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Alternative Names

Sūpā Mario Surī Dī Rando



Nintendo EAD Tokyo



Release Dates

11/13/11 Nintendo
11/03/11 Nintendo
11/18/11 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 490
Favorite: 58
Tracked: 18
Wishlist: 8
Now Playing: 41

Avg Community Rating:


Super Mario 3D Land (3DS) > Opinions (268)

 1  2  3 
Machina posted 07/11/2023, 07:50
+10k in the last 6 months.
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Machina posted 09/05/2023, 11:04
+10k in the last 6 months.
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Machina posted 08/11/2022, 04:54
+10k in the last 6 months.
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No9tro posted 13/09/2018, 10:09
This game tires me out
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Proxy-Pie posted 04/12/2017, 02:17
This game sold a lot better than I thought it did lol. I'm one of the digital sales :P
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fedfed posted 19/06/2017, 12:17
And yet to be released as Select!
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S.Peelman posted 30/10/2015, 12:04
Nintendo says 10.21m as of september 30.

Still like the only game actually overtracked here on VGC, while a lot of others are undertracked.
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Poliwrathlord posted 09/10/2015, 11:12
First game I played on my 3ds, and still my favorite.
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Goodnightmoon posted 06/10/2015, 07:07
While not as good as 3D World, this game is still brilliant. Fantastic sales well deserved.
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Jase posted 25/09/2015, 12:48
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Ryng posted 11/04/2015, 04:27
10,000,000. :D
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FarleyMcFirefly posted 17/02/2015, 10:06
Nice! Awesome game, I wish 3D World's sales were close to this because it is a masterpiece as well.

