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Infinity Ward



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Release Dates

11/08/11 Activision
(Add Date)
11/11/11 Activision

Community Stats

Owners: 22
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 2

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Wii) > Opinions (49)

supernihilist posted 24/01/2014, 05:51
this can still sell a couple or two dozens of thousand more i think
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curl-6 posted 18/06/2013, 08:43
Wow, I;'m surprised to see this is still crawling along, I assumed sales would stop completely once Wii was out of the picture.
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curl-6 posted 12/03/2013, 02:03
I found it looked just fine. It's actually quite an impressive feat of engineering when you consider it's running the same scope of action as a game designed for PS3/360.
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Mr Puggsly posted 26/01/2013, 08:12
@ DieAppleDie - I didn't mind the resolution frame rate so much. But the colors look really bland, its muddy, and the lighting is too dark. That made it rough on the eyes and difficult to enjoy.

I didn't find this problem on Black Ops.
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DieAppleDie posted 12/11/2012, 03:05
This game is great, despite the inferior grafix, its far more enjoyable then the others, still theres no much diference between them except for the framerate and resolution
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oniyide posted 18/02/2012, 07:31
@dark_ghost_boy, oh please, this is like the fourth COD released in a row, I doubt people are that naive and ignorant that they dont know there is a WIi version of the game. THey just dont care, probably for the same reasons you mentioned. Even if it was an improvement, it still is not as good as the PS360/PC versions and it never will be.
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Pierreism posted 16/02/2012, 03:22
Sorry but how is this worse than Black Ops or MW:R? It's improved in almost every single way, with more variety, snappier gameplay and fuller features. I don't see any problem with the game itself or the community. It just hasn't been supported publicly by Activision or retailers. I had to get my copy from behind a counter because my local GAME store didn't even bother putting it on the shelves, and that was after I tried looking for it on HMV UK's website and it wasn't even listed.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 14/02/2012, 02:15
it's not ''Wii version not advertised'', it's not even mention in the platforms, like it doesn't count

and it's quite normal since the Wii version is a cheap watered down version, not even close to Black Ops and MW4, they focused and advertised the Wii version of Skylanders instead
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oniyide posted 09/02/2012, 11:57
@nebnosneh thats all well and good, but heres my question to Wii owners. SO what?? So what if they dont advertise the Wii version(they dont advertise the PS3 version, but no one talks about that), its Acti's fault that they give not coverage on the Wii version, but again i ask, so what? YOU know its coming to Wii so why would you need it advertised?? Its funny cause you say that the games have gotten better, but you still say Acit treats Wii owners as 2nd class citizens, if the version is actually good who cares if they advertise?
And that doesnt answer my query of where the Wii owners go, each one is doing worse than the last, despite quality getting better, so they are either buying for something else or just not buying it at all. im going with the former
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Nebnosneh posted 09/02/2012, 04:42
@oniyide I think what is happening is Wii owners are reacting not to the game bombing, but to being treated like second class citizens. If you look at sales of COD games on the system, they steadily decrease despite getting better and more feature complete. What has changed is COD 3 was promoted as a major release and the media covered it properly, but that is no longer the case. People feel like the industry and media are crapping on them and they don't like it, and who can blame them?

