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Alternative Names

Gravity Daze

GRAVITY DAZE 重力的眩暈:上層への帰還において、彼女の内宇宙に生じた摂動


SCE Japan Studio



Release Dates

06/12/12 Sony Computer Entertainment
02/09/12 Sony Computer Entertainment
06/13/12 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 12
Favorite: 2
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Gravity Rush (PSV) > Opinions (48)

thewastedyouth posted 29/09/2014, 03:15
sold more in America and Europe than in Japan, the hell?
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GdaTyler posted 28/04/2014, 02:42
I guess people don't like good games...
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Mentore posted 03/03/2014, 12:43
my first vita game, and its my favorite. can't wait for the sequel.
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chase123 posted 13/02/2014, 09:03
Finally 400k.
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Alby_da_Wolf posted 29/12/2013, 05:51
Tried it the Sunday before Xmas on the demo PSV at my town's Media World. I quite liked it and I put it in my wishlist. Not going to buy a PSV anytime soon, but when I'll do it this game could enter my library.
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Jon_Talbain posted 06/12/2013, 04:58
This game deserved to sell at least a million, but I am still hoping for an official announcement of the sequel.
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GdaTyler posted 25/10/2013, 09:59

Stop trolling Vita you Nintenyearold .Wii U is more of a flop than Vita by Nintendo's standards. Not even Mario can save that pile of bullshit, lol.
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GdaTyler posted 25/10/2013, 09:56
The game was breathtaking for me. I had no problems with the combat and it was just fine for me. Free roaming was so much fun and mindblowing when you shifted Gravity to walk on walls and fly through the air. Dat ending though... Wasn't surprised that they announced Gravity Rush 2. There was bound to be a sequel.

The sales are disappointing though. I really wish new IP's would get more attention. At least there's one Vita game passing the million mark. :/
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hunter_alien posted 22/09/2013, 04:32
@Meret: Yeah, it probably did even more by now

OT: After spending some time with the game I have to say that I am not all that impressed. The graphics are pretty, the soundtrack is great, but the combat is atrocious. I knew before getting into the game that it wasnt the best combat system, but DAMN!

Also, the city is lifeless, no matter how many ghostly NPCs they shove into your face :| The fact that I changed my PSN region and I lost my progress means that Its unlikely that I will ever finish this game.

Maybe a sequel will resolve these issues, but somehow I think a game of this scope would work far better on a PS4.
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Azhraell posted 19/09/2013, 07:09
@Meret: Go to your cave, champ. You spend more time criticizing Vita games that playing 3DS or Bombi U :O
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LeoAlonso posted 19/09/2013, 12:24
Excelent game. I downloaded by psn. Very recomendad. Unfortunatelly the sells failed for this game.
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paulrage2 posted 16/08/2013, 06:46
Man. This game is soo good!
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Meret posted 15/08/2013, 04:19
@hunter_alien 500K? lol, maybe in your dreams.

@Jextreme Poor child.
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Jextreme posted 19/07/2013, 04:39
Yo Meret, i have nothing against Nintendo, hell i might even get a 3ds for the new ssb & project x zone but i'm tired of seeing your nintentarded ass around here, no hardware, software or companies are perfect, get that message through what the fuck ever you are using as a brain and play some Wii U Wii U Wii U Wii U Wii U Wii U Wii U
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thewastedyouth posted 18/07/2013, 09:24
no one bought this game, sony fail
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hunter_alien posted 22/06/2013, 09:28
Yes Meret, a game that probably did 500k with downloads, did poorly as a new IP on a system with 5 million units sold. Do you even think, or you just come here to show off your retard genes? They are not that impressive you know