I think the 3DS will end up with five 10 million selling games when all is said and done! Not bad!
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fedfed posted 10/02/2015, 09:14
10mil well deserved
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NintendoPie posted 17/01/2015, 04:29
Yay for "10 million." (This is definitely over-tracked.)
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garretslarrity posted 09/01/2015, 03:53
Welcome to the 10M club!
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Goodnightmoon posted 09/01/2015, 02:52
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Goodnightmoon posted 09/01/2015, 02:52
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killeryoshis posted 26/06/2014, 12:42
I thought this was one of the better 3D mario games but I never played it again after getting Kid icarus
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S.Peelman posted 01/03/2014, 01:10
My prediction is still on track, game will just about be falling short of Mario Galaxy sales in the end to be the #3 best selling 3D Mario. Excellent sales, but will end up the #4 best selling 3DS game after Pokémon X/Y, Mario Kart 7 and eventually New Super Mario Bros. 2. Might even go down to #5 if there's another 3DS Pokémon game.
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NintendoPie posted 19/02/2014, 04:15
Wow, were people (including me) really predicting over 15 Million LT? 12 Million is still possible, though.
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Metroid33slayer posted 07/01/2014, 10:25
This game has been the number one 3ds sellar for over two years now, however in a couple of weeks it won't even be number two. Mario kart and pokemon have caught it.
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Fededx posted 03/01/2014, 02:04
Wow, 9 million, a beast! It's still the best selling 3DS game ever, I guess it'll keeps selling good for years to come. Probably 12m LT.
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benji232 posted 28/12/2013, 06:38
9million next week? Amazing!
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anonymunchy posted 15/12/2013, 12:04
With the free download code you can get when purchasing other games this will land in the hands of almost any 3DS owner in Europe. I'm very interested in seeing official numbers with digital included from Nintendo in March. Basically every new 3DS owner in Europe will get this game for free.
Perhaps it's part of their strategy to get 3DS owners interested in the Wii U.
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Meret posted 26/03/2013, 07:22
Way to 10,000,000 ! yay
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tbone51 posted 19/03/2013, 07:29
This game has to be doing very very well including Digital
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Ganoncrotch posted 11/02/2013, 08:39
Keep in mind that this game is now available in digital download from the e-shop + it was one of the games offered as a free download for anyone who bought a 3ds XL over Christmas and the new years so this is probably more along the lines of 9m now given the number of XL's sold at Christmas alone.
Go Mario Go :)
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Cheebee posted 27/01/2013, 01:06
8 Million? Wow. Well deserved, too. The game's incredible!
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supermariodance posted 07/01/2013, 03:48
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tbone51 posted 31/12/2012, 07:59
Scratch that 8mil for the end of 2012! Go SM3DL
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acdcste posted 13/12/2012, 10:01
According to the charts on here for mario this will be overtaking super mario bros 2 next week.
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tbone51 posted 10/12/2012, 08:00
i was thinking around 7.8mil by years end MK7 will catch up its being bundled with the XL so i think that will drag down the sales a little!
But this game should reach 8mil early next year
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acdcste posted 04/12/2012, 11:27
The way it has been selling the last couple of weeks it will probably pass the 8m mark by the end of the year.
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supermariodance posted 30/11/2012, 07:55
7m!!!FINALLY!!! Next 8 mil.
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Tammi posted 28/11/2012, 02:56
Almost 7 m!
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acdcste posted 12/11/2012, 02:36
I must admit i thought the sales for this would have dropped off more than they have. Very impressive that it outsells mario kart 7 ww each week still.
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DieAppleDie posted 26/10/2012, 12:40
really fun game
i like 3D Marios more, im still waiting for SMGalaxy3D, make it happen
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Thechalkblock posted 25/10/2012, 05:03
this game turned out to be above my expectations; i'd agree with miyamoto when he said it plays like a 2d mario mixed with 3d mario.
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acdcste posted 11/10/2012, 02:13
Yeah sales are still good. Its dropped from doing 30-35k to doing around 28k per week which is virtually nothing really. Plus once november and the holidays kick in i would suspect this title doing 50-100k per week for a few weeks.
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oniyide posted 07/10/2012, 05:46
It amazes me that this game is still selling despite the more popular 2d Mario already being released. I am glad as this is the most fun I had with a Mario game probably since Mario 3
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acdcste posted 03/09/2012, 10:55
Nice to see a slight increase in sales the first week nsmb2 was released. I still think this will carry on around the 35k a week mark and then increase to probably double that for a few weeks over the xmas period. Looks the the 7m mark is not that far away.
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sethnintendo posted 29/08/2012, 06:38
Loved the game and I got all the stars on all the regular and extra levels. It should sell at least 10-15 million. Even though NSMB2 came out I am sure this will pull in decent sales during this holiday season.
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S.Peelman posted 23/07/2012, 01:39
Hey! It's no longer the least selling 3D Mario title, that honour now goes to Mario Sunshine. Next up; Galaxy 2. Don't think it'll surpass Galaxy 1, think it'll end up at Mario 64 DS numbers.

@ ganoncrotch:
I've been wondering that too! :P
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Ganoncrotch posted 16/07/2012, 12:23
anyone else notice how the US artwork for this has a music box in place of where the tonuki suit feather is in the background? this really over the fuss PETA kicked up about this game in America? jez they need to find another hobby than crying to free lions from zoos into the city's :S nutjobs.
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NintendoPie posted 06/07/2012, 11:30
First Week off the charts! Holidays can't come soon enough. xD
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Ganoncrotch posted 01/07/2012, 07:51
While this game is easy to start off with I really do feel its just nintendo have given the game a really fair difficulty curve, some of the later worlds, after you've rescued Peach and ... another person the game truly opens up and I can't imagine maybe 1 in 10 of the people who call this game a casual fest would be able to play through some of those stages, they're rockers even for mario and platforming veterans. Really amazing game tho nintendo showing just how impressive software can make use of the 3ds's great hardware.
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oniyide posted 13/06/2012, 01:42
my only issue with the game is that is a bit too easy, i only played it 3 times but im already on world 7, but that just means im having so much fun im not putting it down
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Nem posted 12/06/2012, 06:40
impressive sales... its about to outsell super mario galaxy 2 in just 1 year.
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Pretendo posted 20/05/2012, 05:42
Just recently got 5 stars. Fantastic game. Beating other people's times through Streetpass keeps me coming back.
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Soma posted 06/05/2012, 07:19
Finally finished it, got 4 stars. Great game, very enjoyable, I think I enjoyed it more than Galaxy overall
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acdcste posted 01/05/2012, 02:46
Why don't you start your own game sales site then? This site does a great job.
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NintendoFanDj posted 30/04/2012, 02:40

