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10/13/11 Ubisoft
(Add Date)
10/14/11 Ubisoft

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Might & Magic Heroes VI (PC) > Opinions (49)

luisliu posted 17/02/2012, 01:55
Heroes VI is a huge disappointment on my part. Strategic aspects that used to define Heroes are now so simplified that I consider it an insult towards HoMM series. Maybe that's why it's now called MMH. Identical character development trees show that this game lacks too much in strategical design department and guarantee that we'll never see unique heroes like the ones in HOMMIII and HOMMV. I think that the game is ironically a waste of money for a Heroes fan like me. New generation King's Bounty games put this one to shame.
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zuvuyeay posted 08/02/2012, 08:05
i bought it a few weeks ago,i love tbs battlefields,i haven't played a pc game of heroes before though,i'm enjoying it,"I AM THE DUKE NOW "
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naruball posted 21/01/2012, 01:44
I know I will. It's my favourite franchise and I'd love to see a Heroes VII or at least an expansion for VI.
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nilli posted 23/11/2011, 10:07
Oh many pc gamers gave a crap but like every other game they got it for free.
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Noodlefighter posted 15/11/2011, 05:07
After heroes 3 I don't think many PC gamer will give a crap that it's the last game
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Calm101 posted 14/11/2011, 02:35
Strategy games are PC games reserved for people who truly appreciate games of quality. If i was the developer of this game, i would be happy that the people who bought it actually appreciated it, even if the sales are less than many games. I think this is a concept you and many others don't understand, but given how you act at your age, i think you'll never really understand anything gaming, let alone life..
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clos posted 13/11/2011, 10:08
hahaha, my god are you so bad. You had something but i guess your primitive barin coudlnt take it. You cant argue anymore. Also, ya sorry, but they have said already heroes 7 is coming and a major update for 6 as well thatwill change the game a lot. Sorry man, you have nothing else. Go back to your pixelated box.
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nilli posted 13/11/2011, 05:34
Hehehe VAlve said that L4d sold better on consoles. But who cares. When they are lying about the portal 2 sales they are just promoting their hacked steam service :D This will be the last heroes game. Nice one. Shows how good the pc sales are :D Oh jeah and ALL THOSE DEVELOPERS YOU LISTED USED TO BE PC EXCLUSIVE! NO THEY ARE FOCUSING HEAVILY ON CONSOLES. HAHAHAHAH PC GAMING IS DONE!
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clos posted 10/11/2011, 01:01
along with valve saying portal 2 did better on pc, half life selling millions, as wel as l4d along with every single valve game...dice, cd projekt, bethesda, all of these devs are happy with their pc sales, so are we. now go troll your mothers vagina
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clos posted 10/11/2011, 01:00
and whats your argument nilli? that pc gaming is dead? where the proff when all we are getting in the last couple of years are all those triple a titles you consoles get along with some greatly reviewed exclusives? you have no proff of pc gaming dying, in fact, its the complete opposite, its getting better. Developers are even going ot origin now, and using steamworks as their stndard, you should know you play on steam. nice try man, go educate yourself
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cars298 posted 10/11/2011, 10:56
hard game
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nilli posted 07/11/2011, 07:08
So your proof that pc gaming is doing better than ever is the fact that there are servers for those games? Yet you diss my piracy point of view. You do understand that it is impossible to play on those servers without a legimate copy? Oh and the fact that counterstrike is still alive and most played game on steam year after year just shows you how muc the pc gamers are contributing to the marked. They are not buying new games they are still playing counterstrike :D The dindling sales numbers show this. Pc gamers pirate everything or play 10 year old games still in their mothers basement with their 10 year old pc's. Or most of the people who have jobs and make money don't want to waste their time still sitting in front of a pc at home. They buy consoles and games and are 100% sure that the game works and don't have to stare at their monitors and play with M&K like a retard.
