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Insomniac Games



Release Dates

11/07/02 Sony Computer Entertainment
12/03/02 Sony Computer Entertainment
11/08/02 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 256
Favorite: 9
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
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Ratchet & Clank (PS2) > Opinions (19)

Kai Master posted 01/12/2012, 01:40
best selling occidental game in Japan after Crash Bandicoot.
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zzamaro posted 17/03/2011, 04:36
awesome game but I liked 2 much more but it sucked there is not Spanish option :( that's what I like from the first one, after the third one, I was starting to lose hope on the series, i found it to be moe of the same, I still enjoy the series
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Kinneas14 posted 22/01/2010, 02:10
Beautiful game!Insomniac is very good making platform!
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Ratchetti posted 22/12/2009, 10:30
Correction* Actually Ratchet and Clank 2: Going Commando was bundled with PS2.
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zexen_lowe posted 01/05/2009, 05:05
Finally beat it. Great game, very funny and the arsenal of weapons is awesome. It's annoying the separation of checkpoints, I had to replay entire parts just for a bad jump. But overall, it's a great game, I'll be playing the second one now.

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Ratchetti posted 28/04/2009, 05:35
Ratchet and Clank was the first western game to be bundled... that's why it sold so well in Japan.
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sabby_e17 posted 21/04/2009, 07:28
didnt know that Japan were big on Ratchet and Clank
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sabby_e17 posted 29/03/2009, 08:13
this game was alot of fun and the story kept me hooked
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Ratchetti posted 06/01/2009, 10:51
Almost 3 million :O!

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Gearbox posted 01/08/2008, 10:45
This game wasn't a let down... it was the best ps2 ratchet game.
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Griffin posted 19/06/2008, 08:05
I just bought the game this week and got stuck on the last boss and i only have 5k left to buy missiles which should be enough for me to give one last run at him which is pretty shitty. The PS3 game was my first ratchet and it is by far the best game i have played this gen. But this game is a real let down after playing the PS3 one, but the clank parts are alot more fun in this game then the PS3 one.
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insomniac_dog posted 15/05/2008, 07:07
This is quite possibly one of the greatest platformers to grace the PS2 system. Every aspect of this game is just so well polished and superb, I would easily recommend to any fan of big guns or platforming. The sci-fi spin on a rather old genre is pure genius. 10/10!
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gamerdtr posted 08/03/2008, 07:49
Awesome game! Never boring. Not at all like Spyro, BETTER!
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dredereck posted 29/01/2008, 09:39
awesome game
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naznatips posted 01/12/2007, 11:24
Great platformer.
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konnichiwa posted 12/11/2007, 04:35
Boring? Like Spyro? WTH?

It is a very good game.
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cool48 posted 10/11/2007, 02:28
Best game ever
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DarkNight_DS posted 06/11/2007, 05:32
Too much like Spyro :(
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a.l.e.x59 posted 09/06/2007, 09:44
Boring at times, but still a good game.
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Shipping Total

3,714,270 Units
As of: June 30th, 2007

Opinion (19)

Kai Master posted 01/12/2012, 01:40
best selling occidental game in Japan after Crash Bandicoot.
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zzamaro posted 17/03/2011, 04:36
awesome game but I liked 2 much more but it sucked there is not Spanish option :( that's what I like from the first one, after the third one, I was starting to lose hope on the series, i found it to be moe of the same, I still enjoy the series
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Kinneas14 posted 22/01/2010, 02:10
Beautiful game!Insomniac is very good making platform!
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Ratchetti posted 22/12/2009, 10:30
Correction* Actually Ratchet and Clank 2: Going Commando was bundled with PS2.
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zexen_lowe posted 01/05/2009, 05:05
Finally beat it. Great game, very funny and the arsenal of weapons is awesome. It's annoying the separation of checkpoints, I had to replay entire parts just for a bad jump. But overall, it's a great game, I'll be playing the second one now.

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Ratchetti posted 28/04/2009, 05:35
Ratchet and Clank was the first western game to be bundled... that's why it sold so well in Japan.
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