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Alternative Names

ファイナルファンタジー XIII-2


Square Enix



Other Versions

All, PC, PS3

Release Dates

01/31/12 Square Enix
12/15/11 Square Enix
02/03/12 Square Enix

Community Stats

Owners: 49
Favorite: 3
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 5
Now Playing: 6

Avg Community Rating:


Final Fantasy XIII-2 (X360) > Opinions (53)

oniyide posted 28/07/2014, 04:52
I'm willing ot be that MS put up alot of money to keep these games on their system. They dont really care aobut the series perse but having this on the Xbox takes a weapon away from their competitors. They arent expanding anything lets get real. Combined sales of FF13 proper is still less than 7,8 and 10. and this has done even worse.
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T.Rexington posted 23/01/2014, 02:08
Only really sold 70,000? They sold double within the first month of the US release. As far as an exact number, none of us know that type of data unless the publisher releases it. VgChartz doesn't have access to that type of information, so none of us will know. This idea however that this game was a bust is a bit ridiculous in my opinion. If this game was really unprofitable on the 360, does anyone here honestly thinks that Lightning Returns would be on the 360? That SE would take that chance? I'm not saying it's driving mega profits or anything, but SE has to be pleased with FFXIII-2 sales to some extent otherwise they would have cut off the extra fat and maximize their profit. Let's also not forget that this game had a ton of DLC, which might have added to the overall profit.

At the end of the day, let's not try and put too many unknown factors as reason for why SE shouldn't try and expand Final Fantasy when there's definitely a market to be had there. They really have to make a quality game though and hopefully LR will at least be a positive swan song to the XIII series.
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oniyide posted 13/01/2014, 05:35
@T.Rexington you know the game dropped from 60 bucks to 20 within 6months right? How much money did they really make if this game only sold about 70k?
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T.Rexington posted 13/01/2014, 05:09
Also, I agree with Kresnik. I don't see LR sales being too hot for the 360. Combination of XIII's rep, new console, and that it'll be smashed in-between two other RPGs (Fable Anniversary and South Park). LR has the cards stacked against it for sure.
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T.Rexington posted 13/01/2014, 05:06
@think-man Unless it's unprofitable to do so, I'm wagering that 630,000 units is something SE looks favorably on overall for a multiplat. In my opinion, porting some older games to the 360 or X1 could net them a nice side profit as well. Especially now that there's a void in the general RPG department for the X1. Just about no competition.
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A203D posted 17/05/2013, 06:51
@Kresnik. Hopefully. Nobody wants to see anymore of these sequels.
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Kresnik posted 10/03/2013, 04:23
I wonder what Lightning Returns will do on the 360. Given the trend from XIII -> XIII-2, it's not looking good. I'm sure it'll be a big drop on the PS3 as well, but that version may still pull in some "decent enough" numbers.
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think-man posted 24/12/2012, 07:07
@T.Rexington Why? these sales aren't very good for a game that bears the name final fantasy, even if its a sequel to the worst ff ever made 630k is quite avg.
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T.Rexington posted 23/10/2012, 02:42
Also, I wonder what the DLC sales were for this game. SE went heavy with the DLC. They should've made a season pass.
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T.Rexington posted 23/10/2012, 02:42
Also, I wonder what the DLC sales were for this game. SE went heavy with the DLC. They should've made a season pass.
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T.Rexington posted 02/10/2012, 02:43
500,000 lifetime sales. 300,000 of them sold in the first few weeks in the NA alone. Square Enix would stupid to no invest Final Fantasy into the Xbox 360 beyond the panned XIII series.
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T.Rexington posted 26/09/2012, 01:06
Might buy this before the year is out. The $20 price tag is a handsome price indeed.
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Cirio posted 18/09/2012, 09:53
Oh wow, horrendous sales. And this is with the game being discounted to $19.99 at most major US retailers. I wonder if it will ever hit 1 million in sales?
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piggychan posted 26/04/2012, 11:54
I will pick this up when I'm really bored and nothing to play.. it still don't appeal to me as a must buy game...
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Cold Light posted 25/04/2012, 08:15
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T.Rexington posted 17/03/2012, 03:25
"...future 360 games..."