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clos posted 06/11/2011, 03:18
so sad to think that nilli really believes this...i mean, day after day theres just more proof that pc gaming isnt dead and he keeps on trolling. Just because he and his down syndrome friends left pc, which is good, dont mean everyone did. Its also funny how he says less people play when bf2 still has full servers, as well as bad company 2 and now bf3. Hell man, even counter strike has full servers. Keep tryning nilli, you lost this arguement a LONG time ago and you have nothing else to use but your strawman argument of piracy. Keep trying my nigga.
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nilli posted 03/11/2011, 07:19
I failed because most of the gamers have abandoned pc gaming. Just like me and everybody i know. We used to play Battlefield 2 about 5 years. Nowadays less and less people play on pc. It is also funny how every single time you people find some excuse why the pc sold less than consoles.
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zingerman posted 03/11/2011, 06:04
True, gta 4 was a shitty port, but even with that it was the superior version, not to mention the mods. :) I didn't say it sold because of the graphics, I said it was the selling point, learn the difference. And if you checked the forums at the time BF3 was first showcased, the vetarans of the series a.k.a PC gamers quickly realised it was gonna be a console game: xp treadmill, regenerating life, no mods etc, and the only thing they focused on PC was the graphics. And it ended up disappointing many PC, that's why it failed, as you say, on PC. Maybe when they will truly focus on PC, we can expect big numbers, but a shallow console game wrapped in PC graphics ain't enough, unlike for console gamers like you :P
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nilli posted 03/11/2011, 07:10
Yep im sure they make GTA 5 for pc. Make just as shitty port as from GTA IV and atleast six months later BUHAHAHAHAH! BF3 sold less on pc than either of the consoles. Oh and abou Zingerman saying that BF3 sold because of graphics LOL STFU IDIOT! Pc players are idiots they always buy in to the publisher bullshit when they say how they focused on pc. They are not focusing on pc they make the games on console terms that is the cold fact.
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clos posted 02/11/2011, 09:33
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zingerman posted 02/11/2011, 07:36
Again, with the exclusive talk. If you haven't noticed yet, this generation is not about exclusives, it's all multiplatform, that era is over, games are getting too expensive to develop for one platfrom and the only ones that do are first party console devs and even then there are very few of them, all the best games are multiplatform now. I'd rather not get to play 2-3 worthwhile console exclusives every year than buy a console. It's just stupid.
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zingerman posted 02/11/2011, 07:30
If you call best selling EA game ever a failure, well then, there's nothing left to say to you. Besides, EA's intention clearly wasn't more sales on PC, it was to get more people to use origin, they knew they are going to lose a whole bunch of money by not releasing it on Steam, but they accepted the risks. If they wanted to maximize sales and not force people to start using origin, they would have released it on steam. Also, if not for the PC marketing, BF3 would have never even come close to 5 mil so fast, because frankly, the game's selling point was the graphics and console gamers fell for it, even though they probably realised that it would look like shit compared to PC version. It as clever marketing by EA and they knew it way before.
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nilli posted 02/11/2011, 02:15
Oh and Battlefield 3 is absolutely failure on pc! They put in all the time and effort to make the pc lead platform and it sold less than either of the consoles. Just think how much more it would have sold if they would have put that effort to console development.
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nilli posted 02/11/2011, 02:12
BF3 is basically a multiplayer game so impossible to pirate. Battlefield 2 was a pc exclsive years ago. Now they make the third one and the pc version sells even less than the ps3 version. Not to mention 360 version that smoked the pc version. Pc gets maybe 1 great exclusive a year that is it. SC2 was last and diablo 3 will be the next. NOTHING else is even worth mentioning or they release it on consoles also.
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zingerman posted 02/11/2011, 12:57
As far as exclusives go, PC is an open platform, we don't have a daddy who buys out devs, make deals with them just to release a game exclusively on one platform, that hurts gamers, but not console enterprises, even with that, PC gets plenty of great exclusives every year, compare that to 2-3 worthwhile x360 and ps3 exclusives and you get a nice picture.