It sold 5.84m
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acdcste posted 23/04/2012, 07:51
This should pass the 6m mark in the next three weeks or so. Great seller although will be interesting to see how it continues to sell when nsmb2 is released.
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Soma posted 11/04/2012, 01:18
Still haven't finished this game but I'm really liking it. The levels are short but I think this is a huge plus for a portable game, and it helps I can replay them again without hesitation.
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pastasauce posted 10/04/2012, 06:11
@HelloMotto Very good Mario game after the disappointing Galaxy games. Sorry, people have different tastes.
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AngryAztec posted 09/04/2012, 06:43
Don't take anything "HelloMotto" writes seriously on this site. He's being a troll. As if his brain dead, fanboy comments weren't enough evidence of that.
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HelloMotto posted 01/04/2012, 03:24
decent 7/10 game.

very disappointing compared to the Galaxy games.
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SunofKratos posted 17/03/2012, 09:52
Never thought that this game will sell so much. In the end this will sell more than Super Mario Galaxy. Congratiolations Nintendo. If i would own a 3ds this would be my choice of game.
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MattyPeq posted 13/03/2012, 03:53
Awesome game!!!! :D
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NintendoPie posted 29/02/2012, 07:13
This one still did great Pezus.
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Nebnosneh posted 28/02/2012, 02:14
Whatever. Sales will never even come close to New Super Mario Bros on the DS (currently ~ 28 million).
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Salnax posted 26/02/2012, 08:50
This sold 60k last week. It'll be fine.
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NintendoFanDj posted 20/02/2012, 03:16
People are just short on cash that all. Christmas, New Year and Valentine Day drain money out of people.
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NintendoPie posted 17/02/2012, 01:12
Never mind... hopefully it'll level out around 10K.
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Salnax posted 10/02/2012, 10:17
I swear, this website hates my predictions.
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Salnax posted 04/02/2012, 10:35
I estimate that this will surpass Sunshine in March and Galaxy 2 by the end of May. After that... let's see how well it does its second holiday.
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NintendoPie posted 03/02/2012, 12:28
Hopefully it'll level out at 30K
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TheDarkBender posted 02/02/2012, 08:48
@nintendogamer: you're heavily overreacting. It sold more than 5 million up to december 31st, so it could maybe be overtracked by 500k. Don't take shit if you don't know anything about it...
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Nintendogamer posted 01/02/2012, 05:26
Needs to be adjusted down by about 890K
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Cheebee posted 30/01/2012, 10:05
Looks like this game proves 3D Mario can sell just as well as the 2D sidescrolling 'Bros.' ones. :D
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Jumpin posted 30/01/2012, 12:22
This game will probably very easily become the #1 3D Mario game, and #1 best selling 3D platformer.
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Level1Death posted 28/01/2012, 05:31
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Salnax posted 20/01/2012, 07:39
No, I meant the best selling platformer where you move around in a 3D environment. To my knowledge, the current #1 spot belongs to Super Mario 64 at a bit under 12 million. I believe this game can outsell it.
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Cheddarchet posted 19/01/2012, 10:26
@jbee: You mean platformer? If so, there are quite a few that have it outdone in sales, including the aforementioned Sunshine, Galaxy, and Galaxy 2 games.
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jbee02 posted 19/01/2012, 05:30
@Salnax i believe it already is the best selling 3d platform ever
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Salnax posted 15/01/2012, 10:32
At this rate, it should surpass Sunshine sometime in February and Galaxy 2 in either March or April. Factor in the 3DS's potentially long life and this game's continued relevancy, and this could easily become the best selling 3D platformer EVER.
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Moren posted 15/01/2012, 10:20
Also, this game = Every 3DS Platformer x 6!! ^_^
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ROBOTECHHEAVEN posted 15/01/2012, 02:56
a great game . everyone who owns a 3ds should own this.
