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Nihilistic Software



Release Dates

05/29/12 Sony Computer Entertainment
07/12/12 Sony Computer Entertainment
06/01/12 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 39
Favorite: 2
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 1

Avg Community Rating:


Resistance: Burning Skies (PSV) > Opinions (20)

Mr Puggsly posted 06/01/2015, 03:55
Just finished this game the other day and it was surprisingly good. It felt a lot like Resistance 1 and 2. Anybody who enjoyed those and want more should check this out.
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Meret posted 13/05/2014, 12:26
Another shitty Vita game from sony...
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sniper989 posted 31/12/2012, 09:20
so underrated
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Mario_pana posted 12/12/2012, 04:55
This game is not worth buying just get Resistance 1,2 and 3 are a lot better.
I am just waiting for Killzone Mercenary for the Vita next year.
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Ganoncrotch posted 17/11/2012, 08:59
I wonder will this be outsold by Nihilistics reskin of the game with a Call of Duty skin heh.
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Heavenly_King posted 27/10/2012, 07:07
considering this game is in the top PSVITA downloads on PSN think it is doing quite decent overall :)
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Ganoncrotch posted 27/07/2012, 09:33
It's being rounded up from 5202 to the nearest 10k mark.... which is showing here as .01 sales, if you check the percentage it being 4.9% of 110k that would also tell you, or you know if you clicked on the japan tab for sales, would show you to the number.

A slight bit of common sense would also have told you that an fps will always be weakest in Japan, it just isn't their thing, panty stealing games outsell halo and cod by about 15 to 1 :>
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Tridrakious posted 23/07/2012, 05:15

Looks like I was on target. You were saying?
Japan - At least 10k
Overall - It has crossed 100k physical sales
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Ganoncrotch posted 23/07/2012, 01:18
first week of going on sale in Japan gives 5000 sales. nice to see they still love their fps games. sigh.
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-girgosz- posted 19/07/2012, 05:07
100K retail. Not bad...
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Ganoncrotch posted 09/07/2012, 10:49
you know this is a fps right? and that japan is still japan about such things, no one will buy it there. also doesn't help that this is kinda rubbish according to most reviewers.
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PlaystaionGamer posted 14/06/2012, 10:03
i will pick it up when it hits £15.. hopefully not too long. actually think this is an 'alright' opening tbh for a Vita game right now
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Tridrakious posted 12/06/2012, 05:42
When this releases in Japan it could do 10k there. Overall I'm thinking this game will cross 100k, which is good on a platform that is struggling like the Vita is right now.
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cusman posted 12/06/2012, 04:25
Gravity Rush and Metal Gear Solid on Vita will both blow past the Resistance Burning Skies sales. This based on both those games showing up in the top selling games list at Amazon across all consoles.
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cleric20 posted 12/06/2012, 03:27
In one week 50,000 which is something few VITA games have done so far... Hoping GRAVITY RUSH can at least equal that (it deserves to!)
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acdcste posted 12/06/2012, 02:45
Terrible first week sales.
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Heavenly_King posted 09/06/2012, 09:13
This game is awesome!!
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xxbrothawizxx63 posted 09/06/2012, 04:58
Surprisingly good opening. It'll drop like rock, but I'm actually impressed.
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think-man posted 08/06/2012, 12:53
Sold better than I thought it would.
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think-man posted 08/06/2012, 12:53
Sold better than I thought it would.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (20)

1 n/a 27,796 19,183 5,294 52,273
2 n/a 7,815 7,917 1,638 17,370
3 n/a 3,230 5,116 788 9,134
4 n/a 1,828 3,265 467 5,560
5 n/a 1,438 2,552 366 4,356
6 n/a 1,494 1,569 316 3,379
7 5,202 1,172 1,275 252 7,901
8 1,544 1,271 1,372 272 4,459
9 875 1,225 1,481 271 3,852
10 659 2,266 1,517 429 4,871
Mr Puggsly posted 06/01/2015, 03:55
Just finished this game the other day and it was surprisingly good. It felt a lot like Resistance 1 and 2. Anybody who enjoyed those and want more should check this out.
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Meret posted 13/05/2014, 12:26
Another shitty Vita game from sony...
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sniper989 posted 31/12/2012, 09:20
so underrated
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Mario_pana posted 12/12/2012, 04:55
This game is not worth buying just get Resistance 1,2 and 3 are a lot better.
I am just waiting for Killzone Mercenary for the Vita next year.
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Ganoncrotch posted 17/11/2012, 08:59
I wonder will this be outsold by Nihilistics reskin of the game with a Call of Duty skin heh.
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Heavenly_King posted 27/10/2012, 07:07
considering this game is in the top PSVITA downloads on PSN think it is doing quite decent overall :)
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