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zingerman posted 02/11/2011, 12:47
Says PC gamers don't pay for games - calls 1,5 mil BF3 sold on PC a fail. nilli - bitter and sad.
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nilli posted 02/11/2011, 06:57
Oh i have a gaming pc. I have finished witcher 2 and starcraft 2. Pretty much the only exclusives wort mentionin on pc in years. Oh jeah right Witcher 2 is coming to 360. I have a front seat ticket to see how pc gaming is going down the drain. No matter what bullshit they are saying about Farcry 3 they are making it a console game. You know this to be true. If pc gamers would actually pay for the games then the devs would probably treat the platform a little different.
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DakonBlackblade posted 02/11/2011, 03:43
I expected this gaem to be better, it was good anywhay but not as good as I hopped. I also expected it to sell better but I guess PC number cant be trusted here so it probably did sell better.
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zingerman posted 01/11/2011, 10:49
Oh, and as far as Far Cry 3 goes, devs are focusing on PC and porting over to consoles. That's something to keep in mind.
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zingerman posted 01/11/2011, 10:45
i love how nilli considers himself a hardcore gamers when he only has a console. Srsly, the irony is so amusing :D
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clos posted 01/11/2011, 06:28
haha nobody talking abot excslucives here my nigga, point is pc gaming isnt dead, we still get all triple A titles. So thats it, nilli is odne, he has no more arguments besides "console ports". All these games, developers have already said they arent console ports. Batman will be definitive version with physx and better graphics, thq already said saints row wont be a console port, gearbox said borderlands 2 pc will receive special treatment, so will far cry 3 and darkness 2 will come with darkness 1 on pc. So nilli, you really have no more arguments besides yuor strawman argument of pc gaming is dead, but in reality, it is far from dead when developers are reeleasing all triple a titles with pc specific features in mind. Sorry dude, go try somewhere else, you lost here a long time ago.
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nilli posted 01/11/2011, 07:04
All those games you listed are created on consoles terms. Not the pc. PC will get the shitty port and you can pray that it runs like it suppose to on your crappy pc. Only reason you even get the ports is because 360 development is so close to pc development. Oh and about the exclusives. Consoles still gets several exclusives worth mentioning. Unlike every pc exclusive developer are moving to consoles if possible. If they don't these are the sales numbers they see....
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clos posted 01/11/2011, 12:03
yo nilli, skyrim, saints row the third, max payne, la noire, the darkness 2 (darkness 1 with pre order) borderlands 2 (pc treat) bioschock infinite mass effect 3 dragon age 3 swtor syndicate batman lors of the rings war in the north, far cry 3, my god...i can keep ging with all the pc titles coming. Shit if pc gaming was dead, then why would they bother releasing all these games on pc my nigga! small brain obvious small brain
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clos posted 31/10/2011, 03:51
bahahaha...nilli, my god.what has happened to you and your strawman argument? you are so bad at it now. You really have no more arguments besides that? by all mean,s you could be a fat loser who sweats his ass off playing COD cause its so hardcore and emotional for you. Knife and gun, run like a lil bitch. Please my nigga, keep trying. Go read some stuff then come back when you have a good argument. PC GAMING IS HERE TO STAY BABY! console exclusives are less relevant and almost non existent now. Go back to playing your deadbox.
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nilli posted 31/10/2011, 07:10
You think I read my wall. Didn't even know i had one before. This game shows you how pc gaming is dying. Hardcore pc players have left the platform. It is infested with these teenagers who live in their mothers basement and don't have money so they beg for a pc and then pirate every game.
