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Release Dates

03/19/13 Capcom
12/10/11 Capcom
03/22/13 Capcom

Community Stats

Owners: 39
Favorite: 7
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 9

Avg Community Rating:


Monster Hunter 3G (3DS) > Opinions (87)

ExplodingBlock posted 07/09/2014, 10:16
Outsold the Wii version
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Krast posted 26/10/2013, 10:57
Great game but incredibly hard to get into for newcomers like me
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leedlelee posted 03/09/2013, 09:22
I live in New York...
The Bronx, to be more specific...
I too see a lot of ACNL and Awakening...
I was seeing a lot of Dark Moon for a while, but that seems to have mostly passed...
If I had to rank them, it would be ACNL, then MHTriU, and then FE Awakening...
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atma998 posted 17/07/2013, 04:39

I'm from Montreal and I see a lot of people playing this game through StreetPass, along with Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem too. 2.19M is still really good number tough even if only 0.14M in NA as of now...
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oniyide posted 16/07/2013, 05:22
@leelelee where the hell do you live? Because i swear i was going to post the SaME THING. everyone is either playing this, Fire Emblem or Animal Crossing
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leedlelee posted 03/06/2013, 06:37
I feel like this game has to be undertracked in the US...
The number of Streetpasses I've had with people playing this game is absurd...
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Falk Sturmfels posted 12/05/2013, 05:57
Game sales are now since 2 weeks on the same number. As much as I see about 15.000 a week worldwide, so it should be 2.07 million right now.
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ebw posted 08/05/2013, 01:25
@enrageorange The point is that unlike Arkham, the listed name is substantially different from the actual marketing name, creating a cognitive dissonance when searching for Ultimate. It would be like listing Pokemon Platinum under the name Pokemon Diamond/Pearl. Note that Freedom Unite is listed separately from Freedom 2 (they are much closer in content than 3G vs Tri), as is Monster Hunter G (Wii, PS2) separate from Monster Hunter (PS2). More recent examples: Devil Survivor Overclocked, Gods Eater Burst.
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enrageorange posted 14/04/2013, 11:37
For the same reason Arkham City GOTY edition, Fallout GOTY edition, etc. aren't considered separate games. This is just a repackaged version of Tri with a lot of bonus content, equivalent to GOTY editions of a game.
Heart of the Swarm sales are just sales of an expansion not a game. If blizzard had released Starcraft GOTY which included Starcraft 2 base game and Heart of the Swarm it would have counted as Starcraft 2 sales.
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Lelouch_Vi_Brittania posted 12/04/2013, 04:52
2 million!! Great game, really deserves it!
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DieAppleDie posted 07/04/2013, 09:22
its just a typo, relax
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Novan posted 04/04/2013, 11:57
3 Ultimate is NOT the same game as Tri, so why is it being listed as the same? Heart of the Swarm gets its its own listing despite being an expansion pack that requires the base game to play. This is a massive standalone expansion that not only adds new content, but changes a lot of the existing stuff from Tri. There's literally no reason to list 3U under Tri...
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venuse8102 posted 04/04/2013, 11:54
considering that its been said to be sold out out in European stores shouldnt the European sells be higher then 30k?
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tbone51 posted 02/04/2013, 02:53
Wii U= best version :p
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DieAppleDie posted 02/04/2013, 01:16
Lol, come on, this is a port of a port...this is free money for Capcom... basically...
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venuse8102 posted 01/04/2013, 11:05
hm, at first i thought the sales were alittle low, but then i remembered that the wii u version is essentially a 3ds port. so if you combined the 3ds sales and the wii u version sales its selling about the same numbers as monster hunter tri for the wii. wii first week 94k vs 3ds/wii u about 82k. if the legs hold out im sure it will sell well, maybe not great.
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Nem posted 01/04/2013, 12:51
This pulled similar numbers to first week dragon's dogma did on the 360 or the PS3. Its the Wii U numbers that arent as good because the system is young. Overall, its performance is similar to dragon's dogma. This might come as a shock, but maybe the game should be released on both portables next time.
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Falk Sturmfels posted 01/04/2013, 11:45
@Meret: I know, I just had hope for a better start in the west. So now we have to rely on the legs - I want MH4 next year, and therefore we need good sales.
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Meret posted 01/04/2013, 09:48
