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VGChartz Score




Square Enix



Release Dates

02/07/14 Nintendo
12/15/13 Square Enix
12/06/13 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 58
Favorite: 11
Tracked: 4
Wishlist: 2
Now Playing: 10

Avg Community Rating:


Bravely Default: Flying Fairy (3DS) > Opinions (81)

killeryoshis posted 07/09/2017, 08:22
This game is an amazing NES/SNES like FInal Fantasy game. The only thing I didn't like was chapter 6-8. For obvious reason for those who played this game
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Keybladewielder posted 15/08/2016, 07:55
The second half of this game is...unacceptable, who thought it was a good idea to pad out the game in such an awful way?
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Keybladewielder posted 11/08/2016, 05:07
I like this game but GOD, it drags for TOO long
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think-man posted 06/07/2016, 06:58
Good sales for a new IP
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zwei posted 26/02/2016, 05:23
Awesome game.
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Munchies posted 12/12/2015, 10:25
This should've done so much better.
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yussoupov posted 12/08/2015, 05:52
i can't believe this game sold more than lightning return. with less budget too.

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yussoupov posted 12/08/2015, 05:52
i can't believe this game sold more than lightning return. with less budget too.

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garretslarrity posted 10/07/2015, 11:21
Now at 1.21M! Nice!
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Munchies posted 05/01/2015, 02:20
Amazing game. I'm pleased this sold more than a million (hoping for some updated numbers from Square Enix). Can't wait for Bravely Second.
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mii-gamer posted 02/01/2015, 04:23
Square should be pleased with these numbers
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garretslarrity posted 24/11/2014, 10:40
Welcome to the VGC 1 Million club.
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Fededx posted 24/11/2014, 05:43
Million seller at retail, congrats BD! Amazing RPG!
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drake_tolu posted 28/07/2014, 08:22
920,000 retail, and 1,000,000 retail+digital...
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garretslarrity posted 28/07/2014, 03:30
According to Square Enix, Bravely Default has sold over a million units!
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atma998 posted 08/07/2014, 02:17
Sold as much in the West than it sold in Japan. Turn based RPGs are still appreciated here. I don't know why Square-Enix don't localize any DQ games!?
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garretslarrity posted 03/07/2014, 08:20
Could this game have already passed 1M with digital? Are there any official official sales numbers?
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fluky-nintendy posted 28/06/2014, 11:53
needs vita port
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Meret posted 22/05/2014, 07:57
Game sold way more in Europe. For example, Nintendo confirmed that in France it sold more than 60K.
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Skidonti posted 02/05/2014, 05:02
With digital sales it'll almost certainly be over a million by year's end, going by these numbers.
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greencactaur posted 02/05/2014, 03:41
This game is about to outsell LR. Good.
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drake_tolu posted 01/04/2014, 08:10
This game will sold 1 milion, maybe 1,5!!!!!
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fluky-nintendy posted 01/04/2014, 01:00
This is the game that opened SE eyes!!
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atma998 posted 31/03/2014, 10:56
I wonder if this game can break one million at some point? 0.81M is still really good for a new IP.
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greencactaur posted 31/03/2014, 08:10
YEAH!!!! WOO Bravely Default 10/10 if...ch5 wasn't the way it was :C.
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SubiyaCryolite posted 31/03/2014, 05:48
Huge hit :)
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garretslarrity posted 30/03/2014, 04:19
This game required 3.7GB of SD card space, so I don't think that 200K people downloaded it.
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andrewclear posted 28/03/2014, 05:44
@Ljink96 Wasn't DQ 7 released on the PS1 under the name Dragon Warrior 7? I remember owning it way back in the day.