I mean look at this game, probably the best in the series for Wii yet Activision won't even list the Wii as a platform on the posters. Staff in gaming stores are unaware it exists. Most gaming sites didn't bother to mention it's existance let alone review it. It's crazy. And it just mirrors a wider attitude that has developed this generation.
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oniyide posted 25/01/2012, 10:17
@pwnsweet those are actually some sound points and at least you took the time to explain why you think that version is better, but my thing is, that people like you are in the super minority. That is all im saying, what blows my mind is people like Primogen who are so upset that the Wii version bombs next to the others, who cares? Just be happy that the WIi gets a version at all.
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Pierreism posted 24/01/2012, 02:52
This has got to be undertracked.
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pwnsweet posted 23/01/2012, 10:54
oniyide, I have the 360 and Wii versions of the game and I play both I however the split is probably 5%/95% respectively simply because the Wii version has better aiming control, it's easier to see enemies, has 10 players instead of 12 and is less Kilt streak focussed (there are less kill streaks). Also, the Wii version is played far less campy than the 360 version. All of this results in a game that is far more fun (for me) and, after all, that's why I play games in the first place. Check out my youtube vids and see how I play. I'll be damned if l can do that an the 360 version.
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oniyide posted 22/01/2012, 10:27
not giving it a fair chance?? LOL I have PS3 and PC, why the hell would i ever get the Wii version knowing full well it runs worst?? That makes no sense. Even if they gave a bit more attention to the Wii version you really think that millions of people are going to stop playing the HD versions?? Not gonna happen. Where talking about versions that did 10mil plus vs. the not even gold version on WIi. Please. DLC, should woulda coulda didnt, people dont care if it was promised they care that they have it and on WIi they dont. THose few people you talked to are just that. Few Really i dont get why your even upset, who cares if people dont buy it on WII, just be happy you're even getting a Wii version
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primogen18 posted 21/01/2012, 12:12
btw, i have talked to several people about the fact that a Wii version exists and some were excited enough for the IR support to go out an purchase it and enjoy it for what it is. My sister bought herself a Wii for her and her husband, I bought them Black Ops last year and he was estatic because he never knew COD could be done on Wii. There's a few people right there that they should be at least half assed trying to reach out to.
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primogen18 posted 21/01/2012, 12:08
DLC could happen, it was even all but promised but they pulled the plug. The "GP" also know what they see in ads, store fliers, and commercials. I don't think taking the ink to put "Wii next to console listings isn't much to do to let people know that yes it does come out on a particular console. When you have a picture of an XBOX360 copy in your add and put "Also on" after that, you should actually list other consoles it is on instead of leaving one out for no real reason. Also, to quote yourself, Im sorry but no. When employees of said stores do not know the game exists, you cannot expect customers to either. Other then then people on certain message boards and friends who play COD on Wii, nobody else I have ever talked to knew it came out on the system. Something such as including it on displays or in print ads can go a long way and you cannot say it wouldnt because it hasn't been done on Wii at all since day 1. Also while MS had some exclusivity, that does not explain a store front display with PC, PS3, and 360 versions stocked but not Wii versions. The perception that the game "will not sell" on Wii has seeped so far into people's minds that they never tried from the start, and it seems you fall under this crowd as well. Never gave it a fair chance.
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oniyide posted 20/01/2012, 08:06
@primogen im sorry but no. the WII version would never have done as well as the HDs, it simply doesnt run as good and COD people care about that. Plus on DLC?? Yeah see how well that goes over. Sure they could have had some more ads, but come on its not like people dont know its on WIi, they just dont care. and MS had locked down exclusive ads for 360 for a while and the PS3 and PC versions still did pretty damn fine. SO whats there excuse?? ANd going to five different stores to support a company that is "screwing" you?? Thats your fault
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pwnsweet posted 18/01/2012, 10:06
Funnily enough, this version is actually the best console version. The PS3 could've taken that honor, but no move support :(
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Mr Puggsly posted 07/01/2012, 01:03
Just rented it. It plays fine but there are some visual problems. Thus far it appears some areas are too dark, its like I'm shooting at silhouettes. The color is too bland as well. I think the developers are to blame for these issues and its hurts the experience. Its hard to recommend this game knowing the HD versions are out there.
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swii26 posted 06/01/2012, 03:02
I still prefer FPS on Wii
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primogen18 posted 06/01/2012, 02:44
they would have had the same amount of people buy the game on PS3/360 had they not spent so much on ads or anything, they coulda spent a few bucks to make sure stores dont hide this version completely giving customers a real chance to buy it. You can still look at store ads and see MW3 advertised with "PS3/360" in the console list under the picture, does it really take much effort to type 3 letters? not even PC made the cut most of the time.
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primogen18 posted 06/01/2012, 02:40
why bother with the Wii version? something the gaming industry screwed up with from the start. Why make this version if they chose to barely acknowledge its existance? why make it to send it out with NO promotion including pre-order slips or anything? They chose to promote to the audience most likely to already know everything about the game instead of reaching new customers. if a quarter of the effort went into promotion in terms of print ads alone (adding "Wii" in the list of release consoles or wii to preorder slips), who knows how much better it could have been doing from the start. I went to 4 or 5 different stores to buy a single game time after time (black ops, MWR, MW3) but i doubt many others worked that hard to give activision their money..
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Mr Puggsly posted 03/01/2012, 03:14
The series keeps doing worse and worse on the Wii. Clearly a sign Wii users are shifting to HD platforms.
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alexf10 posted 31/12/2011, 03:10
@-girgosz- why bother? lets assume it sells half a million copies (i think it will sell a little more).... 500k x 50$ = 25 mio. $ thats a damn good reason to bother....;)
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-girgosz- posted 29/12/2011, 02:34
Why bother with the Wii version? It's 0.01% of the sales.
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Pierreism posted 27/12/2011, 01:39
UK HMV website doesn't even acknowledge it's existence. le sigh.
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swii26 posted 23/12/2011, 05:58
This will hit 1mil just like all the other CODs on wii... it just takes longer
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 14/12/2011, 02:04
it's like they keep the Wii version secret, at least World At War got some Wii promotion
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primogen18 posted 12/12/2011, 02:47
sales going up but thats expected closer to xmas, hope it keeps going
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primogen18 posted 09/12/2011, 04:45
low sales compared to past versions, but this one seems extra hidden so it's no surprise. there are places that still do not stock or list the Wii version at all, it's far worse then black ops ever was for this game.
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EntilZha posted 29/11/2011, 10:45
I bought this about a week ago, and I am really enjoying it. For whatever reason, I could not get into BO, but this one reminds me of Reflex. I sure hope the sales pick up. It is worth it.
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Arfen posted 21/11/2011, 07:44
but.. this game came out in many places of EMEAA in november 25th
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sethnintendo posted 20/11/2011, 11:57
I think I rated BO and WaW in the mid to high 8s. The wii/nunchuck combo works perfect for me and they have good enough features for online (just less people which doesn't bother me too much, and this version supposedly has even more of the online features the HD version have compared to the previous COD titles on the Wii).
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sethnintendo posted 20/11/2011, 11:54
Wow.. IGN gave it a 4.5 lol... If it plays anything like WaW and BO on the Wii then it has to be at least a 7 or 7.5. I won't purchase this version considering I am not too happy with Activision right now. Plus, I already have WaW and BO on the Wii. Played them probably almost 800 hour combined. I still might pop the game in a few times to wreck shop.
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curl-6 posted 18/11/2011, 01:39
@primogen18: I know, it's ridiculous. Surely it coudln't kill them to put the Wii logo alongside the others on trailers and posters, at least? Do they WANT to lose money?
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primogen18 posted 17/11/2011, 08:18
64k people happen to actually stumble upon this game behind the counter, hidden in the back of the store, or some other obscure place retailers seem to hide this game. It took forever to find this even when released! Its not like any store flyer would print Wii in the console list or actually display it in modern warfare 3 standees or on the new release shelf. I never understood why retailers, who should aim to sell ALL of their inventory, will go out of their way to HIDE something like a Wii version of COD?!
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JaxxRaxor posted 17/11/2011, 08:15
Worldwide sales for the first week are better than Reflex but worse than Black Ops. However the thing about the Wii version is that it stays steady and even increases beyond the first week in December because of Christmas shoppipng, so I would suspect sales of around 1 million by next year for the Wii version.
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ZechsMerquise posted 17/11/2011, 07:38
You can't spell ignorant without IGN!
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Chrizum posted 16/11/2011, 09:39
If anything your expectations were poor, Puggsly.
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Mr Puggsly posted 16/11/2011, 06:09
Amazing how poor the Wii numbers are in comparison. Compared to 99.9% of the Wii library its amazing.
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swii26 posted 15/11/2011, 08:12
WTF!? IGN rated this a 4.5????
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Chrizum posted 15/11/2011, 05:26
First week could be as high as 150k, which pales in comparison to the HD consoles, but is a big step up from previous Wii versions.
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uno posted 09/11/2011, 10:12
Boom!! Playing thru Campaign. GOtta find the perfect control settings. Everything is good so far....
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GianCarmen posted 07/11/2011, 07:35
Black Ops was not sloppy. I am still playing it today and plan on getting MW3 for the Wii tonight.
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Mr Puggsly posted 07/11/2011, 03:31
Kinda surprised its coming to Wii. Black Ops was apparently a big effort and it was sloppy. Curious to see how this comes out.
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uno posted 24/10/2011, 10:52
just a couple more weeks!!
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Paul posted 24/10/2011, 12:33
Third that Uno and ECC, we should get some games going again.
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uno posted 19/09/2011, 01:53
Second that ECC.
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ECC posted 09/08/2011, 03:51
DAY 1!! Glad its coming to Wii.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (49)

