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Alternative Names

メタルギア ライジング リベンジェンス





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PC, X360

Release Dates

02/19/13 Konami Digital Entertainment
02/21/13 Konami Digital Entertainment
02/19/13 Konami Digital Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 12
Favorite: 2
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (PS3) > Opinions (74)

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A203D posted 29/10/2013, 09:44
Free on PSN Plus. Will finally get round to it.
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-girgosz- posted 30/06/2013, 10:53
Anybody noticed MGS HD Collection just dissapeared from the game database? It sold 1.5+ on PS360, almost 1 million on PS3 alone and now it's gone, what a joke!
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A203D posted 18/05/2013, 01:37
@RaitheNoblesse. The sales arn't that different from DmC. Its been a major success in Japan where the sales differ from DmC, in other regions its been about the same. From what I can see on Amazon Japan, a lot of people wern't happy with it. I personally think it has a few major problems. The game is based on one weapon, the katana. Even when you use other weapons, their all secondary to the katana. Whenever you use firearms, Raiden is stationed in one place unable to move. Then theres the 4-5 hour length, and some bizarre voice acting choices. I think its a good game, but not a great game.
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AgentRedgrave posted 01/05/2013, 08:45
Amazing game, defiantly my favorite game so far this year. Haven't loved a hack n' slash game this much since Devil May Cry 3. Glad to see it's doing well
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RaitheNoblesse posted 26/04/2013, 08:27
Bayonetta > DMC:DMC > MGR:R

... DMC:DMC deserves to sale at least a much as Bayo and MGR:R...

anyone who goes on about how DMC:DMC shouldn't sale as much as MGR:R or is happy MGR:R sold more is either a blinded fanboy or a retard, sorry...

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Mezzz005 posted 06/04/2013, 08:23
So glad DMC bombed, and so glad that dies game does well.
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Shikaka3 posted 31/03/2013, 12:40
>Whats your point? I stood against the DMC4 fans when they tried to flood the comments section with their Nero and Kyrie diatribe, like what your doing now.<
>Because I think that the Metal Gear fans should be shown some respect.<
>Again I'd admitted I'm working for aliens<
>I suggest its time you moved on with your life with DMC4.<
And I will tell you again that you are to little person for telling me to what to do with my life.
If you realy thalking about respect then why don't you move on with your life with DmC?
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A203D posted 31/03/2013, 12:28
@Shikaka3. Whats your point? I stood against the DMC4 fans when they tried to flood the comments section with their Nero and Kyrie diatribe, like what your doing now. Because I think that the Metal Gear fans should be shown some respect. Again I'd admitted I'm working for aliens, if thats not good enough I don't know what is. I suggest its time you moved on with your life with DMC4.
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Shikaka3 posted 30/03/2013, 05:32
@A203D,>I admit it... I'm in league with NinjaTheory who are trying to take over the world. The NinjaTheory are paying me to say DMC4 was an average game; thats not my own opinion... really its not.<
>Now I've got that off my chest, I think its time to show the Metal Gear fans some respect<
>and move on with your life instead of flooding the comments section again.<
>Pity Kojima didn't save us from that DMC4 Nero and Kyrie Twilight shit<
Yes it's time to move on with your life instead of flooding the comments section again.

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A203D posted 30/03/2013, 04:25
@Shikaka3. I admit it... I'm in league with aliens who are trying to take over the world. The aliens are paying me to say DMC4 was an average game; thats not my own opinion... really its not. Now I've got that off my chest, I think its time to show the Metal Gear fans some respect and move on with your life instead of flooding the comments section again.
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Shikaka3 posted 30/03/2013, 08:20
@A203D>Whether I'm a coward or not is not relevant, it dosen't change my low opinion of DMC4<
>Again this is the MGR sales page<
>I suggest you move on with your life with DMC4 and you show some respect to the Metal Gear fans who want to comment here<
How about you?
@trasharmdsister12,Thanks for banning mee.
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A203D posted 30/03/2013, 02:53
@Shikaka3. Whether I'm a coward or not is not relevant, it dosen't change my low opinion of DMC4. Again this is the MGR sales page, I suggest you move on with your life with DMC4 and you show some respect to the Metal Gear fans who want to comment here.
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Shikaka3 posted 29/03/2013, 07:51
Dear trasharmdsister12 just look on A203D's comment's.
Just look how he telling people's to move on with their life's because nobody agree with him.
If you are a good moderator then you should block him too.