This game has probably already passed 1 million, when you factor in download sales from Japan, America, and Europe.
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NintendoSupporter<3 posted 27/03/2014, 04:46
Well this wont have legs like Fire Emblem Awakening....still good sales tho.
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supernihilist posted 21/03/2014, 04:25
as i expected is slowing down a lot. still charting doug...
around 15k Ww this week.
still now im confident it will eventually pass 1m. which is awesome for a new IP.hopefully the sequel does as good.they shoyld release it as soon as possible imo. dont let the name be forvotten
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garretslarrity posted 03/03/2014, 01:10
Add 1 to these numbers because I downloaded mine.
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NintendoPie posted 27/02/2014, 09:28
This is pretty nice for a new IP. Good enough to warrant a sequel, it seems.
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Ljink96 posted 22/02/2014, 06:31
This game is good but if Square Enix wants to do something great they'd localize Dragon Quest VII. It'll be a hit.
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garretslarrity posted 21/02/2014, 01:54
This game is a little too amazing.
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Cheebee posted 21/02/2014, 01:35
This will likely crack 1m eventually, moreso because of digital sales.
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KingWithNoKrown posted 20/02/2014, 12:24
Good start. I'm expecting about a 30k 2nd week. I think 300-350k US lifetime sales are on lock.
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supernihilist posted 18/02/2014, 06:43
wont hit a mil but ill be close
nice FW in the US, hope SE delivers DQ7 sooner than later
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Jranation posted 18/02/2014, 04:26
Another 3DS game to buy
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PhantomLink posted 17/02/2014, 04:48
I bet it is overtracked
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Chris Hu posted 17/02/2014, 03:54
Pretty good start I think it will sell enough for them to start localization of Dragon Quest 7 for NA.
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Arfen posted 16/02/2014, 06:54
it ended with more than 150k pre-orders, so i hope for a good second week too
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NintendoSupporter<3 posted 16/02/2014, 07:12
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Fededx posted 16/02/2014, 02:59
Yes it is, considering those sales are from only one day... Expect next week numbers to be around 50 to 70 k for NA only. Great to see it's got success overseas!
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NintendoPie posted 16/02/2014, 02:24
So this is a good opening for NA... right?
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supernihilist posted 05/02/2014, 12:19
remember theres a sequel coming soon. i dont think they will push this one that much honestly, they shouldnt if they want the sequel to be relevant
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NintendoSupporter<3 posted 04/02/2014, 03:05
If this get 150k FW in US, it will hit 1 million worldwide by the end of 2014.
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garretslarrity posted 03/02/2014, 06:49
I made my statement assuming that VGChartz's pre-order numbers were at least fairly accurate. If they're not, then I really don't know what to say.
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supernihilist posted 03/02/2014, 01:29
not that selling close to a mil is bad or anything LOL.
much less for a niche game like this with no name
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supernihilist posted 03/02/2014, 01:28
Vgchratz doesnt track preorders very well, compared to HW and SW.
Much less Nintendo related stuff which is not really much of preorders and stuff...
i would be really surprised to see this hit 150k FW. but even then it wont really go much further than 300k.
ill give you 350K LTD in USA for a 9xxK WW LTD figure. wont ever hit a million
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garretslarrity posted 02/02/2014, 07:03
@supernihilist Let's not forget, the current pre-orders are with 3 weeks left until launch. Not everyone who buys retail pre-orders the game, and nobody who buys digital pre-orders it either. I think 300k in America is a minimum just for February.
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KingWithNoKrown posted 01/02/2014, 08:18
If those pre orders are accurate then there is no doubt it has great potential in the US. Maybe 350-400k.

800-900k lifetime sales (WW).
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supernihilist posted 31/01/2014, 03:53
it will do 300k in America max.
it can reach 150k in the EU but is not granted.
in Japan has already been reeleased the second cheaper SKU. its nearly dead.
It wont even hit a million Lifetime.

