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Camelot Software Planning



Release Dates

05/20/12 Nintendo
05/24/12 Nintendo
05/25/12 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 14
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Mario Tennis Open (3DS) > Opinions (41)

xboxonefan posted 18/11/2017, 08:21
1 million no more adjustments hopefully
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leedlelee posted 15/05/2017, 08:57
Yes, it was adjusted down...
Which is pretty silly considering we've known this game was pretty much a million seller since early 2013...
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fedfed posted 30/04/2017, 09:35
it is still missing 10k.

was this adjusted down?
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xboxonefan posted 08/04/2017, 04:47
A million finally
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leedlelee posted 26/03/2017, 03:48
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fedfed posted 08/02/2017, 10:36
Just remembered Mario Sports on 3ds next month... this might take all 2017 then....
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fedfed posted 08/02/2017, 10:34
1 million by April!

Nearly there... come on!
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fedfed posted 08/12/2016, 04:48
come on... you can make it... is this been released as selects in all market already?
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atma998 posted 12/12/2015, 05:13
Now at 0.86M. Maybe it will be eventually adjusted up.
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S.Peelman posted 14/10/2015, 06:14
Lol, still way under the number announced over 2 (!) years ago. Including digital or not, there's no way this is anywhere close to being correct.
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atma998 posted 17/12/2014, 02:53
0.80M, might reach 1 million at retail in the long run.
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acdcste posted 22/11/2013, 02:20
Bizzare that this has not been adjusted when nintendo have stated its a million seller months ago now.
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leedlelee posted 05/09/2013, 03:46
I can't believe this hasn't been adjusted at all...
I realize the 1.1 million figure included digital sales, but I refuse to humor the idea that half of this game's sales have been digital...
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acdcste posted 09/06/2013, 06:11
Dissapointing this has not been adjusted up seen as though nintendo themselves have reported sales figures of 1.1m. Nearly 400k undertracked here.
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acdcste posted 24/04/2013, 10:28
This needs adjusting up. Nintendo have it at 1.1m. Heavily undertracked.
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DieAppleDie posted 17/03/2013, 06:54
Underrated and undertracked too!
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DieAppleDie posted 17/03/2013, 06:53
One of the biggest surprises on the 3DS
This game is addicting, customization is amazing and minigames original and challenging. Im 120h+ already and counting...

This game is VERY underrated.
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Meret posted 10/03/2013, 03:30
According to Nintendo, game sold more than 1,000,000 copies woldwide as of Dec. 31, 2012.
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fedfed posted 28/01/2013, 10:11
I can imagine this will sell similar to what Mario 3 hoops did on ds!
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acdcste posted 10/12/2012, 08:37
Leedlelee. Your right. Most people that post here think if a game does not sell 10m in its first month then its a flop.
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leedlelee posted 10/12/2012, 12:51
acdcste: Everyone did the same thing when Star Fox 64 3D only sold about seventy thousand launch week in the US and Europe...
Sure, neither game is a system seller, or moving incredible numbers, but they're both doing pretty well...
It seems like everyone thinks that games have to sell six figures a week to be a success...
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fedfed posted 05/11/2012, 10:26
it is actually a fun game... full of replay and very easy... the online is incredible and very hard... some people have crazy skills.
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atma998 posted 20/10/2012, 10:00
0.52M, let's see how it performs during the holidays to see if it can reach the million.
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acdcste posted 07/10/2012, 03:39
Thats why when people were calling this a flop after the first week sales were announced i was probably one of only a handful of people who predicted this would sell well. It amazes me how people still dont understand how mario games sell. Its simple, they dont shift huge numbers first week like other blockbuster games, but it will still be selling in 3 to 4 years.
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DieAppleDie posted 20/09/2012, 06:11
mario, such long legs :D
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Salnax posted 31/07/2012, 09:38
After such a disappointing week one, it's nice to see this at over 400,000. It might match its predecessors someday.

Well, not the N64 one. But the others maybe.
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Ganoncrotch posted 01/07/2012, 07:44
this just looks like one of those games that's just gonna chug away for a good long while selling a few thousand copies each week just basically whenever a new 3ds is picked up it's one of the mario games that will have a chance of finding its way to the checkout to be bought along with the system.
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acdcste posted 22/06/2012, 12:44
My bad i thought sales were 300k for some reason, still 270 is good for three weeks in.
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acdcste posted 17/06/2012, 12:26
Tennis is not that hot in the us right now due to them having no major names. In europe this will continue to sell well and likewise with japan. 300k after three weeks are good numbers.
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sperrico87 posted 16/06/2012, 02:13
50k over 3 weeks in the US and Europe? That's really poor. Japan is not supposed to have three times the market of the other two continents. It's usually the other way around if it's not Kirby, DQ, Fire Emblem, or FF.
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acdcste posted 15/06/2012, 11:25
Good 3rd week sales. Should pass the 300k mark next week. I never undstood why some people posting here thought the sales were poor. Its clearly a game thats going to be doing no less than 15k for a few weeks at least.
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acdcste posted 12/06/2012, 02:48
I have a feeling this will be one of those titles that drops to around the 15-20k mark soon but will stay that way for a while, like the olympic mario and sonic game seems to be doing. Hopefully it can have another month or so of 50k a week sales but i doubt it.
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Salnax posted 12/06/2012, 01:27
Actually, these are good legs.
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acdcste posted 04/06/2012, 12:00
Sales are worse than i thought, but if you compare to a similar title like mario and sonic at the olympics the sales for the first week of mario tennis are 50k better for the first week of mario and sonic, and that game has managed to get up to 500k so hopefully this title will have similar legs.
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Salnax posted 03/06/2012, 05:53
This may end up legging well, but Mario Tennis Open looks to be a bit of a blemish on the 3DS's and Camelot's records.
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-girgosz- posted 03/06/2012, 01:02
Damn. I've never seen such a terrible opening for a Mario game. :O
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Pokemonbrawlvg posted 03/06/2012, 01:02
A pretty good opening... too bad most of it was Japan's numbers.
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xxbrothawizxx63 posted 02/06/2012, 02:30
Really not surprised. The game brought nothing new to the table other than online....

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NintendoPie posted 02/06/2012, 12:47
That's a really sad opening.
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Salnax posted 01/06/2012, 07:59
Pretty poor opening in America, although the mediocre reviews indicated a poor reception.
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KingEidilleg posted 28/05/2012, 11:54
Although it's not the best Mario Tennis game, it's still pretty good. For those intersted there's a black Yoshi available! Scan the QR code on :
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Shipping Total

1,580,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2021

Opinion (41)

xboxonefan posted 18/11/2017, 08:21
1 million no more adjustments hopefully
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leedlelee posted 15/05/2017, 08:57
Yes, it was adjusted down...
Which is pretty silly considering we've known this game was pretty much a million seller since early 2013...
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fedfed posted 30/04/2017, 09:35
it is still missing 10k.

was this adjusted down?
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xboxonefan posted 08/04/2017, 04:47
A million finally
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leedlelee posted 26/03/2017, 03:48
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fedfed posted 08/02/2017, 10:36
Just remembered Mario Sports on 3ds next month... this might take all 2017 then....
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