@Falk Sturmfels It's a port of wii game which sold 1m in west and 2m overall. 3ds sales are great. retail ( + digital).
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Falk Sturmfels posted 01/04/2013, 09:10
So next week 3DS-numbers will be around 30.000, then a couple steady 10.000s and thats it. No way this will be a million seller in the west.
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ArtofAngels posted 30/03/2013, 04:18
Its called Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, why does the front page sales represent its predecessors title?
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tbone51 posted 20/03/2013, 05:29
@DietSoap no, just nooo!
Anyway How much do you think this game will get lifetime Worldwide? Im going to guess 3.15mil. Japan should reach 2mil alone and the rest of the world can fill in!
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DietSoap posted 18/03/2013, 11:35
Wow, quite a bit worse than the PSP installments.
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Falk Sturmfels posted 11/03/2013, 06:22
I still can´t believe that there are no preorders for the 3DS-Version in the United States. Is the 3DS really just a kids toy? Mario everywhere? Where are the Monster Hunters?
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NintendoPie posted 26/02/2013, 09:18
Still doing good. Will pass 2 Million in Japan alone this year.
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tbone51 posted 26/01/2013, 06:54
over 2mil by April confirmed!
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ebw posted 07/01/2013, 08:14
@acdcste It's not "only a port" of the Wii version; it's close to triple the size in terms of content. A better approximation would be that it is the Wii version and MHP3 combined, with some additional G-rank monsters. The jump from MHF2 to MHFU is much, much smaller than the jump from Tri to Tri-G, and that didn't stop MHFU from reaching massive sales. I still agree that Vita is a dead-end, but I'm somewhat disappointed in Tri-G sales. My hope is that it will have greater appeal in the West (compared to previous versions, not compared to Japan), where MHP3 was never released.
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acdcste posted 25/12/2012, 08:38
Its been out for a year not for a week. The sales are excellent by the way as its only a port of the wii version. When monster hunter 4 is released that will easily sell 4-5 million on the 3ds. No way capcom woukd take the franchise away from such a big user base like the 3ds and risk putting it on the vita, regardless of whether or not it sold well for the psp.
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benji232 posted 16/12/2012, 10:55
@think-man Poor sales? It has only been out for 1 week. The best selling monster hunter game in japan was 4m and it has been out for 4 years. This game will easily reach this. NOT to mention this is A PORT of the wii version. Get your fact rights and stop making yourself look so fanboyish. Companies tend to choose the console/handhelds that have the biggest userbase to sell exclusives. And any normal person would realise that it wouldn't be a good idea by a longshot to put it exclusive on the vita or even the dead psp.
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think-man posted 16/12/2012, 11:15
Poor sales for a MH, this is exactly why it needs to go back to the psp/vita
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SlayerRondo posted 21/09/2012, 01:55
Considering this is the first monster hunter for the 3DS these are great sales outperforming the first PSP monster Hunter.
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NoirSon posted 16/09/2012, 11:05
The announcement of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate might taper this one off so it will stay under 2 million for this year, but no doubt overall this has been a success for Capcom and MH4 will do even better.
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Ganoncrotch posted 13/07/2012, 03:35
bring this or 4 to europe..... ughhhh crapcom why are you so crap now.
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mootap posted 10/05/2012, 01:51
Wow..should reach 2 million at this pace in japan only.hopefully comes here too
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Salnax posted 07/05/2012, 10:51
@Heavenly_King It's a port of a game that has been available in some way shape or form for two years in Japan.
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NintendoFanDj posted 05/05/2012, 02:18
@Heavenly_King lol what the game came out last year end. It already at 1.41m you mad trolling because no new monster hunter for psp or vita.
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Heavenly_King posted 03/05/2012, 05:50
poor sales, considering that other games sold 4M
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acdcste posted 11/04/2012, 07:07
I think this will get to 2 million in japan alone. Yes the sales are not massive each week, but if its doing 15-22k per week its going to be pretty close by the end of the year. I thought they were releasing it in europe as well yet i have not read anything in the official nintendo magazine.
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Salnax posted 09/04/2012, 07:44
