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Release Dates

11/20/92 Sega
11/21/92 Sega
11/24/92 Sega

Community Stats

Owners: 406
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Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (GEN) > Opinions (31)

ByAngelTube posted 08/04/2019, 10:30
I don't understand why after 20 years and praises Sonic The Hedgehog 2 suddenly some detractors come out.
This game brought wonders like the Spin Dash, Tails (which has now become useful as a shoe but ok), varied and fast levels etc ...
In short, I personally love it!
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No9tro posted 13/09/2018, 10:06
This game....... I personally prefer the first game and Mania way above this steaming piece of shit
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Iveyboi posted 05/01/2012, 02:16
Deserves COD-like sales...different time period though
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pekkaukkeli posted 02/09/2011, 08:42
still the best sonicgame
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markimsoad posted 26/11/2010, 05:33
one of the best sonics game ever :)
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scapegoatsqueal posted 16/11/2010, 05:10
Casino Street Zone music. Nuff said.
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dizzydee_011 posted 22/10/2010, 07:09
I used to playthis game all the time when I was little and I still pop it in once in a while. Definitely a classic.
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BladeOfGod posted 10/01/2010, 10:14
should get outsold by MW2 (ps3) next week
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sep85dd posted 30/09/2009, 10:16
Sega was so big that time in Amerikas and Others....sad to see them low numbers now.
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TheConduit posted 25/07/2009, 09:48
Just playing this game makes me depressed knowing how good the sonic franchise ust to be

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gunstar posted 29/05/2009, 10:58
Super Sonic Kamehame Ha!!!
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Wickedshyn posted 11/05/2009, 04:55
This game has the best music and is the best sonic game ever made.
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shizzlee posted 15/02/2009, 10:41
Best Sonic game on Genesis. I prefer this instead of Super Mario World.
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Ronster316 posted 29/11/2008, 05:42
Great stuff, the bonus stages were ahead of their time.
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novasonic posted 28/11/2008, 12:00
me and my neighbour would play this for hours and hours when we were wee lads! then beat eachother up when we died..damns..
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Cueil posted 05/11/2008, 02:52
this was my first 16 bit game... it blew my mind
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Aj_habfan posted 08/08/2008, 03:49
This game is amazing, I own it on my Genesis and still play it on my PSP in the "Sega Genesis Collection" - 1 problem - On the last level it won't let me get the last chaos emerald. Still, great game.
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Gearbox posted 07/08/2008, 06:44
Sonic CD is suposed to be the best sonic game of all time, but I've never played either.
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RCTjunkie posted 13/07/2008, 03:56
I got the VC version 2 days ago.
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oliist posted 07/06/2008, 01:30
Best Sonic game ever?
I vote for yes. XD
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bigjon posted 15/04/2008, 08:27

I think the Genesis has more piracy problem in Others than Nintendo did.
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Xponent posted 10/04/2008, 02:20
I'm surprised at the relatively low numbers for this game in Others, which is well below the equivalent figures for SNES games such as All Stars, Donkey Kong Country, and even Kart. I'm not disputing them at all, I just thought that Sega was more succesful than Nintendo in Others.
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lemieux-rules66 posted 06/04/2008, 06:20
first game i ever played. Holds dear to my heart, One of the best ever made
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sep85dd posted 01/04/2008, 02:26
Best one in 16 Bit, Best one in the 90´s but not so good like Sonic Adventure 9,5/10
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Schwarz posted 20/12/2007, 09:30
^ Nothing more to say.
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mikey posted 12/10/2007, 01:16
This is one of the games that got me hooked into playing video games. The best Sonic the Hedgehog game ever.
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NightStalker posted 04/10/2007, 02:07
Loved turning into Super Sonic and playing this game 9/10
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VEGA posted 02/10/2007, 02:03
A good game, but I love Sonic 3DS Blast better.
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nathantay posted 19/09/2007, 05:03
Not as good as the first Sonic but still very good.9/10
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eagle posted 18/07/2007, 06:53
I, too, couldn't finish it back in the 90's. The only time I came close to finishing it it crashed because of overheating in the MSX/Genesis. So here I am in 2007 trying to finish it on the Wii (second attempt so far). Surprisingly it's still quite entertaining.
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wyx posted 25/06/2007, 02:57
i could never finish this game. but i absolutely love it. It was so fast and outstanding back in 1992. Sonic was the best.
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Shipping Total

6,000,000 Units

Opinion (31)

ByAngelTube posted 08/04/2019, 10:30
I don't understand why after 20 years and praises Sonic The Hedgehog 2 suddenly some detractors come out.
This game brought wonders like the Spin Dash, Tails (which has now become useful as a shoe but ok), varied and fast levels etc ...
In short, I personally love it!
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No9tro posted 13/09/2018, 10:06
This game....... I personally prefer the first game and Mania way above this steaming piece of shit
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Iveyboi posted 05/01/2012, 02:16
Deserves COD-like sales...different time period though
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pekkaukkeli posted 02/09/2011, 08:42
still the best sonicgame
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markimsoad posted 26/11/2010, 05:33
one of the best sonics game ever :)
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scapegoatsqueal posted 16/11/2010, 05:10
Casino Street Zone music. Nuff said.
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