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garretslarrity posted 30/01/2014, 07:39
VGChartz reports that in the week ending on January 18, 2014 there are 140,418 pre-orders for North America. With .51 million units already sold as of the same date, it seems like this game will hit a million by the end of February.
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Dadrik posted 22/01/2014, 04:26
Well, that's probably why it was the most anticipated game on the 3DS these past few months, and that would explain why a LOT of people can't buy the game because it was sold out the day it came out.
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supernihilist posted 22/01/2014, 02:47
maybe they stocked only 100k or so expecting low sales. the figure is pretty accurate imo, Jrpgs on Nintendo systems do worst in EU
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TiagoCosta posted 21/01/2014, 05:50
yeah, it's weird. It's also out of stock everywhere in Portugal (I got it on the first day tho). Seems like a case of under-stoking to me.
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Dadrik posted 17/01/2014, 03:09
Only 90 000k in Europe ? I call bullshit. The game is sold out EVERYWHERE, just in France.
This game in undertracked.
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Arfen posted 14/01/2014, 10:08
Nintendo needs to impprove its market strategy in Europe. some games have low numbers. and the fact that some countries like Polland has some restrictions with nintendo products doesn't help
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supernihilist posted 12/01/2014, 06:47
this is going to sell 700k+
pretty good for what it is. its not a high budget game by any means.
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Miro91 posted 12/01/2014, 03:17
Out of stock in Europe, impossible to find this game in shop.....

Nintendo, we need stock, many people don't want to buy this game in eshop.
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andrewclear posted 08/01/2014, 06:00
Europe needs to learn how to buy quality RPG games again. Those sales are awful for a region of that size.
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KingWithNoKrown posted 07/01/2014, 10:45
Demo was great. Im hoping this does well in the US.
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Fededx posted 03/01/2014, 10:27
If the demo is good, it's gonna sell good in America. Hope it passes 1m LT.
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supernihilist posted 28/12/2013, 06:56
in japan
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supernihilist posted 28/12/2013, 06:56
i might do 100k in EU after all
also they combined all the SKUs for this which are many
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Juku_Lover posted 23/12/2013, 10:52
Not to bad. I think it can pull 300k in the US.
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supernihilist posted 18/12/2013, 09:35
is not as good as i expected but its still good enough.
80k for EU and 200k US can put this on 650k more or less LTD WW which would be pretty awesome for a niche game with no name like this
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supernihilist posted 18/12/2013, 09:32
day one
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think-man posted 17/12/2013, 05:03
Just played the demo, WOW I'm so buying this ^^
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qwertyDANIELqwerty posted 20/10/2013, 01:58
Come on, come to the US faster!
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ktay95 posted 04/06/2013, 11:54
Me thinks it can sell 1million... if its renamed Final Fantasy and not Flying Fairy.
either way though im picking up this beautiful game day 1
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Otakumegane posted 04/04/2013, 04:03
Huzzah yay to getting this.
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DieAppleDie posted 18/03/2013, 01:15
Day one
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Otakumegane posted 05/03/2013, 03:59
The OST is quite amazing now that I listen to it.
AHHHHH I want it.
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Otakumegane posted 19/02/2013, 05:11
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NintendoPie posted 30/11/2012, 05:42
I thought it sold quite well! Hopefully they bring this over. (They need to drop the Flying Fairy part for the West though.)
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pokeclaudel posted 28/11/2012, 06:14
Huh didn't sell nearly as much as I thought it would.
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Nem posted 07/11/2012, 02:20
Seems like a decent game but they really have to change that name. At least remove the Flying fairy part.
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DieAppleDie posted 20/10/2012, 06:54
if this doesnt come to the EU i will never buy a SE game again
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LevelUP posted 20/10/2012, 06:48
this game makes me want to own a 3ds, I miss a really well done jrpg.
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Moren posted 21/09/2011, 09:45
Worst name ever
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Shipping Total

1,400,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2017

Opinion (81)

killeryoshis posted 07/09/2017, 08:22
This game is an amazing NES/SNES like FInal Fantasy game. The only thing I didn't like was chapter 6-8. For obvious reason for those who played this game
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Keybladewielder posted 15/08/2016, 07:55
The second half of this game is...unacceptable, who thought it was a good idea to pad out the game in such an awful way?
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Keybladewielder posted 11/08/2016, 05:07
I like this game but GOD, it drags for TOO long
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think-man posted 06/07/2016, 06:58
Good sales for a new IP
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zwei posted 26/02/2016, 05:23
Awesome game.
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Munchies posted 12/12/2015, 10:25
This should've done so much better.
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