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Level1Death posted 14/01/2012, 08:24
Damn, a little more than a million behind SMG 2.
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newwil7l posted 14/01/2012, 06:57
mario kart 7 will probleyes pass this
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newwil7l posted 14/01/2012, 06:57
mario kart 7 will probleyes pass this
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newwil7l posted 14/01/2012, 06:57
mario kart 7 will probleyes pass this
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Pokemonbrawlvg posted 14/01/2012, 04:43
Very close to becoming one of the top 100 best selling video games of all time!
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NintendoFanDj posted 14/01/2012, 04:07
now that holidays isover I now have a chance to get it.
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Salnax posted 13/01/2012, 08:04
Could this reach 10 million by the end of the year?
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Roar_Of_War posted 10/01/2012, 07:17
Oh, sorry. Completely disregard that last post. I didn't realize those were Japan numbers, haha. Nevermind, and VGchartz is tracking this well in Japan.
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Roar_Of_War posted 10/01/2012, 07:15
So apparently, this games total sales at the end of December were just barely over 1 million. That adds up to Nintendo's last statement for being one of the first 1 million sellers..however, no way in hell did VGchartz over-track it by that much, so I think its safe to say that those numbers, and Nintendos own statement, aren't including bundles for this or OoT 3D.
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Metroid33slayer posted 10/01/2012, 05:21
My 3ds game selection consists of the " big three", MK7, SM3DL & 00T3D. I have definately played this the least , it's good but not as spectacular as the galaxies.
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Metroid33slayer posted 10/01/2012, 05:04
This will be on the market for at least another four years, i think it will sell in the region of 18 to 25m in its lifetime.
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Roar_Of_War posted 10/01/2012, 04:04
This will probably outsell Galaxy in its lifetime.
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goldeneye0074eva2222 posted 09/01/2012, 07:21
i dont think this will outsell mariokart 7 if you look at mariokart wii vs nsmb youll have an understanding
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newwil7l posted 09/01/2012, 12:59
@ NintendoFanDj just because it is selling faster doesnt mean this will outsell it mario kart 7 has a better chance though
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NintendoFanDj posted 08/01/2012, 06:11
@Level1Death it will surpass NSMB cause Nintendo stated it is the fast selling Mario portable game. Which means it will sell better.
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NintendoFanDj posted 08/01/2012, 06:07
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OneTwoThree posted 07/01/2012, 09:27
@Level1Death: Not even sure about that, it will keep selling all through this generation..
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Level1Death posted 07/01/2012, 05:01
5 million already, that's good. It won't reach NSMB though.
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oniyide posted 06/01/2012, 11:27
deserves every sale, i like it more than the Galaxies, which i didnt think possible. where are the malstroms and people who think like him??
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TheDarkBender posted 06/01/2012, 07:03
5 million units sold :D Congrats to SM3DL
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GianCarmen posted 06/01/2012, 07:03
5 Million. Wow. I hope for the Wii U Launch they have a Mario game.
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Christian973 posted 06/01/2012, 08:00
This, Mario Kart 7 and OoT are the only games i bought for the system until Resident Evil and Metal gear Solid hits.
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Shipping Total

12,880,000 Units
As of: September 30th, 2023

Opinion (268)

Machina posted 07/11/2023, 07:50
+10k in the last 6 months.
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Machina posted 09/05/2023, 11:04
+10k in the last 6 months.
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Machina posted 08/11/2022, 04:54
+10k in the last 6 months.
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No9tro posted 13/09/2018, 10:09
This game tires me out
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Proxy-Pie posted 04/12/2017, 02:17
This game sold a lot better than I thought it did lol. I'm one of the digital sales :P
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fedfed posted 19/06/2017, 12:17
And yet to be released as Select!
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