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Shikaka3 posted 29/03/2013, 07:45
>something our friend shikaka2 failed to understand<
Nice try coward (:
You think if my account is blocked then you can use the moment?
Thanks for showing your true face.
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A203D posted 29/03/2013, 07:20
@Shrouded_Darkness. Appreciate it. Lets leave it there. There are people who like this game who want to comment here, something our friend shikaka2 failed to understand.
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shikaka2 posted 29/03/2013, 10:11
@A203D,>I don't give personal information to anyone over the Internet for obvious reasons. Its irrelevant whether I'm a coward because it dosen't change my views on DMC4.<
>Whatever I do on the Internet is my business<
>I suggest you concern yourself with your own affairs instead of concerning yourself in my personal life like a pedofile.<
>Again this is the MGR sales page<
>I suggest you show some respect for the Metal Gear fans rather than flooding the comments section again.<
>But thats too much to ask inst it?<
>DMC4 fans like yourself Shrouded_Darkness and Rafux don't know how to show respect to other gamers; and your all DMC4 fans... surprise, surprise.<
You see onece again you bringed DMC4.
And you also bring to this conflict Shrouded_Darkness and Rafux like a coward.
You should understand that you are a little sh*t for telling us to what to like or not.
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ShroudedDarkness posted 29/03/2013, 05:24

However, since you decided to open up the forum (thank you so much for the whole "I don't understand how to respect other gamers" and then implied it's because I'm a "DMC4 fan"), I'll say my bit.

I was in the wrong for bringing up some of the stuff I did in the DmC thread (notice how I keep saying "DmC thread" and not "MGR thread"). Someone asked if you were legit or a paid troll, and I let myself get heated enough due to your comments about me being a thug, not a true fan, and about how my opinion was worthless to make a low blow against you. I am not guiltless, but neither are you. So let's let bygones be bygones, shall we?
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ShroudedDarkness posted 29/03/2013, 05:09

And I entered the equation... when, exactly? Last time I commented was 2 weeks ago when Kindro said the game sucked and wasn't up to par with Bayonetta. He gave his opinion, I gave mine. At no point have I entered an argument with you, yet you still feel the need to bring me up. If and when I start insulting you for giving opinions (which I have never done) IN THIS THREAD, feel free to talk shit about me IN THIS THREAD and bring up stuff from the past as everything will be free game at that point as it was in the DmC thread (which is where I KEPT the argument). Until then, focus your comments on the person you are talking to and stop trying to start another argument.

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A203D posted 29/03/2013, 12:43
@Shikaka2. I don't give personal information to anyone over the Internet for obvious reasons. Its irrelevant whether I'm a coward because it dosen't change my views on DMC4. Whatever I do on the Internet is my business; I suggest you concern yourself with your own affairs instead of concerning yourself in my personal life like a pedofile. Again this is the MGR sales page, if you feel I've trolled you take it up with the moderators, who will decide who is telling the truth. I suggest you show some respect for the Metal Gear fans rather than flooding the comments section again. But thats too much to ask inst it? DMC4 fans like yourself Shrouded_Darkness and Rafux don't know how to show respect to other gamers; and your all DMC4 fans... surprise, surprise.
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shikaka2 posted 28/03/2013, 11:42
It's sad to see when some 25 years old guy are fighting for the video games.
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shikaka2 posted 28/03/2013, 11:41
> I suggest you move on with your life with DMC4, FF13 and RE6 and you leave the true DMC fans in peace.<
I suggest you too suck my ball's with your FF13 and RE6 ;)
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shikaka2 posted 28/03/2013, 11:39
@A203D,>If you have something to say about DMC I suggest you tell your mom about it. <
And I suggest you to get a life, find a normal job, find some girlfriend,stop bit#hing in the internet and move on with your life.
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shikaka2 posted 28/03/2013, 11:35
@A203D,>I'm not interested in DMC4<
Then why are you bitching here about DMC4?
If you are not interested about DMC4 then move on with your fuc#in life.
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shikaka2 posted 28/03/2013, 11:30
@A203D,>If you have something to say about DMC I suggest you tell your mom about it. I'm not interested in DMC4, or anything you have to say on the matter. I suggest you move on with your life with DMC4, FF13 and RE6 <
And after that I thold you to give mee your skype adress.
But instead of geving mee your skype adree you started to trolling mee like coward.