Meant to say future final fantasy games.
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T.Rexington posted 17/03/2012, 03:24
If you think this can do similar lifetime numbers to Lost Odyssey and still think Square Enix shouldn't invest in 360 versions of future 360 games, then your crazy. Just look at the current sales, what kind of business would ignore a minimum of 300,000 to the 1.7 maximum of paying customers? Square Enix just needs to make sure their future game knocks it out of the park.

360 want this genre on the console, but not if they think it'll be a shit game, which XIII gained a reputation for being.
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makingmusic476 posted 14/03/2012, 09:13
If you add up American, European, and Japanese sales for this game individually, its first 5 weeks are actually about 80k below that of Lost Odyssey. The Final Fantasy brand will ensure it has better legs than Lost Odyssey, I'd think, but it will probably fall short of a million by at least 100k.
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Exia posted 13/03/2012, 05:43
FFX-2:FFX 5.29:8.05 = 66% rentention
FFXIII-2: FFXIII 2.1:6.6 = 32% rentention

Yep sequels do worse but this much?
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Mr Puggsly posted 10/03/2012, 04:41
Uhhh... well FFX-2 didn't sell as well as FFX. These sequels generally don't perform better than their predecessors.

If 2 million were the total sales of FFXIII than you would have a point. But that was simply the sales the Xbox port. That's not abysmal at all and I say sales like that makes any port worthwhile.
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binary solo posted 05/03/2012, 07:22
@ Mr Puggsly. The proof that FFXIII killed the potential for a decent fanbase on 360 is in the sales of FFXIII-2 (except, ironically, in Japan). You just need to look at the sales ratios between XIII and XIII-2 on PS3 and 360 Currently. For 360 the current ratio is 0.2, for PS3 it's currently at 0.34. And that's with 360 having the massive success in Japan of a sales ratio of 1. Lifetime XIII-2 might make it to a sales ratio of 0.5 (though I think 0.45 more likely) on PS3, but it will need to catch a lucky break for the sales ratio on 360 to make it to 0.3. Theres also the PS3:360 sales ratios between consoles for the same game. For FFXIII it's 2.6, for XIII-2 it's 4.45.

Now I'm quite certain that SE multiplated the FF franchise in the hopes of achieving multimillion sales on both platforms. It seems likely that what they achieved with FFXIII is sub-million sales for every 360 version from XIII-2 on.
SE also dealt quite a blow to FF's reputation on PS3 with FFXIII, but they had an established fanbase and they will still be able to achieve multi-million sales on that platform for future games, though probably no more than 3-4 million, whereas in the past they could have hoped for 5 million.

