65 mil?
very good sales

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piggychan posted 21/03/2012, 05:13
those sales for a western RPG.. amazing..
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iceolate posted 14/03/2012, 05:02
This game is like an annoying but extremely hot girlfriend. Very fun to play but is very glitched.
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enrageorange posted 14/03/2012, 07:53
okay chickenmoshpit, i apologize, either way this will end up selling over 12mil on ps3/360 alone. Which Final Fantasy 7 wouldn't have achieved even if released on the nintendo 64 as well. I made a wrong statement, but regardless fact is this game is more popular than any final fantasy period.
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chickenmoshpit posted 11/03/2012, 07:59

dude, do you know wtf are you talking about? check your facts first.
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VXIII posted 11/03/2012, 01:27
FF7 is on PS1 not PS2. Anyways, undeniably great sales for Skyrim. I'm going to get my copy soon ^^
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enrageorange posted 09/03/2012, 08:53
You do realize the ps2 sold 150mil units while no console will get close to that this gen. Had FF7 been on the xbox and gamecube as well, it wouldn't have sold more than 1mil on either of those platforms... How about this. Xbox360+PS3 combined are less than ps2 sales, and yet skyrim xbox+ps3 is going to pass FF7 very soon.
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chickenmoshpit posted 03/03/2012, 05:41
@Kai Master

lol you're comparing the sales on 3 platforms as opposed to only 1. of course skyrims gonna win. i bet if FF7 is on 3 platforms too it would have easily sold more than at least 16M.