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A203D posted 28/03/2013, 11:13
@shikaka2. This sales page is so Metal Gear fans can discuss the sales of Metal Gear Rising. If you have something to say about DMC I suggest you tell your mom about it. I'm not interested in DMC4, or anything you have to say on the matter. I suggest you move on with your life with DMC4, FF13 and RE6 and you leave the true DMC fans in peace.
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shikaka2 posted 28/03/2013, 02:32
@A203D,And do not come here again!
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shikaka2 posted 28/03/2013, 02:30
>Even DmC can't repair the damage from that game<
>Pity Kojima didn't save us from that DMC4 Nero and Kyrie Twilight shit<
It's time to move on with your life.
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shikaka2 posted 28/03/2013, 02:28
@A203D, Go and enjoy your squirrel semen with Vergil's big dick fag*ot.
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A203D posted 27/03/2013, 09:11
@Mezzz005. Pity Kojima didn't save us from that DMC4 Nero and Kyrie Twilight shit. Even DmC can't repair the damage from that game.
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Mezzz005 posted 27/03/2013, 09:58
Old DMC fans are MGRR Fan, Kojima relaised the game right in time. Just what we needet to avoid the new DmC shit.
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zuvuyeay posted 23/03/2013, 12:00
is this a hack and slasher button masher
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Rafux posted 18/03/2013, 03:15
Already a million seller combined at 60$ price, Kojima already talking about a sequel, DmC killed its franchise. Suck it down haters.
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ShroudedDarkness posted 14/03/2013, 04:18

It's 5 hours long if you skip nearly every cutscene; ignore almost all of the Codec calls; and ignore all of the hidden extras. Even then, that's not factoring all the extra difficulties, unlockable weapons, unlockable outfits, VR missions, and other hidden content. Also, Bayonetta had 40 times the amount of QTE's that Revengeance does since even basic mechanics require you to perform a QTE.

There is also the fact that Bayonetta wasn't completely cancelled before having it shoved in their faces with nothing more than "you have 14 months to turn this cancelled game which isn't even playable in it's current state into a top of the line Hack n' Slash... good luck". Bayonetta got nearly 3 years of full development... Revengeance barely got 1 after Platinum had to junk 95% of what Kojima came to them with.

And most of all: Revengeance isn't supposed to be like Bayonetta. That's what we're getting Bayonetta 2 for.

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GlockBuddie posted 14/03/2013, 09:16
Not sure what Kindro is talking about, considering that Metal Gear Rising way better than DMC did, and it did so it less than one month.
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DietSoap posted 14/03/2013, 03:01
Check out the 360 version of DmC Wright, I saw him shilling it up pretty bad over there.
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Wright posted 13/03/2013, 10:33
Let me didn't enjoy the game, did you, Kindro?
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kongshiw posted 13/03/2013, 04:32
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Kindro posted 13/03/2013, 02:24
The drop in sales is huge. Looks like people realized that 5 hours of gameplay in flat level design with broken combat which lacks any depth and battles full of QTEs isn't exactly what they were expecting for after incredible Bayonetta from the same developers....
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curl-6 posted 12/03/2013, 01:44
After MGS4, which I really disliked, this is a wonderful return to form. Platinum are fast becoming one of my favorite devs. I wish the sales were higher, but I'm glad they're at least decent, it deserves it. At this rate is should break even comfortably.
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Sings1234 posted 12/03/2013, 12:33
Some of the most fun i have had with a game in awhile, i don't get why people say that blocking is a problem and thus breaks the game. Its like saying DmC is broken because you can doge every thing and not get hurt, even though there is a whole mode where you not suppose to get hit
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Kindro posted 07/03/2013, 08:08
Game sucks... combat is not deep enough and very easily broken - so you can block all the incoming attacks without any problem and not take any damage for the rest of the game. It's very short and full of *@$*$%#^#!@# QTEs.... :-/

I've enjoyed DmC much more.
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Xenugears posted 06/03/2013, 02:52
Wow, MGR's first week sales almost surpassed Bayonetta entire run. Hopefully positive word of mouth will keep it from dropping off too much in weeks to come. Probably won't (in the US at least) since Tomb Raider, God of War and Bioshock are going to dominate March.
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Rafux posted 04/03/2013, 10:29
Million seller combined with this week numbers, sequel on the way.
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LevelUP posted 02/03/2013, 07:36
Japan loves their metal gear.
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MichiGen posted 02/03/2013, 06:52
Obviously Japan sales are saving the day, otherwise the sales would be awful as they are on X360.
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JOKA_ posted 02/03/2013, 06:08
I am REALLY surprised this sold this well. Nice job.
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Cyrip posted 02/03/2013, 05:37
Extremely mediocre game. Great sales though! Hope the sequel improves on a bare bones, short game.
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AndrewWK posted 01/03/2013, 09:34
Wow :-O
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think-man posted 01/03/2013, 08:25
Hmm not bad sales should hit 1.5 million easy.
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Jozu posted 01/03/2013, 07:33
I hope it sells 2 million.
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Fei-Hung posted 01/03/2013, 06:21
This game s a badass adrenaline rush ride from beginning to end.

What amazed me the most was the dynamic environments which NT had to drop from 60-30fps for. Not only did MGR have them, but they had a lot more action going on during these action packed sections.