Face it. 2 million in sales (PS3 should get to 2 million at least) is reasonable sales for a game in general, it's just disappointing for a FF game. Whereas 500K (possible LTD limit for 360 version) is disappointing sales for most games, but abysmal for a FF game.
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A203D posted 04/03/2012, 06:35
The proof is in the pudding, Microsoft had such a successful E3 when they announced FF13 would be comming multiplatform. the sales of this game demonstrate why that isnt worth celebrating now, or even mentioning for that matter. its not a disaster, but even if it sold 1 mil copies it would still half of FF13. you cant hide these sales, the 360 users are just not interested after FF13, can anyone blame them?
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oniyide posted 28/02/2012, 08:24
i think what BinSolo is trying to say is that FF13 was so poorly received that it killed alot of the fanbase on the system. and looking at the sales. I would find it hard to argue
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Mr Puggsly posted 28/02/2012, 05:05
@ binary solo - You lost all credibility when you said the franchise has almost no fanbase on the 360. I think you forgot FFXIII sold nearly 2 million with no dependence on Japan.
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T.Rexington posted 25/02/2012, 09:21
300,000 units says differently. Not to mention this is XIII, using that as the measuring stick isn't the best of ideas. 300,000 units with FFVII is incredibly doable on the xbox 360. I mean, VII is a game with universal praise compared to the XIII series. I'm not sure how you can even compare. Not to mention it's not like XIII was the first FF game on the 360. At the very worst, Square Enix could sell a 100,000 units with a FF collection on retail for $60.
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binary solo posted 25/02/2012, 10:17
@T.Rexington lol wut? A 2 generations old title from a franchise that has almost no fanbase on this platform. It would sell like day old sick. FFXIII killed any chance of SE establishing a strong FF fanbase on 360. It was such a HUGE coup for MS to bring FF across to the 360 and SE screwed the pooch big time. There was great hype and no doubt willingness to welcome the franchise onto a new console, btu the game itself failed to deliver.
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T.Rexington posted 21/02/2012, 02:18
Considering that this game is likely to sell half a million units, I think it shows that SE is more than willing to put forth efforts in ports to squeeze extra profit. If SE really wanted to get some profit off the 360 though, then they need to port some of the older FF titles to the 360 via Games on Demand and XBLA. FFVII would gain lots of attention and could be a potential big seller.
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A203D posted 20/02/2012, 10:21
The JRPG genre isnt in its prime because of Sqaure Enix and Final Fantasy 13. this sales are expected after the awful work the FF13 team have done: FF10-2, Dirge of Cerberus, The 3rd Birthday, and i think i missed the awful FF7 compilation. theres no excuse for SEs abysimal storytelling.
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miqdadi posted 19/02/2012, 08:18
Not even 1/3 from the PS3 release, if they want 1M from it, will it will not reach that
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Mr Puggsly posted 19/02/2012, 07:26
Its only week 2 of WW sales. I think 800K - 1m is feasible.
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VGKing posted 17/02/2012, 07:53
The game flopped so hard on the 360. :(
Will it ever reach 1mil? I don't think so.
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chidori-chan2 posted 17/02/2012, 05:08
epic fail sales for 360! hunph!
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Exia posted 16/02/2012, 05:04
Numbers got adjusted lower I think, wow a FF is doing so bad on the xbox.
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miqdadi posted 11/02/2012, 08:00
I think they have a point there SE, if they want a fan base on any system there should be sacrifices, XIII done well enough and that title is almost 2M on 360, XIII-2 will probably push for 1M on 360 and that's what they're after, FF will no longer be exclusive title I think if the graphic bridge grows nearer and nearer with the next gen, then we will see it on all 3 consoles.
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Mr Puggsly posted 10/02/2012, 03:28
@ Turkish - What are you talking about? FFXIII sold nearly 2 million units and its just a port. Bear in mind the JRPG genre isn't exactly in its sales prime.
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Iveyboi posted 10/02/2012, 02:44
@D-Joe: Numbers Updated
0.36 + 1.64 = 2M
0.36 / 2M = 18% Market Share now. Still woof...

