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Alternative Names

Totsugeki!! Famicom Wars VS

突撃!! ファミコンウォーズVS


Kuju Entertainment



Release Dates

10/29/07 Nintendo
05/15/08 Nintendo
02/15/08 Nintendo

Friend Code

Community Stats

Owners: 246
Favorite: 4
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 9
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Battalion Wars 2 (Wii) > Opinions (47)

Kresnik posted 21/06/2012, 11:29
Just started playing this - really, really surprised at how much I'm enjoying it. It reminds me very much of 'Hogs of War', which is a good thing :D

It has a few flaws - the motion controls aren't quite there, the camera angles can get a bit dodgy, but as a basic idea for a game it's an incredibly good one. I hope Nintendo contract Kuju to make a BW3 for Wii-U.
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sethnintendo posted 10/06/2011, 05:12
Yea the voice acting was pretty bad in this game. You can turn it off. Other than that I have no complaints about this game perhaps it is a little short. The only vehicles that I had a little difficutly controling were the planes but they weren't terrible. All other vehicles are easy to control.
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Daileon posted 27/02/2011, 06:30
I've bought this game last month and it is great indeed. A shame that no one looks into it, the only thing where it mess up is the voice acting (the japanese missions are played with the commander voices on mute, holy crap, how AWFUL). Even then, the game plays perfectly is artiscally very beautiful and have a nice replay value. =]
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Armads posted 02/05/2010, 03:40

Probably not well, it had no multiplayer and the controls were difficult before the wii-mote.

I loved this game and still occasionally pop on to try and get S rank on a mission or play online. I really hope we get a 3rd one where they can make even more improvements.

For one maybe make units gain extra Atk/Def when they land a kill, like ranking units in the Advance wars series as well as giving a CO area boost to nearby units.

Offline co-op, more missions, better online matchmaking setup, wii-speak functionality, leaderboards and such would all be great.
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jeffrey9999 posted 17/04/2010, 03:09
should have put it in others also
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jeffrey9999 posted 17/04/2010, 03:08
I pray we see another one............
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jeffrey9999 posted 17/04/2010, 03:06
makes me fucking SICK, this is every bit as good as pikmin and so many ppl are just so fucking stupid they didn't buy it btw one of the best wii games made..........
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Faxanadu posted 17/03/2010, 09:04
I got this for 8 Euros - any good?
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NeoStar9 posted 31/01/2010, 05:49
The Japan sales for BW2 look similar to the ones for BW1. So wouldn't be surprised if the sales of both games were very similar.
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NeoStar9 posted 31/01/2010, 05:47
Curious as to what the true sales numbers for this was. Especially since the Others numbers are blank. Anyone know how BW1 on the GameCube did?
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primogen18 posted 12/01/2010, 03:55
I guess bad sales could justify Nintendo pulling the plug on this game.
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TWRoO posted 15/10/2009, 10:48
@NYANKS this one is awesome.
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NYANKS posted 18/07/2009, 05:01
The first one was cool, was this one not as good? *sad face*
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TWRoO posted 26/05/2009, 01:01
If only petey peeps was a figment of my imagination.
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PeteyPeeps posted 25/04/2009, 05:10
got it cheap, hated it, horrible controls, no one online
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NeoStar9 posted 05/04/2009, 06:12
So has anyone been able to come across any more solid numbers for this game?
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SmokedHostage posted 02/04/2009, 11:35
Got it for 34.99 @ K-Mart. They were having a store closing sale and every game they had was 30% off.. too bad I couldn't find any other good games I didn't have. :\
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sethnintendo posted 02/04/2009, 06:14
Enjoyed this game a lot. Wasn't too difficult (except a few missions were tough) but it was extremely fun. I haven't played too much online but it was fun also. I should try the co-op mode. The voice acting was pretty cheesy but I am pretty sure you can turn it off. They could have made it more difficult if the COs didn't announce what the enemy was attacking with every time. I guess if you have the voice acting off and ignore the text then you could achieve more of a surprise to what you are fighting against if you haven't played the missions in a while.
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mandisc posted 06/03/2009, 06:42
not the most accurate sales as i see quite a lot of these lesser well known games not being tracked in Europe. Shame
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pmaster4 posted 27/02/2009, 04:32
i only come across pros when i am online :( the co-op is nice
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Madanial posted 08/02/2009, 10:54
This's another great game on Wii ,but i don't know why no one buy it. :(
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Kenology posted 11/01/2009, 02:43
I really wish more people played this game.
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Arfen posted 22/12/2008, 01:01
Where are Others sales? this game really deserves more recognition!!
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Voltaire posted 02/11/2008, 07:03
Bought this game for $20 at Amazon. I really like it, only its hard to 'battle' and stagitize at the same time. The online is lag free beilvev it or not, and it has a limited profile thing that shows your wins/loss record, so thats pretty neat.
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brute posted 18/09/2008, 09:13
I just got the game,I've only beaten the prologue and the first mission,so far it's fun I'm enjoying it.
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Chrizum posted 18/09/2008, 12:09
No, you can play against anyone online, just like in every other Wii online game...
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brute posted 16/09/2008, 08:26
Are friend codes the only option to play this game online?
I'm talking about 1vs1.
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Chrizum posted 11/09/2008, 11:23
I think this game sold between 250k and 300k. That's still bad, but it's a weird game that might not appeal to that many.
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silverlunar777 posted 27/08/2008, 01:28
I saw videos of this game and I kinda like it, I might buy it in the future.
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GLoRySoGLoRy posted 25/08/2008, 02:17
this game is great. Buy it!!