At this point, it would only have to get 35% of its sales outside of Japan to reach 2 million. Step on it Capcom! I want to explore this franchise.
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NintendoFanDj posted 20/02/2012, 03:15
Probably would reach 2million since it is rumored to be release Q3 2012. By Edge Magazine.
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Salnax posted 08/02/2012, 01:45
I bet this could reach 2 million if released worldwide.
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Boutros posted 23/01/2012, 03:48
There are still better ways to tell someone he's wrong. No need to get frustrated and aggressive. The title of the thread is ''Famitsu 2011 Top 100''. I assumed that by 2011 they really meant 2011 not 2011 minus the last week.
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Zim posted 23/01/2012, 12:45
Because twice in a row you referenced figures and stated the ones on this site were hugely off. Yet neither time did you bother to even check the figures you were quoting. I think if you give other people links/statistics to read you should at the very least have the courtesy to read them yourself.
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Boutros posted 23/01/2012, 12:42
Didn't see it was up to the 25th. Why so defensive? :/
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Zim posted 22/01/2012, 05:54
@Boutrous *sigh* Are you even reading the links you are posting? That link is only until the 25th of December, not 2011 like you claimed. So it is missing the last big week of the year. So Famitsu had 809k while Vgchartz had 881k. Still not sure where you are getting 200k from.
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VGKing posted 21/01/2012, 12:26
It's amazing for a console that was considered a failure earlier in the year to get multiple million sellers without a few weeks!
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Metroid33slayer posted 20/01/2012, 11:25
Bring it to europe capcom!
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Boutros posted 20/01/2012, 11:24
Sorry I meant Famitsu numbers. But there's no reason to trust Famitsu more than VGC or MC.
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NintendoPie posted 20/01/2012, 08:25
Wow this game is doing great! Congrats on the 1 Mil
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Salnax posted 15/01/2012, 10:29
Congrats to the first 3rd party million seller on the 3DS!
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bobgamez posted 15/01/2012, 03:51
Boutros...just no
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Zim posted 14/01/2012, 06:58
@Boutros....... *sigh* really? Because MC numbers are easily available. As of the 8th of January they have it at 1.084m while vgchartz has it at 1.086m. Care to explain how you got 200k overtracked from that?
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Boutros posted 14/01/2012, 05:19
I think we have it like 200k overtracked based on MC numbers for 2011 (they have it at 800k). But great sales nonetheless.
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NintendoPie posted 13/01/2012, 07:54
The first time it dropped below 100'000 and it didn't slip under 90K!
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cromeros posted 13/01/2012, 06:56
This game outsold MH Tri in Japan, only in 5 weeks... :O
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Pokemonbrawlvg posted 08/01/2012, 06:49
So far the sixth best sellin Monster Hunter game of all time. And it's going to outsell it's predcessor? Incredible.
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Zim posted 06/01/2012, 11:45
Should end up with very high sales due to being released so early in the lifespan. MHF:2 launched bigger but this game has had a bigger week 2,3 and 4. MHF:2 ended up with 1.75m in Japan and 2.5m worldwide.
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NintendoPie posted 06/01/2012, 10:25
Very close to 1 Million. Japan really loves this game and their 3DS's too!
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acdcste posted 03/01/2012, 05:42
Well if the Japanese preview turns out to be accurate then this is almost at the 1m mark. Not bad considering its only out in Japan!
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enrageorange posted 29/12/2011, 04:49
@Salnax. This should pretty easily pass 2mil unless Monster Hunter 4 comes out soon. The 3ds does not have an established userbase yet. Future 3ds owners will be buying mario kart, mario 3d, and this. It will fly by freedom, and is holding up better than freedom 2.
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acdcste posted 26/12/2011, 01:40
With the new numbers this week, 143,000 that takes it to around 860,000.
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Salnax posted 25/12/2011, 03:19
@VGKing Based on the PSP version's legs, maybe. It'll be a near thing, though sales will probably never reach 1.5 million in Japan. Still, this could theoretically reach 2 million worldwide, beating every non-PSP entry in the series.
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Chris Hu posted 25/12/2011, 03:00
Will be the 5th 3DS million seller in a couple of weeks.
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acdcste posted 24/12/2011, 11:07