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Turkish posted 10/02/2012, 11:11
lol every decision of SE to get JRPGs on 360 failed, yet they're still trying too hard.
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think-man posted 09/02/2012, 07:42
Final fantasy is so fail on xbox :(
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D-Joe posted 09/02/2012, 03:13
151/32 is 12.9%?
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Iveyboi posted 09/02/2012, 02:16
12.9% market share ouch lol
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oniyide posted 05/02/2012, 09:55
People who play games period, dont have a 360 in Japan, the hardware sales are kinda bad
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VXIII posted 24/01/2012, 04:44
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pbroy posted 24/01/2012, 02:15
I love how certain DB Admins like to violate DB Rules..
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Boutros posted 15/01/2012, 03:54
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Zim posted 07/01/2012, 12:35
@yo_john117 the game already has a 360 port for the western markets, and a japanese language track for the ps3 version. The extra costs to put the game out in Japan on 360 are basically zero.
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yo_john117 posted 05/01/2012, 05:39
Wow I wasn't aware that this game had come to the 360 in Japan. Doesn't really seem worth it for SE to do a 360 version in Japan though.
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DakonBlackblade posted 02/01/2012, 10:40
@MrMofongo624 the 360 sales on Japan has nothing to do with the agmes quality, simply put ppl who play JRPGs on Japan have a PS3 and not a 360
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MrMofongo624 posted 01/01/2012, 09:36
lol, its so funny that a big title has .01. but this scares me though, i know 360 doesnt sell that much in japan but it should be at least .06. this is telling me the game wont be as good as i thought it was going to be. i still cross my fingers
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miqdadi posted 31/12/2011, 10:58
Looks like 360 is not the place for JRPG, Look at the top 15, only FF XIII, Blue dragon, & Lost Odyssey show up, good titles like Dark souls, Demon souls, & Star ocean are not even there, FF XIII-2 are U sure it has a score of 40 in Japan
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Galvanizer posted 23/12/2011, 11:14
Man, this game doesn't exist on the 360 in Japan. More people bought The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the 360 than bought FFXIII-2 on the 360.
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XJordanXCLBX posted 23/12/2011, 04:24
well its first week sell is better than XIII first week in Japan
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XJordanXCLBX posted 23/12/2011, 04:23
well its irst week sell of XIII in Japan
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Boutros posted 07/12/2011, 03:24
40/40!! ^.^
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (53)

1 9,065 n/a n/a 9,065
2 1,793 n/a n/a 1,793
3 442 n/a n/a 442
4 303 n/a n/a 303
5 186 n/a n/a 186
6 184 n/a n/a 184
7 191 n/a n/a 191
8 183 122,118 80,034 30,207 232,542
9 159 16,387 31,933 7,221 55,700
10 152 4,492 19,117 3,528 27,289
oniyide posted 28/07/2014, 04:52
I'm willing ot be that MS put up alot of money to keep these games on their system. They dont really care aobut the series perse but having this on the Xbox takes a weapon away from their competitors. They arent expanding anything lets get real. Combined sales of FF13 proper is still less than 7,8 and 10. and this has done even worse.
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T.Rexington posted 23/01/2014, 02:08
Only really sold 70,000? They sold double within the first month of the US release. As far as an exact number, none of us know that type of data unless the publisher releases it. VgChartz doesn't have access to that type of information, so none of us will know. This idea however that this game was a bust is a bit ridiculous in my opinion. If this game was really unprofitable on the 360, does anyone here honestly thinks that Lightning Returns would be on the 360? That SE would take that chance? I'm not saying it's driving mega profits or anything, but SE has to be pleased with FFXIII-2 sales to some extent otherwise they would have cut off the extra fat and maximize their profit. Let's also not forget that this game had a ton of DLC, which might have added to the overall profit.

At the end of the day, let's not try and put too many unknown factors as reason for why SE shouldn't try and expand Final Fantasy when there's definitely a market to be had there. They really have to make a quality game though and hopefully LR will at least be a positive swan song to the XIII series.
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oniyide posted 13/01/2014, 05:35
@T.Rexington you know the game dropped from 60 bucks to 20 within 6months right? How much money did they really make if this game only sold about 70k?
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T.Rexington posted 13/01/2014, 05:09
Also, I agree with Kresnik. I don't see LR sales being too hot for the 360. Combination of XIII's rep, new console, and that it'll be smashed in-between two other RPGs (Fable Anniversary and South Park). LR has the cards stacked against it for sure.
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T.Rexington posted 13/01/2014, 05:06
@think-man Unless it's unprofitable to do so, I'm wagering that 630,000 units is something SE looks favorably on overall for a multiplat. In my opinion, porting some older games to the 360 or X1 could net them a nice side profit as well. Especially now that there's a void in the general RPG department for the X1. Just about no competition.
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A203D posted 17/05/2013, 06:51
@Kresnik. Hopefully. Nobody wants to see anymore of these sequels.
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