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UBIart Montpellier



Other Versions


Release Dates

02/14/12 Ubisoft
(Add Date)
02/22/12 Ubisoft

Community Stats

Owners: 51
Favorite: 6
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 5

Avg Community Rating:


Rayman Origins (PSV) > Opinions (9)

sniper989 posted 28/05/2013, 01:48
probably sold 80k or so on PSN so very very good sales especially compared to the 3DS version
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krafty89 posted 07/12/2012, 12:11
Good sales based on PS3 sales 0.25 (Vita) vs 0.66 (PS3) (1.82 million overall)
Its £12.99/(£11.69) (Plus price). Buy it!
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Heavenly_King posted 03/05/2012, 05:50
it have better sales, because it is also on PSN
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MattyPeq posted 12/03/2012, 06:32
Amazing game. It deserves better sales.
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Solid-Stark posted 06/03/2012, 08:22
Sales seem quite low, it's sold out in nearly every store I've been to. (I know it's anecdotal)
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Zlejedi posted 02/03/2012, 09:22
It ranked at 4th or 5th place in UK chart so it should be doing quite nice
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Iveyboi posted 01/03/2012, 02:47
Got it and LOVE it
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z101 posted 27/02/2012, 08:04
Even if rayman would be the best selling game on PSV the sales would be still low. :)
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Aj_habfan posted 22/02/2012, 03:23
Highest rated game on PSV, hopefully the sales will somewhat reflect this
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (9)

1 n/a 7,325 n/a 1,095 8,420
2 n/a 10,347 34,195 3,580 48,122
3 n/a 3,388 10,473 1,128 14,989
4 n/a 1,102 5,875 515 7,492
5 n/a 1,180 3,959 412 5,551
6 n/a 1,064 3,978 396 5,438
7 n/a 819 4,548 392 5,759
8 n/a 786 3,835 345 4,966
9 799 1,033 3,381 355 5,568
10 261 1,941 2,939 465 5,606
sniper989 posted 28/05/2013, 01:48
probably sold 80k or so on PSN so very very good sales especially compared to the 3DS version
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krafty89 posted 07/12/2012, 12:11
Good sales based on PS3 sales 0.25 (Vita) vs 0.66 (PS3) (1.82 million overall)
Its £12.99/(£11.69) (Plus price). Buy it!
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Heavenly_King posted 03/05/2012, 05:50
it have better sales, because it is also on PSN
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MattyPeq posted 12/03/2012, 06:32
Amazing game. It deserves better sales.
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Solid-Stark posted 06/03/2012, 08:22
Sales seem quite low, it's sold out in nearly every store I've been to. (I know it's anecdotal)
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Zlejedi posted 02/03/2012, 09:22
It ranked at 4th or 5th place in UK chart so it should be doing quite nice
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