1 n/a 55,289 8,823 10,721 74,833
2 n/a 16,281 11,483 5,556 33,320
3 n/a 17,337 8,626 5,001 30,964
4 n/a 16,304 9,495 5,061 30,860
5 n/a 24,617 12,870 7,113 44,600
6 n/a 32,207 10,846 7,735 50,788
7 n/a 36,482 16,274 9,791 62,547
8 n/a 12,647 10,494 3,721 26,862
9 n/a 6,716 3,771 1,662 12,149
10 n/a 4,275 1,812 956 7,043
supernihilist posted 24/01/2014, 05:51
this can still sell a couple or two dozens of thousand more i think
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curl-6 posted 18/06/2013, 08:43
Wow, I;'m surprised to see this is still crawling along, I assumed sales would stop completely once Wii was out of the picture.
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curl-6 posted 12/03/2013, 02:03
I found it looked just fine. It's actually quite an impressive feat of engineering when you consider it's running the same scope of action as a game designed for PS3/360.
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Mr Puggsly posted 26/01/2013, 08:12
@ DieAppleDie - I didn't mind the resolution frame rate so much. But the colors look really bland, its muddy, and the lighting is too dark. That made it rough on the eyes and difficult to enjoy.

I didn't find this problem on Black Ops.
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DieAppleDie posted 12/11/2012, 03:05
This game is great, despite the inferior grafix, its far more enjoyable then the others, still theres no much diference between them except for the framerate and resolution
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oniyide posted 18/02/2012, 07:31
@dark_ghost_boy, oh please, this is like the fourth COD released in a row, I doubt people are that naive and ignorant that they dont know there is a WIi version of the game. THey just dont care, probably for the same reasons you mentioned. Even if it was an improvement, it still is not as good as the PS360/PC versions and it never will be.
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