come back to me when skyrim actually manage to reach 9.7M on a single platform.
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vic_viper posted 10/02/2012, 09:57
@Kai Master: Try Pokemon.
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man-bear-pig posted 05/02/2012, 02:04
Good to see it still selling well after the holidays! Although ive lost interest in it myself...
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yo_john117 posted 24/01/2012, 04:00
Here's hoping that it can cross 7-8 million lifetime. Definitely one of the greats of all time.
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Reebokanonymous posted 21/01/2012, 07:54
@Kai Master Don't forget the fact that digital distribution has not been accounted for in that total. It's way over 10m now.
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Kai Master posted 21/01/2012, 12:33
9.85m 360+PS3+PC : just passed FF7's 9.72m and becomes the best selling adventure game ever ! ^^
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Mordred11 posted 20/01/2012, 05:48
Sold almost identically with the PS3 version this week.
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enrageorange posted 20/01/2012, 05:30
30k behind battlefield 3. Should pass it in 1-2weeks and pass gears 3 in 3weeks max. Really interested to see the sales this game reaches.
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Mordred11 posted 13/01/2012, 11:10
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Mordred11 posted 12/01/2012, 05:41
5M this week,after global #'s are up?
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Marks posted 04/01/2012, 03:29
Already 1.1 million ahead of Oblivion. This game deserves every sale it gets.
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Seece posted 02/01/2012, 10:43
8m lifetime?
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Mordred11 posted 31/12/2011, 09:21
From what I'm reading around the web,it's because it went back to full retail price in the UK
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Mordred11 posted 31/12/2011, 07:35
why the decline in europe?!
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Roar_Of_War posted 31/12/2011, 03:26
Such a beast, even though it declined in Europe a little.
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D-Joe posted 25/12/2011, 07:05
well in Japan it out stock in amazon japan right now(restock at 12/31)
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enrageorange posted 23/12/2011, 08:00
Very good hold for a 360 game in Japan nowadays XD.
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VGKing posted 23/12/2011, 06:49
Damn. Not my type of game but this is as western as an RPG can get. Western game + Xbox 360 = $$$$
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piggychan posted 22/12/2011, 01:28
will this reach the best final fantasy sales figures ??
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Mordred11 posted 21/12/2011, 11:12
This version will end up doubling Oblivion(360)'s numbers.
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man-bear-pig posted 21/12/2011, 08:54
Over 600k worldwide this week!
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Mordred11 posted 21/12/2011, 08:16
Millenium the game will sit at around 4.15M after the numbers are updated.And then we have the biggest week of the year,it should be between 4.65-4.75 after that.And then the last week of the year,which should bring some respectable numbers and possibly enough to hit the 5M mark.
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Millenium posted 21/12/2011, 08:36
4.5M seems more likely Mordred11, I'd like to be proven wrong though, if they fix all of the bugs, this game should be great for a lot of players!
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dsage01 posted 20/12/2011, 10:08
Sales are really fantastic even more so for one of the buggiest games of all time. The game itself is great but the amount of bugs ruin it
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enrageorange posted 20/12/2011, 04:08
could do 600k this week and pass battlefield 3(360) next week. People have gone crazy for skyrim!
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Mordred11 posted 20/12/2011, 11:04
Guys,this version might reach 5M this year alone :-O.
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Mordred11 posted 20/12/2011, 11:00
awesome 6th week in the US!
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Zucas posted 20/12/2011, 08:36
Finally finished the main quests in this game, and just like Oblivion, the story is not that great haha. But, like Oblivion as well, the game makes up for it on about everything else haha. Great and varied sidequests and currently doing the many factions quests. Fantastic game. If ya haven't picked it up yet, then I suggest you reward yourself this Christmas with this gem.
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man-bear-pig posted 17/12/2011, 11:38
1,025,000 across all platforms this week! :O
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usrevenge posted 17/12/2011, 05:49
Skyrim? more like SkyWIN they deserve each sale, and it will go up when the GOTY edition comes out!
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acdcste posted 17/12/2011, 12:32
Nice to see this pass the 3.5m mark. Guess the price drop helped it a little.
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enrageorange posted 17/12/2011, 01:06
and its ahead of oblivion. Next week fable 2 and 3.
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lordmandeep posted 16/12/2011, 02:17
This will be bigger than FF7 overall, massive sales...
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Mordred11 posted 16/12/2011, 10:23
510k globally this week,very nice.
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nilli posted 16/12/2011, 05:52
LOL @ Steam. Who gives a crap. Steam sales suck. Show me how many times it got downloaded through steam. If witcher 2 got only 250K through all the digital channels Skyrim ain't doing much better. Digital sales are hihgly exaggarated. If those would be high as hell wouldn't they announce the sales instead of just this "fastest selling blaa blaa". When they finally do announce we hear the Witcher 2 numbers :D
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yahoocomReborn posted 16/12/2011, 02:56
Now, Skyrim is shipped 10 million copies worldwide in retail alone and set the steam reord for the fastest selling game in Steam's history
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yahoocomReborn posted 16/12/2011, 12:48
No, after Dec 10, Syrim will reach at least 6.7 million copies across 360, PS3 and PC (excludes digital sales of couse)... It surely will exceed 8 million copies in retail alone before 2012
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mrstickball posted 15/12/2011, 11:01
yahoo - I don't think it'll go that high. Probably closer to 7m.
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yahoocomReborn posted 15/12/2011, 06:26
So actually, Skyrim will sell over 8 million copies across 3 platforms before the end of 2011?
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yahoocomReborn posted 15/12/2011, 06:15
Basically, this game sold 900,000 copies word wide last week
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Mordred11 posted 15/12/2011, 12:45
This will become the highest selling RPG across the HD consoles
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enrageorange posted 14/12/2011, 10:32
when world wide sales get added this week, this game will outsell oblivion, in 5weeks. Its also outpacing gears of war 2...
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man-bear-pig posted 14/12/2011, 02:48
hopefully these sales make appesda (or whatever they're called)get to work on shitloads of dlc and dont leave 5 years until the next elder scrolls installment.
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yahoocomReborn posted 14/12/2011, 01:40
life time sales on XBOX360: 6.5 million at least, Mark my words
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yahoocomReborn posted 14/12/2011, 12:47
man-bear-pig, GAME also said Skyrim beats Modern warfare 3 in the bestselling chartz
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yahoocomReborn posted 14/12/2011, 12:46
On Amercian eb games SKyrim XBOX360 version also dominates Modern warfare 3 both versions
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yahoocomReborn posted 14/12/2011, 12:45
Yeah, Skyrim beats Modern warfare 3 in UK this week
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miqdadi posted 14/12/2011, 09:51
I think it will end up to be the best selling RPG on consoles this generation
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man-bear-pig posted 13/12/2011, 10:06
wow at the uk numbers this week. i suspect a large portion of these sales came from gamestation where it was £23 this week
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enrageorange posted 13/12/2011, 05:20
last week it was 300k and its up 45k in the US and 60k in the UK. It could do over 500k this week.
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Mordred11 posted 13/12/2011, 02:17
Looks like it will rise significantly in Europe as well! over 300k week.
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Mordred11 posted 13/12/2011, 01:47
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yahoocomReborn posted 13/12/2011, 12:39
the only game overtracked is Uncharted 3
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yahoocomReborn posted 13/12/2011, 12:31
NPD:Skyrim Already Approaching Lifetime Sales of Oblivion
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yahoocomReborn posted 13/12/2011, 12:30
Oblivion sold 500,000 copies in March 2006, USA alone. if it's opened 5 fold over oblivion, It's at least 2.5 million in November USA.
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yahoocomReborn posted 13/12/2011, 12:29
According to NPD, Oblivion sold 500,000 copies in March 2006, USA alone. if it'it opened 5 fold over oblivion, It's at least 2.5 million in USA... Anyway, the only game overtracked is Uncharted 3
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enrageorange posted 12/12/2011, 10:05
lololol dsage you are always hating on 360 multiplatform games that sell well. NPD said it opened 5fold over oblivion. Which sold 350k on the 360 and an unknown amount on the PC. So it could very well be undertracked in America.
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dsage01 posted 12/12/2011, 12:24
lololol Yahoocom you've always been hated on PS3 and its exclusives and you still are. Skyrim sold much more than Uncharted there's no denying that but that doesn't make Uncharted overtrakced does it? Infact UC3 has prooved to be under tracked according to Sony's article. Ethomaz even made a thread about it.
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yahoocomReborn posted 11/12/2011, 12:57
SKyrim won VGA 2011
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yahoocomReborn posted 10/12/2011, 11:22
also, Skyrim only sold 15 days in Nov, unlike Uncharted 3 sold like 26 days
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yahoocomReborn posted 10/12/2011, 11:21
Kai Master, Skyrim will sell over 7 million copies before the end of 2011 excludes the digital sales....Also don't forget the future expansion packs push and Game of the year edition's second purchases.. SKyrim's expansion packs will be huge, like shivering isles and Bloodmoon
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yahoocomReborn posted 10/12/2011, 11:19
the only game overtracted is Uncharted 3
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yahoocomReborn posted 10/12/2011, 11:18
Over tracted my ass, the only game overtracted is Uncharted 3
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yahoocomReborn posted 10/12/2011, 11:18
No, it's not overtracted.. The game is 5 times more than Oblivion according to NPD; Oblivion sold over 500,000 copies during the first month (Xbox360+ PC), so Skyrim should be over 2.5 million copies in USA, which is quite close..Over tracted my ass, the only game overtracted is Uncharted 3
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dsage01 posted 10/12/2011, 10:12
overtracked according to NPD... (both versions)
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Billmaster17 posted 10/12/2011, 03:56
I have 3 glitched quests for this game. i hope they have an update soon
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Kai Master posted 10/12/2011, 02:51
The game was shipped at 7m copies, you really think it could reach 12m units woldwide ? I only hope it beats FF7's 9.72m, more would be the cherry on the cake.
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Shadowfest3 posted 10/12/2011, 12:50
I'm not much of a fan of RPG's but for some reason I love this game!!
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piggychan posted 10/12/2011, 12:33
very ingenious Bethesda next year 2012 is the chinese year of the dragon XD
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Mordred11 posted 10/12/2011, 09:10
6M on the 360 only would be a huge success.
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yahoocomReborn posted 10/12/2011, 04:39
Double purchase for Game of the year Edition
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yahoocomReborn posted 10/12/2011, 12:53
Skyrim will sell 12 million copies on Xbox360, PC and PS3...Now the only things I want are high quality expansion packs for SKyrim
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mrstickball posted 09/12/2011, 06:25
If it trends similar to Fallout 3, it should sell between 5.5 and 6 million copies. Very well deserved. There is a future for RPGs on consoles!
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Mordred11 posted 09/12/2011, 12:36
AMAZING numbers so far!
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yahoocomReborn posted 09/12/2011, 10:51
Legs are good
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yahoocomReborn posted 08/12/2011, 08:36
Exceed 3 million copies now
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Kanemaru posted 08/12/2011, 10:51
mortal kombat
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yahoocomReborn posted 08/12/2011, 09:58
This version will outsell Assassin creed 2
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yahoocomReborn posted 08/12/2011, 09:57
This version will outsell Assassin creed 2
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IxisNaugus posted 08/12/2011, 03:55
Gamestation had this game on deal of the day yesterday, with the price slashed by half. Had to pick it up, what a bargain.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (152)