OT: this will be my next purchase for my Vita, as soon as I finish my backlog
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Meret posted 17/06/2013, 01:32
@Kresnik I'm sorry, but this is only appropriate word in this situation.
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Jon_Talbain posted 21/05/2013, 04:22
LOL, I have noticed that too. I have never seen someone post "Bomba" so much.
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Kresnik posted 07/05/2013, 12:41
My word Meret, you've certainly been busy trashing Vita games on their walls!
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Meret posted 20/03/2013, 10:02
Sadly, but it's another bomba for playstation bombita.
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Squall_Leonhart posted 10/02/2013, 09:54
I really loved this game and all the DLC! I hope that the sequel is going to live up to this game and answers some questions from the first!
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Mario_pana posted 12/12/2012, 04:48
More enjoyable than Uncharted Golden Abyss. Also in my opinion it's the BEST JAPANESE PS VITA GAME OUT THERE HELL YEAAAAHHH!
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Ultr posted 06/12/2012, 12:54
Such a great game, I got all the DLC's played through them and got 100% trophys. I really enjoyed it and am playing from time to time, I just hope for more DLC or a sequel.
Would be awesome, cuz its one of the most enjoyable games I've ever played!
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Jon_Talbain posted 15/11/2012, 10:04
Actually the director of the Gravity Rush "teased" about a sequel. So one can assume it did sell very well digitally or they at least got their money back or close. It isn't confirmed yet, but there seems to be a very good chance of a sequel, I really hope so.
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VGKing posted 25/10/2012, 03:28
It might have sold well digitally, but it didn't sell well in retail(which is still very important).
The chances of this getting a sequel are slim.
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sniper989 posted 03/09/2012, 02:41
good game sold very well digital will be 30% of sales
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Crystalchild posted 04/08/2012, 12:14
got a digital copy with my vita, and i guess there sure are some more who got the game the same way.
'tisnt perfect, but its fun, its fresh and definetly unique.
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Kresnik posted 02/08/2012, 03:11
This game seems to be creeping up at a relatively decent pace ~ 200k now. It's not going to get the sales it deserves, but between it being a new IP, the small Vita userbase, digital downloads, and the fact it's not seen a proper holiday period yet, I think it's doing quite well. Already passed many of the launch titles like WipEout/Unit 13 etc. Reckon it'll hit close to 500k physical by the start of next year.
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Ganoncrotch posted 23/07/2012, 03:34
it's not really gamers fault atm tho, well not vita gamers, like its coming up to 200k now just in retail probably another 50k at least in downloads from psn while atm the psv has 2.5million units sold world wide, that makes the game have a 1 to 10 attach rate, ie every 10th vita owner has this game, that's fairly class when you consider that platformers aren't everyones cup of tea, the issue here is that sony need to do something to get people to go out there and buy some Vitas, make a massive bundle with a shed load of things like reality fights and asphalt or something, just the games that already stopped selling bundle them all with it and keep at 250 and you'll get some numbers rolling, and yeah say if the psv had the same numbers as the DS with this kinda attach rate of the game it would have sold 15m copies. blowing away most games on that via attach rate anyway.
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SunofKratos posted 15/07/2012, 10:02
Very sad that such a great game doesnt sell more. Ive lost every hope in gamers. Seriously all the time we cry for ne IPS and newgameplay experiences but when we got it we dont buy it. Shame on you gamers. Hopefully this will get a nice boost in the holidays and on black friday.
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nen-suer posted 02/07/2012, 01:14
Beautiful game. Haven't played a game this pretty ever since Valkyria chronicles on the PS3.
Patiently hoping/waiting for a sequel.
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Ganoncrotch posted 01/07/2012, 07:41
not that it ever would happen but it's kinda sad that for a game like this to sell as many units as it's competition on the 3ds (mario land 3d) it would require everyone who owned a vita buying 3 copies of the game. Just so much easier to clock up sales of games with the 3ds's hardware lead in the market.
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Iveyboi posted 26/06/2012, 07:48
Got it
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Jac0b posted 26/06/2012, 06:48
Next week 0.18 I think!
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Heavenly_King posted 24/06/2012, 01:14
Another PSN sale here :D
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cusman posted 22/06/2012, 04:40
I bought my copy directly from the PS-Vita PSN Store (US)
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think-man posted 21/06/2012, 09:32
Great sales! My mate just picked up a vita trying to convince him to get this so I can try it out :D
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Jac0b posted 20/06/2012, 09:28
0.04 in UK and US so far, might get to 0.15 overall then :) (Including other countries like France, Germany ect)
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Jac0b posted 18/06/2012, 02:07
When are we seeing the EU and US figures?
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fauzman posted 31/05/2012, 11:57
Its easily the best and most original psv game so far. Hope it does as well commercially as it did critically.
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leatherhat posted 22/05/2012, 10:11
With psn its easily over 100k just in Japan. Not really a flop.
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oni-link posted 10/05/2012, 11:26
Man, did this game flop or what?
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SnakeDrake posted 13/04/2012, 02:09
Pretty sure their ignore the copies being sold in HK
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PlaystaionGamer posted 24/02/2012, 11:09
i just really hope they change there mind and do a retail release of this in UK. i only have a 4GB card so no downloading big games!
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PlaystaionGamer posted 15/02/2012, 04:53
cant wait!
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ThePS3News posted 19/01/2012, 11:08
Day 1
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sergiodaly posted 20/12/2011, 08:20
just saw a trailer and looks very cool. is there a chance that this will end up in the PS3 as well?
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VXIII posted 05/07/2011, 10:13
Looking forward to this, seems very promising .
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (48)

1 38,347 n/a n/a 38,347
2 10,804 n/a n/a 10,804
3 6,213 n/a n/a 6,213
4 3,517 n/a n/a 3,517
5 2,991 n/a n/a 2,991
6 1,876 n/a n/a 1,876
7 1,781 n/a n/a 1,781
8 1,533 n/a n/a 1,533
9 1,229 n/a n/a 1,229
10 1,046 n/a n/a 1,046
thewastedyouth posted 29/09/2014, 03:15
sold more in America and Europe than in Japan, the hell?
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GdaTyler posted 28/04/2014, 02:42
I guess people don't like good games...
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Mentore posted 03/03/2014, 12:43
my first vita game, and its my favorite. can't wait for the sequel.
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chase123 posted 13/02/2014, 09:03
Finally 400k.
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Alby_da_Wolf posted 29/12/2013, 05:51
Tried it the Sunday before Xmas on the demo PSV at my town's Media World. I quite liked it and I put it in my wishlist. Not going to buy a PSV anytime soon, but when I'll do it this game could enter my library.
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Jon_Talbain posted 06/12/2013, 04:58
This game deserved to sell at least a million, but I am still hoping for an official announcement of the sequel.
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