Hopefully! Probably will end up just under unless it can steady out over the next two weeks like Mario Land and Mario Kart seemed to have done.
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VGKing posted 23/12/2011, 07:16
Will it reach 1 million before end of the year?
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NintendoPie posted 23/12/2011, 06:43
Yay you listened. Thanks for putting it ahead of MH2!
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NintendoPie posted 23/12/2011, 02:50
Wow not too bad of a drop off for a MH game! =D
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enrageorange posted 21/12/2011, 08:01
ya they shipped 1million.
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acdcste posted 21/12/2011, 06:54
thats a million shipped isn't it, because this site will have it at 720,000 after this weeks figures are added.
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NintendoPie posted 21/12/2011, 01:26
Wow this is also doing better than the HD Ver. with a smaller install base too!
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NintendoPie posted 21/12/2011, 01:17
Yeah just like Seece said, Capcom has announced that it already passed the Million mark =D
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Seece posted 21/12/2011, 01:09
Think Boutros meant Japan only, but yeah, Capcom announced it surpassed 1 mill ....
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acdcste posted 19/12/2011, 09:02
Boutros. With this weeks sales figures its just over 700k and you think it will struggle to reach a million?
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sethnintendo posted 19/12/2011, 03:14
Should at least wait till next week sales before making such a bold prediction Boutros. If anything it shouldn't start struggling in sales till it get around the 2 million mark. I believe MH3 opened up the MH series to a lot people in the USA / Europe that weren't exposed to the game before.
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Boutros posted 18/12/2011, 11:52
It will struggle to reach 1 million but it should do it.
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Boutros posted 18/12/2011, 11:51
@acdcste roflmao No.
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acdcste posted 17/12/2011, 11:10
I think it will do around 3-4 million lifetime in Japan alone. Thats what most of the Monster Hunter titles seem to do.
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Chris Hu posted 17/12/2011, 03:14
Best opeing for a 3DS game in Japan.
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Salnax posted 17/12/2011, 12:03
This could reach a million in Japan alone! Not bad for a port on a new system.
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kleinanzeigen posted 16/12/2011, 11:33
@Michael ----Yeeeeeeees - that`s my wish for christmas xD
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acdcste posted 16/12/2011, 09:01
Its an amazing number considering its only been released in one country! Roll on Euro release next year hopefully.
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Michael-5 posted 16/12/2011, 06:48
Sick box cover, I hope some 3DS games outside of Japan get black labels too
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cromeros posted 16/12/2011, 05:57
WOW!!!.. HUGE sales... YEAHHHH!!!!!!... :D
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kleinanzeigen posted 05/12/2011, 11:45
2012 in Germany !
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WarioTime posted 15/10/2011, 08:30
hope this comes to north america will buy it day 1
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MasterZack posted 20/09/2011, 03:19
Ill buy this.
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cromeros posted 10/09/2011, 03:15
Very interesting?... Excellent... :)!
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Shipping Total

2,600,000 Units
As of: September 30th, 2018

Opinion (87)

ExplodingBlock posted 07/09/2014, 10:16
Outsold the Wii version
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Krast posted 26/10/2013, 10:57
Great game but incredibly hard to get into for newcomers like me
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leedlelee posted 03/09/2013, 09:22
I live in New York...
The Bronx, to be more specific...
I too see a lot of ACNL and Awakening...
I was seeing a lot of Dark Moon for a while, but that seems to have mostly passed...
If I had to rank them, it would be ACNL, then MHTriU, and then FE Awakening...
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atma998 posted 17/07/2013, 04:39

I'm from Montreal and I see a lot of people playing this game through StreetPass, along with Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem too. 2.19M is still really good number tough even if only 0.14M in NA as of now...
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oniyide posted 16/07/2013, 05:22
@leelelee where the hell do you live? Because i swear i was going to post the SaME THING. everyone is either playing this, Fire Emblem or Animal Crossing
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leedlelee posted 03/06/2013, 06:37
I feel like this game has to be undertracked in the US...
The number of Streetpasses I've had with people playing this game is absurd...
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