1 n/a 1,120,360 432,275 270,128 1,822,763
2 n/a 286,626 181,227 86,288 554,141
3 n/a 230,070 110,494 61,236 401,800
4 n/a 133,226 103,788 45,097 282,111
5 37,741 174,936 198,374 73,168 484,219
6 9,353 243,940 194,779 82,943 531,015
7 5,515 329,946 133,511 81,476 550,448
8 2,386 131,248 72,699 30,475 236,808
9 2,167 59,021 29,673 13,253 104,114
10 1,138 48,178 19,368 10,093 78,777
StreaK posted 03/09/2016, 10:03
I expect this game to sell another 10 million when the remaster on PS4/X1 comes out.
They will be perfect versions.
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StreaK posted 23/07/2016, 10:54
Uhh, it IS the best-selling rpg of all-time. It surely is not FFVII, which used to be. But that game only sold like 9-10 million copies on PS1. Skyrim has sold 20 million across 3 platforms (Xbox360, PS3 and PC)
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mongolianbob posted 29/12/2012, 06:50
an outstanding feat this game is amazing on the level of complete freedom of exploration only that compares is maybe GTA and minecraft in terms of freedom. Only complaints are the lack of any gear or item depth and the skill progression is funky and makes the game way too easy as you can have 1 character mastering everything which is a bore once you get past lvl 50. 9.7/10
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enrageorange posted 25/12/2012, 01:58
Will be above 7mil by the end of the year. It is very possible that it will pass 8mil lifetime. The legs of this game put most other hd games to shame considering this doesn't have any bundles that get counted towards sales.
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Ganoncrotch posted 07/09/2012, 03:57
aye Iveyboi, ever since the original xbox had a really nice port of morrowwind on it the xbox has had a fair bit of Elder scrolls love, ontop of that you have the DLC being released first for the 360.... then a month or 2 later on the pc and now it looks like not at all on the ps3. so yeah good reason to own this on the 360.
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Iveyboi posted 01/08/2012, 02:13
Wow didn't realize how much this sold on
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