Glad it is selling well. So far, one of the best hack and slash games I have played all gen and I wouldnt have expected anything less from PG.
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Wright posted 01/03/2013, 04:01
Dammit, this is doing WAY better than I expected xDD Which is nice :3
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Heavenly_King posted 01/03/2013, 02:02
impressive sales.
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MichiGen posted 26/02/2013, 05:54
Good game, the cutscenes are pretty cool, but it didn't last too long. It's rather short. If you like this type of games I would rather recommend new DmC Devil May Cry - sank around 50 hours into it, and still playing it.
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ylowbstard posted 14/12/2011, 08:51
I have high hopes for this game. Sure, it'll be completely different from the original (astounding) E3 demo, but Platinum games knows how to make an amazing action experience. VANQUISH was a masterpiece... and with a WAY larger budget and input from Kojima and his production team... the game should be completely badass.
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brendude13 posted 11/12/2011, 11:31
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brendude13 posted 30/10/2011, 01:17
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Marco posted 28/05/2010, 05:19
Metal Gear Solid 4 is the best game in this generation, i think. MGS Rising is coming - jippi =)
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ljlrj posted 21/04/2010, 09:51
wtf why does the 360 has radien with one glowing red eye in the box art
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xxrkoxx posted 08/03/2010, 01:55
when is the next E3
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TT Makaveli posted 07/03/2010, 09:30
this will definatly be a Hack & Slash with Ninja Raiden...and if the team does it good this could sell very good on the PS3...but still for a MGS fan there is more love for Peace Walker!
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Snake612 posted 20/02/2010, 05:50
There has been info or gameplay given about this game.
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AngelosL posted 04/02/2010, 12:47
who wants a metal gear title with that emo character? :/ It's like he came out from one of square enix's cutscenes :P
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Thechalkblock posted 22/01/2010, 07:08
Honestly not excited for this game at all, and I'm a huge MGS fan.

MGS is about stealth, and this game doesn't seem to have any of that.
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Silentium posted 15/12/2009, 06:49
I believe that the whole 'Raiden' thing is just a joke.
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dobby985 posted 17/09/2009, 05:17
we won't hear anything until next year's E3
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Valkyria00 posted 11/06/2009, 08:25
Everyone who posted below me is a postfag. Ban me if you want. I know all minus oliist.
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zexen_lowe posted 04/06/2009, 03:06
Well, you can't unless you wanna screw the name, because this is the official name

And the game is all mine
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oliist posted 03/06/2009, 12:37
I'll delete this game and submit my own new version of it.
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zexen_lowe posted 02/06/2009, 02:18
First wall post if I delete the other three...

Wait, I created the game, that's enough for me
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oliist posted 02/06/2009, 01:50
First wall post if I delete the other two.
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skeezer posted 02/06/2009, 01:36
Second Wall post :D
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Xen posted 02/06/2009, 01:07
first wall post :O
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (74)

1 319,235 148,964 97,365 66,844 632,408
2 57,445 32,759 34,926 16,944 142,074
3 18,204 16,730 14,828 8,153 57,915
4 7,902 9,651 8,216 4,648 30,417
5 4,249 6,035 11,883 4,026 26,193
6 3,018 4,899 7,522 2,915 18,354
7 2,295 4,361 5,847 2,455 14,958
8 1,765 4,240 4,675 2,219 12,899
9 1,592 3,155 5,798 2,035 12,580
10 1,497 1,519 2,815 985 6,816
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A203D posted 29/10/2013, 09:44
Free on PSN Plus. Will finally get round to it.
Message | Report
-girgosz- posted 30/06/2013, 10:53
Anybody noticed MGS HD Collection just dissapeared from the game database? It sold 1.5+ on PS360, almost 1 million on PS3 alone and now it's gone, what a joke!
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A203D posted 18/05/2013, 01:37
@RaitheNoblesse. The sales arn't that different from DmC. Its been a major success in Japan where the sales differ from DmC, in other regions its been about the same. From what I can see on Amazon Japan, a lot of people wern't happy with it. I personally think it has a few major problems. The game is based on one weapon, the katana. Even when you use other weapons, their all secondary to the katana. Whenever you use firearms, Raiden is stationed in one place unable to move. Then theres the 4-5 hour length, and some bizarre voice acting choices. I think its a good game, but not a great game.
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AgentRedgrave posted 01/05/2013, 08:45
Amazing game, defiantly my favorite game so far this year. Haven't loved a hack n' slash game this much since Devil May Cry 3. Glad to see it's doing well
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RaitheNoblesse posted 26/04/2013, 08:27
Bayonetta > DMC:DMC > MGR:R

... DMC:DMC deserves to sale at least a much as Bayo and MGR:R...

anyone who goes on about how DMC:DMC shouldn't sale as much as MGR:R or is happy MGR:R sold more is either a blinded fanboy or a retard, sorry...

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