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TWRoO posted 22/08/2008, 01:10
Now codes can be added to this game

I will be adding mine later as I don't have it handy.
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TWRoO posted 22/08/2008, 12:49
@SaviourX. I know it was a long time ago you commented, but it's already at 170k without PAL numbers.

And using a multiplier on the UK Nintendo Channel data, I can safely say it has sold at least 100k in Europe, putting it around 270k.

I think it can get to 400k eventually.
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johnlucas posted 27/07/2008, 03:24
There's a misspelling on the GC predecessor to this game. The search is thrown off because BWii is "Battalion" and the original BW is "Batallion" Two T's is correct. Two L's are not.
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Pretendo posted 07/07/2008, 05:49
Kuju really needed to polish this game more. It was still really fun though.
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Nebnosneh posted 12/06/2008, 07:22
How come there is no sales data for others? It came out aaaaages ago.

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MeowTheMouse posted 02/06/2008, 08:14
difintly lacks content.. lacks challenge.. and needs lots of improvments..
with all those small issues the game is still gr8.. but it could be WAAAAY better kuju needs to put more effort into there titles if they want them to sell
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ge11o posted 02/06/2008, 06:48
Picked up this game yesterday at eb games for $10 new!! Pretty awesome game
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SaviorX posted 23/05/2008, 11:05
I really wished they advertised this game a little. These sales are disappointing.

It will probably only get up to 175k lifetime worldwide.......*sigh*
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trestres posted 23/05/2008, 05:35
Wow same launch numbers from Japan and America.
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yoshiboots posted 09/04/2008, 09:36
looks like some sales got taken away
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Kenology posted 24/03/2008, 08:29
BWii is a great game and I really wish it did better. If any of you still play, send me your friend code.
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Quilex posted 18/03/2008, 11:09
It's a shame that the sales from others do not seem to make it on if there a bit low it would have pushed it above 100,000 at least, if they ever get added.
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kopstudent89 posted 01/03/2008, 09:39
This is one of the better games, and it didn't sell well. Kinda disappointing, deserves more sales
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Kasz216 posted 22/02/2008, 04:31
Just got this game for my birthday. Looks like a lot of fun, though i do agree the lack of a skirmish mode is dissapointing. This is the kind of game I perfer making my own story to.
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student posted 14/01/2008, 03:08
I have a tough time forming an opinion on the game. The controls took a while for me to get used to, but by the halfway point they were pretty good.

Still, I wish this game had like a skirmish mode or custom maps a la advance wars. As is, theres not much replayability.
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Xeo_842 posted 02/01/2008, 11:22
One of my favorite games! Too bad Nintendo didn't advertise this game.
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yoshiboots posted 22/11/2007, 12:40
This game rocks
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (47)

1 n/a 19,679 n/a 3,473 23,152
2 n/a 7,891 n/a 1,393 9,284
3 n/a 5,996 n/a 1,058 7,054
4 n/a 7,319 n/a 1,292 8,611
5 n/a 4,042 n/a 713 4,755
6 n/a 3,154 n/a 557 3,711
7 n/a 2,788 n/a 491 3,279
8 n/a 3,797 n/a 670 4,467
9 n/a 2,438 n/a 430 2,868
10 n/a 1,466 n/a 259 1,725
Kresnik posted 21/06/2012, 11:29
Just started playing this - really, really surprised at how much I'm enjoying it. It reminds me very much of 'Hogs of War', which is a good thing :D

It has a few flaws - the motion controls aren't quite there, the camera angles can get a bit dodgy, but as a basic idea for a game it's an incredibly good one. I hope Nintendo contract Kuju to make a BW3 for Wii-U.
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sethnintendo posted 10/06/2011, 05:12
Yea the voice acting was pretty bad in this game. You can turn it off. Other than that I have no complaints about this game perhaps it is a little short. The only vehicles that I had a little difficutly controling were the planes but they weren't terrible. All other vehicles are easy to control.
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Daileon posted 27/02/2011, 06:30
I've bought this game last month and it is great indeed. A shame that no one looks into it, the only thing where it mess up is the voice acting (the japanese missions are played with the commander voices on mute, holy crap, how AWFUL). Even then, the game plays perfectly is artiscally very beautiful and have a nice replay value. =]
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Armads posted 02/05/2010, 03:40

Probably not well, it had no multiplayer and the controls were difficult before the wii-mote.

I loved this game and still occasionally pop on to try and get S rank on a mission or play online. I really hope we get a 3rd one where they can make even more improvements.

For one maybe make units gain extra Atk/Def when they land a kill, like ranking units in the Advance wars series as well as giving a CO area boost to nearby units.

Offline co-op, more missions, better online matchmaking setup, wii-speak functionality, leaderboards and such would all be great.
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jeffrey9999 posted 17/04/2010, 03:09
should have put it in others also
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jeffrey9999 posted 17/04/2010, 03:08
I pray we see another one............
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