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clos posted 30/10/2011, 01:59
nilli is so dumb. Hes a pc fanboy. Yo nilli! what up son! u think u can get me banned so easily? haha imma continue spamming your wall with your videos! also, dont forget that beta for this game had over 100k players, and in order to get into beta you had to pre order the game, so now, tlel me, if 70k ppl cancelled their pre orders after beta, then shit, but that wasnt the case, cause beta phase 2 brought in more ppl! what you have to say now nilli? the secret pc lover and vgz charts worshipper cause he doesnt know digital sales exist.! now imma go spam on ur wall a lil more!
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zingerman posted 28/10/2011, 10:33
nilli, ur getting boring, you used to come up with better stuff, now you're repeating yourself :(
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nilli posted 28/10/2011, 11:25
You have any numbers how much a game has to sell to get "really high" in the charts in Germany. LOL! The game sold like utter shit just face it and STFU. I predict this will be the last Heroes game.
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MichiGen posted 28/10/2011, 10:15
LOL why there is no way? I really must explain you this? It sold 3,5k in first 3days in very, very small czech market, do you think that it sold onli 1165 units in the rest of the much bigger Europe Mid East Africa Asia ?? The game is really high in germany chart, which is much bigger market than czech market and europe has many countries. There is no doubt that at least EMEAA is very undertracked at vgchartz. This is just ridicullous. They should track it well, or don't track it at all.
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zingerman posted 28/10/2011, 08:50
you take some 3rd party resource gathering that doesn't even include DD as a proof of this game failing in sales. Good job, as always. I also love how you fail to aknowledge that many of these games tend to fill a niche market, in which case, the sales are most probably gonna be not in the millions. There hasn't been any proof of PC gamin's end in the history of gaming, so when the information emerges, give us a call, aigh't?
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nilli posted 27/10/2011, 06:18
Why is there no way? Please do tell me. You have no freaking idea how much it sold. But what is a fact is that it sold like utter shit in america. PC gaming is done this is just another proof of it.
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MichiGen posted 26/10/2011, 08:14
LOL this is biggest bullsh*t ever and it just shows how bad is vgchartz in tracking sales. 6 days ago it was announced by czech publisher that this game is incredibly successfull and it sold 3500 units in very small czech market in first 3 days ! So, no way it sold only 4665 units in the whole EMEAA in first week LOL !
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nilli posted 24/10/2011, 07:01
Buhahahah These sales numbers are horrendous! :D
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KillerMan posted 23/10/2011, 12:16
Charted in top-3 in germany and sold under 5k copies in EMEAA...all right
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yahoocom1984 posted 22/10/2011, 03:09
Most of PS3 exclusives were selling shitty by the way, look at you fags' socom 4 resistance 3, motorstor, Mag those shit
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yahoocom1984 posted 22/10/2011, 03:06
By the way, every PC title thouched by consoles are dumbing down.. Most of people here are not gamers, rather consoles fanboys
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yahoocom1984 posted 22/10/2011, 03:05
nilli, what a fag, if Might and magic Heros released on consoles, no one will play it, because most console focused gamers don't like to use brain, that's why RTS genre was selling so shitty on TV consoles, look at red alert 3 consoles versions
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invetedlotus123 posted 22/10/2011, 02:21
PC gaming is now MMO's and stuff like that.
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zingerman posted 21/10/2011, 03:50
lol nice post as always, sadly, Might and Magic dropped in quality because the studio who owned the devs went bankrupt(3DO, you know, the one who made consoles at first :D), so ubisoft took the license. Also, lol, MTG, what the fuck you talking aboot :D? Again, you fail at logic, why make a game, waste precious resources to produce a crappy game for PC that they know no one will buy? Cmon, use them brains more, I imagine it's hard for you. Even steam didn't promote much of the game and your talking about marketing ;). I like how you scream in insecurity about PC dyeing, but this is the time PC gaming is on the rise, more on more indies are finding their ways in this platform, more devs find the f2p model very profitable, even the Japanese devs have never released so many games on PC before, hell, the new tekken in coming to PC, a fighting game, on PC, (cool huh? :)), I guess SF4 turned out to be a succes on PC too. You can wait for PC to decline all your life, but sadly, with how well the things are going, you will never see than in your pathetic little life. Peace out. :)
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nilli posted 21/10/2011, 07:29
No marketin :D I can see aad on top of this wall. LOL! You are full of shit. This game shows exactly that people are not buying pc games anymore because those are free on torrent sites and most of the gamers could not give less about pc gaming. You are a little cry baby arent you? This is so big in europe! The sales don't matter waaaawaaa mommyyyyy. The sales do matter because without them you will not see developers focusin on pc. Just like you are seeing more and more with each passing year. Pc is an after thought.. Why do you think that the quality of the pc games are dropping? Because ubisoft etc are moving developers away from pc development. They know they cant support a hundred person team to produce Magic the gathering for example because they would NEVER get their money back. Still they are not abandoning the series because there are still some suckers that actually pay for it. But the day will come when they throw in the towel and I bet this game is the last of the series. Just wait for the absolutely horrendous sales.
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zingerman posted 20/10/2011, 09:38
because sales make games better :D what a typical consolefag are you. Also, quick notes: these are retail sales, only in americas, the franchise is huge in europe, especially in eastern part of it, it had a relatively low budget, it wasn't hyped, it had no marketing, and it's published by ubisoft, need I say more :P?You seem to miss some key elements in gaming business - the sales don't have to be in the hundreds of thousands when then budget isn't 50 mil, but I guess that's too hard for you to comprehend. The worst part is, the piracy for this game was so poor it's not even funny :( Also, if I remember correctly, since part III the series plummeted in quality, yet we still see heroes games release on PC exclusively, I wonder why.
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nilli posted 19/10/2011, 12:39
Another dying series on pc. This will definately be their last game on pc. Only way this ever get sequel is if the next release will be console focused. The paying audience is not on pc anymore. Shit sales for this game and massive piracy numbers. Pc gaming is done.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (49)

1 n/a 13,634 3,735 2,971 20,340
2 n/a 8,939 12,596 4,485 26,020
3 n/a 9,542 12,690 6,125 28,357
4 n/a 7,161 13,185 5,955 26,301
5 n/a 3,723 7,106 3,210 14,039
6 n/a 2,331 5,589 2,460 10,380
7 n/a 3,017 3,808 1,878 8,703
8 n/a 2,011 6,320 2,731 11,062
9 n/a 2,017 8,981 3,776 14,774
10 n/a 1,969 8,775 3,654 14,398
luisliu posted 17/02/2012, 01:55
Heroes VI is a huge disappointment on my part. Strategic aspects that used to define Heroes are now so simplified that I consider it an insult towards HoMM series. Maybe that's why it's now called MMH. Identical character development trees show that this game lacks too much in strategical design department and guarantee that we'll never see unique heroes like the ones in HOMMIII and HOMMV. I think that the game is ironically a waste of money for a Heroes fan like me. New generation King's Bounty games put this one to shame.
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zuvuyeay posted 08/02/2012, 08:05
i bought it a few weeks ago,i love tbs battlefields,i haven't played a pc game of heroes before though,i'm enjoying it,"I AM THE DUKE NOW "
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naruball posted 21/01/2012, 01:44
I know I will. It's my favourite franchise and I'd love to see a Heroes VII or at least an expansion for VI.
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nilli posted 23/11/2011, 10:07
Oh many pc gamers gave a crap but like every other game they got it for free.
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Noodlefighter posted 15/11/2011, 05:07
After heroes 3 I don't think many PC gamer will give a crap that it's the last game
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Calm101 posted 14/11/2011, 02:35
Strategy games are PC games reserved for people who truly appreciate games of quality. If i was the developer of this game, i would be happy that the people who bought it actually appreciated it, even if the sales are less than many games. I think this is a concept you and many others don't understand, but given how you act at your age, i think you'll never really understand anything gaming, let alone life..
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